First time I've been this excited for a Bethesda game since Skyrim, but my god those graphics, that post apocalyptic setting, MUTANTS, great gunplay, those amazing abilities and powers, BIG FUCKING GUNS, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 122K)

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Looks like trash

Remember to report marketing threads.

your mom too

>somebody dares to talk about a non weeb game

legitimately looks interesting, but i'll wait for the release

>like non-nintendo or indie game
this is why single player games are dying

I hope it is good.
I hope the port is good.

Attached: todd (3).jpg (818x768, 50K)

I think it will be fine. Mad Max game but you are Doomguy outside car. 8/10 Solo Borderland 1 without gazillion guns and shitty cellshade graphic. Marketing for this game is horrible by the way.



the recent gameplay trailers make it look fairly meh

samefag marketer

Eat shit and die, shill.

>Borderland 1 without gazillion guns

But then the game is pointless

I can’t be excited for it as the first game was built from the ground up to be a cut and dry, cashgrab fps

I think it is pointless to have million same guns with diferent numbers. Here you have one gun you level up. Better than throwing 99% guns to trash because they have bad statistics.

Is there coop in it?


First game was rebrand of failed Doom 4 idea. Doom on Earth.


user why are you a excited for this?

Attached: it's_over.gif (224x224, 720K)

Because i hate Bordelands jokes and graphics. This looks how i way Bordelands would be. Don't cry poor doggo. You was good boy whole time.

Yeah I'm a bit excited. Color pallet is a shit, but I like post apocalypse shit.
The thing is, instead of everyone getting more beautiful due to natural eugenics of anprim society, they keep making them more fugly. why do they do this?

System reqs are a little too rich for my blood.

Hand-crafted guns > randomly generate guns. SW2 was a better Borderlands than Borderlands.

I wish they had at least done two player coop or did they?

so is this open world shooter or something like that

There was co op campaign in RAGE 1. I don't think there will be any co op in RAGE 2. There is not co op in nuDoom or nuWolfenstein.

Open world, yes.

>clearly a marketing thread
>b-but why am I not allowed to be excited???
>26 replies, 18 posters
>not a marketing thread
Ok retard. Second post best post by the way.

>everything is shilling
Okay retard.

cool, ill check it out when it's on sale

to prove i'm not a marketer, heil hitler.
now that that is out of the way, this game does look intradasting

Oh yeah, I'm so excited for the sequel for a game that was so meh it fell off the face of the earth almost instantaneously.

While that's a fair point it's worth noting that the sequel really seems to be making sure it doesn't fall into the same traps as the first game.

I mean, it looks decent, but this shilling is obvious and embarassing.

Not everything is shilling, m8.

By that logic whole Yea Forums and Yea Forums are marketing boards. Can't people be excited about new game anymore?

wait this game isn't co-op? everything about it looks like it would be

I mean, I believe you. But the fact it's still of the same universe from the first meh game makes it difficult to instill confidence until I see the game btfo my expectations entirely as it unfolds in real time.

If nothing else it'll tide me over until doom eternal

I wonder if people are still shitting themselves over the mortally challenged gag?

buy my game, incel

Attached: Degenerates.png (800x1200, 1.08M)

I'm sure those people have moved on to other games by now.

Well, since you insulted me...No.

Fuck off marketer

it's hip to be square now, being a gay as rebel is boring