
Attached: 1556816370045.png (1393x561, 622K)

Other urls found in this thread:



fake and gay, also
>zombie co-op games

Attached: 1536521734014.webm (480x480, 679K)

>Steamdrones falling for SFM/Blender bait

shitty teaser 2bh

they returned to btfo epic once and for all


>look at the video I made for babby's first media project 101

Attached: 1556243861359.jpg (600x450, 59K)

It's an high quality fake, I'll give it that much.

You retards, the leaked map for Left 4 Dead 3 was a map set in Morocco, of course Left 4 Dead isn't set in the US.

>4 fingers

left 4 dead 2 is still fun why do we need 3?

To confirm it fake for good we need to find the map.

Attached: Untitled.png (438x630, 291K)

>LEFT 4 D--


Would believe it if it wasn't for that Open neon sign, unreal engine free asset.

that was a scrapped csgo map you nigger, only literal retards like you and tyler would think l4d would be in MOROCCO of all places

Tyler, please

>Epic Store exclusive

how butthurt Yea Forums would be?

that's an incredibly dumb setting for left 4 dead so it's not surprising it would never materialize.

source: my butt *BBRRRAAAAAAAAP* SNIFFF* replace dot with .

please delete this thread the world isn't ready to know about valves l4d themed battle royal game yet.

It's real.

My bets are on Canada, considering the planning room mentions Canada and I just get that vibe.

how do people still use forums in 2019

>new bad
>old goo-

In conclusion, it's fake. Even retards can tell that it's fake.

k whats your end game here buddy?

Attached: imagineNoMore.png (700x901, 574K)

Pills here

You'd have people false flagging and throwing out stupid bait like always.

I dont give a shit if its real or not.
It shows no gameplay so its worthless anyway.

If you want to prove this fake you need to cough up where this autist got these assets from. And they all better free assets because no single autist would spend this much money and time to make an epic troll fake trailer and not be an announcement for a game.

Attached: 1554468388310.png (768x1024, 1.23M)

in concluesion *BRRAAAPP*

>Yea Forums unironically thinks that this fake shit is real

Attached: grinchleak.jpg (953x1024, 128K)

mad ebin store shills

Attached: chink alarm.jpg (1405x1729, 703K)

Valve took so long that, even if they were honest about it, no one will care.

>we need to confirm it's fake!

see , done

I've never played a l4d game before even though I have the second one on my steam account for years now, what am i in for?

Wow, it's fucking nothing


>it's another fake trailer

Attached: 1552689605002.png (617x1033, 787K)

Did I ever tell you bout the time my buddy Keith made a fake teaser and posted it online? Yeah man, one day Keith makes this teaser and everyone starts freaking out about it. Boy you should have seen the look on his face when that mob came to beat his ass.

My fried works at Valve and told me that this iss legit.

Appaarently they're utterly pissed off that it leaked. Was supposed to be announced during E3

It's probably fake but cool if it's not

If anything its the new "not left 4 dead" game Turtle Rock is making. You guys are pretty dumb sometimes

>no one will care
people will be BEYOND hyped for a real valve game

Attached: 1542438628650.jpg (446x598, 20K)

>i-i-it's fake

Attached: 1553708366514.png (1608x830, 190K)

>muh ebic stoee :DD





Your video is boring, l4d2 trailer is dope tho

Even if it's real (Hint: it's not real), it looks like pure diarrhea and reflects poorly on Valve.

That background looks a bit like either a l4d2 map or a night variant of that CSGO battle royale map they came out with a few months ago

>uses the same trademark from l4d
>i-it's not l4d guise i swear its another company

Attached: 1334329164853.jpg (600x623, 66K)

Zombies and fun.

allesa savage

what is the purpose of this image?


This. Back 4 Blood is it's name

Friendly reminder to not respond to blatantly trolling brapposters. Just hide, report, and move on.

Attached: hatersgonnahate.gif (250x250, 1.24M)

>what is DMCA

Given that Valve don't care about Left 4 Dead anymore, it's probable that they gave the IP back to Turtle Rock

Yea i never underst

a banned copy pasta in china that you can get arrested for

Clearly you don't know how hard it can be to gain traction in a creative field. Plenty of people have done very high quality work for zero pay because they know how important it is to get noticed and have good portfolio work.


>not l4d
>just gonna copy the pills and saferoom door and fucking iconic cover image
>what do you mean lawsuit what's that

*comes across a man named wozardly placr* ivr founf you robot master! lay down your arms and the second amendment is not applying to us!

very well master i forgive you for your sins and lay down my weapon ada sign of peace!

no waut mister professor why are you pants gone! NO WAIT NO NO NO *WHIRRR* NOOOOOOooooooooo(oooo)

Wow, I wonder why the layout of that gas station is so similar to this one

Attached: resident-evil-2-prologue-1.jpg (1920x1080, 138K)


>no waut mister professor why are you pants gone! NO WAIT NO NO NO *WHIRRR*

k i n o

It's fake. Valve don't make video games. Why would they just suddenly make a video game?

Cause I fucked your mom

You guys got any cool ideas for special infected?

And I mean, something actually believable and balanced enough to not fuck the game up like winged flying zombies and facehugger spawning mothers.

Attached: 1553805871670.png (481x394, 239K)

To help sell the Index?

It's a vr game. Get fucked poorfags.

And finally, we have hard evidence that this is fake. Go home everyone, this fake trailer has been debunked.


Valve has never stopped making games. They just can't finish shit.


Attached: ellis.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Stay mad that your shitty co-op zombie will never come out, lmao

Fake of course, but really well made, not gonna lie. This dude should do more.

That'd require Valve to have any interest in making video games in the first place, which they do not.

Are you fucking autistic? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Attached: 1507901835528.jpg (890x825, 224K)

SEE if uou wish to adventurr with me and the Big Brap Boys!

Can we learn more about this guy?

Ok cultist, whatever keeps you stable


Look Ellis, Kiddieland!

>Valve has never stopped making games
As a matter of fact, they did stop making video games.

didn't valve just release a new csgo danger zone map called sirocco that uses a lot of the assets seen in the supposed l4d3 leak

L4D1's were all about pinning down the survivors.
L4D2's were all about forcing survivors to move apart.
What would 3's do?

This would create similar levels of butthurt and shitposting like a fully featured Mario mainline exclusive on playstation.

Do I look like some kind of queer to you?

tiananmen square massacre


Attached: stealth is optional.gif (500x375, 1.13M)

I remember seeing this same trailer like 2-3 years ago.

Psychological trauma

Some spike dude that can plant spikes in the ground that can't be bypassed by survivors until damaged. Obviously melee attacks would take these down the fastest.

year i remember it from 2005

Attached: oopsi.png (88x112, 17K)

>third numbered titles
pick one

Probably in southern Canada or Atlanta (or some other very northern state), somewhere near border.

>poor cinematography
>using fucking Life cereal
>abrupt cutaway before the 3 fingers are clearly seen

Damn... It's so poorly made. Might have fooled a zoomie back in 2012 though.

Anal rape

Autists literally can't stand the idea that not only might Valve be making a game, but that it might also be the third game in a series. It's fucking baffling how much these idiots hate videogames.

Are you people genuinely retarded? Valve don't make video games anymore, this is objectively fake.

Makes common infected stronger, but the special itself is weak as shit.

racist gooks, poor nigger

i do wonder what happened lorewise after the survivors got evac'd to the cruise ship. I liked the lore in the l4d games.

i see you've never played random vs matches.

its entirely possible because of the flat structuring of valve that there were days or weeks where no one was really working on a game, but they've never stopped making them on the whole.

Literally can't look act coach anymore without seeing SFM porn.

All in all it's a pretty well made clip, the guy did a good job on it. And then, putting it on youtube with a title like that certainly gains some traction. Maybe it's a custom campaign for left 4 dead 2.

You sound delusional.

I imagine it'd have to scream to do this and give away it's location or something. Have some sorta range limit too. That idea could play well with other infected.

>mfw I shill against Valve on Yea Forums

Attached: 1556811308167.jpg (396x600, 45K)

a special infected that hides from the player and when found tries to run away whilst screaming
potentially this can either move some other zombies away from the players, or the special infected might also run back to the players and bring the horde with them
and it'd be hiding in the same closets you occasionally find previously-dead players or items in, so it'd be like a risk reward type thing

>actual name brand cereal
Yeah nah

some nigger that can use one of his arms as a shield to absorb damage and stop survivors in their tracks, while the other arm being a whip that can attack survivors from afar when the shield is not activated and cal also act as some sort of grapple. when the shield is activated though, you can use the whip as a detachable projectile and shoot it from behind cover at the survivors, damage scaling with distance traveled but has a super long recharge rate after detaching it, can't use anything else but your shield during that recharge period. you're also pretty slow, about as tanky as the charger but slightly less than him.

Attached: 1553799486978.png (720x720, 1010K)

Can't wait to E3 comes up and BTFO doomposters

Thinking that Valve would start making a video game is like thinking that McDonalds would start making a video game.

>asian """"""""masculinity""""""""""


Reminder that this is still up, which is very unlikely even for valve.

A zombie master who actively controls hordes and tells them who to target, once the zombie master dies the infected revert back to their retarded selves and just attack whomever.

or poopsi

Yeah, something like that. Like the clowns but more dangerous.

It's fake either way, that Valve is doing nothing just proves further that it's fake.

Yeah because it's fake naturally. Still decent.

>what is a arg

Attached: 1553641927301.png (454x542, 347K)

Attached: Left4Bait.webm (854x370, 2.7M)

>thinking turtle rock would make L4D3 when they're literally working on their own game without valve and calling it "The spiritual successor to L4D2"

Why would valve have hundreds of people who do nothing? I get the meme you're trying to push but from a fiscal standpoint it makes no sense. Valve always makes a point of telling its workers to "go where you can best create value", and multiple times normies have gotten tours and they give them a number of how big each team is (minus unnanounced projects), and it makes absolutely no sense that a company with dozens of people wouldn't be doing a fucking thing for years.

Also artifact just came out (granted it was a hilariously huge piece of shit), but it's still an actual game from Valve, so they're not making nothing.

Big if true. Product placement kinda ruins it

meant for

TF2 team has only 2 people on it. Everyone else is busy making brain VR

Artifact is not a video game you fucking retard, it's a glorified cookie clicker.

Sounds awfully a lot like PROTOTYPE.

While I don't agree with you, I appreciate you sharing a picture I can masturbate with, here's one for you.

Attached: 1526396325277.jpg (1367x2048, 396K)

Explain how it's closer to a cookie cutter instead of an actual game.
>it's a card game
go into more detail

epic exclusive

This isn't an ARG though, it's just a trailer. There are no puzzles to be solved

Honestly, changing the way he was dressed would help a lot there probably. The way he wears his hat and the shades is a red flag for me regardless of race
being a nigger doesn't help though

People have been repeating that ad naseum for like 10 years without any proof it does anything.

>actual cereal brand in the video
why would you do this? now it's 1000% obvious it's fake, they'd never use a trademark such as Life cereal in actual marketing material, they'd make something up.

Attached: 1B80417D-C439-4368-9F90-8E0B745E5A8A.jpg (240x240, 7K)

the map

this is typical source filmmaker why are retards falling for it

Geez how tight are those clothes to clamp in all that fat

Shame about the TF2 team, I heard that too, but the idea that 100+ people are all working on brain-interfacing is also pretty ludicrous. I think there's room for multiple teams at valve to be working on multiple things like there always have been, we just still know next to nothing like always.

Confirmed for never played it. If you're going to bash that shitheap, at least understand why it's bad. A cookie-clicker it is not, not even close.

The map isn't a puzzle, it's just there.

What if we get a new tank? The old tank is still there, but we got this new guy too. And for every tank encounter you don't know if you're getting the new one or a tank.

The fact that you think that Artifact is a video game just shows that you're not worth wasting time on.

valves biggest cash cow currently, dota 2, only has like 10 people working on it

>game setting about b-movies
>zombie b-movie in fucking morocco
even italy would make more sense retard

What does the new Tank do?

@1:20 in the webm
It's clearly not just SFM.

is he asking for a change?

I've never played Artifact nor even seen gameplay footage of it, and I never will. Even so, I can tell that Artifact is an abhorrent insult to all Valve fans everywhere and that's why I am going to shit all over its existence. Deal with it.

>abrupt cutaway before the 3 fingers are clearly seen

That's very clearly intentional, you retard.

Really it's only misstep was using Life cereal, beyond that it's pretty damn solid.

Also to the retard in the other thread bitching that there's no real reference to L4D, the hand, the CEDA note, and the door are all real clear references to the game.

Imagine if Valve actually made games.

Cool source film maker video user

Valve does not make video games you fucking idiots. This is fake as all hell.

Sounds like a you problem user

This looks a like too high-quality and well-directed to be fake.

Attached: 1556128711983.jpg (674x463, 48K)

Bends the survivor over his knee and spanks them repeatedly

The game came out in 2013, and has had years of huge patches and millions of dollars of revenue. Other than making a new character every year or so, and the occasional patch from Icefrog, I can see why the Dota team wouldn't have much to do. That doesn't provide proof of them doing NOTHING though. We just don't know what they're working on.

No proof of something is not the same as proof of nothing.

Their next game is a VR game, Portal 3 makes way more sense. They would have to slow down L4D for VR I think, especially how the specials work

I'm literally agreeing with you that it's bad, I'm just laughing at how dumb you have to be to bash a game incorrectly. You can't even make up proper insults about it because you're so ignorant. You're free to live your life however you want but don't expect honest conversation or replies when all you do is literally LALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU IT'S SHIT BECAUSE I SAID SO TIMES INFINITY LALALA

Attached: a_disappointment_so_great.jpg (210x230, 7K)

I think it’s absolutely incredible that you can just BE there at Valve, he hired by them, sit on your ass and just think about doing stuff, then you don’t actually do any of it and go “lol whoops shucks community it’s up to you!”

>all these people who automatically assume its fake
Where are the believers? It has good timing considering Valve is confirmed to be releasing a game this year. npcs have no faith in valve, just gotta wait a month anyways.

Well the current tank is a fucking wall of flesh bullet sponge that doesn't move very fash but hits like a freight train. I was thinking this new guy could be sort of the opposite. Super fast ranged guy thats hard to hit and doesn't do as much damage, but gets really dangerous really fast thanks to his relentless attacks.

So, if this is true lmao, then this will be shown at E3? Either way, Tyler got some new material.

What if I told you this was all entirely in-game instead of prerendered.

Can move immoveable objects over manhole's and to block doorways

So a boomer

I can't find any cereal box image that resembles the one in the video though

Attached: 2019-05-02_20-39-43.png (1444x908, 698K)

Everyone knows their VR game is Half-Life VR.

Looks way to good for that desu.

Tyler immediately called it out as fake on twitter.

Boomer does none of those things other than telling the zombies to attack someone.

Go away Tyler

Wait, does boomer bile make you take more damage? Shit, valve thought of everything.

Since when has this been proven? They have yearly reviews, and you also get reviewed by your peers, as well as products/updates you have shipped and value you have created.

The IDEA of them doing nothing is funny, but again, it wouldn't make sense from a fiscal or corporate sense, and it doesn't align with everything we know currently about valve's internal structure.

Valve don't make video games. You'd be calling fake without a second thought if a leak claimed that McDonalds are working on a triple AAA video game. On that same logic, any leak that claims that Valve is working on a video game is fake too.

ebin meme!

dota has bugs that have been in the game since launch
is that not something to do? there is a literal repository of known bugs and valve just ignores it

99.9% of leaks are fake. Without any collaborating evidence of any kind no one's gonna latch on to the 0.1% odds. Not unless valve gives us a reason to believe


Why the fuck does this feel so legit?

It has that emphasis on detail that all valve showcases do. Like really.

>he thinks Artifact is a game

Why can't I shit on valve anymore? This stupid kike company has fucked up to bioware levels again and again but I can't laugh at it anymore because some disgusting chinks are fucking up elsewhere? Get fucked niggers, i'll insult both as much as i like

>Tyler immediately called it out as fake on twitter

With his track record that probably means it's real.

Attached: 1548901657878.jpg (182x182, 8K)

What i don't get is why valve won't make left 4 dead 3. They could pull so much money from skins in that game for guns as well as clothes.

the life of a code monkey is suffering
>99 bugs
>squash one
>104 bugs

Remember the grinch leak.
This, too, is fake.

Wrong, they're going to release a pack of VR companionable games including HL3 and L4D3 called the Black box

Like pointed out, the specials in each game had some kind of purpose. I think L4D3's SI should try to keep the survivors from speedrunning the levels. I don't know if that should mean something like the Wall of Flesh that literally blocks corridors, that kind of shit would just make the game a slog for the survivors.

Above all, there needs to be a new boss infected that can replace the Tank.

>a blurry jpeg
>a studio-level 2+ minute trailer video with amazing direction, unique assets, etc.

How many are game-breaking? In these cases you always go for lowest hanging fruit first.

>he shitposts for free

>this trailer looks like shit, looks like something someone would make in SFM
>therefore, its safe to say valve wouldn't have made it and its probably fake
I don't understand. Expecting a quality cinematic from valve is shilling? Isn't it more insulting to assume they're actually responsible for this garbo?

>a studio-level 2+ minute trailer video with amazing direction, unique assets, etc.
It's not even that professional. A lot of posts pointed out that it's amateur level that copied 3D model assets from turbosquid and is 99% static. It's straight up fake.


I could believe L4D3/Portal 3 with TF2.9 but no way they can just drop Half-Life


Attached: when you see it.png (1920x833, 1.52M)

I think they don't want to piss anyone off if the game is bad. Look how artifact turned out, imagine if that happened to a beloved series like l4d or teamfortress. People would be very angry

wow it's fucking nothing

I never purchase skins anyways. Just saying that they could do that stuff.

>amazing direction
the fuck are you talking about?

It was fun, wasn't it?

>Savannah, Georgia marked on map with "Survivors Location" note. The marked path leads to New Orleans, the final evac point in L4D2.
>Arrow pointing from New York to Pennsylvania, where the L4D took place.
>Obvious CEDA and safe house references
>Pill bottles

but also:
> no characters, no special infected shown
> low quality editing, very unvalve-like
> unreal engine

Looks like a trailer for a fan game. I kinda want it to be real though, ngl. I miss this series so much.

Attached: board.png (1024x510, 566K)

>amazing direction
Okay I'll bite, it's a bunch of slow-tracking shots, and the only actual movement is at the end with a quick twitch of the hand. Amazing direction is being WAY too generous.

Oy vey shut it down


Valve drones are the worst fucking fanboys ive ever seen on this board

FPBP Valve has no devs

Please be real.

You can't just copy assets.

it's from l4d 1 and 2 that's why

The only one I can clearly make out is the CEDA evac.

Literally 0 posts ITT have done that.

it's back 4 blood lol

They literally did. They even went as far as to modify it.

L4D2 mod/ spinoff fan game?

back 4 blood

Tyler's an idiot.

I imagine he was thinking of the thread just before this where anons were posting turbosquid models in an attempt to disprove the video, but every model they posted wasn't the same as the ones in the video.

Stop believing this fake shit, Valve don't work on games anymore.

Have we found anything else besides this?
We've posted it 10 times at this point.
The car or the map or the new door would be the nail in the coffin of this video.

So just a stronger spitter?

We don't need anything more than the spray paint can. It's evidence enough that it's fake.

i will exterminate the jews... starting with you

>unmodified version
>simple cylinder with spherical can top and nozzle
>modified version
>label edited, more detail added to the can top
For what purpose? It's a fucking cylinder, why would you pay for it just to spend time changing it? It'd be less time consuming to just quickly prototype your own.

That's not the kind of atmosphere L4D has.

The maker will get a lot of views and money out of this from sites and people talking about it. Really, quite genius.

Wont you look silly when you see its Back 4 Blood

>different label
>different shape
>different nozzle
>we don't need anything more

Attached: cursorthink.png (128x128, 11K)

And who is the maker?
A throwaway youtube account. No credits in the actual video.

Attached: 1555754323873.png (233x216, 6K)

>unreal engine
We never saw Source 2 in action though.

>modify it
So you got nothing?

Valve isn't that bad at making a hype teaser.

guess where I'm from
guess where I'm from
guess where I'm from
guess where I'm from
guess where I'm from

why haven't they come forward and tried to shill their other works yet

>making games
It's fake. Case closed.

grinch cucks like you never learn

Posting the actual text here is seen as spam/ban worthy because gook moot says so

I'd imagine the spikes would last for some time, but yeah it'd be another zoning type character. I imagine it's spikes wouldn't deal much or any damage when you ran into them. Maybe if it did launch them they would do damage on direct hit.


lets say it's legit how can l4d3 go against turtles rocks's Back 4 Blood the original creators of the L4D series

you can tell the trailer is fake by seeing how this trailer has more effort than Valve puts into making updates for their games

>left 4 dead 3
>"trailer" happens in the RE2 remake gas station
Lmao, retards aren't even trying anymore

It looks nothing like it.

For a trailer with no dialogue it works very well.

>slow tracking shot showing dilapidated gas station
>climbs over maps; shows stuff circled, CEDA outline, stuff like "mutant cult, dont go here"
>pulls out into gore to demonstrate whatever happened was violent in nature
>slowly pulls out to jeep, engine running
>someone revs it; windshield is tactfully obscured so you cant see who
>trademark left4dead hand does the three and finally produces humanoid, non-ambient sound

Compare to the Left4Dead 2 trailer which was mostly a bunch of people cursing. It's way more primitive than this.


I don't think anyone shy of an entire studio, even a fan studio, could have produced the OP video. It's too competently done in every way. There's no holes or reused assets that tell you it's unprofessional.

Attached: 1553076780196.png (500x500, 430K)

by making appeal to your mum

Ew, wasn't aware I was talking to a smashfag. Don't ever reply to me again.

you mean the people who made EVOLVE?

You can't just debunk fake with false narrative.


I don't know whats sadder, people thinking this is real or people wanting it to be real knowing how valve treats their games like shit

this might be Back 4 Blood

Attached: Untitled.png (2197x1521, 2.48M)

His friend is clearly recording them too. Not everyone wants to be in some dumb Instagram video. He's clearly up to something and they don't want to run the risk of getting embarrassed publicly.

Wouldn't it make sense though that Valve plans for some VR game or game with VR support to be launched sometime after their own VR headset? Portal could certainly be a game they will be doing as it would be perfect for VR.

WB is publishing B4B, so just look at MK11 and the lotr orc loot boxes

yeah but they made all the DLC for l4d1/2

They could fuck it like how they fucked up Evolve. Then all Valve has to do is make L4D2-2.

>non-believers faces when valve announces it on June 11

Attached: 1555789385905.gif (320x180, 1.32M)

It's fake, but feel free to stay delusional.

but the hand

Attached: file.png (982x839, 584K)

Anyone looking into the video title?
Removing the date and video format, we have this string:

Attached: 1540578125035.jpg (1700x1946, 454K)

haha imagine that going inside you :)

Finished windows 5 NV sort of armies I have more of those monsters it's the umbrain of the way in GV and causoning him right. I dunno why I fucking need to stop this out, I wouldn't want to use sex you dinosaur. A year from events of a spongrum work, I only just try to get this umpersonent line on an actual as ihah I can't fail. I don't know how you leave (which you bought this so i came here like this. It's nothing you wanted, the trigger is best game.

Turtle Rock created most of the Left 4 Dead assets, so they probably got the rights to use the hand too.

By sheer brand recognition alone. L4D is an established franchise owned and released by valve. B4B is banking on sounding like L4D, and the whole "spiritual successor" meme that has NEVER come true. Look at nearly half the projects on kickstarter. Spiritual successors to all sorts of games, yet they all end up playing like fan-made shit.

I'm not hoping that's what happens to B4B, but it's just a shame they couldn't make something new, they had to go back and dig up their old shit.

Anyone has 4k monitor and good photoshop skills to decipher what's written on that wall?

Attached: writing.png (203x235, 11K)

>all the naysayers ITT
Let a man dream ffs. Besides, didn't Gaben confirm in an interview a while ago that they were back to making games again?

Attached: Sz1viwtP6zo.jpg (1607x989, 156K)

who are these cows

Imagine seeing a slow, static video and projecting this much intent from it. Can you breathe when the cock is that far down your throat?

>Epic hires an in-house studio to "ghost develop" a fake L4D3 trailer
>forces Valve to come out and say it's fake
>even more negative publicity for Valve

Is this, dare I say, fucking Epic?

Attached: 1541128905442.png (1024x576, 786K)

Why would it be? It uses very obvious Left 4 Dead imagery like the red saferoom door, the pills, and the zombie hand at the end. They can't use those anymore because they need for legal and professional reasons.

And the entire reason Turtle Rock announced Back 4 Blood was because they literally had no game, prototype or even a solid vision yet and needed to recruit people. They have no reason to be making a promotional video like Cyberpunk 2077 a few months after that. They certainly won't have a game ready either no matter how hard they rushed development.

>No characters shown
>No zombies shown
>Pepsi can
>Shitty cryptic title

Yeah, totally real.

>believing Gabe's lies
He's a chronic liar who loves to torment Half-Life fans. Don't trust a single word from that demon's mouth.

>not having one of the fingers missing so it makes a III

holy shit

It's poopsi not pepsi

shut the hell up chink drone

Epic would be absolutely based if they actually did that. Anything to make Valve look worse is good in my books.

Thats so underhanded I believe it

its endearing you haven't given up on valve yet

>he didn't watch until the end

>he didn't actually watch the trailer

its poopsie

>They can't use those anymore for legal and professional reasons.
Fuck. I need to go to bed.

>Why would it be?
Because B4B is made to be a L4D knockoff?

Even if I do, the video is still 1080p


That isn't a saferoom door you mong

Can you guys explain to me why you are excited over possibility of left for dead 3 but not excited over that the original creators are actually making a left4dead spinoff called back4blood? Do you really want some Valve interns to make a game they don't understand?

Stealing the logo? I don't think so.

Attached: 1505013536173.gif (300x191, 1.32M)

I was so hyped watching this video without entering the thread but now Im sad. I want it to be real so bad

>EA logo
What the fuck how do i not remember this??

That's why most of us want it to be fake. We don't want nu-valve to destroy Left 4 Dead's image of being a respectable video game series.


I don't play gay co-op zombie games so why would i watch the trailer for one?

EA was valve's hardcopy distributor in the orange box days.

Because L4D 1 and 2 were good, but so far B4B is just a name, and nothing has been shown.

Holy shit I can’t believe valve would AND ALL YOU HATERS EAT MY ASS HALF LIFE 3 LMAO

Literally harassing women in the streets and acting like he's the victim lmao. Fuck Americans

doesnt look like a source game

Because you have no idea how the development of l4d went.

Turtle Rock only made some of the basic gameplay systems of L4D1. Valve had to come in and make basically the entire game because Turtle Rock is fucking stupid. TR is the reason why L4D1 is so broken and unbalanced.

L4D2 is ENTIRELY developed by Valve

>posting in a thread about a trailer you didn't watch
Take your mental illness back to


Attached: 20190611wVLACgXBSwO4eVv.021162_h264-U45KPDpAuHE.jpg (3840x1666, 2.15M)

Why is it fake? Is there something I'm missing that immediately gives it away?

I want to believe.

>should we add any detail to the door to make it look like the iconic door
>nah just paint it red
Jesus Christ and people wanna call this real?

Valve doesn't make video games anymore.

he wanted that reaction, unless he's always obnoxious when he talks. i don't keep up with black twitter.

I really want this game to be free on steam again

>yeah bro, it totally looks different

Attached: latest.jpg (634x925, 169K)

it's literally a wooden door

One of these things, is not like the others.

Attached: 400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

because textures don't change after 10 fucking years right?


The L4D2 trailer is the worst, it's like fucking AVGN directed it.

Why would Valve publish this trailer anonymously? If someone mined data and stole this they would have to give a response. I guess we'll see in a bit

That really helps show that the third one is beyond fake.

Have you never watched a movie in your life? Stupid fucking cellar dweller. Also fuck this trailer until proven real.

Yeah, one's a teaser trailer and the other two are finished complete cinematics that play before the game launches. I'm not saying this is real but you don't see this youtube.com/watch?v=Jz6FCFoL3k4 when you launch Left 4 Dead 2.

this has actual details. The trailer one is just painted red

>the giant metal grill covering the top half isn't a dead giveaway

I really hope this is real. L4D2 is my favorite online game and I didn't like L4D1 so I'm not excited for Back 4 Blood. I know It's probably fake but let a man dream.

Chinese curse

>L4D2 trailer
>bombastic and fully animated with TONS of characters shown moving in a lively fashion
>Fully voiced
>This new trailer
>not a single voice clip or animated entity. Only piece of movement is a fucking half second of twitching hand

Yeah it's fake

Yeah but that L4D2 teaser has voice acting, shows character and has zombies in it

weValve doesnt make 3rd games in series

L4D4 confirmed

Fair enough.

Have you never watched a game trailer in your whole life? Just because you try to infer all these masterful shots, angles, and psychological tie-ins doesn't make them real. You're projecting your wishes onto a still-unproven video.

It's a dead giveaway that some faker took like 15 minutes to make a half assed saferoom door because "they'll recognize this L4D object"

we all know*

you can see a photo of Coach right beside the evac point sticky note

>caution lines at the top
>painted red
>metal grill covering the top half
But yeah, you're right. If it isn't exactly the same, then it's not it.

This is fucking fake you fucking retards, why do you all believe this is real?

This teaser is oozing as much personality as both games intros. Fake teaser is as bland as every generic zombie movie is, which is ironic considering what L4D is a spoof of.

>an official trailer would have a half-assed piece of iconography
Do you not know how these things work?

it costs like fucking nothing every sale though

So which is it? Is it recognizable or not? You claim you can't tell, and now you claim that anyone could tell it's the iconic door. Just admit you want to nitpick.

t. NPC

Based gooks you mean
He doesn't belong there.

>Turtle Rock's Back 4 Blood venture is mentioned at least 8 times in this thread and people are still saying that it can't be a real game
You guys dumb as fuck.

Keep saying it

99% of people in this thread are calling it fake you dumb faggot. Did you even read the thread before posting?

Best I can get

Attached: 50047e990a.png (893x1264, 582K)

The hell are you even arguing about anymore? Whether or not the door is intended to look like the saferoom door or whether or not the video is fake? First you go "That's not the saferoom door because they don't looks the same" but now you're just going "It's not the saferoom door because the video is fake."

>Finally released

left 4 dead 3 confirmed

Name of the "file" has the date of June 11th

Can we expect something then?

It's a half assed attempt at remaking a piece of L4D iconography. Like a cheap Chinese knockoff


When you compare this to the official teaser Valve released when they announced L4D2, you can just see the huge contrast in quality. Remember how fucking hype it was when they uploaded this on their site?


Or watching this opening play for the very first time?

This shit ain't Valve at all. The big giveaway is the total absence of a story, atmosphere, or any characters being revealed. It just looks like a graphical showcase for Back4Blood, if anything.

Attached: 1519707127563.jpg (623x479, 35K)

>world war z

First day of e3

i think this thread is proof that Yea Forums is full of speds

Attached: 1536935683207.gif (500x484, 1.47M)

So Valve will be on during E3?
Sounds promising

holy fuck use your brain. see

The more I see minor details like this, the more I am convined that this is 100% fake.

A strong/FAST infected that can only see you when you're moving

yes, hilariously exposing tyler as a fucking mongoloid even further

lets say it is real right, and they announce it tomorrow or whatever
y'all do realize that
1. it's been 10 years since L4D2 so they probably changed assets and models
2. they're probably going for a more gritty, horror vive like with what they tried to do with L4D1

I just do it for the (you)s

Attached: IMG_6484.jpg (506x543, 257K)

What if it supported VR?

Yeah, this trailer looks nice, graphics wise but has no personality or substance. Looks like some random zombie game you'd see on steam

All I can decipher is

"GO To The ???"

"Army's ???"


What appears to be tally marks, either that or "THIS/THAT SHIT WON'T ???"

and either tally marks or "IT'S ???"

The Kate message seems familiar to me, someone go check The Sacrifice because I think that exact message is there.

By whose standards? Does it need to be exactly the same in every game before you are okay with it? Is it possible that not every safe room door looks the same? Or that they must all look the same between games?

>By whose standards?
Basic modeling standers?

Please be true.

Attached: 1553262971126.jpg (1024x768, 42K)

so no standards but your own inflated ones, got it.

No. You clearly don't even know what stance you're defending anymore. Your first words were "That's not the saferoom door" yet here you are acknowledging that it is indeed intended to be the saferoom door. Whether or not it looks good is beside the point. This is the stupidest argument I've ever had this week.


I keep hearing this word uttered by undesirables

I can tell that you believed the Grinch leak

Keep saying it

>We have actual NPC Grinch leak fags here
Please adopts trips so I can laugh at you

Attached: Cheekypepe.png (1280x1280, 171K)

>it's actually been a decade

Attached: dave.png (374x495, 139K)

>Imagine being this optimistic

Attached: sperg.png (1299x132, 13K)

actually looking at it further I think the "IT'S ???" actually says "I'VE NEVER ???", question marks being incomprehensible writing of course

>shitty jpeg

Imagine believing fake leaks like this even with the knowledge of the grinch leak in mind.

>I keep hearing this word uttered by undesirables
what does that even mean
keep saying what

>"finally some firepower!"
Okay, that's all the confirmation I needed. These wall writings are actually from L4D2

Attached: grabbinpeels.jpg (1024x768, 221K)

Apparently the video is uploaded from Canada. Is it actually happening??

Neat if real, cool video if not. Someone clearly put a bit of work into it.

>mfw it looks just real enough I can believe it, yet the idea of Valve releasing a game is just fake enough I can't believe it

Attached: 1548020704430.png (287x343, 107K)

>yfw L4D3 is actually real
>yfw it comes out this year and at $40
>yfw it comes with remastered maps from L4D1 and 2
>yfw its only for steam vr

Attached: 1556135873253.jpg (720x645, 66K)

>student makes a shitty looking asset
lol goddamn

VaIvedrones are the worst, and I hope they all get cancer.

It's not ridiculous for someone to make this in SFM

There are some coincidences but that's it.





Take your brain disease elsewhere.

because "the original creators" are the retards that made Evolve while Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 was actually made by Valve

>Finally some firepower
That's from fucking L4D2


this is done incredible well even though everything is static for the most part, someone has a looot of free time on his hands, should be inironically hired by valve

The argument is about whether or not it is supposed to look like the saferoom door. Not whether or not the trailer is real. You lack basic reading comprehension.

Copy pasta you say. That confirms that it's fake.

What the fuck kind of reddit post is this

Seems like his first rodeo to me, wonder how's he going to feel when it's confirmed fake

Attached: 1541584587423.gif (360x360, 613K)

>get btfo on a mongolian basketweaving forum
>have to backpedal to try and save face
Yikes, mi familia! Shaking my head with cringe and lactose-free bean products!

women are cows


>hype train is boarding
what the fuck are you talking about faggot, did you even read the post? it outright denies the existence of L4D3

>they don't know who Tyler the Creator is
sucks to be you, zoomie

Attached: 1524160864312.jpg (781x750, 158K)

Yeah, I'd put this in a portfolio. It's a solid little marketing video.

Trailer looks fine to me. I don't know why anyone would say its fake other than "valve no game no more" which is a solid argument but irrelevant with how many times it's been posted in this thread alone regardless.

I'm just interested to see how the release (if it's real) will be handled considering that nu-left 4 dead ripoff (world war Z i think) is going to release soon/already has (cant remember)

Exactly. I was hoping all the assets were new (or at least modified), but the graffiti is just straight ripped from L4D2

>proves you wrong
Also Yea Forums is not an anime site.

The grinch leak is relevant in every way because 90% of Yea Forums believed it but it turned out to be fake. This fake trailer is the exact same shit; high quality fake trailer that a horde of idiots believe erroneously to be real.

How can white cum dumpster single mothers with half black mongrel children even compete?

The desperation of the nu-Yea Forums Valve hate brigade is amusing, but they're probably correct that this is not Valve-made, and not pointing to L4D3.

What the fuck is a sped
Is it some new zoomer term

Fucking racist gooks. They don't belong in our country.

Attached: 1379246453488.gif (308x214, 1.99M)

This video is practically oozing with the professional Valve cinematography present in all their videos. Screencap this and suck my nuts, it's fucking real and don't you forget I told you so.

Attached: 497843371860295681.png (128x128, 15K)

>Tyler the Creator
even more of a reason to avoid him



Attached: 1528504819455.jpg (600x604, 63K)

They literally had nothing at the time of announcement and we won't hear anything about it again for at least 2 years. Evolve flopped because of publisher meddling and they have a new publisher now but it's still hard to get hyped for it despite knowing that. I'll wait until we get more concrete details.

>a bunch of static shots
How the hell could this ever be considered real?

>Life cereal

do you think they fucking paid royalties to a goddamn cereal company for a stupid trailer?

You fucking idiots dont even understand how much work went into this "fake"

Anybody that worked in production knows the chances of one guy going as far as making a fake trailer up to this standard is about as realistic as putin giving up the presidency as long as an opposing candidate cooks him the best borscht hes had in his life. Its fantastical. Its not grounded in reality. This was made by many people, and is very likely "real".

Keep saying it.

>never hearing of sped
the irony of zoomers

special eds?

Where did you prove me wrong? With your opinions that have no factual basis? With your PROOF of it being a student or fan-made asset?

Show me that proof and I'll admit you were right. Otherwise, keep your (You)s to yourself, faggot.

This, it's good.

uh, tyler is a zoomer artist. nice try, sweetheart.
also, sweatshirt is miles better

Fuck Valve, I hope they all go homeless by the end of the year.

Maybe 'teaser' is a more apt word. It's all visual storytelling. I don't understand why your so against the idea of L4D3 other than the sake of arguing

>It's fucking baffling how much these idiots hate videogames.
its a meme that valve can't count to 3, and its true. we're just tired of being burned.

thats not how copyright of a logo works kid




People think it's fake because it's nothing like the previous L4D trailers.

>No characters shown
>No zombies shown
>No voice acting

hmmm, wonder why they didn't include any of them



Keep saying it

so why the fuck would it not be on the official youtube channel?

this is fake, nothing will happen, screencap this.

>high quality
It was a printed piece of paper and you all gobbled it down. This is 100% different and takes way more effort than hitting the "print" button on your shitty MS Paint abomination.


History repeats, as just like the grinch leak, we already got "Only an Einstein could fake this!" posts.

because it's a leak retard

>Maybe 'teaser' is a more apt word.
Except L4D teasers show characters and have actual animation. L4D2's teaser was fully voiced FFS

Proove it then

Attached: AE65FDE3-B752-4087-AE07-04DE6DB366B5.png (1500x1500, 1.22M)

coach ruined blacked waifu threads for me.

Keep saying it

you think they wouldnt?

Is it really that hard to believe they'd try something different after all these years? Those seem like some really vague guidelines. What we saw was a teaser, not a trailer. That's all it was and it's perfectly acceptable.

Cope. It's fake, just like the grinch leak.

Uh they're called freakers

Attached: 5358601_sd.jpg (550x550, 79K)

>Hasn't been taken down yet
That's proof it's fake

Attached: Lickward.jpg (1024x742, 62K)

holy shit did you never go through high school hahahaha

Have zoomers honestly never heard of calling other kids "speds"?

This but unironically.

That doesn't mean the teaser coming out 10 years later has to be the exact same thing. It's not the first time a game series has taken a new tone/look after an extended absence. I'd be even more keen to call it fake if it WAS exactly like the old trailers

ok, but do you at least rationally understand that it's far, far more likely that this is a fake "leak" instead of a real one? I absolutely can see why you'd emotionally want to believe in it.

Keep saying it

Attached: anyone can make a leak.jpg (1024x768, 134K)

>you think they wouldnt?
>notorious penny pinchers paying royalties to a food company for a game they'll probably never make

sounds retarded.

>Valve trailer
>doesn't contain a single piece of actual animation
Why would they ever do that?

>Yea Forums calling it fake
>can't prove it
just admit none of you know shit and will be blown the fuck out in a few days

Attached: 1556435810610.webm (720x900, 1.28M)

that's not how pixels work dude, you'd still have the same resolution image.

this is the most autistic thread i've seen in a long time

Actually its a pretty recent term

I learned it on CSGO because some little shit kept saying it. I am guessing youre barely 18.

There's no way they'd tease it with this generic trailer. If they wanted to tease another L4D I feel like they'd at least tease the characters or have some form of voice acting

We already have a mountain of evidence that it's fake.

Too complex for chink brains

Can I get a quick rundown? What's Newell's endgame?


>That doesn't mean the teaser coming out 10 years later has to be the exact same thing.
Having basic shit like animation and characters is considered "the same thing"? Are you on drugs?

>no argument: the post
Maybe tell me that I'm seething next. Or maybe to have sex? Perhaps an oldie like u mad? Your one-word retorts fall on deaf ears, son.

Keep saying it.

>What's Newell's endgame?
Buy knives and eat food.

he's in China you absolute american retard

Newell's endgame is to kill off video game development.

Reminder that Meet the Spy leaked like a day or two before it was shown. I doubt this is real, but there IS a possibility that Valve fucked up again.

but i like braaap posters...

>reused assets
>"mountain of evidence"

Attached: 44554.webm (1920x1080, 520K)

smashfags are bumbling retards who believe blurry, still images are real without question. totally different thing to what is in the OP.

I'm 33 and this shit was rampant in both middle and high school. Please refrain from having a break with reality when you speak to me, brainlet.


Attached: 1426893312627.gif (500x374, 1.89M)

Keep saying it

Let's find out!


Attached: Tianasquare[1].jpg (330x218, 47K)

>Mfw steam VR only

Attached: 816.gif (375x375, 168K)

They can't.

Attached: 1556029617292.jpg (708x1024, 61K)

>they made the two least popular maps in the game, how can valve compete!??

Youre probably white trash so thats enough for me. :)

Valve wouldn't reuse graffiti text.

So? They still don't belong in our country. Blacks were here WAY before chinks were and all of a sudden they think they are better than us? Small dick asians should go back to their own countries.

>race baiting
l'chaim, rabbi!

>PT Cruiser

I love how fucking goofy asians tend to be. I'd never fuck one, but they're nice to have around with crazy antics

>the channel is literally not even in the us

sorry, but if you actually still believe in it, you're retarded

>Not a single rumor about development
>Suddenly entire "trailer" "leaks"

Yeah it TOTALLY REAL bros...

Attached: img4.png (207x243, 6K)

"33" haha. Go to community college kid

The fact that there's no rumors of Valve making any games is evidence that they're not making video games.

>yfw Back 4 Blood releases as an Epic Store exclusive.

Attached: 1553786508276.jpg (1440x1299, 100K)

So your tactic, when proven wrong, is to try and prove that I'm white trash with...what proof exactly? And this pertains to video games in what way?

Honestly, with the amount of shit that Valve allegedly works on that never sees the light of day, you'd probably be able to leak a lot of their shit and they wouldn't care to have it taken down because they already scrapped it and moved on.

>and all of a sudden they think they are better than us?
Considering that they contribute far more than blacks ever have (except for crime lol), they're on to something.

Chinese money will take over american interests, im sorry bro. That huge military has our name on it. Just learn some mandarin so you can beg for your life in a language we can understand

You are wrong, but i'm waiting for you brainfucked fetuses to start a new thread.

>the exact same graffiti copy/pasted over from the last title
You are a fucking idiot

I dropped out of highschool

Attached: IMG_1777.jpg (704x400, 89K)

I know you want this to be real but you can't live in denial forever

You certainly talk like a kid with too much time. Focus on the thread please im not interested in squabbling with you, babyface

Attached: 1556254672367.jpg (250x250, 9K)

Hope it's November 17th release day again

The quality is about on par with the better SFM porn, I'm not believing this

Einstein 2.0 post.

Keeeep saying it. Makes you feel better

>they do it to spite valve
>I get the game for free either way

Attached: 1.png (720x480, 90K)

Attached: 1536522702381.webm (600x360, 2.67M)

This isn't real guys, but there is two other games you guys can enjoy instead, with many mods too so you never run out of stuff to do.

Attached: 1437346157397.jpg (184x184, 8K)

Yes, try and act like you want to steer the conversation back when I called you out for both race-baiting and derailing the conversation. Makes sense, young one.

So who made this then and what is their motive?

Attached: INeedADrink.jpg (560x564, 59K)

>releasing games

It's a fake. Not even an epic-cocksucker, just stating the obvious.

If Valve gave a fuck, we would have had HL3 now.

Attached: 190973-gordon1.jpg (380x485, 100K)

Stop replying man you got btfo a while ago. You cant go toe to toe with older fellas

>This thread

Attached: 200.gif (360x200, 1.86M)

me, to be epic troll haha LOLz!

why doesn't she just join them lmao

fuck non believers edition >>


I found this when I googled poopsi, this makes me think it's fake, that or a valve nod to some shitty half life 2 skin

Oh, did you btfo me when you shitposted? You sure showed me :^)

Attached: gonnagetyou.jpg (200x150, 5K)

holy fuck lmao

>what is their motive?
simple, to take the piss out of fans who have been waiting for anything good from Valve (HL3, L4D3, TF2 updates, etc.) for the past few years

Make his video popular by making it look like a leak and some company notices and hires him because it looks pretty good.

>not only fucks niggers but shat one out
Women are retarded

And who is he? How does he have proof he created this?

To be fair, if you were asked to make a list of Pepsi spoof names, there's a high chance you'd come up with Poopsi.

Most people here and in the comments are saying this is fake, don't twist the facts.

she's not a white girl, that's why

Attached: 1535987574754.webm (640x640, 2.78M)

Remains to be seen. If I'm wrong, then he probably just wanted to make a video to mess with people and will stay anonymous. If I'm right, he'll go ahead and reveal himself sometime after the attention starts subsiding.

imagine being that relaxed around niggers. rip.

turtle rock is trash.

She's mentally ill. Please be considerate.