Nintendo has applied for a Nintendo 64 trademark in Japan

What games are you hoping for?

Attached: nintendo-64-mini.png (840x473, 251K)

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Turok Rage Wars with online.

I hope they fix that shit glitchy game, Super Mario 64

There is 0 chance this game ever gets the respect and praise that it deserves.

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Reggie says it's not happening, get over it.

No Banjoke-Cuckzooie for you

Guh-huh! bear to go with Smash reveal at e3.

>retired NoA guy says Nintendo isn't
hol up


>Super Mario 64
>Mario Party 1/2
>LoZ OoT
>Quest 64
>Super Smash Bros
>Pokemon Stadium 1/2
>Mischief Makers
Rare games never ever

When did he say that? Got a link?

He said, at the time, that there were no plans for it. It's like how they say that all the time with DS/3DS revisions and then there's one announced months later

I’m retarded, but don’t they already own the trademark? Is slapping on a “classic” worthy of having to apply for it? Seems like a pretty dumb system of doing things if so.

Majora's Mask
Ogre Battle
Mischief Makers
F-Zero X

You can already play with the emulator they are going to use, right now, for free

That it actually utilizes the advantages of the original hardware, improved with modern memory capacity.

No way in hell that's happening, though; it's just going to be some poorly emulated roms.

Why would they need to apply for a trademark they already own?

Earthbound 64

N64 controller?

N64 emulation is still garbage to this day though

Pal version of games nobody wants paying an extra $200 for a peripheral everyone will forget using controllers that are useful only for this.

Outside of scalping what is the point of these fauxretro emulators, I try to turn people onto actual emus but they just look at me like I'm retarded


that sega one with the shitty sound and the 50hz locked PS1 that just retooled an existing emu was retarded


"N64 Classic"

>N64 was best for 4 player games
>Controllers are so fuckhuge they'll probably only include one

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Rent free costume for mii.

I'll buy it if it has pokemon snap on it

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i'd rather n64 games on the switch, with new switch controller.

Eh, I don't want it. That gen in terms of graphics looks like ass no matter how great the games were

They're allowed to use DK64
Nintendo maintains publishing rights for all of Rare's Donkey Kong games.

Nintendo has put Steve into Smash in exchange for Rare N64 games.


Attached: BROTHAAAA.png (725x550, 439K)

>N64 Mini/Classic gets released
>Banjo is the poster boy
>Banjo gets into Smash
>Banjo gets a fucking new game.
I knew it was happening.

>conflating Sony with Nintendo by ascribing their PAL jewery to Nintendo
>"people look at me like I'm retarded"
Does it perhaps have anything to do with you autistically yelling lectures at people about emulation (likely totally unprompted and probably not even talking to with to begin with), and not even getting your shit right?

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>minecraft 64

Attached: 1553409297786.png (320x414, 3K)

Turok 1+2
Jet Force Gemini
Blast Corps
Golden Eye
Perfect Dark
Star Fox 64
Star Wars RS
Duke Nukem 64
Banjo Kazoo
Mario Kart 64
F-Zero X
Wave Race 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Pilot Wings 64

that would be my wish list

What I'm wondering is if they will make all games run at 60 or 30 fps or keep them running at powerpoint presentation speed.

Banjo games won't happen on an N64 Classic you dumbfuck. look forward to Switch ports of the XBLA versions of BK and Tooie instead. :)

Ultra Mario World

Unreleased Game: Star Fox 65

Nothing by Rare will be on it, not buying.

Bear in mind that there were 27 years between the release of the SNES and the SNES Classic. Sure that's shorter than the 33 years between the NES and the NES Classic (well technically the Famicom and the NES Classic, otherwise it would be 31 years if you want to insist on the NES).

The point being that it's only 23 years, this year, since the N64 came out. Nintendo might think that's a little too soon to be packaging all these games together; they might have plans to sell them individually for the Switch. Then again I guess they already do that with NES games... so, eh, I dunno.

Obscure enough that it might get in before beetle racing.

>Bear in mind
Banjo confirmed?!

this plus EXtreme G 1/2, Pod Racer and Majora's Mask.

And at the same yime he also said individual Mii DLC for Smush wasn't happening, then a month later Nintendo announced they're happening.

The guy was full of PR shit.

You can get USB adapters:

But to be honest the N64 controller is pretty shit so it's going to be better to use something with a better analog stick. I use a 360 controller for N64 games and it's fine.

Games have been running faster than 100% for probably two decades now? Only if you are a top speedrunner will tiny emulator quirks be relevant. Otherwise they are irrelevant, unless you're fucking autistic that is.

first game i've ever owned.

My fucking nigga

that's sad.