What’s the best system combination, Yea Forums? PC included

What’s the best system combination, Yea Forums? PC included.

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switch + pc. others are shit

why do switchfags love to latch on to pc so much?

Because they want something to play shit on portably?

Ps4 and PC, Switch is only needed if you really want Smash or Splatoon.

Switch for all the soulful games
PC for all the multiplats that make up ps4/xbones library

Switch+PC+PS4. I would have said Xbone at some point, but we've got Cuphead now so there's really no need for it.

What about Xbox negro

Exclusive games
Poor 3rd party AAA support
Exclusive movies
Best 3rd party AAA support
Pretends to have the best graphics/performance but actually doesn't
Almost same 3rd party than PS4
No exclusive movies
Actually has the best graphics/performance
Can emulate old shit without hacking anything

Switch + PC is the only way to go.

>You don't need Switch
>ubless you want to play these games that are exclusive on Switch
Okay. I guess we don't need PS4 either, unless we want to play Bloodborne, in which case we need it.

Just PC. Though you could make a argument for the switch since it is a handheld, but lets be real, you never go outside anyway.

XboneX alone is more than enough for your gaming needs imo

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You fucking moron drone Splatoon 2 and Smash are literally the only reason to buy a Switch. BotW and Odyssey are both superior on PC

Pc, switch and PS4/5

Like the great man said himself
The Xbox ain’t got got GAEMS!

I have switch + xbone + pc

Switch + PS4 + XBox One.
Switch for Portability.
PS4 for exclusives(Until they come out on Switch and or XBox).
And XBox for multiplats.
No PC Until Epic Games Store is kill.


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>Only plays switch for splat 2 and smash
What a plebeian

I have switch, ps4, and PC.
I rarely play ps4, it's mostly for anime now.
PC is for multiplayer games
Switch for the rest.
The last few games I'll get on ps4 are cyber punk, p5r, and boarderlands 3. Then the console is officially dead for me.

>Smash or Splatoon
>not all the great indies that are literally made for comfy handhelds and feel weird to play on PC

for optimal disappointment coverage; PC PS4 Switch.

Exquisite taste.