I actually lol'd

I actually lol'd.

Attached: bloodstained.webm (900x506, 2.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It looks like shit though

It still does, yeah, but the new trailer is still hilarious.

Link to the trailer:

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Sidescrollers with 3d graphics were a fucking mistake

I'm a complete brainlet and have no idea about game design, but when the game is actually finished, can't they just increase the in-game speed about 20% or so to make the game not play so unbelievable slow?

Based IGA saving videogames, at least he actually do something unlike Inafune and Kojima.


Yeah, fuck SotN, that ugly piece of trash and its horrid real-time 3d backgrounds.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

IGA is forever based for this

What? Kojima is directing the most ambitious game he's ever made.

One of the ugliest rooms in a game where 90 percent plus of the rooms aren't rendered like that, what do you know?

Why do i love this game so much? Why do all element click so perfectly with eachother?

It still doesn't look very good.

Attached: 1556428310528.png (719x713, 587K)

Except the most important--gameplay. Exploration is trash and difficulty is pretty much nonexistent. Even with a fuckload of hacks it's still an insulting cakewalk.

It's still not looking fantastic but it's infinitely better than before

Do we know the price?

The new trailer sitll doesn't show anyone talking.

Should be $39.99 I think.

The clouds flying by at speed as if time in the castle was accelerated was the most memorable image in the whole game for me.

Should have had a male protag like alucard or richter, game was doomed from the start.

You literal faggots must go and stay gone.

Attached: 23523626.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

a little less shitty than before
it's like they sprayed perfume on a turd to make it look prettier

>3D """animated""" portraits that lifelessly flap their mouths about and don't do anything else
>and the mouths themselves don't even look good
What were you thinking, IGA?

The real problem is that "gameplay looks alright but graphics are awful" is stupid and wrong. Graphics look passable, it's gameplay that looks really fucking dull. SotN-style empty corridors with mindlessly placed enemies all around and apparently only the msot basic exploration.

SotN being so overwhelmingly easy is a big problem, yes. But fighting Richter undergeared and underlevelled, as soon as possible, only with a blue and a jewel knuckle was the time of my life. You should definitely try it.

Miriam was bound to fail from the start when we already have the infinitely superior Shanoa. Plus, Richter post-SotN is unquestionably the most fun gameplay in the series.

This. IGA even said in an interview the only reason it was a female was becuase of all the feminist bs in America, so he felt inclined to also make a Stonk female hero.

It's not slow, it's literally the same speed as SotN
it just looks slow because its 3D, you can't really do anything about that

Yeah, powerful females were invented by the far left ten years ago.

Attached: D111_47_125_0004_600.jpg (600x338, 18K)

I personally find nothing wrong with the female protagonist myself, she plays like a very standard Metroidvania character and if we were to get a male protag I'm sure it would have been the same. It's a shame because while the RPG-esque elements are nice and all what I really crave is having a shitload of movement options all at once, and characters that throw aside the RPG aspect are the ones that tend to have those.

>putting social media screenshots into an official trailer
very professional

$30 for it and curse of moon if you were a backer

probably something they are working on aswell, considering that they embraced the critisicm and showcased the bad animation during the talking segments

In all fairness in SotN you're constantly going to short-hop when you attack to completely cut off the recovery animations and make everything much faster, which you can do here. It's actually surprising how much the game slows down when you're not jumping.

It's video games.

Am I the only one who finds it hard to go back to SOTN after playing AOS?

I felt AOS's gameplay was a bit faster and the whole thing felt less "floaty" somehow.

The generic charcater designs are shit, that's what's off putting. Even the "richter" character looks stupid.

Game looks like shit where's my pixel art?

Attached: 110f6138070849ac20b581eba7ada3ad.gif (728x524, 137K)

>it just looks slow because its 3D
What? That's a retarded fucking statement if I've ever seen one. What do you mean? More animation frames? Sure you can do EVERYTHING about that, you can animate your 3d model with exactly the same amount of frames as 2d models, you can make your 3d pretty much indistinguishable from 2d until perspective shifts.

Almost every game after SOTN on GBA and DS are better solely for the fact that they have more content.

Oh, yeah. I do agree with that, I forgot to point it out before. Miriam's design itself is overdesigned as all hell.

$40 retail. I paid $60 for a physical Steam copy and CotM. Didn't wanna miss out on the backer exclusive content.

Of course he did.

Attached: cover-256.png (256x360, 183K)

That's what you fags get for backing a clone of the worst Castlevania game

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Who's our Richter expy? I'm interested in this.

You talking about Zangetsu? He looks cool as shit. Most of the art hasn't been able to capture him will but I like the elements of his design a lot.

So far this is my favorite interpretation of his design.

Attached: Bloodstained-SW-CE-2.png (1387x1542, 2.63M)

looks fine to me. what were people expecting exactly?


But we didn't back a clone of Simon's Quest, user.

For whatever that's worth, yes.

Why do the same fans get an orgasm over generic 2d pixelart retro garbage #26277 that looks worse than 2d side-scrollers on the NES, but find the perfectly serviceable graphics of Bloodstained too hideous to look at?

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>perfectly serviceable
Come on now, user.

>im going to take the time to download a picture off the internet for the express purpose of using it to misconstrue someone elses statement

>99.99% of backgrounds in the game are completely 2d
>an extremely small amount of backgrounds, while still 2d, have some 3d elements
>somehow this proves that 3d side-scrollers look good

You are genuinely retarded.

Attached: 1552492891652.png (800x729, 48K)

>Inafune: it can't be helped
>Igarashi: I will prove them wrong!

Attached: 1501860870559.jpg (480x656, 48K)

This is my biggest gripe with the game, the characters look like hot fucking shit. Same with enemies, changing the lighting doesn't fundamentally change the fact the all the designs for the game are ugly and shit.

Because neither option is good, and it's embarrassing to see a 3 man group on no budget outdo an entire studio helmed by a legendary producer on a record breaking kickstarter budget.

Attached: false_knight.jpg (1920x1080, 1.03M)

mostly n9fags butthurt and wanting everyone else to fail as well. Trying to cope with crabs in the bucket logic

>generic indie shit
>outdo an entire studio

I literally have a cart of 3 with the original box still. You're a faggot and don't play the games. I love all you niggers coming out of the woodworks like you actually played the games.

Because even the most indie pixel stylized shit would look better than this

Attached: bloodstained.jpg (658x562, 73K)

>Come on now, user.
Have you forgotten what the last 3d side-scroller Castlevania game looked like? Compared to that, Bloodstained is a visual masterpiece.

I'm not saying Bloodstained graphics are amazing, but I don't see how its graphics somehow ruin the game.

Attached: ulus-10277-game-ss-13.jpg (627x353, 74K)

>The dream tits and real tits aren't swinging in rythm.
My austim is tingling

what game

>Because even the most indie pixel stylized shit would look better than this

Attached: Salt-and-Sanctuary-Physical-Edition-890x606.jpg (890x606, 59K)

Fuck IGA, fuck his team of retarded monkeys and fuck me for trusting them to not fuck everything up.

>a bu-b-buh switch weak
There's plenty of more graphically intensive games on the system that manage to run at 60 FPS, there's literally no excuse for this besides not giving a shit. Really hope you PC bros will be willing to share your GOG versions, because I ain't paying them again to play this on a non shit frame rate.

Hollow knight had great game play but the artstyle is boring and lifeless as fuck. All tge areas blend together and make getting to a new area as excititing as watching paint dry. Oh i was in a blue area but now im in a green area? And now im in a grey area? amazing

>they’re saying it looks like poop
>increase the contrast, shrink the tits, and add those new pieces of furniture we got off the asset store
>that will show ‘em

Hey now, that's cheating.

w..we did this unironically to laugh at you..w..we aren't hurt by your words we swear!

Salt and Sanctuary unironically looks better than this game. Aside from the faces.

I didn't misconstrue shit, fagboat. You are nervous about beautiful ladies in game because that's how ridiculously fucking gay you are. It's exactly as pathetic as it sounds, and you know it.

Attached: 4b27ff7c440f7dbb4880d28701cc6698.jpg (617x1000, 94K)

Absolutely based

>he fell for the switch meme

Look, you can dislike SotN all you want, but it's quite far from being the worst title in the series.

>Salt and Sanctuary unironically looks better than this game.

>every environment smeared in disgusting grey-brown vaseline filter
>looks better than Bloodstained

Attached: 692101658_preview_Salt-and-Sanctuary-screenshot.jpg (1600x900, 251K)

So when is Ben Judd's next scam?

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Stfu shill faggot

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it does actually look far better though. a great amount of improvement. not perfect, but high quality 3d is tough for small studios and budgets.

It was the game that ruined the series, though. I think that's what he meant. Castlevania should have gone the way of Devil May Cry, not Metroid.

This game doesn't look better than anything. Probably the most disgusting arstyle ever to be made as a full game. It's fun and all but it's horrible to look at.

not real, Gashi Gashi made a mockup

no he's right you're pathetic

The game still doesn't look that good but the trailer is absolutely based.

If anything, DMC3 cockteased a Metroidvania-like progression through the tower and the fact that it wasn't that is one if the few missed opportunities in an otherwise almost flawless game.

yeah great visual improvements, you know what his mistake was? giving in to graphics whores, it's a game, gameplay is more important and it looks the same in both old and new pics, which means they didn't do shit gameplay wise in all this time and just focused on muh textures.

I'm not saying graphics aren't important, I'm saying if these dumbass Devs are competent enough to do graphics like that and still focus on the gameplay, they should have gone with a simpler art directions something more down their ally, what the hollow Knight fag said above is correct, I'm not saying hollow Knight graphics are fucking amazing, but there perfectly fine and good, because the Devs chose something they're competent at.

Is this a porn game?

oh, that's sad. Thank for answering

>Castlevania should have gone the way of Devil May Cry
I find that hard to agree with, you saw their attempts into 3D, they really aren't that great. While I'm sure it could have worked, and well at that, eventually, I don't think we needed a DMC-like series but with vampires and whips.

>go from forest to ancient city to deep mines to crystal caverns to snowy mountains
>every single one handdrawn and unique
>colour pallette changes to reflect new environments
>this is somehow bad
>but poorly lit, generic gray castles is good


Not this shit again.

Yep, that's what I thought.

In DMC3 exploration is just to break up the monotony of endless combat until the player has eased into the system and starts to want said endless combat. SotN throws away the action-platforming focus and becomes a ridiculously simplified Super Metroid with pretty much one sole puzzle int he entire fucking game. But aesthetics were brilliant, music was great and the second castle thing was amazing no matter how you look at it. That much is a given.

Fucking up a 3d action game is one thing, taking the series to a dead-end is another. Twenty years on, we know for a fact that DMC-likes flourished infinitely more than "metroidvanias", which ended up being a horrid genre for terrifyingly bad indies that no good director would ever want to touch.

>and the second castle thing was amazing no matter how you look at it.
Not really,because at that point you already unlocked all the meaningful upgrades, so the inverse castle felt more like busywork rather than a intricate structure you master over time. It's still fun, but it's infrior to the first half of the game.

>Zoomers trying to shit on SOTN but failing miserably

Soone could you convince us that Aria isn't overrated.

Attached: Goemon.jpg (290x324, 23K)

It's not the second half of the game, it's the final act.

What was the first arc, then?

>A fucking child who probably isn't even thirty is trying to tell me what a good Castlevania game is like and thinks we're shitting on SotN in favour of its inbred offspring.

>Zoomer trying to shit on AOS but failing miserably

>Soone could you convince us that you aren't retarded.

I'm pretty sure zoomers are the ones that like sotn.

fact is, curse of the moon is 10 times the game this piece of trash is gonna end up being, classicvanias>igavanias

>Main game looks like shit.
>Inti Creates creates better "spin-off" game.
How does this keep happening?

Attached: 1627253726.png (848x1706, 924K)

I was planning on buying this just because Curse of the Moons were one of my best games 2018, but I'm impressed at how much improvement they manages to churn out

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Act, not arc. The beginning, the middle, the false end, the detour, the real end. Second castle is the last part of the game. In DMC that's where the dumb boss rush stage happens, whereas here it's not only a place with a bunch of new enemies and even bosses, not just optional, it's actually HIDDEN, which is just great. Just don't frame it as the mid-point of the game and you'll see why it doesn't funciton as one.

Attached: castlevania-90076876.jpg (750x593, 146K)

I'll definitely check it out now but they need to give animations more weight and add appropriate sounds / hitlag.
Other than that it looks pretty good

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Yes, I meant act. That was a typo. I was merely asking what would act as the first act of the game since most works follow the three act structure.

Pretty much, the animations are still pretty mediocre from what I can see.
Looks like a game I'll buy on sale a few years from now.

Are those cute feet that I see?

The progression of the game (on an initial playthrough) largely goes:

>Beat Richter
>Realize that isn't good end
>Beat Succubus and obtain Gold Ring
>Realize you now have an objective
>Seek out Silver Ring
>Meet Maria
>Obtain Holy Glasses
>Beat Richter+Shaft
>Get to Inverted Castle
>Do a boss Rush to get Dracula parts
>Beat Shaft
>Beat Dracula

The first 2/3 of the game are spent exploring and unraveling the mystery of Richter and the Castle. The last leg is defeating the true enemy with all of your skills unlocked.

>kickstarter backers portraits

I wish this shit was optional or hidden so I wouldn't have to see some real life photo of some neckbeard that's completely clashing with the game's art style.

The middle begins rouchly when you meet Maria for the first time, false finaly is when you fight Richter, exploration is the fourth act and second castle is the last, final act that culminates in the Dracula fight. That's how I see the game, and this way its progression makes sense.
What doens't make sense, of course, is the gimped exploration and nonexistent difficulty.

Curse of the moon was a lot better...what the fuck are they doing?

So the last big thread that was devoid of shitposting died and now we have this one, guess the americans woke up

>SotN being so overwhelmingly easy is a big problem
I don't see why, it doesn't make the game less enjoyable

These always look fucking terrible, I wish kickstarters would knock that off.

Attached: 124342342534.png (700x350, 328K)

It makes the game completely unenjoyable altogether. I stopped trying to replay it, because I just get bored after an hour of not getting even remotely threatened or challenged. Playing SotN and watching it is pretty much the exact same thing.

Man, that sticks out like a sore thumb.

yeah, that's why dark souls is the best game ever

Ha ha, holy shit. Wow.

They could at least make them fit with the rest of the artstyle. Shovel Knight had the backer portraits tucked away in an optional area and even then they were made in a pixelized style that fit the rest of the game aesthetically.

It's going to be awkward if the game releases and it's still poop.

I'm with you user, great game when you're a kid but it just doesn't hold up. Maybe there's an actual good hard type hack that works with the undub preferably but I kind of doubt it, as it is, I replayed it about a year ago and will probably never play it again.
I just hope Bloodstained can provide a semblance of a challenge, like Ecclesia.

>It makes the game completely unenjoyable altogether
You're exagerating, it's not that bad. Sure the game would gain a lot from getting a higher difficulty but it's still fucking fantastic

>with the undub
But the cheesy script is the best part.

The graphics were literally the only problem with the game, you retard. Gameplay didn't need any further fixing after the last backer demo.

To be fair the final game had the portraits as drawings instead of photos.

How fucking ignorant should you be to not know fucking Athena
Made me (You)

>go for subdued gothic aesthetic
>scrap all that and add bright yellow lights everywhere
>shit on your own artists in the process
What the fuck

Athena is an irrelevant piece of shit. She came out of the forehead of some retarded dudebro, for god's sake. How can you devote brain space to this fucking fanfiction?

It wasn't subdued og "gothic" either. It was stupid, garish anime. Like Ayami Kojima but worse.

>t. seething artist

She was actually invented by athenians. She's basically a retcon origin story for the city. They had a name for their city (Athenae) and then thought that a cool goddess may have created it, so they decided that it makes sense that the creator goddess's gotta be called Athena. The story is that she met Poseidon, who tried to bribe primordial athenians by striking the ground with the trident to create a well. Too bad the well was saltwater because Poseidon was always a fucking retard. What the good lady did, though, was create the first ever olive tree, because she's amazing and a waifu. That's Athena's actual, historical, true origin story.
What you told really is fanfiction.

new looks like rusty hearts, I like it

Looks better now. I might just pirate it.

Except that's not Athena's origin story but Athens' retconned one. It's part of the mythos that she came out of Zeus's forehead one day, user.

>All tge areas blend together

The myth came way after the patron goddess was invented, her name and image formalized. You think athenians picked her out of the pantheon? They invented her. Athena takes her name from the city, not the other way around.


it's funny but the Japanese audio is legit incredible.

>people bitch about the 3D and claim they want more pixelshit
>these seem retards yell FUCKING HIRE THIS MAN at some dumb cunt on twitter with no deadline, worksense, knowledge of ANYTHING actually game related who makes a half decent looking sprite animation
sasuga western dumb fucks

>be a little bitch about people criticizing you and then trying to use it as ammo like as if you were in an argument in kindergarten N-NO U!
>being proud of fixing something that should've have been like that in the first place to begin with

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Reminds me of Axiom Verge. Everything in that game was on one rhythm.

People correctly identify ugly graphics and simply misunderstand the reason for the ugliness. Of course aesthetics depend on the artists and direction, not the choice between 2d or 3d. People remember a few cool sprites and want the artistry. All it takes is good 3d modeling and animation for commenters to completely forget about their love of sprite animation.
In other words, the layman audience, as is almost always the case, correctly notes the deficiency but completely misunderstands the reasons for it and give crazy "advice" on how to fix it.

>in two months there will be 12 Vanias total on PS4

I didn’t realize the ancient Athenians were literally the same as the modern United Statians

There's an elegance to well done sprite animation that is very hard to match with 3D.
Look, 3D is already replacing 2D animation everywhere and it hurts. Let me have this.

It just makes it alot less rewarding in the end than Rondo. I loaded up a save, handed a controller to a friend that bad never touched the series and he beat Shaft & Dracula in SotN without even trying

>stronk womyn meme garbage that also panders to furfags

H-how is it that this didn't turn out to be a quality product?!

You're a faggot with absolutely shit taste pulling bullshit out of your ass. Cry more you little roody-poo

>There's an elegance to well done sprite animation that is very hard to match with 3D.
That's just wrong. But thank you for trying.

Attached: 1369648700354.jpg (831x750, 168K)

Welcome to the modern day you fucking fossil.





>kickstarter backer pets as horribly animated monsters

Attached: 1554527368216.webm (988x556, 1.88M)

>all those backer justifying this shit

Attached: 1394482652771.jpg (330x319, 48K)

In the twenty years between SotN and Hollow Knight, can you name even a single truly important game that was a "metroidvania"? Not alright timewasters, but really major genre-defining games like DMC, DMC3, Bayonetta et al?

Developers have already hired me quite a while ago rofl.

>genre defining
Not him, but you can argue that Dark Souls was pretty impactful, and is just a 3d metroidvania.

Attached: today I will remind them.png (256x384, 34K)

>All these contrarians trying to find any reason to shit on the game because they want another Tortanic or MN9

Sure thing champ, I'm sure all those 300 sales on an indie game you worked on is putting you in a mansion any day now.

"Metroidvania" is a 2d side-scrolling genre. If it's 3d, it's just an action/rpg, i.e. Zelda with stats. Metroidvania is a subgenre of action/adventure or action/rpg that is specifically side-scrolling on a 2d plane.

Same story with all the demigods, Zeus conveniently has one bastard son for each city-state. Him being a cheating douche was an accidental consequence of every part of Greece wanting their own superhero

wew lad impossibly based

Look at SotN and look at your run off the mill 3D game. How is it wrong?

Dark Souls is a metroidvania, but also defined its own genre. It's exactly what you asked for.

Nothing we do is putting any of us in mansions, bruh.

Most backgrounds in SotN are legit ugly as sin. At least cherry-pick a game with more consistent sprite art like Makaimura, ffs.

still don't like much how the game looks, but that was funny
I hope it plays better than it looks

Based as a mfer

Attached: 1556598516914.gif (500x375, 973K)

Again, I said sprite animation, user. Look at Alucard's spritework.

>still almost zero information after like 4 years
You can't call it ambitious until it's even close to coming out, because MGSV also looked ambitious and that was even worse than Ubishit

Cool indie game screencap? Whats it called?

Bold and Brash

Attached: Untitled.png (724x481, 42K)

Bloodstained: Morning of Melancholy

Why are you even bringing up a completely different genre of games fucko? No shit theres a difference in popularity. Might as well bring up FPS games in an RTS thread. Why didn't RTS games become CoD clones??
You fucking obsessive weirdo

>MUH GRAPHICS for a 2D Castlevania game

God, fuck off with this.
I dont care if it looks like shit. In fact I wanted it to be fully pixelated like the originals.
As long as the game is fun and theres plenty to do I dont care about the visuals.

>even worse than Ubishit
Lol sure kid

Because I said that Castlevania, having been an action/platformer series before SotN, should have ignored SotN and evolved into an action game, not an action/adventure like Metroid.

this is for you

You have 30 seconds to name your favourite Castlevania track.
Dracula's Tears

Attached: soma dab.png (3000x3000, 1.12M)


Divine Bloodlines

>waaaah why doesnt it look as good as my favorite series Call of Duty
I bet most of these faggots didnt even play the NES games.

Yeah, and why would you say that? That's fucking dumb, nobody but you wants that. Besides, theyve literally already done that for the console games, each one copied the latest popular character action game and they were hated, even when Kojima produced them.
Might as well bitch that Command & Conquer didn't become an FPS

The Adventure Rebirth version of "File Load BGM". Fuck yeah, Castlevania. Here:

Attached: wydAqhA.gif (500x422, 1007K)

they still didn't fix the problem where she looks mismatched from the background
Just disable whatever shader is making her glow

It'll always be bloody tears
I don't care if the hipsters complain about it

Bloody Tears, SOTN version.

>You are a game developer and your game is getting massive criticism with each update you deliver. Do you:
>A. Insult your customers back
>B. Listen to feedback and actually fucking deliver to their faces

Attached: 1542393092990.jpg (417x586, 26K)

Bloody Tears: Simon's Quest version. In that game it sounded like DIY punk rock drumming

The Tragic Prince.

Attached: 1552224088307.jpg (750x743, 96K)

>Yeah, and why would you say that? That's fucking dumb
Ninja Gaiden -> nothing -> Ninja Gaiden 2004
Castlevania -> SotN -> shitty IGAvanias
Castlevania -> ignore SotN -> ???

Castlevania was a pure action series until SotN, which is why I mention the genre (not fps, not rts, ACTION, like all classicvanias, because classicvanias were ACTION games, get it? do you understand?). Just like it produced CV3 by ignoring CV2, it could have produced something amazing by ignoring SotN.

Wicked Child

Well I mean you got Lords of Shadows

It looks better, sure, but it ain't blowing me away. The animations still look a little stiff and just okay, so I'm still on the fence.

Dance of Illusions/Illusionary Dance

That's intentional, I already have a problem separating her and the enemies from background objects as it is, I don't want it to be even more difficult

That's what I told him but hes still sperging that his pipedream didn't happen. Its almost like hes unaware he can just play DMC if that's what he wants

Fuck you. What a bitch. Are you trying to make me angry? Son of a bitch.

Attached: e3_2013-grade-card.png (1000x1000, 307K)

This is for you
>Metroidvania is a subgenre of action-adventure video games. The term is a portmanteau of the game series Metroid and Castlevania. Metroidvania games use game design and mechanics that are similar to games from these two series. Specifically, the term derives from the Castlevania title Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and many of the games in that franchise which come after it, which are generally considered to contain certain aspects of gameplay comparable to that of the Metroid series of games. As such, the term is used to invoke gameplay concepts and mechanics similar to that of these two series.
>Metroidvania games generally feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, though access to parts of the world is often limited by doors or other obstacles that can only be passed once the player has acquired special items, tools, weapons or abilities within the game. Acquiring such improvements can also aid the player in defeating more difficult enemies and locating shortcuts and secret areas, and often includes retracing one's steps across the map. Through this, Metroidvania games include tighter integration of story and level design, careful design of levels and character controls to encourage exploration and experimentation, and a means for the player to become more invested in their player character. Metroidvania games typically are sidescrolling platformers, but can also include other genre types. Though popularized during the early console generations, the genre saw a resurgence starting in the 2000s due to a number of critically praised, independently developed games.
>typically are sidescrolling platformers, but can also include other genre types.
Your stupid fancanon chart claims that Metroid Prime isn't a Metroid game and that Ocarina of Time isn't a Zelda game. You are wrong. Get over it.

What, you STILL don't understand why I said "DMC" and not, say, "World of Warcraft"? Fucking seriously?

You can tell he took that shit personally, but still jokes about it like a champ. It's hilarious.

I just did not chart it up to 3d Zeldas and Metroids because that's not what I was trying to demonstrate to you. Soulslike, metroidvania and zeldalike are all different branches of action/adventure and action/rpg with their own very recognizable features. Your shitty wiki calls adventure games like Ace Attorney "visual novels" (when visual novels are a type of digital novel, not games) and lightgun games like House of the Dead "on-rails shooters" (when on-rails shooters are Star Fox et al). The wiki is a laughingstock for a reason. Never learn from it.

Attached: 7509832790_f81cd756b2_o.jpg (1600x1568, 1.58M)

Make friends, maybe then you'll realize that you have an abnormal brain

>I made shit up and am not consistent with myself, but please ignore it. I'm totally right.

soulslike is not a genre, stop pushing your shitty meme

How can a man be this based?

Correct, and neither is "metroidvania". They're what's known as "subgenres".
Fucked if I can dumb it down even more than I did, so if you still don't understand then whatever.

But there are still beautiful sprites all throughout the game. How many beautiful sprites will be in Bloodstained? Please, tell me what you think.

>Fucked if I can dumb it down even more than I did
You already contradicted yourself. You're the professor on your own thoughts but even you didn't take notes at your own lecture.
Think of it this way: hundreds of thousands of people brought their thoughts, sources, and evidence together to make a rounded out definition of what a metroidvania is and agree that it doesn't have to be 2d. Then some random anonymous chucklefuck comes along and drunkenly mutters some horseshit that even he doesn't know what he said anymore, but claims to be more right than everyone else.
Fuck off.

There will be nothing beautiful in Bloodstained, but not because of 3d. Just like most 2d games are ugly as sin but not because of 2d. The defining factor is whether the artist is good.

I never contradicted myself. The wiki contradicts me, which is irrelevant, as I've already explained. Also, nice million flies argument, holy shit.

>I never contradicted myself.
You already admitted that you made up definitions of stuff like "zeldalike" somehow don't include half the zelda games
>The wiki contradicts me, which is irrelevant
The wiki has a fuckton of sources explaining why you're wrong. I have yet to see any evidence at all that you have played any of these games. So who should I trust? You? I'd be stupid to do so.

Visuals aren’t mind blowing or anything but dear lord they’re better

And how based do you have to be to call your own work POOP in an official trailer

>You already admitted that you made up definitions of stuff like "zeldalike" somehow don't include half the zelda games
You're imagining things. I never did this.

What the fuck. I just saw the ad for it and I thought it looked good.

Still looks like garbage though

>You're imagining things. I never did this.
You did.
>I just did not chart it up to 3d Zeldas and Metroids because that's not what I was trying to demonstrate to you.
Now fuck off.

fucking retards never understood the concept of "in development" and took every single screenshot as the final product

they never thought for a single second that MAYBE the devs were focused on making the gameplay first, glad they got fucking btfo

That's the right quote. Is English not your first language or something? Read the fucking sentence carefully.

>add a bunch of lights and bloom out the ass

Wow it looks so much better now

Bloodstained: Sunrise of sadness

Which version of SOTN should I play?

>I drew up a chart of what games are like what based on the parenting franchise, but I've decided that Ocarina of Time is nothing like Link to the Past despite being the same game but in 3d.
You're a fucking retard.

They should of made her tits bigger

Are you stupid? I never said or implied that. Nothing I said can be misunderstood to mean that. Are you feeling okay? Branches I've shown have hteir own sub-branches, but that's not relevant to what I was explaining to you. Do you understand? Do you comprehend what I am saying?

I kind of hate this over-animated "juiced" everything wriggles all the time 2d sprite meme, to be honest.
I know this is just a mock-up but games like that chucklefish advanced wars rip-off lay that shit on way too thick.

>I never said or implied that.
If Ocarina of Time and the other 3d Zelda games don't fall under "Zeldalike" to be on that chart like you said, then you claim they're entirely different genres.
It's what you said.

>Divine Bloodlines HD version
>An Empty Tome
Best tracks.

Her tits are huge m8

thats fag talk

Attached: 1539831586556.jpg (1090x1028, 165K)

Bloodstained: Serenade of Sad is still the superior title.

The one that's included in Drac X Chronicles.

>should of
Is this the power of horny ungas?

Attached: smoldier.jpg (680x645, 37K)

Yes they do, are you retarded? Yes they do. They are 3d action/adventure games. Soulslikes are 3d action/rpg games. There are many more distinctions too, none of which are relevant, so I never mentioned them, which of course doesn't mean I think they don't exist. What the heck is going on in your weirdo brain? It's as if 90% of the conversation you seem to be having is in your own mind. Can you not tell the difference between my posts and your inner voice?

The animations still look so fucking stiff

Yeah, and the art direction is still crap. And, most importantly, gameplay still looks empty and dull--something many commenters keep forgetting or missing entirely. But the trailer is hilarious.

looks nice

what joke am i missing here?

"3D" is a subgenre, not a genre. Platformer is a genre. Action is a genre.
So by your own definition, SotN is a 2D Metroidvania and Dark Souls 1 is a 3D Metroidvania. Because Metroidvania is a genre, but the dimensions are subgenres.
Congrats, you played yourself.

>The one that's included in Drac X Chronicles.
Ew no. That has the shitty revised script and has some visual glitches if you emulate it.

People were expecting Konami's Castlevania tier art direction.

No. You got it all completely wrong. You will fine the following useful.
1. Never learn from the wiki, period.
2. Use your brain.
3. Never imagine the other side of the conversation. Either read carefully or don't bother at all.

Attached: 135324626b.jpg (600x507, 48K)

that years of shitposting was demolished in a 2 minute trailer, so now that have to run with that goalpost

So I should blindly trust a man on Yea Forums rather than a list of sources from the past 20 years?
Do people tell you you're wrong often, or do you just live in a bubble by yourself?
You got dunked on. You got caught in your own lie, and it's gonna eat at you for the rest of the day, because lord knows you're not going to talk to anyone else. Have fun with that.

>So I should blindly trust a man on Yea Forums
Point 2, please.
>rather than a list of sources from the past 20 years?
Point 1, please.

>Point 2, please.
Well anyone's brain says to trust a man with sources rather than a man on Yea Forums without sources.
>Point 1, please.
You do know that all the tiny numbers on a wikipedia article link to empirical sources, right? That's more evidence than you ever posted here.


>You do know that all the tiny numbers on a wikipedia article link to empirical sources, right?
Actually, they almost never do. As for video game design theory, there are almost no "empirical sources" at all yet. As I said, #2.

Fucking amazing trailer, this is like the anti-MN9.

>Actually, they almost never do.
Even college professors say to use those sources at the bottom for essays. You DID go to college, right? I'm not speaking to some subhuman basement dweller that doesn't know what a Metroidvania is, right? Oh wait, I am. Bye.

What's generation Z all up in arms about now?

What kind of college did you go to that they told you to read wikipedia of all things? What the fuck is this? Am I talking to a highschooler?

Wandering Ghosts for that jazzy Halloween feel

Absolutely INSPIRED improvements

Attached: 1533664128978.jpg (201x250, 5K)

Raspberry of the Forsaken

Such an amazing feat in manipulation. Look at all the brainlets in this thread yapping how based this is and how he sure showed us all.
>make utter shit
>people complain
>make slightly less shit
>people praise you like a hero

It's still the exact same game, with a busy mess of low res textures, floaty gameplay, barely animated models. It looks like those unity assests flip on Steam.

b a s e d


Absolutely based. Can't wait for this game.

The problem with Richter mode is he had to be a reward. I just wish there'd been a visual indication that HP Max Up items actually were increasing his HP. Having all of them makes the last parts of the Inverted Castle bearable

Keep crying, blundercuck.

I don't really get what you mean, it is you who are cucked for liking this blunder.

The trailer is hilarious. Iga's delivery is great. Self-deprecation is appreciable. That's about it. Calm your fucking tits, dipshit.

>This is bad, you should do better
actually lmao, this is the level we are at

What kind of massive retard buys multiplats on console anyway?

I never said they should do better, I said it was shit
And I am right

>paying for a product before you even see it
Stop doing this.

Attached: 1327652776853.png (408x443, 434K)

>>A fucking child who probably isn't even thirty is trying to tell me what a good Castlevania game is like

You're not Iga, I doubt you can explain what makes a Castlevania game Castlevania.

Not everyone is as poor as you. We can actually afford to literally waste a $30 on a kickstarter and not even bat an eye if it goes under, you see.

Iga doesn't know what a good Castlevania is like and never did.

It still looks like dogshit, a literal 7 year old could shit out something better looking.

The "Based" Iga clip in the new trailer is a reused clip from the first trailer they made apparently. Iga probably didn't approve of its use here

To be fair the guy scored himself a lot of brownie points by splintering off of Konami at their worst to do his own thing, and now his reaction to criticism is pretty cool considering some of the recent PR fits we've witnessed.

Metroidvanias are meant for handhelds, based retard.

>Metroidvanias are meant for handhelds, based retard.
Yeah, just like the classic handheld games Super Metroid and Symphony of the NIght that codified the genre.
Holy fucking shit.

What's this fucking disinformation now? For fuck's sake, you're already inventing shit.

So I guess the GBA and DS games don't exist huh?

Read my post again, dipshit.

What he's saying is that the series started on consoles, both Classic and Metroid, so it's fucking retarded to claim the genre is "meant" for handheld.

Well, I guess that makes two of you then.

The Iga clip is from this video at :53 seconds

it looks like that porn dark souls ripoff sidescroller, with the same animation quality.

not perfectl but it's undoubtedly an improvement. i might get this game now

>can't detect hyperbole
Must be a pain to be autistic. My point is that metrodvanias are a fuck ton better on a handheld system, there's a reason why Metroid and Castlevania stuck on them once they became powerful enough.

>b-buh muh 3D entries
Not the same fucking thing.

I love the trailer but he's right. It's when he was talking about Konami thinking no one wants Metroidvania games anymore.

I couldn't give less of a shit about this game but gotta say, kudos to the devs for actually improving instead of accusing the customers for being entitled or something like some other devs could have done.

They stuck on them because Konami was too chicken shit to invest in proper 2D console entries after 3D became the standard on home consoles. It has nothing to do with them "playing better" there.

By your logic, MHW is a flop because prior entries have been almost entirely portable. Fuck your face.

what the FUCK is that shit

please tell me thats some shitty filter applied to a screenshot and not the actual in-game look

Ugliest good game I've ever played. I wanted to play it again but I didn't want to look at it again.

they added a reflection layer and more lighting wow who cares
the movement and gameplay still looks like shit

to make a trailer claiming to have made self-aware improvements when the gameplay still looks so bland is arguably worse

how many shitty jap namedropped kickstarters does the world have to fall for
we already got hollow knight, indie sidescrollers are done

This game needs an improved combat system. Like this:


The fact this game has no combo or any real combat system will ruin it.

Heart of fuckin Fire
Julius is best boy.

>a flop
Where the fuck did THIS come from?

Dracula's Tears is some super groovy shit that I listen to almost daily when driving. Shame it wasn't in Smash, but it would of been ruined I'm sure since they wanted all the music to be shitty Youtuber tier electric guitar covers.

Why is IGA so based?

why is it still 3d though?

Attached: wow.png (2322x772, 2.6M)

>Michiru Yamane is doing music for Bloodstained
The soundtrack is going to be banging for sure. She was the only reason Skullgirls was even on my radar due to the track she made for that game.

Literally anything from Chronicles.

Aradia unironically has a better design then her. Her hair style is dumb and has two shades of color for some reason, and has horns?

because of the 3+ dev teams that Bloodstained has gone through

>tweened animation

Vanillaware spritework is awful though, they do that shit where the sprites are in pieces stuck together. Their shit animates like a fucking newgrounds flash. I'd take bloodstained over that junk.

>TORtanicfag L I T E R A L L Y admits he didn’t want it to improve

lmao ain’t enough for this I gotta bring back rofl


Attached: huh.png (979x465, 106K)

It's a cute piggy demon

Yeah, that's approximately correct

Buying this just because of the new trailer. It might be a far cry from the old glory that Castlevania once had but I enjoyed Mighty No. 9 for what it was so I must be able to reasonably enjoy this one too.

>to the track
She made multiple though. Wasn't it most of the OST?

I was already hyped for the game but understood the visual design wasn't that good. All I needed to know was that it mechanically felt like Castlevania and had Michiru Yamane working on the OST. The visual improvement is fucking great though, still not perfect.

It's been quite unprofessional from the start with Iga firing shots at Konami in the campaign launch trailer.

S&S environments and monsters look cool though

the PCs look like shit indeed

Attached: salt-and-sanctuary-01.jpg (1920x1080, 187K)

Wow it upgraded from a Dreamcast game to a PS2 game, bravo

If you're gonna have the character look that realistic you have to make the design actually good. Otherwise use sprites and leave the rest to the player's imagination. That girl looks souless, just like the game.

>That's what you fags get
A good service?
Did you even watch the video shithead?

Jabu, please...

is that lisa foiles?

Hey bro I backed for physical steam copy too. What is it like?

>I enjoyed Mighty No. 9
based retard


The entire thing is 3D, retard. What you see are 3D objects with sprites over them.

Yes, even Alucard.


Yeah, I'll need a source for this retarded claim.

It looks better but they over did the bloom this shit is eye searing.

Attached: my eyes.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

Crystal Teardrop.

Yes, I think that was the point.

It's a shame the animations, voice acting and character/monster designs are still bad. Hopefully the game is good nonetheless.

How about playing the fucking game?

Attached: 16-Catacombs11.png (1280x960, 116K)

How could someone cherrypick this hard?

>needing a source for something that's so well known
You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you?

Is this that 2D Dark Souls porn game?

haha nice
cheeky gooks

I still think it looks kinda shitty, but at least Iga and his team know how to deal with criticism, unlike every fucking big name studio recently that just takes to insulting fans on twitter for some insane reason. I don't know how it isn't common sense that you aren't supposed to shit on potential customers.

Who in their right mind approves of this? And why does it keep happening?

I don't think anyone is approving it, you hire PR people and based on embellished applications you now have to assume that these people will do the right thing. There should definitely be a better examination of their character before letting them do their thing.