Try to make an intimidating villain

>Try to make an intimidating villain
>She's actually CUTE

What the fuck Randy

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She looks like Freiza and that confuses me because realizing that only made my dick harder for some reason.

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where is her NECK? Look at the picture closely. It's either not there, not rendering correctly, or is VERY tiny and thus makes her look like a bobble head

Oh shit I think the back of her collar is literally clipping into the base of her neck deep enough to overlap it.

I get the feeling these two won't be the real big bads
So who will it be?

It's right there you dumbo. See the straps in the center?


How is this cute? Fucking spergs will find anything cute.

Maliwan. Whoever the Maliwan CEO is.

what the fuck i see it now, it's out of proportion compared to the head.

Where are Gaige, Maya and Tina?

She's cute in the game

They all got sent to the fellatio mines, sorry, buddy.

I didn't expect her to be so cute in the ECHO stuff. Kind of like how friendly she is towards the PC
>When she is trying to convince the bandits to not attack Maliwan troops

>FAS incarnate

Gaige didn't make the cut apparently. Tina and Maya are in the developer trailer. I am a Gaigechad myself but people who want her as a playable character in BL3 are delusional retards.

shes one of the ugliest american designs ever look at this shit , i dont know if americans are blind or bias , in this site they will critizice weeb games for their "art" but they like this kind of abomination

>that shitty meme haircut again

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looks like something girls drew in their margins of a math book in high school lol.

Yeah she's cute

Looks like she was throttled a few too many times by Homer Simpson.

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God this game is going spawn so much porn

>New Maya

I want to fug them all though Lorelei needs to be gagged.

Looks like a Toriyama face

>looks cute
>sounds cute
>acts cute
>is a streamer

I seriously can't wait for the porn. That streaming portion opens so many possibilities.

I want to donate to her guns from my dad's arsenal!

babyfaces on women are never cute. It just makes her look like an angsty toddler.

Maya and Tyreen are completely wife/impregnate material

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Maya is a central character, she lives on Sanctuary 3, Tina is with Brick and Mordecai.

Gaige MIGHT be dead, apparently "we don't talk about Sanctuary 2" so maybe Axton, Salvador, Gaige, and Axton died in some CoV attack on Sanctuary, I hope not and their reveals are just being held back as only Maya and Zer0 surviving is disappointing.

I'm pretty damn sure that whatever happened that they don't talk about killed Dr. Zed, since he isn't in the medbay on Sanctuary 3, Tannis is.

>forgets best girl from BL1 Tannis

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holy shit, axton died twice?

Don't forget Moxxi's new look. Tannis is looking cuter, too.

Shit, I meant Krieg.

Tannis is old and busted

I did actually forget not so tiny tina though

>Don't forget Moxxi's new chin

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I hate Tyreen’s voice. She sounds like an obnoxious 40 something comedienne, not the smug young qt she should be.

How old she is now?

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Axton died?

I dunno, I didn't like it initially but it grew on me quickly.

I hope they're captured or something like that and not mining cocks.
For what I've seen the radioactive element from that old leak was true, and the qt pie of Tannis may be the big bad guy this time.

Old & busted.

19, I think. Pretty sure she was 13 in BL2, and it's a five-year time jump.

the games are often 5 years after each other so i'm guessing she is 18 now

Too old, unfortunately

So, it's legal now?

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So apparently Zane can use two action skills in exchange for no grenades or grenade mods, pretty sure the former.

Is he going to be busted?

Me too like if you watch some gameplay from streamers and you hear them talk they dont sound like main game ending big bads its weird

Definitely, she looks a bit off from the brief glimpses, but if she is indeed cute, there will be tons of legal porn.

The amount of porn Borderlands 3 is going to spawn will be insane.

Her voice makes me diamonds

might wanna crunch those numbers again

He still gets grenades too, just he can't manually throw them his drone/clone does instead

Listen to them there not the big bads they cant be!

Link something showing how she sounds if you say she's so cute

I always knew she would grow up in a hot way

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Apparently Tyreen's goal is to use her Siren powers to absorb the life force of a Vault Monster.

Perhaps she can be convinced or just learns that's a bad idea, maybe the Vault Monster itself and what it brings becomes the big bad, maybe the Eridians, maybe Maliwan, maybe those old Battleshit easter eggs about Tannis aren't meant for the CoV. Hard to say.

>Frieza as a chick
Why are you doing this to my dick, Randy?

Go to 36:20

Claiming Moze right now, you can keep your shitskins

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Man this boss fight is exactly the sort of thing I like Borderlands for. Not even being sarcastic. This makes me hyped.

The soundtrack seems great too.

If they're smart, they'll balance his action skills to be pretty shit on their own, but good when used in conjunction. That would actually make for a cool character, where instead of one skill you have to utilize as good as possible you have to figure out what combination works best.

She's too old now.

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She looks like she has brain problems

Hold on Hold on Hold on Hold on
whatever happened to her lips?

My money is on the Watcher.

Only blizzshit gets to have that, both in quantity and quality. You know I'm not wrong.

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That could end up REALLY shitty considering it warned the Raiders war was coming.

It has some potential though.


She's designed to be obnoxious and annoying

Not that I complain, I'm pretty much a lip guy myself.

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Doesn't mean I don't want to stream her giving me a BJ.

Basic Marcus strategy: rally Crimson Raiders to ready for war but also push the Twins to create CoV. While everybody's busy killing everybody, sneak in vault and do whatever.

her whole is covered in straps
her proportions aren't even out of style
come on user

Why do we have to wait until September?

Be grateful it's not a year, user.

>Hold the fuck up

Women can't be intimidating.

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They can when they tell you they're going to accuse you of rape or assault.

Thought the same when I first heard her.
She looks 20 years old, at most, but sounds like a 45 year old trying too hard to fit in with the youth, not really understanding the whole streaming thing.

Yeah but they've kind of showed off too much now. This sort of gameplay trailer shou;d be just before release.

I don't care, it can be Claptrap for all it matters so long as I get to play as smug frieza bitch somehow

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I don't wanna kill this girl I want to marry her...

Frieza is not male or female so it's all good.

Hence why a lot of people are reminded of Frieza

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What about her brother?

I'd fug that potato


does he have it?



Lol nice floating head.

she looks dum and her voice is shit

This thing is supposed to be cute?

Maliwan is the big bad of Promethea, but not much more.

Frieza is referred to as Lord Frieza by his subordinates, and Cooler and King Cold both refer to him as male

oooh that's annoying

Yea Forums used to enjoy little brown girls

>doesn't like delicious brown
fucking newfags

>claiming this 55.9% muttoid
>heh heh enjoy your shitskins

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>You're my best fan Vault Thief, you just don't know it yet
Please spit on me god-queen.

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from what i've understood the maliwan CEO wants the atlus Ceo to suck his Multielemental Burger or the viceversa

Seeing how maya is in the ship before going to the maliwan planet (unless they cheated there and used it for hype) you probably get to know her before getting the ship. Since zero is in another planet doing his own thing im sure the other 4 are fine in some other planet too i guess. The sanctuary 2 thing is more like a joke

Actual brown girls are trash. Tanned white and asian girls are justice. It has been this way since the dawn of time.

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I'm sick of female characters with fag haircuts

(((Western gaming)))

>that face

I like Maliwan

Meh, I usually whip out my Assault Rape 47.

More like Troy's goal, as Tyreen is more obsessed with her social media presence than actually getting shit done.

He's gonna backstab her and become the final boss.

Loli artists are terrible with faces. They're either generic moeblob sameface, really fucking weird like this, or uncannily realistic and probably traced from a photograph.

Can't tell if people are actually unironically attracted to these calart reject abominations or if it's all ironic shitposting designed to mock normalfags. Note that I have no criticism for the gameplay, borderlands is fun with pals.

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It's all just paid marketing that will vanish exactly one week after release.

Troy hasn't said anything particularly important yet, honestly don't know what you're talking about and why you are pushing this headcanon so hard.

She kinda reminds me of Sombra

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I was hoping she'd be a lot more cynical and mature based on her presence but she ended up being an obnoxious brat and it came off terribly.

Seems to me like the modelers had fun making the NPCs that they probably weren't given any direction for

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Because it's the most obvious cliche of a plot twist, and Borderlands is hardly a bastion of creative writing.

Look at those alien hands

I'm more upset with you for pointing this out than I am with them for allowing it to look like that in the first place.

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Why though

Zed likely went back to Fyrestone once Hyperion left.

Yet another unfinished shave job.

This 'hair style' will never look good.

>Zed's dead, baby, Zed's dead
Maybe so. However it says his name on the healing vending machine, not Tannis

Looks like a retarded gremlin alien. Shit character design.

The colonel is still on every KFC and he's been dead for decades.

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Why? The place is even more of a shithole than before.

>hairstyle thats been outdated since 2010 in a game that takes place in a far future

I want you to think about the post you just made and see if you can work out why it's completely retarded.

Robo Hobo is my Brobo

reminder that eridian and S&S were datamined

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Commandant Steele is the best known Siren!
Tannis is the best Siren overall

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He's just that loyal to his town.


jesus fucking christ i forgot that one bitch stole deathtrap's blueprints and sold them

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Deepest lore

nah i dont care
this is a thread about a gearbox game anyways.

Thank God, SnS were one of my favorites in 1 but the Bandit aesthetic alone in 2 we enough to make me like the weapons way less. Still some of the best guns to use though

Likely only for special BL1 throwback guns and not as standard manufacturers.

dude i love frieza

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Shadows die twice

Its covered with straps retard, open your eyes

Bl1 guns were based so I'm just happy its included at all.

Is steele even canonically a siren? Pretty sure they just used an old lilith model and didn't bother to remove her tattoos

Only after BL2 established that only Sirens can open Vaults.

from what i remember, Steele was supposed to have connections to all of the original 4 vault hunters, and was their reason for visiting pandora in the first place:
>Roland's old CO, who he wanted to convince to leave atlus
>Mordecai had a job to assassinate her
>Lilith found out she was a siren and wanted answers from her
>Brick's Sister

not sure if the siren part was still true, but most of that was written out of the final story

Is rhys a good guy in this?

Yeah. At least initially

Rhys is evil! He got possessed by some guardian thing in the Vault of the Traveler and is pushing his agenda. He raped and Killed Fiona before exiting the Vault.

are you blind?
the fucking straps under her head is her neck

You okay buddy?

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No steam no buy no watch no care.

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>PLOT TWIST: BL3 detects your Tales save and uses that to determine the tales characters in BL3.

You wish. The obvious thing they'll do is never acknowledge any of the player choices from Tales so everybody can keep their own headcanons intact.

I suppose the only big questions is, especially reguarding some of the Jack posters.

Did Rhys really keep Jack around?

all right you fucks, give me a list of all sins rand pitchfork has committed to this community and i will cancel my pre order on ps4

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is it weird that Randy is doing the same amount of damage control he did for the epic store exclusivity, but this time its for microtransactions that aren't microtransactions?
for some reason I feel like this nigger is gonna add some, he already had me with the gameplay video, but the damage control he's doing for "no microtransactions" is making me press X to doubt...

You mean, either kill him outright or leave him screaming in darkness forever with no body? Because either way, Rhys no doubt made sure that Jack will never rise again.

everything about this game is hyping me, there's so much QOL upgrades it's ridiculous, just having an option to press one button to buy all your ammo is good, the guns also look amazing and 3 skill trees with 3 action skills is top tier.

Honestly Randy's just a bit of a nutter, but I wouldn't cancel because of that.

It's your money, your purchase, do what you will.

Whose to say that?

Whose to say he didn't edit the Jack AI to be a better Handsome Jack that's less murder happy?
Or even if it's still Rhys

Because that would upset the people who actually played Tales by invalidating all their player decisions.

The easiest way to appease them all is to simply never reference anything from Tales beyond the forced plot-points (like Scooter's death and Rhys now running Atlas.)

You can teleport from your map menu to other fast travel stations and your own vehicle. This was confirmed by streamers a few hours ago, so that's another amazing QoL feature.


jesus get some taste please

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Randy is mad that somebody called microtransactions in form of cosmetics "microtransactions". Randy is a goof though, he won't stop me from enjoying BL3 though. So I'm keeping my pre-order and will play the fuck out of the game.


Just look in her direction and she collapses into an autistic screaming fit. Fight over.

I like Borderlands character design honestly. The girls are unironically pretty hot.

Zed is on Pandora waging a planet-wide civil war against Ted


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I fel the same. Things like sliding and mantling as well, it's small but really appreciated.

I'm so glad Ellie has taken Scooter's place and not Janey Springs.

This is what happens there's no execs changing shit cause "new thing popular", we could get gamepplay trailers years before release

The visual design is good. The dialogue, voice acting and character personalities are not.

You'd think they'd have picked up on that after the first two games, instead they just doubled down and made the writing and voices even more obnoxious.
The characters sound like a bunch of insufferable high-schoolers.

It's a shame because all the other aspects of the game look great.

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>The dialogue, voice acting and character personalities are not.
Nah, fuck off.

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It releases in 4 months, this isn't some Days gone garbage that is going to be 3 years with minimal info, they're going full in doing gameplay events every month (E3, Guardian Con...) until release.

They knew what direction the writing was going when they started releasing DLC. It's on you for expecting anything different from the BL norm.

>traced from a photograph

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