What is the most tasteless, gratuitously violent video game ever made? Hard mode: no Manhunt.
What is the most tasteless, gratuitously violent video game ever made? Hard mode: no Manhunt
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Everything by Rockstar is pretty tasteless.
But the actual violence in R* games is pretty tame.
Ninja Gaiden 3
Real life
The one where you can fuck fetuses in hell
I win.
>midget power!
Left 4 Dead 2 scratches the gratuitous violence itch pretty well. I like to pretend the zombies are normies :)
Does Postal 2 count or is it a meme pick? You can literally piss on people you've dismembered, then set them on fire.
Kind of a meme pick, but it's still fun. The gore is really outdated though. I'm still angry about Postal 3.
Does this count? I get gratuitous violence is kind of the schtick, but, eh, I'll throw it into the ring.
No, it doesn't count.
Unironically this. Nu-doom isn't bad because it's new, it's bad because it's a bad game. It's a giant shit on what classic Doom is.
This but unironically
soldier of fortune
Is SOF 2 worth buying on GOG? I know the gore is unparalleled, but is that all that stands out about the game?
Don't even remember. It was so long ago that I played it. All I do remember was much bodily damage you could deal to your enemies even after they were dead.