Rank them.
Rank them
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Fuck dmcturds
KH3 doesn't even deserve to be on this list. What an awful game.
DMCV > RE2 > Sekiro > KH3
Easily. Though to be fair I hear KH3 is a lot better now due to critical mode.
in no particular order
1. KH3
2. Sekiro
Huge gap
3. DMC 5
Huge gap
4. RE2
I don't like Sekiro.
Only DMC V (Xbox/PC) is good, the rest is soulless garbage.
I'm actually a DMCturd but DMCV was kind of a letdown
RE2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest
>left wall of your asshole
Huge gap
>right wall of your asshole
>KH above anything
What's it like having only one brain cell? It must make life really hard, huh?
>having shit taste
>Sekiro is soulless garbag-
DMCV > RE:2 > Sekiro > KH3
Sekiro is so fucking overrated.
DMC5 > re2 = seriko > kh3
DMCV > Sekiro > RE2
KH3 is fucking trash unfit to be ranked with the rest.
Yeah you do lol
Devil May Cry
ReMake 2
The other two aren't even remotely worth ranking.
You must be very miserable to get triggered by my preference on videogames.
literally GOTY
Sekiro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all that weebshit
KH 3 > DMC > Sekiro > RE 2
I enjoyed all these games. Had a blast playing all 4. I’m glad games are fun again
Sekiro is underrated, though.
Oh, is that what you call it when people bully you? Hahaha.
kh3 isn't fun it's bad and you're a stupid animal
one game gets a buy
one game gets a pirate
two game goes into the trash
Anyone who talks about KH is a manchild afraid of damaging his weak manlihood because of Disney and color
I've been out of work for most of the year, just got a job in April. Are DMC V and RE2 worth getting? I've played all of DMC besides the weird reboot game, but RE I've only played 1, 3, and 4. I never played the original 2.
literally not-Onimusha Movie Game Edition
I disagree but if you feel that way it’s okay user
>the cow goes moo moo.jpg
Both games are praised by fans, so it's down to if you want an action or horror game.
>Movie game
DMCV > RE2 > Sekiro > KH3
>DEmake 2
>Praised by fans
KH3 outsold all these games
I bought RE2 twice
Oh, I'd be getting both. I just wasn't sure if they were good or not. Thanks, user.
Quite fucking literally you tool. Its top 5 RE.
aren't you forgetting someone?
One of these is not like the others
DMC V = Sekiro > RE2 >>>>>>>>>>>KH3
Hard to forget that which was never remembered.
And the Eagles Greatest Hits outsold Thriller, so what's your fucking point?
>KH3 bad
Yeah, it is.
Sekiro > RE2 > KH3 > Nu-GoW >>>>>>>>>>>> DMC5
KH3 is legitimately one of the worst games I've had the displeasure of playing. The best thing I can say about it is that it's functional.
sometimes it really feels like we have Capcom employees in this board. Everyone knows that DEmake 2 was fucking garbage and with less content than the original RE2. And I'm not even talking about the casualization and ugly RE Engine that makes the game looks like western trash.
nuh uh
Yuh huh.
Sekiro > KH3 > DMC5 > RE2
You have to be bait.
DMC5 is garbage while KH3 is good.
Sekiro *almost tie* DMC V>>>>RE2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>KH3
DMC5 > RE2 > Sekiro > KH3
Ive only played kh3 so im putting that on top
KH 3 > DMC V > Re 2 > Sekiro
Other way around.
I am always surprised how triggered Yea Forums gets when people say they like Kingdom Hearts. Always amusing. It's like an irrational hateboner they can't control.
Because it's just so fucking gay that you can't help but hate it lol
God I regret buying that game, it's the cringiest button smashing faggot game I've ever played.. I should know better than takes Yea Forums advice on games
>enjoyed a bit
>no interest, haven't played
how's my aim
I only have a hatred for 3 because I was able to complete the game on proud without ever dying in combat, using block, or cure on myself. The only time I ever died was on the pirate ship race.
Is KH3 genuinely a bad game, or is it just shitposting because the fanbase is annoying?
DMC5 > RE2 > Sekiro >>>>>>>>> KH3
>if you farm currency you can kill one boss standing still
>game actively punishes you with a B for doing so
based retard
It is a movie game but it uses gameplay as the movie.
So am I but I despise the fans on Yea Forums, I don't know why they're so fuckign cringy. Especially now that we've gone full circle and the threads are nothing but literal faggotry.
re2 > sekiro dmc5 > kh3
I guess but take this thread for instance. All the posts saying they liked KH the best are getting angry replies while other posts only get angry replies for a game being last place.
More like DMCV is overrated
DMC is cringekino; KH is just cringe.
Huge amount of it is shitposting.
It is, BB is highly overrated, I wish I enjoyed it as much as you guys. But for me its short, no replayability until it got dlc, had an entirely unneeded game mode that wasn't fun, and Sekiro just does it better.
Wrong you're dead in a few hits Crit level 1. Go try it.
Where? Score is not required to clear any mission on any difficulty (besides the hated reboot ironically), that's just a DMCuck cope
kh3 > dmc5 > resident shit > sekiro
DMCV 8/10
KH3 7/10
RE2 Dunno yet/10, slowpoke, dont bully
Sekiro 6/10
RE2 > DMCV = Sekiro > KH3
I'm still playing RE2, can't say that about the others. I might come back to DMC at some point, but RE2 is literally perfect to me.
Getting a good score is a challenge and a reward.
Even baiting, you're embarrassing yourself not being able to understand that.
In case anyone was wondering, both these posts are XV-kun replying to himself trying to make believe there is some rivalry. This two exact images and same filenames are the same old he always uses.
Just laugh at the guy sad about Final Fantasy XV being universally hated.
Other way around.
DMC5 > Ace Combat 7 > RE2 > Sekiro > [Power Gap; Everything before this is an 8 out of 10 or higher] > KH3
RE2>DMC5>Sekiro>actual shit>KH3
>not a new ip
DMCuck literally samefagging to cope with btfo lmao
>Widely considered the best action game of all time
>Universally hated
What are you talking about? This is my first post. DMC5 was my first DMC game.
DMC5 10/10
KH3 dunno
RE2 8/10
Sekiro 11/10
Speaking completely mathmatically
If you use fuking haks to get infinite orbs, everione can do that
See everyone. XV-kun isn't even hiding anymore.
It's just Barry aka XV-kun trying to falseflag DMC fans as being in a rivalry war with Kingdom Hearts because he feels they threaten Final Fantasy XV for some reason.
>check out this footage of me holding circle
Literally kill yourself if you think KH 3 is better than RE 2.
>large expansive levels
>verticality, rappling
>branching paths
>interconnected world
>resource and item management
>skill based
>one weapon you have to master
>expand moveset with abilities
>have to choose the right set of prosthetic attachements to bring to battles and manage spirit emblems
>parry and posture break
>large expansive levels
>fun to move around, glide, air slide
>verticality, wall running
>shot lock
>air step
>can bring 3 unique keyblades with you and each can have up to 2 transformations
>magic, grand magic
>combo modifiers
>resource managment
>like 12 different keyblades with different transformations
>air dodge
>rage form
>block and counters
>attraction flow
>athletic flow
>run through hallways
>do an unnecessarily drawn out combo on a punching bag
>rinse and repeat
Sekiro > KH3 > DMC5. Haven't played RE2 yet
Haven't played RE2 and KH3 and I don't intend to.
>i-it doesn't count
It's better than DMC5, not RE2.
you're just embarrassing yourself at this point
>It's just Barry aka XV-kun
Ah, I've heard of this faggot. AC just got their own version not too long ago.
Sekiro's world isn't interconnected, though. Levels almost never connect to one another and you have fast travel available to you at every moment.
Reminder that Barry hasn't played Devil May Cry despite his shitposting.
re2 is great, you should play it
>DMC5 was my first DMC game
So why post? Your opinion is irrelevant.
DMC5 > Sekiro > RE2 > KH3
Mostly shitposting but it does have some big flaws. That said the critical mode patch sure as hell answered the demand for higher difficulty so the too easy complaint doesn’t hold up anymore.
>So why post? Your opinion is irrelevant.
Cause I was ranking the games, you retard. I am a longtime RE and AC fan, and the fact that I enjoyed DMC5 more than either of the new installments shows that the game is fucking stellar. I've gone back and played the rest just out of sheer enjoyment.
Nah, he's posting truth while DMCucks seethe and sperg.
More samefagging
Only played DMC5 of them. Never was into survival horror, From, or KH. RE2 and Sekiro look quite good for people who like those kinds of games though. I have zero frame of reference on KH3 and have seen opinions ranging from garbage to GOTY on it so I've really no clue outside of seeing some of the scenes from it for a laugh (Sully just chucking that Vanitas guy through five doors, Donald being the most powerful spellcaster in SE history, etc.). DMC5 didn't exceed expectations like Itsuno promised, but it met them. It's tied with 3SE in my eyes. As for Ace Combat 7 that also seems great for its fans, but I may actually pick it up at some point since the series has interested me in the past.
There's a good amount of games on the horizon I'm interested in this year: Astral Chain, My Friend Pedro, Samurai Shodown 7, etc.
found the faggot
>the fact that I enjoyed
Anecdotes aren't an argument. It's objectively measured and proven that DMC5 is shallow garbage, see Go play DMC1 then branch into real action games from Kamiya and Itagaki or fuck off newfag.
Personally DMC5>RE2>Sekiro>I've never played Kingdom hearts. The ones I played were pretty good.
he's not even holding circle, that team up attack is an animation
>It's just Barry aka XV-kun trying to falseflag DMC fans as being in a rivalry war with Kingdom Hearts because he feels they threaten Final Fantasy XV for some reason.
he wants them to fight because both games are superior to FFXV
>Literally kill yourself if you think KH 3 is better than RE 2.
why would you compare games of TWO DIFFERENT GENRES
Also, anyone that uses the phrase "DMCucks" is XV-kun shitposting and samefagging
see what? Cherrypicked shitposting by Barry?
I'll just leave this here.
Sekiro>Garbage>The Rest
>It's objectively measured-
I might be new to DMC, but even I know that webm is of the boss on Human difficulty using a weapon's ability that sacrifices tons of currency for high damage.
>Go play DMC1
On it, you fucking nigger. Ease up.
>Real action games from Kamiya and Itagaki
Already beat the fuck out of MGR and the NG series. Get off my dick.
DMC5 > KH3 > Sekiro. I'm not mentioning RE since they're completely different genres.
Also, KH3 critical is kino youtube.com
>game footage doesn't count because i say so
Neck yourself coping sperg. DMC5 is trash.
I've played the original. Is the story more or less the same, or is it different enough to be its own thing?
user you are arguing with a known schizoid. Is this your first Barry thread?
>All these kh3 shills in here
Before he jumps on you for it, Revengeance wasn't directed by Kamiya. The only games he's directed are DMC1, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Bayonetta, and Wonderful 101.
Speaking of, W101 is my favorite game of all time but I think DMC3SE/5 are just beneath it in terms of action games, alongside NG Black, God Hand, and Transformers Devastation.
>>game footage doesn't count because i say so
I never said it didn't count. It's that the footage is not holding circle, it's just ONE circle press
Note how the NPC DMCuck continues to damage control the webm because he knows the game is trash and goes as far as to pretend he has played games outside of his baby sandbag simulator series.
DMC5 is dogshit and so is the vid you posted. That guy isn't even Lv.1.
>Is this your first Barry thread?
Shit, I'm not sure. DMC bros have shat on me for starting with 5, so I was just responding as if it were one of those dudes.
Shit, you're right. My bad. Played most of those too, except for W101. I never owned a Wii U, so I never got the chance.
DMC5 > Sekiro
Haven't played the others yet.
DMCV > Sekiro > RE >>> KH3
>One of Platinums absolute best is erased from the market cause Activision was to cheap to keep the license.
Real shame.
10/10, although I would put shit in front of KH3
okay here's a level 1 youtube.com
Where does this rank ?
KH3 is fun as fuck on proud mode but when cutscenes start happening I just lose interest. I just got through Monstropolis and I fell asleep after the final boss
I just got to genichiro but I explored a lot, sekiro took a little while to get into but after I got the groove, comparing to dmc5 is a joke (even though I like dmc5)
Re2 is ok too the first playthroughts
>rank four completely different types of games
dead last
>IP count didn't move
This is your mind on DMCuck chimps after they've been confronted with the reality of their dogshit series having no depth, 100% sperg outs and 0% arguments. Play an action game outside of your little newfags circlejerk and you might develop some taste.
So don't post shit videos next time, it makes you look like a DMCuck falseflagging.
on any list its at the bottom
Dead last. How is that even a question. No game has been able to top it since in terms of sheer shitiness.
DMCV has V's segments and the new ranking system that actually punishes you for fighting enemies is garbage.
So it has to be
>God Tier
Resident Evil 2
>Good Tier
>Okay Tier
Kingdom Hearts 3
>barry impostor
I hate sand
Have not played Seikro yet but out of the three in terms of how I enjoyed it.
Sekiro and RE2 are clearly #1 and #2, after that I don't really care.
Haha no I call it boner time. You're making me so fucking hard right now user. My favorite vidya is persona 4. What are you going to do to me now?
Far below any of them
I didn't mind it, I thought the open world was neat and I liked the character interactions. But it's still below all the games ITT, especially in gameplay. Like a strong 5/10.
At least I don't have to fight Drunktard 4 times and watch le epic entrance of final boss every time
I guarantee that no one ITT has beaten
>DMC5 on DMD no revives no faust
>KH3 on Critical Level 1
>RE2 on Hardcore
If you haven't done all of this, you have no authority deciding which is best. You faggots are just shitflinging for the sake of it.
So bad it drove an Australian insane and dedicated his life to a crusade against two unrelated series.
>calling people samefags for stating the fact that KH3 is a turd
This is the game that made me stop being hyped for video games. I fucking hate this abomination so much.
All good games. I can't say either way for Sekiro since I haven't played it.
Seems about right
>>no faust
>just ignore the mechanics bro
Spotted the coping DMCuck trying to evade his game's failings
I didn't get S rank on dmd mission 10 and 18
Help me sempai
I think they're all fun and great in different ways, I'm really glad we've gotten so many fantastic games already this year.
I still gotta get RE tho
>just ignore umbrella aka Sundowner mode
Hey Anakin
>conveniently ignores DMC5 being dogshit
>claims others are coping
Oh no, it's retarded.
same except I'm interested in Re2
I hate sand
Great games. Haven't played KH3 yet due to the negative reception it gets here. I might actually buy it now, though.
>Super costume on Human
Faust is broken though even on DMD
I advise anyone to see Tekito's World Record BP run to see what efficient DMC 5 playthrough is like.
TLDW: Lots of max-act +knuckle bringer mechanic used which is two different timings after every attack. His core gameplay is also way above average.
>You can easily beat anything with Faust by spending red orbs
>You can buy red orbs as microtransactions
I think I just ruined DMC5 in my mind
>Where does this rank ?
XV ranks below any game in OP's list
>Haven't played KH3 yet due to the negative reception it gets here.
one autsit's shitposting isn't "negative reception"
>Faust is broken
Cheesed Ur REAZON 2-3 with in BP
Be sure to play it on critical now that it has it.
re2 > the rest, I'm not into swordshit
It’s much better to play now that Critical Mode is out. Now it offers a decent challenge.
And it only cost me $4.99+tax+tip for that win (^: not that it mattered, I use supers on human anyways. Imagine being poor
Basically this. DMC5 is dogshit.
KH3, now that Critical is out and the game seems to only be getting better.
oh no no NO NO NO
DMCucks will literally defend this
Don't worry anons. I always play at the highest difficulty.
>games for windows
Yeah because you're retarded and don't grind Mission 13 which is way mire efficient than buying 100k red orbs at a time.
It always offered challenge with Proud Level 1. Critical just improved it further.
DMCfaggots btfo
How dmcshit will recover? Based
Here's an argument: The two clips you're using to shit on DMC (spamming DRI on Berial and Faust Hat 4 on Urizen 2) are disingenuous. One is abusing a bug (a bug that is frame-perfect, for the record) and the other actively eats away at a resource that you couldn't possibly have enough of on a first playthrough to do that, and both bosses are very large and stationary (Berial being tall makes DRI exceptionally effective on him), and neither clip is on DMD (despite the 5 clip using the Super costume awarded from beating DMD that makes you way more broken). Neither clip grants the Dante player an S-Rank, both in the moment and for the mission if he were to do that in the stages leading up to those bosses. I've seen no clips of that nature for any other playable characters in 4SE or 5 (even though it'd be easy to have similar conditions to make Lady or V look braindead on low difficulties), and nothing from 3 at all.
DMC is built more around getting good stage ranks than most other action games. That's how it's been since DMC1. Style Ranks are part of the game's core, mechanically and thematically, and not going for them is essentially playing a half-difficulty lower. There's an argument to be made about how DMC's approach isn't as good as a more direct form of difficulty as opposed to simply encouraging the player to be better without requiring it, but that's not what you're saying.
I know this is way too much to be typing in reply to this kind of post but I'm just so curious how you intend to actually start arguing with me.
Doesn't change the pay-to-win design philosophy that rots the game at its core
Don't give it attention retard.
DMC V > Sekiro > KH III slightly> RE2
KHIII taking the new Critical Mode in mind, it made the game so much more fun.
RE2 was cool, but they fucked up the scenarios so bad.
>implying I play shit games
I always get annoyed when obvious bait/trolls try to turn the immediate dismissal of their bullshit "not having an argument". Sometimes I like to actually make an argument, since I know they're not equipped for one.
DMCV has a higher ceiling for doing stylish shit, but the floor is 10 feet underground
Every character has a sure-fire cheesing strategy that lets you get S rank, and most enemies are punching bags where the challenges comes from try to keep them alive long enough for an SSS rank.
Meanwhile a seizable chunk of players can't get past Enshin
Barry spams that same exact webm every thread. He got that webm because he was angry people posted this about FFXV so he now spams that to make DMC look just as bad. He does this every thread. There is no point giving him (You)s. He does the same thing with KH and one out of context webm as well. He is just a shitposter spamming the same thing every single day.
Don't even remind me of this garbage
Such a waste of so much potential
>mfw E3 2013 trailer happened
in the trash
It actually does because not once in the game is this necessitated. In fact, the game seems to usher you away from doing it. The game is absolutely the same as any of its predecessors, you're simply a charlatan who is participating in some weird and sick fad to decry games for the most petty reasons and histrionically throw fits over absolutely nothing while spouting empty words like "cope" or "seethe" when confronted by the truth. Because you're a fucking parrot.
>One is abusing a bug
Not an argument. You can't prove that it's a bug, it wasn't patched over several revisions (including DMC4SE).
>a bug that is frame-perfect
False. Mashing DT is all that's required. Go watch a speedrun and look at the input viewer, they mash the input.
>and the other actively eats away at a resource that you couldn't possibly have enough
Anecdote is not an argument. It's in the game and red orbs are easily acquired. If grinding trivializes your game it's a shit game.
>both bosses are very large
Irrelevant point. Every boss gets destroyed by them.
>despite the 5 clip using the Super costume
Which is a mechanic in the game.
>Neither clip grants the Dante player an S-Rank
Not required to clear any mission on any difficulty.
>DMC is built more around getting good stage ranks than most other action games
Appeal to emotion, not an argument. If it was built around this it would be required.
Oh no, it looks yet another retarded DMCuck got BTFO. Incoming cope where he claims the webm doesn't count for more arbitrary and asinine reasons.
>most enemies are punching bags
I've found that only three, the most basic types of every enemy group, are even remotely that. The vast majority are very capable of bullshitting on your DMD or HNH run
>It actually does
False, you don't get to arbitrarily decide that a game's mechanics don't count because it's inconvenient for your argument. DMC5 is dogshit and always will be, just like its predecessor.
This dude is the most efficient DMC player since DMC 3.
This is a World Record BP run. This style of play is an indicator of what actual good gameplay is from an efficiency standpoint. From a freestyle approach he is more middle ground than anything compared to the likes of 2be or Donguri. Nero's Knuckle bringer and exceed mechanic are a must to be efficient at DMC even if you don't care about style and those two mechanics pose a greater challenge than Sekiro AI.
RE2 > Sekiro = DMCV >>>>>>>>>> KH3
Based KHChad assfucking DMCucks yet again.
alquiler gratuito
Didn't play the rest
No it's just false you fucking faggot. You're being disingenuous about how necessary buying orbs is, which is to say it fucking isn't. You're fucking scum and if I ever saw you in person I'd make you eat a brick and rape you because you're scum.
DareIsay based
>You're fucking scum and if I ever saw you in person I'd make you eat a brick and rape you because you're scum.
Ow the edge.
How Faust is extremely powerful but uses red orbs isn't some fun gimmick, it's put in the game so that you can skip hard fights by paying.
I can't fathom how you can't see anything wrong with that.
If that really isn't enough, there's a much more significant part of the game that's corrupted by microtransaction centered design, and it's the game over system. Being able to keep playing with next to no penalty by using red orbs ruins all tension from the fights. If it wasn't meant to push microtransactions, there would be an option to skip the slow, ugly and intrusive continue screen, but there isn't
Based af.
Why did you bother posting this garbage? Ad hominem won't erase the objective proof of DMC's mechanical failings.
Not that guy but I'll agree the long continue/game over screen is fucking shit, loading times in general are one of the biggest valid faults in the game.
If you're just revive scumming anyway though the game shits Gold Orbs on you so there's not much incentive to buy Red Orbs to continue.
You are comparing the ceiling without taking into account the floor. If any of what was showcased required to beat the game? No, most of it isn't even required to beat the game on the highest difficulty with the best score.
For instance Sekiro bosses can freely chose their combo finishers so you are never certain what's coming at the end of a combo and have to react each time appropriately.
In DMCV bosses have set combos
DMC > Sekiro > Re2 > KH3
I finished them all and I was mostly invested in Souls and Kingdom Hearts. DMC just blew everything out of the water and KH3 was pretty trash, especially the end.
>DMCucks already this BTFO a few months after their meme game released
How will they ever recover? Holy fucking saved and these posts are getting copypasted whenever I see them acting uppity again.
based, fuck dmcfaggots
This . KH3 was a massive let down
My opinion is the only correct one fags.
Sekiro > DMC5 > RE2
Haven't played KH3 and probably never will.
Haven't played RE2 yet so
DMCV > Sekiro > not playing a video game at all > KH3
I'm almost convinced that everybody saying DMC5 has punching bag enemies hasn't gotten halfway through Devil Hunter, if they've even beaten the game.
Scudo Angelos require you to break their shields or flank them from behind. Proto Angelos are extremely resistant to hitstun and launchers. Nobodies have three different patterns they switch between that are all erratic, and the switch is based on masks that you need to destroy or parry during their switching animation. Judeccas, both bat enemies, and both goat enemies can attack from off-screen. Very few things can stop an Antenora's armored charge besides a Parry or a Buster. Furies DEMAND you to learn their vulnerability windows and attack timings to do them without taking damage, let alone without tanking your Style for the fight. Behemoths exist to be massive hazards but in turn can be tricked into hitting other enemies. Chaos are mostly invincible when in their buzzsaw form and need to be attacked from certain angles to break their spines, and doing so gives them a ranged attack. Riots on DMD activate DT extremely quickly which means rooms that are filled with them become dangerous fast. Empusa Queens are mostly just there to smack but with one of the more annoying enemy types or a swarm of Green Empusas alongside them they can be a problem, especially if they're enraged when you're not focused on them.
10 posts ago there were only 98 posters while there were 100 right before my post
Stop talking to yourself
DMC5 > RE2 > Sekiro
They are required to beat the game in a fast and efficient manner on harder difficulties.
I get that Sekiro has a higher floor but that can easily be mastered with less than 100 hours of gameplay.
When I think of longevity of games I look at skill ceiling first and foremost but I get that not everyone is as invested in single player games.
RE2 > KH3 (Critical) > Sekiro > DMC5
I enjoyed all 4
Very based.
hello barry
they are completely different games retard
DMC 5 8.5/10
RE2 8.0/10
KH3 7.5/10
I pirated Sekiro and dropped it after the second boss because I found it boring to play, so I can't rank it, I'll give it another shot when it gets -75% off
fucking based
RE2 >= DMC5 > Sekiro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the shit I took this morning > KH3
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
You are grossly overstating the difficulty of the mentioned enemies.
Proto Angelos and Behemoths are just cancer with more HP then bosses
Needing to learn Furies? Ragtime or just Cerberus them do death.
Chaos get stun-locked to death easily, and breaking spines gives you free SSS rank, the Goats have comical wind-ups to their attacks and get dropped from the sky by a wet fart.
Judeccas are just annoying teleporters
1080 you almost got resolution more enough when there aren't all attacks her life.
I can't get shit like I was for kids that figure out the main character without united Rusons being just a heavy something hard to trailer and wait 3D feels stupid on Steam.
trash farts 3 shouldn't even be on that list
I, too, hold opinions contrary to society.
>no Ace Combat 7
sorry user, but you missed one of the big 5 in your image
where are western games??
I really got to learn how to quad S
Go on, list the big profile western releases and let me have a laugh.
It's called gitting gud.
shut the fuck up retard
Faggots and fujos killed DMC threads
How can you tell they are a phoneposter, is it the filename?
Still better than KH3.
I'm not arguing that they're super difficult. I'm saying that they have patterns and tells you need to learn (even using Ragtime and Ice Age requires some timing and knowledge of a Fury's pattern; I personally hate Ice Age so I time Flint Wheel). They're not just there to be fodder, you need to learn them, especially on DMD when a Proto rush, Behemoth charge, Lusachia explosion, Fury combo, or Riot squad mauling will do 10+ pips of life.
What's the longevity of DMC? Grinding out BP for a high-score?
After SoS you get DMD where everything is just a giant damage sponge (fighting Proto Angelos on DMD is all kinds of AIDS thankfully you can just Demolition them).
And it doesn't help that the ranking system actually incentivises you to skip fights if you can
>enemy just stands there letting you wail on it
wow epic "gameplay"
Didn't play RE2 so I can't judge that one
DMC5 is the only one that matters. But only because Itsuno didn't take out all the good ideas introduced in the reboot. Good, because I was more hyped about a DmC2 than a DMC5. If we got another DMC4 I would've just dropped the series at this point.
I haven't really played Kingdom Hearts 3 yet.
Oh me calling you a faggot is bad arguing but you just actively refusing to acknowledge points is A-Ok
Kill yourself
KH3 is the only one I've played but
DMC5 > Sekiro > RE2 > KH3
still better than kh3 or ff15 lmao
Absolutely based.
For my playstyle its just simply drilling tech on specific enemies.
>better than kh3 or ff15
You are putting the bar so low, that there isn't even a bar anymore.
REmake 2 > Devil May Cry 5 > Sekiro > Kingdom Hearts 3
REmake 2 was everything I ever wanted it to be. Devil May Cry 5 was mechanically and graphically perfect, but the plot being a retread of 3 really disappointed me. Sekiro is pretty good, not great, but good. Kingdom Hearts 3 was fucking INFURIATING after waiting 13 goddamn YEARS for that piece of steamy garbage.
Why do you gays always put kingdom of babies with the others?
Behold, your western GOTY
all zoomers must die
Because KH2FM was a great action game
>KH3's combat is absolute shit tie-
chad and redpilled
Sekiro>everything else
Those other 3 games are nothing but lazy rehashes that add absolutely nothing new.
Weebfags are delusional.
Haven't played KH3 but from what I heard from friends and online it's absolute trash, maybe that DLC and new difficulty might fix it but I'm not going to bother spending my money on it until it's "complete". Sekiro and DMC I love both the combat, but I admit I havn't played around much in DMC compared to Sekiro but will come back to it because it has so many options and combos to try out plus Bloody Palace I've yet to play.
the story was
what the fuck you trying to achieve with that webm
Came to post this.
You mean RE2 and DMCV are overrated.
Also you may not know this but DMC 4 community has been pretty active since its release. The SE version brought out more players to boot and the game has gone through a lot of combo meta development throughout the years. Pretty sure the skill ceiling has been reached though with Sakaki and HuangRsfly at this point at least with Dante.
>Haven't played KH3 but from what I heard from friends and online it's absolute trash
It's not exactly trash just really, really mediocre
Muh straight rights
>literally mashed one button
Was this thread's intention to summon both Barry AND Michael at the same time? If so well done.
>Ace Combat 7
Shit nobody has heard of and is probably a big pile of shit
The irony of that statement leads me to believe you're just shitposting.
Using red orbs to revive removes the x1.2 multiplier from no continues, but gold orbs give a penalty on top of that
She never knows but just finished and into these are not closely afseed to make that MH combat so why did JPP it, just look at this serie?
Do when games is a loot of goaling based into character does that? And a franchise was still a closed at the east, as if the units are boring as him.
Nigger AC7 is the most boring shit imaginable.
>What's the longevity of DMC
Whatever you want it to be
I see zero camera work, zero targeting, zero defensive play being done here. As someone who hasn't played the game this could've very well been just mashing one button. That's not good gameplay.
Are you OK user?
What irony? Sekiro completely redefined vidya.
damn that looks like trash
Trips of truth.
prove him wrong
pro-tip: you can't
RE2 > KH3 > Sekiro > DMC5
>combo meta development
Whatever rocks you boat man.
Not many (almost nobody) cares about the metagame of single-player games.
I am actually at a loss here because you are invested in the game to a point where debating is pointless.
it's just dark souls 7
Stop promoting your garbage game, chink employee.
Let's be real, the only playable games here are the ones on the right.
>Ace Combat 7
Where do you think these ranking threads come from in the first place?
thanks for not being hostile. I mean it.
I loved the shit out of DMC5, most fun I had playing video games in years. I didn't plan to, but I beat the story in one sitting. What a great night. RE2 was a really good game too, loved it. I didn't play Sekiro (not much of a souls fan desu) and KH3
>on the left
Honestly I wish we could put forth the time and dedication the City of Heroes community did with Leo, find Barry and just kill him
Who is Michael?
>new automatically equals good meme
How hard could it be? He already idiotically self exposed his own twitter, youtube, psn account and various banned accounts from other sites.
In the case of Sekiro, it does.
somem retarded nigger obsessed with re2 the same barry is obsessed with dmc5
Now you know how annoying the DMC4 "elitists" are. They ruined the DMC comunity by circle jerking over a half-finished single player game.
Regardless of which game is best overall, we can all agree that pic is the best boss fight.
>the best boss fight.
It's more about getting the right person with the will and know how to do it. Otherwise it's just hot air. I'm sick of not being allowed to talk about a game without some faggot making derelict shitposts and replying "BASED!!!!!!!!!" to himself over and over.
Sekiro > RE2 > DMCV
I haven't played KH3 yet but I can't imagine it being better than DMCV
>Dante cries on his enemies
>DM changes depending who is alive
>blocks your path
DMCV >>>> the rest don't even matter they are just noise anyway
DMCV is a game that we waited nearly a decade for and it actually lived up to the hype
It's true.
I don't want to be associated with those subhumans.
>actually lived up to the hype
Zoomer spotted.
He is objectively right. Sekiro is fresh and sexy, KH3, RE2 and DMC5 are just rehashes of old games that already exist. You can't disprove this.
that's how a action game should be, fuck backtracking like a autist this isn't resident evil
he was too easy. OWL was better
Sekiro is just a rehash of old soulsborne games that already exist. You can't disprove this
ALright fags here's the breakdown.
Worst story, close tie between Dmc5 and KH3, both reliably have terribly stories. But KH has really perfected it, they haven't told a decent story since their first game. KH wins
Best wives, Re2, easy. Clair or Ada threads are cash. KH again could competed here. Dmc made trish and lady pretty ugly, so they are out.
Sekiro is spelled S.e.k.i.r.o. so it definitely wins spelling the world Sekiro. Gold
It plays nothing like any of the Souls games.
Nice job outting yourself as a plebbitor.
Yes I can, and so can everybody who's played it.
Played Ace Combat for the first time yesterday, got bored after 2 minutes and deleted it from my hard drive.
Fag or tranny
1. RE 2
2. DMC 5/KH 3
3. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Serious question, for the people who played DMCV did you just beat it once and that's it? The gameplay is what keeps you interested, and there are tons and tons of things to try out, if you don't like experimenting and trying out combos that's on you.
Most of the rooms in DMC3 are straight lines, any exploration you do is generally fluff or wasting time. It's not nearly as intricate as you're pretending because it's almost entirely one hallway you must go down to get the key to open a new hallway to get the next key for the next hallway before getting a big key, back tracking all of it and going to a new hallway to repeat the process. But hey, you got a D for Time because you were "exploring."
DMC5 just trimmed the fat. If you actually mapped out the path you take on 3's map they'd look identical.
DMCV >>> RE2 > Sekiro > KH3
Devil May Cry is the best action game of the decade, some games come close, but there's few things you can pick up from it that are substansially impactful to the experience.
RE2 was great, survival horror sweeness arguably better than the original, and since it's RE2 we're talking about, nuff said.
Sekiro is more FromSoft formula. It has some cool spins, but some of the choices Sekiro does on its own actually make it worse. Bloodborne remains FromSoft's best game, and Sekiro vs Dark Souls is a reasonable debate.
I never liked KH very much, it's a series for kids hyped up by adults looking to experience a magic disney game again, it wasn't going to live up.
No you didn't.
if you wanted some Lady pics you just had to ask
>FromSoft's best game
You called?
Not same user, but 5 had some god damn terrible level design. They couldn't even Asthetically make them stand out. Probably the worst in the franchise.
RE2 - 8/10
Sekiro - 7/10
Don't care about the other two cringey weebshit.
>the second half
No thanks.
Anyone can easily do shit like this to make something look stupid.
Jesus that jew nose
>5's aesthetic was absolute as-
DMC5 > RE2 > Sekiro > KH3
>someone got upset enough to actually make that
>looping Nier:A into these faggy stereotypes
It was way too good for you, user.
5 >= 3 > 4 > anime
Also it's just a nose after its been broken, it's cute
Looks like a lot of time and effort went into it. Gottem, right?
Yes, I did. It also pissed me that the speed was wrong as well.
>Wait for green box to turn red, rinse and repeat.
>Somewhat good music plays, but doesn't make up for the repetitive, aimbot gameplay
>shows why it was ass
I was either in a city street, a tunnel, or a silver tree the entire game. It got to the point I didn't even notice when areas changed. Yea, it was bad
Someone was pissed enough about new games to make THIS
Only Qlipoth levels are bad, street ones are the best in the series
Nier is garbage.
>Green box to turn red-
Nice try, DCSfag. We know it's you.
They're all equally shit.
>Sekiro, a game made by Japanese devs set in Japan
I don't think you know what you're talking about. I can distinctly remember missions because of distinct landmarks in them. Like: Even the Qliptoth levels all have different ambience. Like look at any of the diverging points. They all have a consistent theme and tone but the atmosphere can also be radically different each time.
Notice how the only people left posting ITT are DMCfags. No other fanbase is unintelligent enough to unironically participate in a bait thread of this level, let alone use it as a circlejerk.
im sorry that your headcannon ruined the game for you, fujo.
good games : DMCV, Sekiro, REmake2
games for fucking retards: KH3
okay now what
>tfw it was literally the complete opposite to me
Oh well.
Sekiro isn't weebshit. It's high IQ ludocore.
Absolutely kino.
Eh. Best one could get out of twitter is a partial email of ba*****@live.com.au.
It's pretty hard to track down people online despite what some would have you believe.
Rent free
user you didn't post Dark Souls 2.
Anyone that can look at these and not admit Sekiro is the best game this year is a disingenuous retard
>one poster user meme
Yes, yes, it's always just one.
Isn't Barry almost being arrested in Australia because he doxxed a girl who said FF15 were trash?
What is there to cope about? Sekiro is a lot different from your usual low IQ weebtrash (Tales, Nier, KH, etc.). Sekiro is going to be remembered as a modern classic.
Yes, when someone meticulously uses the same exact language every time they pretend to be someone else, it's easy to tell.
Barry, you literally defending FFXV earlier this thread. People know you are not a made up boogieman.
By the way bazztek fits ba*****. Is it [email protected]?
DMC5 > Sekiro > RE2 > KH3
From an objective standpoint it's probably the best game released this year but I don't feel compelled to play it.
This thread kicked off shitting on DMC, ended in a DMC circle jerk. We are a powerful and motivated few.
I don't think you know what this word means.
>trying to memorize signatures
Now you're just being a schizo.
>Posts this immediately prior to multiple people arguing for Sekiro
Maybe some people want to turn bait threads into discussion threads.
Let's get this out of the way. At what point did you realize Sekiro was an absolute masterpiece?
Sekiro is literally just a tenchu game that they decided to make a new IP half way through and copypasted souls games to complete it
No amount of gaslighting can change the truth. Barry loves praising himself.
DMC V > Sekiro > RE2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>faggots>kh3
Absolutely based.
Oh, now it's all just one person hating all these games.
>The truth is everyone likes these games, it's just one person who is a big boogyman.
This sounds realistic to you? Am I gaslighting or are you really a schizo?
Or maybe aranea*@hotmail.com?
Which do you prefer?
He has also posted illegal pictures to derail threads beforw.
No. Plenty of people dislike these games. Especially KH3 because it took the most time to come out. But there is absolutely a trend of one guy coming out of the woodwork to derail discussion of games like DMC and KH. He uses the same images, he uses the same posts, he replies the same way and always replies "BASED" to himself.
I'm sure there is some copycat play going on, but there is absolutely one root cause of this extremely consistent and concentrated effort to shut down any and all discussion of whatever they choose.
how can one australian autistic fatty seeth so much?
DMC5>Sekiro. Haven't played RE2 yet and I don't give 2 shits about Kingdom Hearts.
Sekiro and DMC5 are both great games but I just enjoyed DMC5 more even on higher difficulties when I get my ass kicked but Sekiro just made me felt kinda empty after beating most bosses. I think it's because you only have one real method to beat each boss and that is to use R1 until their health gets down while using items,tools, and combat arts to help out with that and most of them are mediocre when it comes to doing that. Sekiro's combat depth comes from the enemies and bosses numerous attack patterns that you have to learn and that isn't bad but it takes away replay value and doesn't make me want to replay the game.When I beat a boss it didn't feel like that boss taught me something new, I didn't get anything cool or a new ability, it feels as if the reward for beating the boss is just the feeling of beating the boss which isn't bad when I say it like that but I just don't know how to describe the feeling.
>that is to use R1 until their health gets down
But you should be focusing on posture, not vitality.
I view posture as the only real health unless i'm fighting the gaurdian ape
one of the few good and sane posts of this thread
Central Yharnam looking good, don't remember Amygdala being that big though
Sekiro = DMC 5 > RE 2 > KH 3
>open the thread
>get halfway down
>literally just one guy samefagging constantly
jesus christ
Looks more like the Hunter's Nightmare, desu.
there are several bosses you have to damage some first because their posture recovery is ridiculously fast, but yeah posture breaking is way more effective.
Hunter's Nightmare is various shades of brown with the occasional red on the ground. That image doesn't look anything like it.
But everyboss on the first playthrough gives you something good when you beat them, some gives you skills, others prayer beads, big bosses give you attack power, those are all very satisfying. The tools and combat arts you have to experiment with more to understand their uses. It isn't that much different from DMCV if you go out and try out other playstyles, the bosses can be beat multiple ways. NG+ is the best opportunity to try out all those stuff because you have most of skills and tools by then.
DMCV > KH3 = REMake 2 > Sekiro = Ace Combat 7 >>>>> shit >>>>> Jewish Kombat 11 = Fallout 76 >>> FFXV
Why are you lying, user?
I have sekiro out of luck but I am hesitant to play it. Looking at the footage I've seen, it looks like it's Dark Souls. I suck at DS and even though I like to play it now and then, I do get frustrated with it.
>Resident evil 2 last place
this kind of shit makes me grateful that I wasnt born retarded
Literally 20 seconds in and he damages the chained ogre vitality.
RE2 was short but I agree with you. It was great and shouldn't be las place.
It plays nothing like Dark Souls.
RE2 just isn't great to replay too much honestly. It's terribly repetitive, even between scenario A and B
KH defence force everybody. Yea Forums is one person when you say KH is bad
Chained Ogre isn't a boss.
And classic RE2 wasn't repetitive? You still played it over again.
RE2 had substantial changes, depending on scenario order.
>rehashed story from dmc3
>less playable characters than dmc4
>dante moveset is the same shit and his new sword is stupid
>v gameplay sucks dick
>levels are boring garbage demon tree goop for most of them
I don't get the hype, after playing bayonetta dmc5 seems so fucking mundane
Its probably one of the games I have replayed the most. Yes, it has almost no replay value, but getting S+ rank in all times is super fun
I remember being a kid and thinking "holy fuck yes i get 4 games in one" i waa enjoying RE2 that much. Then it even gave me Hunk and tofu.
>>rehashed story from dmc3
I wish. DMC5's story was an atrocity.
Literally stop getting mad and just learn how to play, getting mad at games is such a pointless thing to do, it's honestly cancerous culture if it actually makes you go insane and break your controller and whatever you have other issues. All you have to do is have some patience, sit down, learn how to play.
>dante moveset is the same shit and his new sword is stupid
That's one of my big issues with the remake. The changes are front loaded in that you start with a different save room, and Mr X comes to give it to ya a little earlier but otherwise they're identical runs. Effectively rendering scenario A useless beyond achievement.
>rehashed story from dmc3
The stories are completely different though. Why do people lie about DMC5 so much.
because they didn't played it
Which is baffling because REmake added a lot of replayability compared to RE1 and that's an almost 20 year old game.
I said I get frustrated with it. I didn't say I rage and start throwing my controller like a fucking 13 year old. When I do get frustrated, I just shut off the game and do something else.
Sekiro is only hard if you're a turbo brainlet. If it's something you're interested in, get it. It's a great game.
>some gives you skills
Few and far in between and the skills aren't that useful
>others prayer beads, big bosses give you attack power
Prayer beads and attack power stopped being satisfying after you realize the bosses and new regular enemies are still doing a fuck ton of damage that takes away most of your health in few hits and their posture and health although are higher,takes basically the same amount of damage (due to their health being higher and posture being bigger) making attack power increases useless until probably new game plus when you can increase with levels.I've said this in a previous post but it doesn't help that the game has random mini bosses towards the later half that rewards you with either prayer beads or worthless items making it a coinflip every time you face one to see if it's worth your time.I've tried and looked up other methods to beat bosses but most of it comes down to either cheesing the bosses, taking advantage of AI or just a boring method, your webm as an example is the boring method no offense, after playing seeing that webm just looks like abuse of the sometimes stupid AI's and using the Sabimaru,dodge,Sabimaru,dodge repeatedly isn't real variety, fun and is just boring.
>rehashed story from dmc3
Not true
>less playable characters than dmc4
Not true it has more playable characters than DMC4 and less playable characters than 4SE
>dante moveset is the same shit and his new sword is stupid
You suck dick at using him than
>Ace Combat 7
>Not shit
Holy shit, fp actually bp this time. What a rarity.
RE2: 9/10
DMC5 8/10
Sekiro 7.9/10
KH3: 6/10
Why are you people such faggots?
>t. games journo
Exactly my point. You guys act like such faggots over your super special favorite game.
Let me guess, you got filtered by Chained Ogre?
Unless you're playing on NG++ or higher without Kuro's charm, it's not a hard game.
DMC5 is the first game i had fun playing in a long time
haven't played kh3
this, i think i didn't had this much fun playing a game since 2013
Play more games.
RE2 = Sekiro > DMC5
Sounds like you're just trash.
what games
>Devil May Cry V > Sekiro > Resident Evil 2 > Kingdom Hearts III
as someone who's actually played these games besides the KH garbage: they're all great and don't compare well due to how different they are in their respective genre
It's weird. Because you seem compelled to act like a faggot, it seems. I put the game down a month ago at the Ninja Slayer mini boss after I killed him. I've been meaning to get back to it but it's not an exceptional priority. The game felt more like a chore than anything so I'll get it done in my own time.
I just don't see why you and your lot can't help yourselves and are somehow driven by necessity to be as obnoxious and faggoty in your dick waving as you can.
I got all 1000 points in sekiro. I feel empty now.
>The game felt more like a chore than anything
Git gud.
>Git gud
I guess it just can't be helped.
Trash at what? I beat the game and had my fun with it, tried new stuff and different methods and just didn't feel enjoyment.
he's right, the game does feels like a chore, you just have to parry it's basically a rhythim game
the guy defending KH is the one spamming you absolute brainlet. he remade the same images so he can get past the hash filter and post them multiple times in the same thread
Want to know what's funny? He's actually a FF15fag and it's false flagging as a KHfag
Deepest lore
>Space and time are filled with Thunderous echoing laughter
Are you retarded? why are using spear against owl?
Imagine if Cyberpunk 2077 has a surprise Q4 release and CDPR cucks From out of GOTY awards yet again.
fuck you
re2: best atmosphere (police station not the fucking sewers or sekrit umbrella lab)
sekiro: best boss fights
dmcv: best ending
kh3: JUST
i agree with everything, just would add DMC5 has the best gameplay too
I enjoyed them all a great deal.
But Sekiro's gameplay is better in every way.
Not him, what website is this?
Remakes can suck my dick.
>DMC5 (what the fuck is DMCV?)
Not worth 11 years of waiting, but still pretty god damn great. Huge grin on my face all throughout.
FromSoft game. Ergo, decent at its best, mediocre and boring everywhere else.
>Kingdom Hearts
Haven't played it, but after dozens of games I have to suppose they've gotten the formula down pat.
Not even a little bit
Sekiro gameplay is better than every Dark Souls, yes
But it isn't better than DMC3 let alone DMC5
yea, no.But it does have the best gameplay out of the souls/borne shit
>better than Dark Souls
>better than Dark motherfucking Souls
eat a turd and die OH WAIT you probably didn't even get past the Asylum Demon
just die
? what the fuck you on about i completed every from soft game that they released on PC
>large expansive levels
>verticality, rappling
>branching paths
>interconnected world
>resource and item management
>skill based
>one weapon you have to master
>expand moveset with abilities
>have to choose the right set of prosthetic attachements to bring to battles and manage spirit emblems
>parry and posture break
>run down hallway, fight enemies
All I can say is that Sekiro has NO replay value and is pretty repetitive.
So RE2> Sekiro
I haven't played the other games.
I thought you were talking about gameplay not level design
evry teim
>I thought you were talking about gameplay
I am.
I'll be honest with you, user. If you think Dark Souls 2 and 3 are better than Sekiro, you have irreversibly shit taste.
I don't like comparing Sekiro to DMC5 because it's like comparing oranges to apples, they are just different kind of games. But personally i think DMC5 gameplay is less clunky and more responsive. It's just really smooth and well done
the fact that you even mention stealth just shows that you're shitposting.
Holy shit, this can't be real.
uber real
>look at me juggling this one enemy that doesn't even fight back!!!
>OMG so hardcore and good!!!!1
DmCfags should all be castrated
>OMG so hardcore and good!!!!1
This but unironically.
Kill yourself XV-kun
to each his own
>press button for cinematic finisher
>it glitches out
showed me
you just had to ask if you wanted more webms
>have to press button to play game
woah, you just might be on to something.
No one is talking about how "hardcore" DMC is, they were just saying that DMC has alot more control over it's gameplay and combat and so is better for them, no need to get defensive, both Sekiro and DMC are good at the end
>cinematic finisher
>its glitches out
just admit you didn't play it
He's just mad because the game he shills only requires you to hold one button to win.
Legit, the enemies in this game have retarded tunnel vision, that an enemy didnt notice me walk right pass him, I was so confused when that happened
>FFXV is straight up dogshi-
Shitposters and haters mostly.
why the fuck would I?
Absolutely fucking based.
i fucking love dmc5
to have a valid opinion and believable critiques
>Remakes can suck my dick.
XV-kun absolutely buried yet again. What a loser. Feels good to be on the winning teams.