>Some full-time employees were allegedly part of cliques at NetherRealm and they would sometimes mock contractors behind their backs. "They were called nicknames behind their backs and they were very inappropriate, especially for women. A lot of the nicknames for women were really perverted and disgusting." Other sources say they've only heard of the nicknames second hand.
>The desperation to earn a full-time position at NetherRealm, essentially a protected status, was repeatedly dangled in front of young, hungry developers. Leads would tell contractors of openings at NetherRealm "in the 'near future' and to 'keep working, you're doing great!'"
>"We all had hopes of getting hired after our contract were up," said another former contractor. "Spoilers: none of us got hired immediately after our contracts were up."
>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year, back-to-back-to-back weeks of overtime," said one source. "[Everyone] knew it'd come again for updates and DLC, it was almost endless."
Some full-time employees were allegedly part of cliques at NetherRealm and they would sometimes mock contractors behind...
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont give a fuck
>"Some of those Fatality sequences you love are from temp workers," revealed one source. "NetherRealm will send out an email early in production to get people to submit ideas for fatalities. Of course, they invite the temp workers because they can just give away an awesome idea without having to pay them extra for it. One person in QA made storyboards for their suggested fatality sequence. Their idea made it in, but they never got that full-time position they were chasing."
>A couple of months before launch, a major leak for Injustice 2 found its way online, and, according to our sources, NetherRealm president Shaun Himmerick called in the contractors for an emergency meeting regarding the leak.
>"That CEO leak meeting was scary," said one source present about the meeting. "We were unfairly blamed, almost dragged out of our chairs for an 'immediate meeting to discuss NDA issues.' His tone was absolutely unprofessional." Another source called the meeting "demoralizing."
>"It was just awful. I felt like we were just corralled into a room to be screamed at," said another source present at the meeting. "It was disturbing. People were upset and crying and I was really shocked that it happened."
>tfw you will never make a blue hair game dev cry
Why even live Yea Forumsros?
>crying after getting yelled out
FPBP eternally
Maybe next time they code for a bank instead the making games meme
This makes NRS sound based as fuck
lmao "progressive woke" game company is actually scummy as fuck and using all that political shit as a shield, as usual
>220-plus hours during a month
Is this supposed to be a lot? A month has 730 hours.
Yeah man so cool, exploiting interns ! I wish all my favorite big corporations were like this. I love dehumanization, especially when I'm the one with power !
This is literally the entire customer service industry, remind me why I should give a fuck?
Im completely ok with this, because by large while I enjoy games and gaming I can unironically say I hate 99% of game devs and all that entails, from the lowest position to the highest they are almost to a man (should I say xir?) overwhelmingly leftist, insufferable new age "socially aware" faggots and cunts with blue hair and piercings. Who continually demean and shit talk their own user base and then act the victim when said users fire back. Im tired of them and the system that supports them and im glad they suffer. Its the same reason while the whole argument about Epic being "better for devs" doesnt affect me. I don't give a fuck about the devs, they deserve hate, they deserve lower pay, I hold no sympathy. All the good devs are either retired or quit the industry, there is nothing left but an ocean of mediocre college grads with entitlement issues living in San Fran
>I wish all my favorite big corporations were like this
They pretty much are. Really cannot understand the American intership system.
>This place was awful and treated us like garbage!
>I wish they'd given me a permanent position!
Yeah, if it’s a everyday work schedule it’s only hours each day likely a 10-5job.
>studio full of assholes
>"Nether Realm"
>Unfairly blamed
Nah, how else are you going to deal with internal leakers if you don't know who did it
I uh, I still do too. Not immediately or anything. Just sometime after I get to reflect on it. Really makes me think of my dad and the abuse I received as a child.
Do you work in the customer service industry?
Shits fucked everywhere and you shouldn't accept that shit if it happens in your sector man
When are we getting the American Release of MK11? I'm not paying for a Censored Muslim Version that has all the female characters covered from head to toe.
>hey they fired me but it wasn't my fault, trust me.
I have no sympathy for contractors.
Now if we were talking about full time employees, yeah, bring the guillotine, the bourgeois must die. But contractors? Fuck you women, niggers and nigger women
when you're a contractor, your pay is shit compared to the full-time workers
funny how "journos" suddenly demands no proof when it's about sjw being bullied and hated by white people
Game devs are subhuman and as such do not deserve basic human rights.
lol no.
> come up with idea for fatality
> no credit
NRS is starting to look cartoonishly scummy at this point
Absolutely based
have sex.
and might I said...redpilled?
Yeah, fortunately always had good bosses who kept the people they were in charge of mostly separated from those issues.
The second post doesn't work so well as a direct comparison, but swap NDA breach with low productivity and the meetings are comparable. Also overtime is an unofficial issue, since almost no company will pay overtime in this industry. Some people still work it, though.
no, contractors get paid more than their equals in full-time positions, but they don't get benefits and lack job security
Fuck Netherrealm and fuck MortalCuckbat
can't even begin to comprehend how you came to this conclusion
This is why you dont hire trannys and woman. All they do is cry
-Ok, but only with beautiful17 years old never with a postwall hag or worse yet...a post-op freak!
Nigger women are the worst. And that's at the top of the Diversity hiring list.
Affirmative Action is more racist than even I am.
Not really, it just makes them even more hypocritical. Then again that's how companies work, they insert liberal leftist shit in their products and virtue signal about "core values" while operating with cutthroat capitalism themselves.
Since everyone can influence their place of employment I don't have that much against it by principle or anything, but you just fucking know that same people who dehumanize interns and abuse women at the workplace will get away with it by tweeting about new feminist game designs.
But as said in the thread before, it kinda serves snowflake devs right that they get buckets of ice water on their faces from actual indistry after they leave their college safe spaces, and serves the compaby right that they get bad press to bite them in the ass after all the virtue signaling they don't live up to themselves.
I just wanted to let you know that I liked your post and I agree with it.
Cheers, effort poster.
you should, at least because you are promoting trannies passing imaginary stories as news worthy of law changes.
>Some full-time employees were allegedly part of cliques at NetherRealm and they would sometimes mock contractors behind their backs.
>The desperation to earn a full-time position at NetherRealm, essentially a protected status, was repeatedly dangled in front of young, hungry developers.
>"It was just awful. I felt like we were just corralled into a room to be screamed at," said another source present at the meeting.
A whole lot of this is a bunch of nothing that also happens regularly in every single other occupation. The only problem is the unpaid overtime, rest is just a bunch of hipsters crying about things blue collar workers have been enduring for decades now.
>220 hours a month
At four weeks a month that's only 55 hours a week, that's not nearly that bad. Lots of people work 60 hours weeks in many industries and not all of them are in comfy offices making video games.
>wageslave power games
nothing new, scum working for scum working for scum
Thank you Im an accelerationist when it comes to the games industry, I welcome its utter crash and burn and I hope it happens, I hope video games die as an industry for at least 10 years. Then we can start again.
It's almost like human society sucks monkeyfuck, and almost like having a scarcity of jobs instead of a scarcity of available workers is a civilization-destroying globalist disease.
>how could people hate me in real life? I just shut them up with a one liner that I'm the only one to find clever. Clearly I got fired because I was too good at twitter and facebook, not because I signed to code their racist game lol.
Based NR btfoing trannies and codemonkeys
>He says that lots of CS programs are being dumbed down now. For example, he says that there are schools who are removing math requirements from CS and are doing things to "improve diversity" by dumbing CS down drastically and that there is becoming increasing numbers of CS grads who "hold a degree from a university that would be equal to a community college CS degree 10 years ago".
>Along those lines, he said that there is "mass incompetence" in tech right now that would "scare the shit out of us" if we saw it first hand like he did. For example, he said the recent scandal of Facebook storing passwords in plaintext was "just the tip of the iceberg" of what he has seen and that at even the largest companies, "incompetence is widespread and only a handful of truly competent staff are keeping things together". He says that all it is going to take is a few of these morons doing a few big stupid things and substantially damage these companies if it ever hits the media. He said that he blames "diversity initiatives" for part of this and that he has been at some big tech companies that are now literally hiring based on skin color or genitals rather than credentials. Some people questioned this and he said "Go visit the IBM jobs website if you doubt me or any other tech hiring site at a mega-corp for that matter."
Put CS back as a math branch. See how the saturated offer practically disappears (along with women, poos and niggers) and salaries become competitive again for CS jobs. Devs will either have to step up their game or get fucked
All Lefty Gave Devs are complete faggots.
This, those kind of hours are pretty much standard in the restaurant and fine dining industry and if you ask about breaks you better be a fucking smoker.
THIS. I dont give a shit since they attacked my boner culture
Imagine being so cucked you voluntarily work 220+ hours a month.
I sobered up from the "Wanting to work in the games industry" meme while I was still in college, thankfully.
And what's worse is that 50 hour weeks aren't their standard, it's their "crunch time" or whatever they've been bullshitting about in other articles.
This but unironically. I have yet to see another use for women than being cum dumpsters. And no "killing albino zombies in tv shows" doesnt count as much as youd like it
>WOKE gamedev were exploited to make a shitty SJW game
>Now all can do is cry while noone hires them for making shitty SJW games that flopped
>It's a "the people pretending to be extremely woke and progressive are actually huge assholes in real life and their wokeness is just an act so nobody will suspect them of it" episode
Do Male SJW's even exist?
what makes you think its different elsewhere
you people have no fucking empathy
let's hope you are not treated like you treat other people
>have empathy for people doing their jobs
I bet you got your panties in a twist over the avengers cinema popcorn messes lmao
>A couple of months before launch, a major leak for Injustice 2 found its way online, and, according to our sources, NetherRealm president Shaun Himmerick called in the contractors for an emergency meeting regarding the leak.
>"That CEO leak meeting was scary," said one source present about the meeting. "We were unfairly blamed, almost dragged out of our chairs for an 'immediate meeting to discuss NDA issues.' His tone was absolutely unprofessional." Another source called the meeting "demoralizing."
>"It was just awful. I felt like we were just corralled into a room to be screamed at," said another source present at the meeting. "It was disturbing. People were upset and crying and I was really shocked that it happened."
I don't really see the problem with this.
You could get a job working to save someone's life
This thread
What entitled twats.
>boohoo my job is hard making games and I had to put in overtime for a month and then they didnt even hire me full time
Seems they made the right choice to ditch the whiners, new comers looking to move in a rock the boat upon arrival.
I’m not sure who would be kept out if all schools kept math in CS. My college requires Calc 1 and 2 and then a third elective of your choice (linear algebra, calc 3, differential equations, etc) and even still I’d say my senior level classes are 40% white, 30% pajeet, 20% Asian and the rest a mix of black and Mexican. The gender disparity is about 80% guys to 20% girls. Maybe it’s worse at other schools but even with math requirements the classes are still fairly diverse
>What the fuck my job isn't a complete wonderland and it turns out people have the capacity to be assholes in any situation
This but unironically.
I hope they were poos ,niggers and woman ,fuck ill buy mk 11 now cause this is based af
>Imagine having a huge budget and slave workers/monkeys at your full disposition
>Still creates a shit game
NRSshills and trannies on suicide watch
Worst boss I ever had was a woke computer store manager. Used to throw huge fits and hold long grudges against employees just for not making all his work days perfect. At the same time he of course did his best with all the inclusivity and antitoxicity larps.
My comment was dead serious
This is just a dumb naive blue haired tranny who got dabbed on by AAA devs. hard crunch time, lots of hours, and stressful conditions in AAA studios and smaller studios too have been known for years. Its sad that she still doesn't know that this doesn't happen everywhere. They prey on gullible retards like her who want to work on their "passion" and are just out of college. She should talk to literally anyone with experience in the industry.
The only legitimate complaint is possible misogyny.
Those blue haired bitches have no trouble dehumanizing others. They deserve no pity. Fuck them
imagine making a super liberal spotted game, making bank off of it and not lifting a god damn finger.
if you thought the jax we was kangs shit wasnt remotely funny you've got to be mental.
The unadulterated truth made my day.
Thank you
In my school it got switched from the engineering department to math while I was there. It did change significantly because after that they were switched to "for math majors" math classes rather than the practical engineering ones I took.
From what I heard, they have CS sections with the same math course numbers there now, but I'm not that in tune with it since I was EE instead of CS and I'm a few years out. I'm sure it's wildly different depending on the school anyway.
I love hamburgers, but I don't give a fuck if the cow is abused before its slaughtered. Doesn't change the taste. Also, fpbp.
This made me happy
It can, actually. Less so for ground meat, though. Stress means hormones flood the tissues.
Thread should have ended here.
>"Some of those Fatality sequences you love are from temp workers," revealed one source. "NetherRealm will send out an email early in production to get people to submit ideas for fatalities. Of course, they invite the temp workers because they can just give away an awesome idea without having to pay them extra for it. One person in QA made storyboards for their suggested fatality sequence. Their idea made it in, but they never got that full-time position they were chasing."
>NRS is starting to look cartoonishly scummy at this point
It happens more often than you think in this industry.
>especially for women
55 hours a week is not little but also not that much.
Hire a PI.
There is like a 75% chance he raped a chick.
Digital distribution means no hard crash will ever happen. Big devs getting crushed won't have any major effect on the AA and indie market, if anything it'd bolster it.
I thought Boon creates all the fatalities?
>imagine making a super liberal spotted game
have sex
Guy behind a computer coding for 12 hours a day deserves hate and lower pay because libtards xdd
>Is this supposed to be a lot?
It's more than the 160-180 hours that people usually work.
180 hours=8 hours work (1 hour break) mon->fri
160 hours=7 hours work (1 hour break) mon->fri
>A month has 730 hours.
Come on now user, now you are just shitposting. Would you want to work 220+ hours every month? That would be 8 hour work days every day of the week (monday->sunday) for a month straight.
No free days to do what you want, only the 1-2 hours before work and 4-5 hours you would get after work if you work from 7a.m->4p.m and during that time you would have to do a lot of other shit to actually make sure that you can keep living semi-comfortably, like buying food/toiletries, spending time from/too work, cooking/cleaning, general hygiene, etc. at that point you would probably only have 2-3 hours left every day to do what you want with. Unless you want to skip out on some sleep and live like a coffee addicted zombie and shorten you lifespan even more.
>inb4 ''hurr, I don't actually work for a living'' or ''I only work 5 hours a day fag''
>"Some of those Fatality sequences you love are from temp workers,"
A simple vertical slice by Kung Lao's hat in MKII or Johhny Cage uppercut in MKI/II or Kano's heart rip is infinitely better than nu-fatalities.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
>avengers cinema popcorn messes
the what?
This is work 101 shit. Never ever ever do above and beyond what your job is unless you have a clear track of how it will benefit you laid out by someone that has the power to make sure you get rewarded and that you can trust. This is almost never.
For every dude who invents the quarter pounder and gets made COO of McDonald's there are untold thousands who get their ideas stolen and at best stay at that low level job, but more than likely get shown the door.
99% of the time being a try hard at work that does stuff above their pay grade without even being asked is not worth it. Why would they hire you to do something when you already gave them the ideas for free?????
every fucking industry does this, why are "games" workers acting like they're some oppressed special victims?
I work between 8 and 13 hour "days" and my life is fun and fulfilling. It'd be great to do my job in a city like Chicago (where NRS is) because there's so much culture there as well.
These contractors are almost certainly not coders. What these big productions need in large quantities are art assets
>especially for women. A lot of the nicknames for women were really perverted and disgusting.
>Gives no examples or hints
Yeah, I doubt the female nicknames were any worse than the male ones. Probably "big tits" or "Annie with the fanny". I'm really starting to tire of this whole "We have a problem that bad for EVERYONE but especially for women". If it's a people problem why do we even need the "especially for women"-bit? It's bad for everyone involved but it's extra bad for women because what?
I'm going to guess it's fat manchildren throwing their popcorn and garbage all over the floor after Endgame and then justifying it with "What? It's their JOB to clean up after me! They should be thankful that I'm tossing shit everywhere! I'm creating job opportunities!"
>Let's dehumanize those faggots, niggers and bitches
When did the right became such fucking faggots?
FPBP. I'm getting tired of these stories about devs working high amounts of overtime or being treated poorly. I don't fucking care.
Isn't this what unions are for, or am I missing something?
"Work hard and you will get your career forward" is a biggest scam that boomers pushed on their children.
>being able to dish it out but not take it
you are the worst kind of person that can possibly exist
>They should be thankful that I'm tossing shit everywhere! I'm creating job opportunities!"
Literally the mentality of conservative wagecucks and their corporate overlords.
Because it makes people sympathetic to them, making it seem like those bad games aren't so bad after all. I believe South Park called this the Mel Gibson defense. It worked with Bioware so we're probably gonna see this after a game isn't preforming as planed. I mean, it sucks for them but this happens all over the tech industry.
Apparently not if those sources are to be believed.
They have interns come up with some fatality ideas and then take the amazing ones without giving credit.
Unions take decades to form
They are not even workers, they are contractors
>being a schizo who sees tumblr everywhere
that was cathartic to read. Couldn't agree more
Have sex
Why would you expect continued work after your contract is up? Do these people really think they're not expendable? Especially the QA rats
The right have always been gutless shills. What else is new?
Just so. If you go into the AAA game dev industry these days, you know what you're getting into. The conditions have been well known for years. No sympathy.
doubt, unless you like your work. Then your just shitposting. Some people are fulfilled when they work but most people would rather have 40 hour work weeks. I Already feel like I don't have enough time as is.
Unions only work when labor is in demand. When there are hordes of shitty coders being spawned every day there will be no union
Kys nigger lover
Here's some advice for you:
Zoomers don't work hard.
I used to think that "work hard to move forward" was bullshit, too. Finally one day I realized that "working hard" wasn't pushing my self physically or mentally, it was getting the job done effectively. I flew up the ranks and, after looking down, realized how incorrectly young people perceived "hard work"
act like a cuck get treated like a cuck
>western game studio has both sides of the shits.
wow, who knew?
Your have the mentality of a poorfag. Im glad you will die like that
exactly, no sympy
Yup same here fellow zoomer, working hard got me the promotion in the job I got through a sturdy handshake and eye contact.
>hard job
i think people thinking that there's any chance of a union forming are naive. what bargaining power do they have? the people who aren't replaceable won't bother to side with the unions because they already get paid well. there's a very large supply of drones willing to do grunt work for games, none of these companies are going to let unions have any power.
Did you get your job by going down to the local job factory and asking to speak directly to the manager as well?
>unless you like your work
That's the point, brainlet. You don't go work for NetherRealm because you need a summer job to get enough cash to take Suzy down to the beach; you work for a major video game studio because you are geniunely interested in that field.
You can't compare your wagie gig to actual careers.
>I Already feel like I don't have enough time as is.
Because you probably have poor time management.
>my life is fun and fulfilling.
You do you user, but just because you find your job rewarding enough to not want/not have other hobbies, does not mean that other people are as fortunate.
I used to work as a carpenter, but my old boss tried to do the ''crunch'' thing that many limp wristed fags cry about in the gaming industry and made an entire company of 60+ people crash and burn under the pressure and got his ass sued for malpractice. He managed to still keep a lot of the money he made from the company despite this, while the rest of us got burnt after our last check, be it either from mental or physical stress or thanks too some of us having to move to find new work since we lost our jobs during the 2007-2009 recession.
I landed a demolition job to pay my bills and I hate it. I would love nothing more then to re-school myself and start over as a programmer or an electrical engineer since I'm tired of working physically thanks to having done it all of my life, but I didn't take the leap early enough and once I'm done with school I will probably not be nearly as attractive in the job market as a young blue haired freak is. Besides, the risks of having to start over with less pay then I already have is not really that enticing, since I'm not some autist with a mathematics degree.
>Leads would tell contractors of openings at NetherRealm "in the 'near future' and to 'keep working
The only excuse for falling for that line is if it's your first job. Anyone else is a moron.
>some sjws who took away the tits got abused at work
What is with Yea Forums's paranoia about all game developers being blue-haired sjws?
>people were upset and crying
Imagine a 25+ year old male crying like a bitch.
I want you to have sex with a girl because you fucking deserve it for having such a based post
This. Had the misfortune of working with basically teenagers for a project two years ago. I was absolutely astounded at how they acted like Friday was a godsend for their withered souls after they spent at least 50% of the work week looking at their phones in the corner and generally slacking off. I don't know how but for some reason the meaning of "doing hard work" has changed to "being around work that I don't like doing."
I worked as a lifeguard for about 7 years.
While it's bottom of the barrel employment it's still technically "working to save someone's life" at least on paper.
Same shit. Long hours, incompetent coworkers, dumbass bosses. Every single job has this shit.
If we talk about the west of the game industry I agree. I think the only ones that have yet to fall are CDPR and they are on the fence (I guess). Japan still makes great games though. While you may not like certain games from them, I think that most of the time it's not because of the developers themselves but rather a differing taste of games. The only real asshole from Japan that I can think of is Kamiya and people still like him spite of that. Kojima get a lot of mixed reactions as well.
They're baiting because they know that the vast majority are just honest people and are waiting for people to try to correct them so they can call them trannies and tell them to have sex.
nice bait, kid. protip: carpenters work with wood, they are not doctors
about as based as you could get.
>tfw started smoking to get breaks at work
>no ive never worked in the industry but I know everyone who does despite 99% of people being faceless drones
I’m so happy!
lol, big boy we got here. I bet you've never been punched/punched someone in your life. I've seen grown men cry, and they could break your foot with one hand.
There weren't really an amazing ones in MK11, so I'm inclined to believe both that interns made them and that Boon did.
Nanananana (HEY)
Nanananana (All together now)
Nanananana, nanananana
LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
LIIIIIIES!! Nanananana
When we all watch the E3, Just hoping for the best
Every minute, every hour, it’s just a big shit fest
It is only open-world games, and shooters from the west
They stand on stage and everyone gets hyped up by… by their fake trailers!
AND IT’S LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
LIES, ALL LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! When they bring out their fake audience!
ALL IS LIES! And takes a guest on stage!
ALL IS LIES! And the normies they all eat it!
ALL IS LIES! And I’ll just jerk my hand! (yeah)
On stage come Todd Howard, thinking he’s the best
And talks about his next game, that’ll be better than the rest
And here’s Andrew Wilson, and as you all could’ve guessed
Their next game is a battlefield and it is out… yes this holiday!
AND IT’S LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
LIES! Nanananana
Nanananana, Nanananana, Nanananana
LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
ALL IS LIES! Nanananana
The conference is over; let’s give it all a rest
I do not want the future; just bring me to the past
‘Cause we all saw the trailers, we all saw the games
And everything was mobile-tier with pay-to-win… and virtue signaling!
Nothing wrong with forced overtime if its paid
but unpaid overtime is literally slave labour and you shouldnt accept it
Anthony Burch?
>random temp people are art directors
How do you manage to be this dumb?
>Contractors act like a bitch
lmao get a real job
You seen manchildren cry. Men don't cry, unless it's their father's funeral.
At my last job I went in to see the boss and told him I wanted 3$ more an hour. He rocked back into his chair and put both hands on his head.. told me he'd talk about it when the others and get back to me. A week later they gave me my raise. He knew I was a valuable employee and didn't want to lose me to a competitor.
These dumb code monkeys are worthless and easily replaceable. They're treated like shit because there's literally thousands of them will to get shit on and saying thank you may I have some more.
Very based
the chinese think that fear makes animals taste better
Imagine being so enraged that your jerkoff bait was taken away you start a crusade to bring down a company. Yikes and based
>comparing physical pain to being yelled at
Bet you're a pussy without a spine like the people that post describes.
Of course
American Internships sound fucking horrifying, but again, they worship corporations there so not surprising
This. I work on a bank (as an IT admin) and they're always hiring coders and developers.
>My boss
See how these two things are not the same?
One of them was a carpenter the other was a former carpenter that became a pencil pusher that just handled our finances, made deals with out clients and made up stupid rules/tried to guilt people into working for nothing. (if he even managed too do half of that.)
ITT: Crabs in a bucket who want all the other crabs to stay and suffer in the bucket.
>hire desperate teenagers and underpay them because of your cheap boomer ass
>gets upset when they do the bare minimum
The are culturally unsophisticated
Read the OP text again. Temp workers who only wanted to make a fun game were abused, it's the higher-ups (who are also responsible for removing tits) who were the abusers.
its almost like the people who preach wokeness, diversity and progressive nonsense are always the worst offenders of the ideas they shout about
weird that
I thought you Whtie boys loved people who do "real jobs" in IT, programming and STEM?
I'm noticing a trend of devs pretending to be woke for brownie points and then behind the scenes there's shit like this.
Weren't the LoL developers doing this shit as well? Can't remember if it was that or something else.
lol, I can imagine you both (or just you) trembling as you type that shit. You realise better men than you ever will be have cried? You realize most people who don't cry are autistic, yeah? Nah, you don't, autists have little self awareness. Cheers!
Contractors ARE the trannies at NRS you retard, read all the articles about it since the game came out.
He didn't specify, all he said was
>Imagine a 25+ year old male crying like a bitch.
And I'm here to tell you both that you are weak bitches, who are probably the first to scream in terror when problems arise. Faggot. :)
Yeah game development is shit tier
>I'm noticing a trend of devs pretending to be woke for brownie points and then behind the scenes there's shit like this.
I am also noticing a trend of projection from gamers that openly hate women and think sexual harassment is okay, and think any man who doesn't hate women or LGBT people must have something nefarious in mind.
Based. I too hate this world.
LMAO those are fucking meme jobs that can be done by pakis. We tell journalists to learn code because they'll be jobless without a gig at some shitstain like IGN as well as being outdone by curryfuckers
>men don't cry
how would you know?
This but unironically. They were the ones who chose this career. Also, it's not slavery, they can get the fuck out of there whenever they want and join a developer like Ubisoft which lets it's employees drink onions milk, play in the ball pit, sit in puffs and all that bullshit.
Second based post.
The one who is the most anti gay tends to be a gay person in the closet
The one who is the most feminist (males) tends to be a secret rapist
The ones who are most against loli actually view real cp and or rape children
Every single time
The person leading the witch hunt is usually a witch trying to deflect
Nice samefag.
I don't know why would you defend grown men who break down after someone yells at them and start crying like complete babies other than you feel sympathetic and are one of them.
>b-but Yea Forums told me that they're trannies
>Who continually demean and shit talk their own user base and then act the victim when said users fire back.
Haha you got banned from Overwatch because you used slurs didn't you?
You'll cry when a vice is tucked neatly around your dick and balls.
This. I literally could not care less about the lives of the people working at these studios.
It reminds me of a story. I can't for the life of me remember what company this was but it was some truck driver for some retail company who came up with some solution that would save the company millions and he got in return a 10 dollar gift certificate.
>I don't know why would you defend grown men who break down after someone yells at them and start crying like complete babies
Nowhere in my (one) reply did I imply that.
You said
>imagine a grown man crying like a bitch
and i said
>I've seen it
and you sperged the fuck out.
>The one who is the most feminist (males) tends to be a secret rapist
Do you have any kind of study or data that suggests being outwardly feminist correlates with bad behavior?
>try to appeal whales to hide what you are
>former employees (none of them named)
>one source (again not named)
>another source (yet again not named)
These stories are never verifiable yet people believe them and push them as fact. What the hell is wrong with journalism?
Not really sure what that had to do with my post but okay.
So much this. Cant remember the last time i was excited for a western game. Im really tired of devs telling me im scum if i dont share their opinion, all the while trying to bleed me dry with every possible type of microtransaction.
>and think any man who doesn't hate white men or religious people must have something nefarious in mind.
>she thinks a physiological tear response to pain is the same as being an emotional sissy bitch and sobbing because you saw or heard something icky
absolutely pathetic.
Are you retarded? It would be carrier suicide to give your name. No one is gonna hire a whistleblower
>they do the bare minimum
Nope, they did even less.
This victim complex bullshit that makes kids think their barely skilled labor is worth six figures is the reason that entry level positions list 2+ years of experience as a requirement. It immediately weeds out people like you who would rather sit back and complain rather than take initiative trying to talk to the company to negotiate what their skillset and ability is worth.
Riot had rape accusations and general juvenile shit (like higher ups farting in the face of their underlings). But since they held the LGBT panel where white men were not allowed, everyone pretends those actual rapes didn't happen.
>Get named
>Never work in the industry again
As long as the journalist makes sure the source is truthful, they shouldn't name their sources.
Then again, this is a games journalists so that's possible.
I guarantee you that easily abused temp-workers have nothing to say about the general artstyle.
They are programmers, not fucking artists.
They get put in the credits as animators or whatever already, why do you think they the game should display their signature during every fatality cutscene they worked on?
The context of the message I replied to should've given you a hint. Reading comprehension.
Gargle on my cock you parasite fuck
Quite this. It doesn't matter were the fire is burning, all that we have started it.
SJWs are a meme. This was a psyop that used usefull idiots to make everyone a neocon and now they are bursting the bubble. You played yourself.
spread those buttcheeks faggot, i'm going in dry
>take initiative trying to talk to the company to negotiate what their skillset and ability is worth.
So, you want people to fight a losing battle?
I get why you hate zoomers and I agree with you, but trying to negotiate from a powerless position is just stupid. If you don't have a lot of work experience or if you don't have a lot of options, you are just royally fucked and should be happy with getting less for equal or more work then to other people in your line of work?
>inb4 ''just put in the hours''
A lot of people try to do that but just end up getting screwed over when their probation period is up.
Malpractice is not just for medical screwups, construction people can also be sued for it aswell if they are negligent with the standards of design or construction.
Apparently all the rich have to do to get away with exploiting workers is to make White boy gamers believe the exploited workers are trannies who took away the gamers' constitutional right to vagina bones.
No you don't, he just called you out on our shit and you're trying to save face.
So much for that respect women thing.
I am 100 % sure ResetEra is more upset about RIOT's behavior than Yea Forums or NeoGAF but you do you Jayden.
you have to be a complete brainlet to work contract jobs and think you'll get hired on full time.
Nerds attacked feminists first. What is this fucking revisionism?
because if they targeted chad then he wouldn't fuck them anymore, and who's bastard children would they raise as single mothers then? weak, loser nerd kids? hahahaha.
If you can't see this^, you're lost. Play both sides until fires start. Exit the house and lock the door so no one else can leave, basically.
how do people fucking put up with this shit? i never put up with bullshit even from my fucking boss. I'd rather get fired and go jobless for a few months than be someones bitch for my whole life.
There was no culture of hatred towards feminism on the whole of Yea Forums until they started fucking with games and comics. Alt-Right types have no strong political leanings of their own and would not exist were it not for SJWs pushing them into the position they are now.
This. Cucks need to stop making games already. We need to make it so that if they develop that idea in their brain they get sent to jail inmmediately
most based comment of the year
>The one who is the most anti gay tends to be a gay person in the closet
This one happens 10 out of 10 times.
that may be true but i dont see how it relates to netherrealm mistreating their employees?
does this shit have literally ANY verifiable sources?
the most "woke" are usually the scumiest people on earth, the reason they're that way in the first place is because they're ridden with guilt for being such human pieces of shit
t. met and even friended plenty of turbo-lefty fags
>So, you want people to fight a losing battle?
Getting hired is inherently a losing battle. The fact that a company does not already have you hired means that they are able to operate without you. There will always be hundreds of far more qualified candidates somewhere, it just depends on whether or not any of them are applying. At the end of the day, you just have to remember that the worst thing that can happen is you get rejected and have to try somewhere else (which is why you're supposed to apply to a number of places instead of just one at a time). If you can't at least take a step forward and point to something that gives you worth to see how far you can get, then you can't really complain when you never get anywhere.
They are not, it's all just virtue signaling industry "influencers", journalists and literally whos who would throw women under the bus anytime when they find something more "marginalized"/problematic to screech about.
>We don't know who struck first, us or them, but we know that it was us that began calling them "roasties". At the time, they were dependent on male attention and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as beta orbiters.
They can't even decide to be sex positive or negative and how they feel about male and trannie feminists. Geek culture got "targeted" because everyone wants to click on this low hanging fruit clickbait that is endlessly generated because these hobbies are new, came into the mainstream with social media, and were traditional overwhelmingly for straight males.
imagine actually believing this
fucking brainwashed moron
How can NetherRealm or OP ever recover?
bullies target weak betas who don't stand up for themselves, woaaoow
I really cant understand why all those whales are so worried about nerds fapping with weeb shit. Nerds are actually the least dangerous men for women
>This thread
False flagging as a leftist cuck is the go to troll these days eh?
>goons don't exist
t. troon
220 hours isn't a lot, I've done 300 hours work in a month once. These people are just lazy
This. Enjoy your zombies.
Got one word: regulation.
fucking based
Doesnt stop ones with power to continue to behave like fiends.
Thus the issue is not with interns/employees.
isnt that because of taxes. They get paid without being taxed I thought so they owe out the ass when feb comes.
This. let them suffer
You too? *hug*
America is cucked to its core in the job market. Contracting culture is fucking horrible, believe me, I lived it (eat shit Amazon). But we are too stupid and brainwashed to unionize like Germany/the rest of EU has done for 100 years because le gommunism bad!!
That's about as bad of an idea as having the government regulate tv and the internet
Why are people making a big deal out of this when this is what it's like to have a job anywhere
False equivalence. Logical fallacy detected.
because game devs think they're above the system for whatever reason. These people have massive egos
Look at seeing red.
Corporate paranoia.
maybe you should read your contract
He took it and he is dishing it out, faggot. What are you on about?
Same, it was the only way to do something I went to school for for about three years before getting a full-time position. I get anxiety if I ever think about the possibility at looking for a new job after my current one. Job searching in this country is a fucking nightmare.
>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year"
>Game devs consider this unreasonable
>its like any job anywhere
Just because its anywhere or everywhere does not mean its the right thing or a good thing. Just goes to show how inhuman and unproductive the working environment is.
Cry some more you sad cunts. Maybe if you stopped being absolute cunts, then people will have empathy for your arrogant sanctimonious cuntish selves
>these are the people that call you incel online
If only you didn't chop it off, tranny.
you're so badass
>Work in medical devices for small company ( like 500 employees)
>Trying to lanuch a new product and get the documentation together to submit to the FDA
>Literally pulling teeth to get anything done with the engineering department
>Tell manager
>President gets fed up and walks over to my cubicle and screams at me for like 20 minutes because it's my fault some engineer won't give me a test report
>Too much of pussy to say anything
>Silently sob in office for the rest of the day
>President comes over next day apologises
>220+ hours a month
Pretty much is for any kind of job unless you are hotshot banker who works like crazy and then has to take cocaine to relax.
People value their free time and family commitments.
t. blue haired dev
reminds me of telltale deniers
>employees are all sexist
>Strip all sexuality from the game
Classic overcompensating. I wouldn't be surprised if some staff at NRS were straight up female abusers.
Hah fuck workers rights bros!
So what do you work in now?
>Leads would tell contractors of openings at NetherRealm "in the 'near future' and to 'keep working, you're doing great!'"
Kek so what every business does to the underlings.
Yeah go ahead and call me fag. I freeze up when people start yelling.
It reminds me of when I was younger and my parents would scream at each other.
Did that apology feel/sound hollow?
I also pirated it
>stop it we are loosing our beta orbiters
>SJWs are a meme
t. parasitic SJW
exactly, no sympy
No I thought he was actually sorry.
He then went and yelled at the engineering department. I'm glad I don't work there anymore.
>studio goes woke
>immediately gets a ton of terrible press coverage from woke journalists
I swear I've seen this happen multiple times
it's a fucking thing of beauty
Well, atleast he apologised and then yelled at the right (hopefully) tree. My manager/supervisor never did. Neither did anyone above them. Private hospital.
I dont work there anymore either. They had an opening for a manager's position, but i skipped it. Did not want to deal with politics/manipulators.
The problem with the average jobber is that they will accept shit pay for shit jobs. If you let people walk all over you what do you expect to happen.
The only reason they went above and beyond was because they thought there a job was at the end of the rainbow. If I was fulltime I would be laughing at these numpties aswell.
Pretty simple, corporations are not allowed to pay anyone less than $15/hr but can't hire the manpower needed to make anything without going bankrupt, so they instead only pay the upper managers starting at $15/hr and everyone else that wants job experience to eventually be a paid upper manager someday has to work for free.
when? Did "nerds" entered the industry to make misogynist games?
Why are game developers so entitled? Kids in india work 18 hour days in factories to earn like 10 bucks a day and do you hear them complaining.
>Temporarily embarrassed millionaires
Stupid Americucks
The answer is either "since the beginning" or "since the definition of misogynist changed".
It's called being a parent user. But I knew you wouldn't know anyhow
>social justice is a complete sham run by massive hypocrites
>shits on fire
>get da water
>P-E-T-R-O-L, huh that's a funny way to spell water
>always online
>abusive workplace
Not buying this game is the moral thing.
it changes every day, just like what 2 + 2 equals
>>"I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year, back-to-back-to-back weeks of overtime,"
I do that normally, on my feet...
Is that high? I still find time for videogames...
I don't give a shit about devs being treated like shit. You make video games for a living, some people work at McDonalds or Starbucks, quit bitching.
Game is excellent and I've been enjoying the hell out of it. I'm never going to pay for microtransactions so I don't care about them. Game is actually the funnest MK.
>scarcity of jobs
No there isnt there is a scarcity in certain fields in american society because we told everyone they could do what they want in some fields and shit flooded.
Its not hard to find an IT job if you have the credentials it pays for living.
Because unless you're a solo dev making everything by yourself or in a small team you have to try and get a permanent position at a studio if you want to get into making video games and because so many people want to get into it those with permanent positions consider these people as easily expendable resources they can milk and then dump with no regard to the fact that they're other people or that these devs had small beginnings too. Then if you have a permanent position but a small, easily replaceable one you get pressured into crunch work in a "Well you don't have to work an extra 13 hours buuuut the income report's coming in so we may have to make some cutbaaacks" kind of way.
This tbqh
What exactly is the issue with this guy according to you? In any case, it seems unlikely there would not be oversight to make components fit together thematically.
Why do Americans have no self respect? Why would you work in such shite conditions for fuck all wages?
Land of the free lol
>scarcity of jobs
>in America
>tfw hundreds of thousands-millions if jobs are open and unfilled, but your dumb ass FLOODED a market with more bodies than it needs.
Nigga, you dumb.
Wheres the joke.
Come on now, it's created a wonderful culture where over half of nation's population is in debt and around 4/5 of working population works from paycheck to paycheck without notable savings or investments to mention.
Europoors can't even compete!
55/week is "slightly busy". 70 is working hard. 90 is "I live to work" tier.
bulllllshit, i work fast food making over 15 an hour.
your brain on america
Why do these people bother staying in game dev? I work in software development and haven't had anywhere near as many issues. And if an employer tried pulling that crap with me I'd be sending out resumes later that night.
What shithole do you hail from?
>he wont work 50+ hours a week for something.
Sad. Where is your passion?
One that pays worse than America
>all my coworkers from Europe came here because the pay was higher and the taxes lower
Sure they dont hate them, they also dont mind exploiting them for some easy cash cause its the "in" thing
Why is it that those who shitpost america NEVER,EVER post where they are from?
makes me think, user. makes me think...
Not at work, that's for sure. My passion is in my own personal projects. I'm not gonna kill myself to make someone else rich.
Wagie slavie make my gamie.
Look up "the list". Its all the prominent gaming figures, mostly journalists and devs, who pushed SJW agendas only to get into trouble for sexual harassment.
Because the market is flooded with video game developers. So to get a job, either you prove yourself to be valuable or work harder for less. Since most of these devs are limp wristed bitches, they're trying to race each other to the bottom.
> My passion is in my own personal projects
Like...what? Dont get me wrong, 55 hours a week is a bit of a ride, but im an electrician working for a small business. Im damn good at it, and i take pride in a job well done, if its 2 hours or 10 hours long.
Dont get me wrong, i have hobbies and personal projects and whatnot, but its something to be dropped and moved on with without issue. A hobby is something you do for personal enjoyment, but i feel like if you put your passion into it you will lose your enjoyment.
Just transition to being an in house dev for a financial company. More pay, less stress, more benefits
really funny to me my assumption about where you're from is obviously/instantly correct
>Millennial and zoomers discover they're not special snowflakes in the real world
That is literally all this kind of "journalism" shows. These fuckers really thought they were going to come into a company, as a temp no less, and be treated with kid gloves just like in college/ highschool. Goddamn I'm sick of our culture of victimhood. Grow up.
>using math other than statistics and linear algebra
Yeah I’d rather school teach new grads good software engineering practices, technical debt, and system engineering.
t. Pornhub Junior Dev
Nothing wrong with slave labor
Amerimutt working "culture" in a nutshell. Can we already just fucking nuke that garbage nation. They are a fucking insult to white human race and western culture.
Oh no, what a shame.
>Let's dehumanize those faggots, niggers and bitches
I never did any of that, and I'm still dehumanized. What now, faggot bitch nigger?
You won't though. Europeepees can't even fight fires kek
Funny how all these "exploited game programmer" news are appearing all at once recently alongside that tranny, "I'm a frugal person but donate to my patreon so I can pay my montly 2000 dollar bill" led commie "union of game developers".
makes u think
NRS is actually based. American zoomers need to know how to work hard.
My ex is in comp sci and wants to make video games so I pray every night the industry gets worse and worse and that one day she'll be subjected to the worst possible life she could make for herself
>Any European country doing anything to America before their entire continent is wiped off the face of the earth for even trying.
post patreon
Unionization would mean everyone everywhere but senior grandfathered guys and execs will be subhuman contractors.
Put me in the screencap!
what the fuck is this meme
Absolutely fucking based.
This, nobody give a shit.
Where I work the full timers offload their work to the part timers and the thing is if the part timers work hard they stay part timers forever cause they do all the work without complaining and the ones that don't work hard get replaced by an infinite stream of part timers that will work hard so the company can reap all the benefits saving money not giving benefits or decent hours to 60% of their staff while the 40% just show up to fiddle their fingers and pick up a check. America is already China tier.
they'll never top this:
I almost cried when I finished reading this post, it's so beautiful, it says so well what's everyone here thinking. This thread is full of based posts.
>part timer who thinks he works hard spotted
Nobody gives a fuck.
you ok, tranny?
I can empathize; learning to put up with abusive bosses is difficult. To pretend it plays no important part of one's personal development is ridiculous.
>but they cried they bitches
Yeah and I hardened the fuck up because of the experience.
i work in construction and all this shit im hearing about in the video game industry is far worse than anything I've seen
t. seething tranny
Why is it ALWAYS the companies that go woke are the ones with skeletons in their closet?
I just wish they'd stop this shit where they put a full time position on a string and waving it in front of me and all the other part timers like a carrot if they truly have no intention of doing it so some of us can move on with our lives. At this point I'm just hoping one of the full time employees die suddenly then it's a free for all for the part timers tooth and nail to get that gravy.
Move on dumbass.
same reason democrats want illegals, but don't want them near them. same reason liberals say everything is homophobic, while calling trump a cockholster. same reason liberals say racism should result in your life being ruined, while saying kill white people. they're subhumans.
>Really cannot understand the American intership system.
Its simple, voluntary indentured service for the chance of getting """experience""", because in america you're supposed to work for pennies on the dollar, so all the value can trickle down to no one but the lapdogs of the super rich.
based post.
good developers are actually indie, and regularly make great video games that get largely ignored by the mass market. AAA video games are not for gamers they are for consumers
>I worked about 220-plus hours during a month last year
so what? that's only 8 hours a day over a month
I've been going flat out in construction since march and my best month so far has gotten me 370 hours. On my feet all fucking day exposed to the elements. Not in some soulless climate controlled office.
Harden the fuck up, pussy
okay, this is based
put me in the screencap
Based and redpilled
>b-b-but LIBRULS
Conservacuks have the thinnest skin on the planet
I wouldn't hire someone who says "Spoilers" either.
>AAA video games are not for gamers they are for consumers
absolutely correct. Wish more people understood this
trump's your president.
I think you've forgotten who holds the nukes, buddy
>i hate politics in my bideo bames!
>makes literally everything into a political argument
this is why both sides are fucking retarded
the irony in this post is stunning
>So we treated our workers like shit and guess what happened? PEOPLE ACTUALLY SYMPATHIZED WITH US!
America has the most asinine culture in the world.
Western indies are leading the industry right now, even Japan has fallen behind.
Nethershit and nu-Mortal Kombat is a fucking joke.
this. Leftists talk shit all day long, and if you even blink much less respond to their bullshit, they revert to "it's just a joke bro" or "thin skin."
If he's doing such a shit job then he can go fucking kill himself for all I care.
Its because the "workers" have been making complete asses of themselves for quite awhile in the game industry as well as the fact that many things workers complain about arent actual complaints its bitching because they are being babies at the end of the day worker worship is just as bad as worshiping companies and leads to a group of people being entitled
>can't get into CS because math brainlet
feels bad man
Soibois needs to be chased out of game development so that chads can move in and get shit done.
anyone can learn to be good at math, it just takes confidence
Ah yes the cuck. Always willing to stab his fellow worker in the back.
user you have to practice it for at least 2 hours a day like any other skill in life.
Oh no!
Poor commiefornians and jew yorkers!
Whatever will i do with their leftism-infested, lootbox galore, ubishit tower climbing, drumpf killing simulators!
I guess i'll just have to stick to japanese games!
>when you use slave labour to make a woke ending about ending slavery
If they truly were tolerant, then they wouldn't retaliate when dehumanized. That's part of tolerance.
He only deserves as much pay as he is willing to work for, if he isnt being paid enough for the work he is doing in his opinion he can quite or negotiate a new contract thats how it works if he cant negotiate a new contract he is let go and must look for work somewhere else with his degree IT jobs that pay a perfectly livable wage are still available and easy to get the problem is he wants to work in the games industry and he wants to be payed well doing it but you can only demand to be payed higher if your work is valuable but video game devs are easy to replace
>that doujin where she gets turned into a centaur
good times
>I actually have to work for my money.
>Temporary contracts are temporary.
The horror.
>SJW leftist trash getting treated as the human cattle they are
They deserve it
>fellow worker
Nigga I'm a consumer to the video game industry, In my field of work if someone complains about shit that aint an issue of course im gonna say its stupid even then but if I'm a fucking consumer and am being attacked by devs and the media they are apart of hell no im not gonna fucking support that shit if they are bitching about shit that isnt even a problem I'm gonna support them even less because as a consumer I want a good product and I want workers who can provide that not babies.
Jokes on you, my companies too retarded to chase anything but ways to scam their customers. I'm going to quit this job and get a cushy job as a consultant for their competitor next year.
thus the lord hath spoken
and it was good
And the snowflake appears to cry and shit its pants lol
Fukken based
I dont see how those things are mutually exclusive. Hes not putting politics in a game, hes discussing politics in a political thread so how is that supposed to be hypocritical?
>boo hoo fucking sixth army. If they were real mean they would have just killed the entire red army them selves. Fucking snowflakes!
It's so easy.
>never finished grade school
>got kicked out at grade 6
>dropped out of high school
>never had a real job
>made an indie game
>145k a year
God exists, and he punishes and rewards randomly.
Probably trolling, but that's still relatively more tolerant. Arguing semantics like this is the most pointless shit. It's like if you use a paper towel because it's more absorbent than a napkin, you don't get to defend napkins by saying "SO MUCH FOR THE ABSORBENT PAPER TOWELS" when it has its own physical limits of absorbance.
They know what they're doing, it's a dumb tactic. The thing is you have to stop acting like a snowflake if you're going to try and turn the term around on the people calling you one.
This is bait. Nerds have always been the whipping boys since the 60s.
The definition of nerd changed as well. Since when does going and seeing Iron man 8 make you a nerd?
my grandfather cried 4 times in life. once when he was born, once when his son was born, once when i was born, and once when he had to put his dog down. people are massive pussy faggots today, make no mistake.
They're probably talking about what happened with Anita. Her videos weren't attacks on vidya, just feminist critiques. It's like reviewing a game, but based on the inherent difference in treatment of female characters in an industry that was largely run by men and for men. She didn't call this an attack on women, didn't say it was purposefully done to degrade women, and actually said that playing games like Duke Nukem won't turn you into a raging misogynist. She was still called a shrill bitch cunt and told to get raped. I know people like to think gamers dindu nuffin, but she closed her comments section for a reason.
I'd argue that "work hard to move forward" is still bullshit, because what you're talking about isn't "working hard". zoomers do work hard in that they exhaust themselves physically/mentally like you mentioned, but that effort's misplaced because the company really just wants the job done; they want results, not burnouts/tryhards.
There is no such thing as a man who cries. "Men" who cries are soiboi scum. As a man who pursues manliness and masculinity, there is nothing more disgusting than "men" who cries. Emotional outbursts are the epitome of anti-masculinity, and I view crying "men" with disgust otherwise reserved for cockroaches.
I worked as a part time technician in a college. The full timers would do the same thing. We rant he place while they were the face, or did larger projects. One tech would routinely do less than 20 tickets a month, while a part timer could do 50 or more, all for $10 an hour, 19 hours a week. Great experience however. But the problem was that the company counted part timer workers as having half the experience. So if you tried to get hired you would have to work there twice as long to get the experience needed to get a fulltime job. FT Tech 1 needs a year of experience? Better hope there's a full time position in two years. There was one FT tech who would routinely do 100 or more. He runs the place now. Just bought a house too. Wonderful guy.
I got a full time job at a different company, I work about half as much and make over four times what I did part time. It's honestly bizarre.
kek you think the emotionally stunted incels here will admit to crying?
It's hard to take you seriously when your grammar is so horrible. When you grow up, you'll know differently.
I watched those early Feminist Frequency videos when they were relevant. The vast majority of her points were not well argued - and completely asinine.
>Batman's cape is a gameplay device to prevent the presumably male player from seeing his rear end during normal gameplay.
>It's not really a cape, it's more of a tactical butt covering device.
Shit like this are why she was attacked.
No one fucking cares. Shut your fucking mouth.
This. It's very much who you know, not what you know. College isn't just for education, but for connections.
>not threatening to leave and telling him to do your job if he's so good at it instead
worked for me
>Batman's cape is a gameplay device to prevent the presumably male player from seeing his rear end during normal gameplay.
>It's not really a cape, it's more of a tactical butt covering device.
this, nobody gives a fuck about developer sob stories. fpbp
work is a meme, soon we will all be replaced by robots
What do you think happens at giant studios? Workers become commodities, and contractors get fucked on a constant basis.
Though I'd like to see a source for this.
>fellow worker
Fuck you
>Her videos weren't attacks on vidya, just feminist critiques.
bullshit she implies that video games might influence your perception of women but at the same time said playing these games wont make you misogynistic its fucking double speak
As someone who left the computer programming industry to start working 12 hour industrial shifts, I would be absolutely fine with a 5 day work week instead of the 6 day work week I do now. Industrial jobs in fort Mac, and pipelines in general might be a fucked up work environment, but I've been doing it so long now it just feels normal. When I worked in the lumber industry and only did 40 hour weeks it felt like a god damned vacation.
She was talking about how desexualized male characters are in comparison to female characters, how the cape physics makes it cover the butt in most instances and how that compares to female design choices. It's a stupid thing to fixate on, so it's a passing comment.
Absolute state of Yea Forums
It's calling out hypocrisy more than anything. Most people would aside from the thin skinned would be fine with them doing it so long as the kind done to them were as inconsequential I'd wager.
As in it's part of larger cultural elements, a factor. It's like how eating at McDonalds won't make you fat, but if you have a sedentary lifestyle and you eat a lot at McDonalds you might have a problem, and in this lol food analogy video games aren't the food but the Sprite from the soda fountain. She also says it's reflective of how women are scene and what's expected of them, part of the long history of making males of all shapes and sizes and females more similarly attractive.
>Actually defending that fraudster
You are pathetic
>what's expected of them, part of the long history of making males of all shapes and sizes and females more similarly attractive
so she is saying video games do affect the mind yes or no?
>mature games have some raunchy aspects
Amazing critique, thank you Anito Sockeesian.
It's not defending, just telling it like it is. I think she's often wrong and mostly doesn't matter. No dev needs a word of advice from her or anyone, she's just there if anyone wants the feminist perspective.
Ever notice how the companies that virtue signal the most also tend to be the shittiest places to work?
It perfectly encapsulates her entire mindset in a single sentence. Everything is viewed as oppressive to women, and uplifting to men. Even a fucking cape.
Fucking kek
And you faggots claimed Ed Boon became woke. Apologize now. Based Ed is OUR guy.
They make people better and worse. They make people happy and sad. They make people want to farm after playing Harvest Moon. They made me want to fap when I had two hot characters mirror match in Street Fighter. Yeah, they affect mind.
Cant agree more.
It's like boob physics, but the opposite and with capes.
so if I play GTA V it would make me want to kill people and steal cars and rob banks?
should have recorded his chimpout and put it on twitter and facebook to go viral. you could have been bathing in gofundme bux by now
>I base my entire live and personality on my politics and I constantly make threats on twitter about punching people so you BETTER BE AFRAID of me because I'm SUCH A HARDASS
Are the same people that are like
>My boss yelled at me and I cried.
fan fiction?
>I think she's often wrong and mostly doesn't matter
I guess I should learn to code.
Its amazing its like she couldn't think for a second that many heroes since time out of mind have had capes even fucking Hercules had a cape and the nigga was nude most of the time
Menial labor is different. After about 6 hours the quality of someone who gets paid to think goes completely down the shitter. Menial labor it doesn't matter unless it's heavily physical
Nigga we should be working 20 hours a week at most fuck this gay bullshit.
>into cs
>passed math just fine
>still confused why math is needed for cs
once you do get past the math classes you will do fine as long as what programming actually tests you on isn't a problem for you, gotta be a logical thinker
well I guess both are kind of related by proxy
No, but it could be a factor. I'm not going to outlaw big macs because "the make people fat".
It's not that he had a cape, but that the cape physics was geared to not show off bat booty.
my god..
What other companies are like this?
yeah I'm sure the person working on it was like "Under no circumstances should you ever see Batman's ass, that would be gay. I will make it so that his cape covers his ass at all times purely to spite the women and the gays."
Abso-fucking-lutely based and devpilled. Watch for incoming SEETHING replies from social justice faggots. The thought of these balding bearded leftists toiling in misery and abuse is D E L I C I O U S.
somebody: *says the word 'dark' in any context*
every black man in a 30 yard radius: EXCUUUUSE ME? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
Based and dangerously redpilled.
jesus christ user my fucking sides
Posts like these always serve as a reminder that there is still hope left in this world. Yea Forums is not yet fully lost as long as these people continue to exist and not give a fuck.
Thank you for your service, user.
I play games to ignore shitty people, not to hear more about them.
Hopefully this is bait.
Like ass shots and tiddie jiggle, it's not done out of spite. It's a more marketable cool factor if the cape covers him more.
That's not how it works, their contracts expire when the game is finished.
one of the most based posts i've seen in a while
it's looks cool because they look like bat wings not because it covers his body
It's almost like cloth hangs down.
>It's almost like blah blah blah
*sigh* Let's unpack this
What is bait about it?
Based and redpilled.
CDPR are slave drivers too, but the thing is they pay their employees ridiculously well for where they're based. Constant working becomes a lot easier to swallow when you're making bank.
WB Jews and NetherRealm can suck my dick for censoring my game.
i just found out some faggot souls streamer who had the most ridiculous rules to his chat and nazi mods, who had rainbow hair and tried to be on a soapbox 24/7 about sjw shit.
the dude was grooming viewers and cheated on his girlfriend.
they are absolute snakes in the grass and cannot be trusted
Go back to ResetEra you're not fooling anyone, Zoe.
t. resetera tranny
This shit should be way more common knowledge, humans use that tactic in order to divert attention from themselves.
There are people with no jobs and struggling to live, there are people working in deadly conditions like coal mines or off shore fishing. These fucking pencil pushers complain about working too much.
Activision Blizzard
I'll admit, this was pretty based
Why the fuck would any up and comer on contract not just walk out the fucking door as soon as they heard “80-120 hour work weeks” and “220 hour months”?
Unless you have a fucking child you’re caring for literally anything is better than that. I keep hearing excuses like “maybe they bought a house” or “first job don’t know any better” but that’s fucking bullshit.
You can fucking have my house if keeping it means I have to work 220 hours a month or 80 hours a week like a fucking cotton picker.
The ONLY people I’d understand who didn’t immediatley just throw caution to the wind and leave are people with kids. Anyone not tied down dumb enough to be treated like that honestly deserves it.
i think the issue is that they reinforce all this for progression and the thoughts are protected because of some retarded moral compass.
so the first person to not want it to be common knowledge are the ones exploiting it.
faggot coworkers, but also this
How did this place become the only corner of the internet that is still sane.
I always figured they were just Americans larping.
this is pretty much how every industry works
I've only gotten good jobs through friends, I have never applied for and received a sweetheart gig