Other urls found in this thread:
>the absolute state of America
nothing wrong with these
>trash talk
>Don't be a jerk
>M rated game
Nigger what.
>Try again, kid
That's ageist you fucking shitlord
Lmao this can't be real
This is good though. Better than Overwatch banning all form of trashtalking and turning everyone into a huge pussy.
>whoa, why can't I act like a retard on someone else's servers
Get that ass banned, edgelords
it doesnt even matter anyways. they fucking killed voice chat on the xbox years ago with party chat anyways
Finally, autistic nerds like you won't be exposed for the losers you are!
>trash talk
>don't be a jerk
That would get you banned.
>They actually allow "Get good"
It is. Go down to "Know the difference between trash talk and harassment" and click "For Example:"
That's pretty ableist, you disgusting bigot.
that last one
Coddling like this is what leads to a generation that thinks words are violence.
>Get good
Over-glorifying skill in a video game.
>that was some serious potato aim
wow, didn't know they were okay with making fun of the mentally handicapped. do better microsoft.
>potato aim
R e a l l y? I guess mentally handicapped count for nothing at MS.
you're unironically irritated lol
>Cheap win. Totally expected from a
That last one is gold
>Cheap win. Totally expected from _______
Can't figure this one out. Can someone help?
Words are violence tho
You cannot argue against this
>Get some praise. Can't believe you thought you were on my level. You're actually much stronger.
>Hey handsome, that was some serious good aim. You wrecked me, I'm trash.
>Only reason you went positive was you spent all game camping. It's a legitimate tactic.
>Easy win. Totally expected from a fellow human being.
>You rock. Please immigrate to my country -- maye you can impregnate my girlfriend.
So It's okay to call someone garbage, but if I call them garbage and a faggot it's not okay? Isn't that "having fun at someone else's expense"?
>play Halo 3 or Reach
>kill someone on the enemy team
>can hear them rage as you t-bag them
>play MCC
>no proximity chat
>no one uses gamechat anyway
It's free speech? Why do clubs allow me as a person of color to feel up your white woman?
Literally everything is harassment. I'm gonna buy an Xbox, get harassed and Sue the shit out of Microsoft for allowing harassment on their platform.
Curb your language, guys.
OP is a doodoo head!
>Eddie muh cuck
Ok who here works at microsoft and wrote the last one
It's so out of left field. It'd be like saying "Get fucked, jew. You make me wish the holocaust happened."
Nah. Nice try tho nerd
Of course I can. Have you ever been physically harmed by speech?
No, you haven't.
Faggot is a bad word. You can tell someone they are garbage. You cant equate their sexuality to being garbage, though.
>It's ok to make fun of someone's age or maturity
>but don't make fun of their legal status in your country
Gee, wonder which side of the political spectrum wrote this.
words never literally cut some mexicans head off
Disagreeing with me is violence you shitlord I should have you arrested.
I'm using the last one
kek Microsoft bants are surprisingly good
I want the word "boomer" banned. Also anything related to calling me old.
It's MA'AM!
Thanks for this. I helped write some of these and I was really proud of them. Glad you like them :)
Ageist isnt a real thing. Everyone (except those who literally die) are some age at some point. But you'll never be black or Asian or white if you're not. Racism = real, ageism = retarded zoomers wanting to feel oppressed.
Fill in the blanks Yea Forums
Implying physical harm is a bad thing...
Effort being put into insults is hilarious, why did we ever stop
>GTA Online
>Gta 5 is a Adult rated game
>peds say things like "GO FUCK YA MOMMA!"
>PCs text chat is filtered
Have Sex Reassignment Surgery
That last one oddly feels like the most personal wtf.
Will you put a spoiler tag the next time you write "physical harm" please? I have post-traumatic stress disorder, and your post triggered me. Thank you for understanding :)
Fuck that was a funny post. I miss miiverse and all that shit
oh shit guys its tranny ma'am savage from gamestop!
>potato aim
Offensive against those with down syndrome
>try again, kid
Discrimination on the basis of age
>get out of my country
Unironically not hate speech since it doesn't discriminate against any protected class. Microsoft obviously threw this one in since they love abusing the H1B system and their cheap Indian workers
>that was some serious potato aim
wtf who even talks like this?
>M rated game
That's the thing, mate. All they had to do is wave the "This is a M-rated game, immature behavior is not allowed" bullshit around instead of giving out vague examples sugarcoated as 'guidelines'.
The original post was the best post on miiverse and you can't prove me wrong.
Water guy doesn't count
Implication of violence is not actual violence, sweetie. I can say I'm going to punch you in the face, but does that physically harm you? No, it does not.
M$ can suck my fucking cock and I'll tell those Nigger Faggots not to dribble or I'll smash their fucking cunt faces in.
>filter mexicans based off their K/D
This would actually be an effective border patrol strategy
GTA V has actual nudity but you can't call someone a cunt it's a joke
what happened to ESRB isn't responsible for content online outside of singleplayer? Fucking nigger faggots.
Holy fuck, Microsoft is based.
>Try again = KYS
>Get good = Get out of my country
Nice codewords there M$
>That was some serious potato aim
>Get penetrated. Can't believe you thought you were on my level.
>Hey fuck, that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
>Cheap win. Totally expected from a spook.
>gta 5 is a game released in 2013
>the voice acting prolly happened circa 2010-2012
man, culture changes fast. that voice actor would get lynched for that nowadays
Why can't i call people niggers online anymore, Yea Forums?
What the flip went wrong?
>potato aim
That's fucking great.
Pain is temporary I don't get why it should be a crime to do supposed horrible things like raping women. People kill things all the time. The number one mass murderer of all animal species are human beings.
normies, boomers and wine aunts infested internet.
I'm part of a group who petitioned MicroSoft to implement these changes. A lot of guys (and gals!!) here on Yea Forums donated our time to make this a reality. It really makes it feel all worthwhile when I see a positive post like yours. Thank you for caring!
t. Friendless loser
>Pain is temporary
So is your life, thankfully.
It's called propaganda. Smoking rates are down 30% yet it was only till recently that people are forgoing smoking for other sins
Based and red pilled.
>That last one
Someone had too much fun writing this.
>try again, kid
What if I'm a boomer?
And yet, most of this country is still addicted to opiates and dying at an incredible rate.
>go to resetera to see if they are seething over "potato aim" being acceptable
>see this thread
>Makes the decision to not buy their next console really easy.
Microsoft just became pure based Trumpkino in the blink of an eye.
>muh just world phenomenon
So I can't even curse now? What's the point of having a headset, or playing multiplayer? Whelp, back to playing Eldewrito, MCC is dead.
Little Tom dropping redpills
nobody even uses game chat on xbox live, everyone is on party chat with their friends so i dont understand what the point of this article is
hey goy! got a sprained ankle? hey this oxycontin is good for that! its not addictive, just take five a day! oh, you tend to fall asleep drooling at your desk? well, here let me write you a script for adderal too! its all natural, made by our experts in mexic- i mean a US based lab!
Those guys over at ResetEra are really a bunch of potato heads. I bet their K/D ratio isn't even above 1. I would tell them GG EZ, but I think to imply I had an easy time may diminish their self-esteem, and I don't want to make anybody feel lesser about themselves. They are all a bunch of silly gooses.
>browsing resetera
Try China
>Nobody uses
>Everybody uses
How it feels to be a brainlet.
It's all a conspiracy man
If by conspiracy, you mean make billions of dollars off the pain and suffering of less fortunate people, then yeah, it's a total conspiracy.
So ggez is acceptable thanks Microsoft
Just have fun inventing your own (somewhat) PC slurs. Like calling niggers for "mudmen" or "bling bonobos". Spics could be "salsa simians". Kikes could be "mountain rhinos", etc etc.
I only go there when something that could spark outrage happens. I enjoy seeing their tears.
Fake and ___
Xbox players will defend this
everyone uses party chat with their friends, why would your own friend report you for saying nigger?
>waaaaah why can't i say racist shit online without getting banned waaaaah
Fucking pathetic. Imagine being a grown ass man crying about a ban on Xbox because you couldn't hide your autism and had to use racial slurs. Did any of you mentally advance past 13?
>That sucked. Get good and then come back when your k/d's over 1.
Imagine thinking this was a real article on the Internet
Defend what? You think you wouldn't get a ban for calling someone a nigger already? Try that on the PS4 and see how it goes.
>imgur filename
they probably grew up with xbox live and think that shit was normal, and now they are picachu facing hardcore when they found out 10 years later that that shit was never okay
>Cheap win, totally expected from a
funny thing is, their 'system' will still ban you for these because a report is a report
This generation disappoints me to no end.
where would "have sex" be?
No, that wouldn't happen, but saying "everybody" does something is being purposefully ignorant. Just because everyone in your biology class plays XBOX in group chat, doesn't mean the whole world does.
an African American
>mountain rhinos
all the radical dudes talk like that my fellow younger gamer, why not buy more microtransactions for the cool microsoft ® store?!!
Woah. Why are you so mad? It's been a long time since I've seen someone this triggered.
Get the fuck out of here Zamatsu
I heard you can't talk about microtransactions, because it has the word "trans" in it, so the algorithm will just ban you.
It's sad how you can tell they didn't grab actual trash talk.
This bullshit is seriously making me feel like a decaying old man even though I'm only 25. What the fuck ever happened to "sticks and stones?"
then just say microtrannysactions, should work
>mfw the swamp zombies in l4d2 were refered to as mudmen
can't believe valve was this based all along.
trannies started using them to dilate
>get wrecked
I always mean it analy. How isn't it a sexual slur?
manchilds, what do you expect?
>you suck.Get out of my country--maybe the'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1
that's the one i am stealing from microsoft.
hahaha americucks
Sticks and stones is a patriarcal construct dogwhistling for rape and oppression of womyns.
Stick refer to the penis while stones refer to the testicles. It is one of the longest gaslighting campaigns from the patriarchy against the female sex
oi m8, you got ya postin loisence, sonny jim?
The western world has been in peacetime too long, society has subconsciously gotten bored and now invents meanlingless problems to solve.
being an adult literally required the maturity to understand words can't hurt people in any occasion. You lack that? You didn't grow up and should be either sent back to the nuthouse with retards, or killed. It's basic, simple logic.
That's it. That's the solution. Excellent.
What a fucking loser.
I would fuck her but if I were under the age of 16
>"You suck, Get out of my country-"
A bit on the nose there
>peace is bad
fuck off, fash. the problem is your collectivism.
yikes! imagine buying an sjwbox next generation.
I hope people start copy pasting these exact same insults at people
Reminds me of what I was told as a child. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will do infinitely more damage and break my fragile psyche beyond repair. I guess having thick skin is asking too much of people today. God forbid some stranger that poses 0 physical threat say bad words at you.
>"Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road"
>someone probably thought this was a clever insult
>being over the age of 8
>start crying when you ear magic words like "nigger" and "chink"
We laugh at you there, chimpo.
Your bait is weak babe.
go dilate.
this is about so much more than being able to call you a fucking dumb fucking nigger cattle.
yeah it's r/fellowkids tier
God damn it I didn't need this today.
I fucking hurt my lower back and it hurts to laugh.
Trash talking online is for cowards faggots who their never being on a real life fight.
I don't cry. I just report you and sit back and watch the ban hammer fall.
t.triggered rightoids
I recommend an inversion table for you. Once it feels semi back to normal, stretches will do wonders for back pain.
Assuming this means "get raped" I would have to heavily disagree on this part. "get raped" is not a threat at all as it actually implies that the rape already happened in the game just a moment ago. It's not a suggestion to "get raped" but rather a statement that yes, you got metaphorically raped in the last game
>cowards faggots who their never being on a real life fight
>Teabagging is still a go
>Get .
what's this supposed to be?
Your bait is so weak, it's shark weak. You're not very good at this...
Hey hey ningen fucker
hey hey ningen sucker
Get fucked/Get raped
i realize britbongs dont get freedom of speech but the internet is american, which puts it under the jurisdiction of the first amendment no matter where you are in the world
>t. couldn't handle the bants
Don't have the money for that right now but thanks anyway dude, I'll keep it in mind if it happens in the future.
>Trash talking online is for cowards faggots
That's trash talk, You must never been in a fight before
so "git gud" is legalized?
Macho Man Tranny Savage
this. they don't know the etymology behind the usage
Get blowjobbed
>but the internet is american,
Well, half of it.
i worked construction, I've had back pain my whole life practically. Stretches are the only preventive measure I've found to ever work. You don't need the table, I found videos on YouTube that helped me learn new stretches to try.
Hilariously you can literally shoot someone dead when he is trespassing.
But trash talk in a videogame? Oh no no no.
Have you ever punched somebody in real life?
>get hand held
>get married
>get pregnant consensually
>get old and die together while still in love
Gosh, he said it!
>Virgin, incel, etc. still okay
>mfw got a one day suspension last night for an Apex teammate that wouldnt pick my banner yet he picked his friend's banner right next to mine (wasnt in a combat, no team were around)
some of uwe's game movies are cool
>people itt unironically defending oversensitive "my feefees" bullshit and SJW culture
Probably because you put a space between We and 're
so we're just living in the world of Demolition man, great when do they tell me how to use the shells?
Wheres the guys boner in the bottom panel?
I weep for the genration that thinks it's normal to click the "report" button because they literally don't have the mental toolset to deal with confrontation. It's like a generation of Hitler Youth snitching on their parents for wrong-think. But most people think everything seems fine....
no, the internet is 100% american and we lent out the technology to other countries to liberate the rest of the world, do you honestly think the us government doesn't have the power to cut off internet to another country?
I want to be bully hunted
>that last one
Thanks for the new bants Microsoft.
have sexed
No one's defending it. That's all bait responses to get (you)'s.
>last night I bond burger'd your sister
So it's okay to tell someone they have a tiny penis right?
It was literally invented by a Welsh guy and a Polish/Jewish/American guy.
I weep for your bathroom scale.
>US government
they are not the same thing you euro faggots. Not yet anyway.
I guarantee you at least one isn't.
I remember finally finding out what this means a couple years ago. But, I don't actually remember what it means now. I just know it's very convoluted and relies on obscure fast food knowledge to be understood.
Yes, most people have growing up in ireland. You're still a faggot
most people do
Last night I fucked and fed your sister
get good
Last night I 007cheesburger your sister.
Well, I know you're probably right, I just prefer to think everyone here has a little more sense than that.
He's an eunuch
i dont care, it was created at MIT which is a federal agency owned by the defense department
Fuckin' gerbers man, I poop on them.
Yikes... I guess that's a devastating comeback in your 6th grade lunch room.
Get fucked
>He doesn't know how to use the shells.
>Going too far looks like
>"Hey , that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash"
Alright faggots, try to defend this one. Literally no reason why you can't call someone a fucker or a shitter.
It's either
>I pierced your sister's buns
The actor's name is Pierce and buns is obvious
>I 6 9'd your sister
6th James Bond and the number the burger is on the menu. I remember hearing both explanation but I don't remember which was real and which was joke.
>there are probably people out there who unironically think this
>socially inept cringelords will finally be banned
thank fuck honestly
>he gets happier in each photo
too based for this world
Your insults suck, you sniveling little baby . Come back when you graduate from elementary school and learn how to take off your kid gloves
>Cheap win. Totally expected from a .
>You suck. Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.
>Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
>examples of trash talk
>can't even call someone "trash"
You have to go back
have sex
Get poopied on
This, humanity is a species of competition, what happen to the good ol days?
your point being?
I understand why there would be two. But, I think the third one is unnecessary.
Microsoft you fucking faggots
Oh ho HOO! It's a verbal sparring match you desire, eh ol' chum? Well, I do not suppose you know the golden rule of never having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent! Now see here, my squad of rabble rousers were wrecking n00bs in the Call of Duty while you were still in short pants! You have walked into a snafu my friend, a ruse that I so expertly crafted you did not see it until it was too late. Now you will FEEL MY WRATH POTATO AIM!
I always thought it was "secretly bunned your sister". I don't think bunned is even a word but they say "put a bun in the oven" when talking about making babies so whatever.
I want to thank the good lord for making me a gamer
>Tfw youll never hear an enemy screaming "poop on the faggots" on the battlefield again.
>he doesn't know the third shells use.
Having no real strife is unironically bad for your psyche and mentality. You create strife. Why that's so, I'm not entirely certain. I have a few ideas not very well articulated but it's been shown that when people have no problems, they create problems. You can pretend it isn't real all you want, that doesn't make it not real.
Fuck, i was reading this on my lunch break. Almost spit all of my food
So that literally means you can do even worse.
Get sex.
Last night I secretly pounded your sister
>Talk CRAP, get BRAP
wtf, how do they get away with it?
You know all about devastating lunch rooms. Don't you, fatty?
>be playing some Halo with this
>get told i have "potato aim"
>can't do anything about it because it's acceptable
th-thanks MS...
Was that you I saw running through my backyard earlier? You should have stayed for coffee. I make a wicked brew.
Fuck, why do i find these so funny? Maybe it's because daddy microsoft is saying them
supporting ur point
Peace =/= stagnation
Struggle =/= war
You don't need to send men to their deaths for the sake of the ruling elite to have a culture that understands the poison of comfort.
I devastate dat puss all day. No wait a second.. MICROSOFT DON'T BAN MEEEEeeeeee
Have sex
Um excuse me sweetie but trash talk is NEVER acceptable on the sole basis that it makes people feel bad.
I try to make those around me comfortable while playing games, this includes the opposing team. So when I throw my match because I won the last game and think it's only fair for the other team to win, my teammates end up saying things like this to ME!
I can't help but imagine Microsoft Sam saying these.
>getting offended by racial slurs
Did you?
>Last night I Pierced In-n-Out your sister
>"Get wrecked" is okay
>"Get wrecked, trash." isn't
>Corporate approved trash talk.
It feels good to know that in the future I'll be able to make a young adult break into tears and ball up into a fetal position by just calling them "dumb".
Kids that grow up with these kinds of policies will never get desensitized to even the slightest insult.
Im gonna say youre a dippydoodle, fuckstain
Is it bad that I kind of want to use excerpts from this?
Get handholded, nerd.
>potato aim
>implying that isn't insulting to people with downs syndrome
whatever the real answer; "Bond-burgered" is way funnier
I would be honored if you did.
Seems like everyone is laughing at the last one, but I don't get it. Can someone help?
GTA V is Mature, not Adult.
It's so specific and out of nowhere.
but nobody ever says ANY of this shit???
I do this because I duo with a friend and the 3rd is generally a retard that steals loot and blows the element of surprise every game.
We end up losing more games by trying to help the retards.
replying because this shit is wack
Why don't they just filter "nigger" to "roody-poo"?
Peace isn't bad, but you have to admit it makes people weak. Hardship builds character. Human beings are naturally inclined to want to fight for something, and when there's no real cause or threat to stand up against people start fighting each other over imagined non-issuses or pointless shit they think is 'oppressive' because they have never experienced real oppression.
Maxed and hormonepilled
>potato aim
afreakan niggermerican
Is this level of egocentrism normal in america?
I identify as a potato and find this offensive
Not cool, MS
christ my dick
White people and leftists are pathetic
fuck SJWs and sony and fuck microsoft
The west is cucked
wtf is "potato aim" if it's not making fun of retarded people?
>It's like a generation of Hitler Youth snitching on their parents for wrong-think.
This might be the funniest thing I’ve read all day holy shit. You should do stand-up
Based Microchad making snoys seethe because they can no longer trash talk.
Shhh they don't know, it's funnier if they shoot themselves in the foot first
>>being an adult literally required the maturity to understand words can't hurt people in any occasion.
it actually requires the understanding that words have immense impact on everybody as humans are emotional beings by design.
>maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1
This should be the the new immigration policy
>filtering voice chat
How would that work? Has that ever been done?
>picachu facing hardcore
Cool it with the ableist language, please.
>That last one
>picachu facing
>You suck. Get out of my country
I'm using that one.
>picachu facing hardcore
this is toxic
was this anime any good
I'll get the potato one removed, shouldn't take long.
>Games of the past
>Chose the server of your liking, if you want to be an asshole go to a tryhard server, you want everything to be clean go to a christian server
>Games of present
>Everyone is thrown into Auschwitz matchmaking nightmare
>Turns out that forcing people with radically different views on how a gaming session should look like to play together is a terrible idea
>Game companies spend millions on pushing "toxicity" out of your game
>Turns out that you can't stop assholes just by autobanning a few phrases
>Companies continue to loose millions
>Retards defend them online
>and now they are picachu facing hardcore
What the fuck are you talking about?
Just because Rockstar had contextual swearing in the game doesn't mean they want you to spam NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in the chat.
Cool it with the sexist language, please.
was any?
>announcing reports
yeah thats against the rules pal
RuneScape: The Animation was the Evangelion of anime.
>le nigger strawman
i havent said nigger once in text chat. "fuck" is blocked, you twitter retard.
>Try again, kid
Literally plebbit.
Boku no Pico
Loli UFC was pretty good, yes.
>potato is fine because they have no fucking clue where it comes from
>fat shaming
Cmon bro, not cool!
Forgettable, but that particular scene is incredibly satisfying.
>Microsoft is pushing "get good" as an acceptable trash talk.
At least people will stop saying it because all the middle aged men trying to meme will be saying it now.
This is what triggers me. Want to moderate language for your game? Fine. But if characters have pre-recorded voice lines that are more vulgar than the rules you are enforcing then the rule is fucking retarded. It's like if you went to a theatre that was showing porn and got kicked out for bringing in a porn magazine.
One of the biggest offenders of this funnily enough are Battlefield servers, more specifically Battlefield 3 and 4 servers that don't allow swearing. When one of the most common lines you will hear is "I'M GETTING MY SHIT PUSHED IN HERE" when soldiers are suppressed. Or "I'M GOING TO DROP THAT MOTHER FUCKER" when you start firing at enemies.
We live in a corporatocracy where the government and (((financial institutions)))weaponizes organizations and platforms of speech to censor speech they deem unacceptable. Just look at the hearing congress had on white supremacy. Your elected officials were basically telling internet companies that they must dictate what is and is not acceptable to say
Imagine being for the censorship of free speech on the basis of wrongthink and imagined oppression. You're even more pathetic than the manchildren yelling nigger on voice chat.
>potato aim
uh oh
>M-mommy the mean words in my graphically violent killing game #200 sponsored my RedBull tm are hurting me!
>Cheap win, totally expected from a nigger
What did they mean by this?
>fill in the blanks
Get bent twink fuck. Can't believe you thought you were on my level.
>Stop bad
should be the new one
>Wow man, you suck
>Is now =
Nice one, why do you shits always have folders of "le funny faced alt-right man" and "Le ebin laugh gif" (You)r attempts to hide (you)r true origin are not working.
You are a poor imitation of the real thing.
Demo made me partial to "frick of".
ranch or cool ranch?
"I feel safe when I'm with you, user."
Atleast we don't go to jail for calling someone a faggot, faggot.
Thank God we have guns then.
My face is tired
gj getting trump elected once again leftscum
>wow people get old
>knowing what an imgur filename looks like
"Get into missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction."
The real Shitstorm should be over the fact that games dont let you self host servers anymore
God DAMN you're stupid
Lets be real here, Trump was elected because his opponent was Hillary fucking Clinton. Somebody not only hated by the right, but by a significant portion of the left because she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
jew, cracker, yellow fuck works. Not just nigger.
Trump was elected because real humans hate leftists
>Last night I Pierce Brosnan hamburger your sister
no u
Forgetting about
>ya its very scary 13 and up content!
Last night I silent(ly) pound(ed) your sister
by that logic a crowd booing you or an entire school bullying you with insults shouldn't be any kind of problem
white people and SJW liberals are a fucking joke
the west is dead and cucked
/pol/ was right again
>potato aim
Damn, MS going in on children and retards. Yeah! Fuck 'em dude. Nice bants, MS!
if a large crowd or an entire school is bullying you, you are the problem
We do until they implement real ID online and someone reports you to the state who then confiscates them because you “pose an imminent threat” all because you hurt somebody’s feefees
To the people ITT talking about reporting people that trash talk. THIS is the kind of shit you’re doing, you are one degree separated from using the state as a weaponized force of oppression all because you think you’re the good guys
FYI to the glowies, all I wanted was to be able to use the internet to laugh at funny things. STOP trying to fuck that up
“”””””white”””””” yeahhhhhhhh
>there was a time not to long ago microsoft was trying to control your speech by listening to you with the mandatory kinect addon and banning whenever they recorded something that they didn't like
Why do people even try to support microsoft? People give shit for sony wanting to censor "questionable content" but microsoft flat out tried to control your speech even when you weren't playing online
sure, but that's not the point. violence isn't limited to physical harm
shut the fuck up faggot i dont even care to argue with you because youre such a little bitch, go break your neck running down a steep hill queer
>white people
>the biggest issue microsoft wants to fix is white people using the word nigger and making niggers cry all the time
Right. White people are the sissies here.
I don't think you know what the word violence means.
he's not wrong
Ahem the ‘you know whos’ are not white
I wonder if you realize that the guy you are talking with isn't ever going to take your position seriously.
What was that basketball game they were hyping, where if you sweared the ref in game would give you a foul? Holy shit, that was scary. They were really proud of that too...
>feeling threatened without getting insulted
Let me say this for the final time
If you cannot agree with that then we have nothing left to say to each other because you’re too deep into the punchbowl to crawl out
It seems like you don't have enough guns.
Last night I British American'd your sister?
Of course I do. Someone that retarded is obviously not being serious.
I thought everybody understood this already? Why are we rehashing topics that are settled? They're white when it fits their agenda, and they're not when it doesn't. There's that one infographic of those Twitter users all doing that exact thing.
Violence will not solve this issue, glower
People talk so much shit on the internet that even if you started with the "acceptable" ones it will eventually escalate into "going to far".
post it, I'm curious
Just because they call themselves white doesn’t make it so. They were never white to begin with, it’s just a mask they wear
>This is the white people trying to control what I say!
>microsoft is literally full of pajeets who are actually trying to stop racism because they don't want people making fun of their pooing in the streets anymore
This trash talk is fine right?
I don't have it saved. I've seen it plenty of times though. I think it's a bunch of blue check marks on Twitter, 2 tweets each where they say one thing, and then later post the exact opposite position. I'm sure someone will see this and know exactly what I'm talking about.
i'm not saying words are on the same level as physical assault, but it's really stupid to think that there is no effect at all.
and no, banning in videogames for trash talking or whatever this is is fucking stupid. I'm talking exclusively about real environments where insults can count as a form of violence. online you can fuck off or disable chats
There's a reason cops don't get into certain neighborhoods.
All I'm saying is, if law enforcement is afraid to go get you in the first place, then they'll probably won't bother you over minor shit like social media posts.
I know that's what I meant. They claim to be when it's beneficial to them.
Is the last one implying you need to kill more than 1 person to be recognized as a real american?
What a weak and pathetic generation. Being coddled and made 'safe' from literal fucking WORDS. This shit would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
Ok, sure you could say something that might be considered a “call to violence” but words in of themselves are not violent
>somebody actually had to write these
I don't play OW but looks like hes trying to keep track on a popular spot and gets out shot? Someone says why is he peaking and just standing there when literally like 5 guys around him and hes jumping around? He had an autistic moment, but I don't blame him for getting frustrated at the other idiots, looks like he just got out-gunned and it happens sometimes.
I really miss when games had options for what servers to play on.
a crowd booing you is not violence you little girl
Haven't played Overwatch in nearly two years but I can chime in and say that he was actually right and his teammates were wrong, he didn't peek, the enemy Widowmaker actually peeked him and won the fight. You're right that it would be frustrating to be blamed for a mistake that never happened. Sperging out and devolving into saying nigger dozens of times isn't really going to help though.
Its emotional violence.
We need it now more than ever too. All these womyn and nuMales could play in their safespace server for pansies, while the rest of us real women and men could play in our normal servers for non-faggots. Then none of the shit would even be a problem.
a potato
doesn't exist. Violence is only physical. Grow up.
its emotional and unnatural violence and repression to deny freedom of speech
sorry commie but you have to go
What if you bought a Ferrari, and then 20 years later it turned into a Volkswagen Beetle. Would you just be like
>wow. Cars get old.
You aren't going to get through to these inbreds. Why the fuck are you bothering? They only imagine violence as direct physical harm on another person/object.
Pic related for you.
That is a horrible analogy. You might as well have went with a food analogy.
>buy fresh banana
>sits on counter for a month
>banana is rotten and mushy
>wow, food gets old
>Try again kid
>Come at me
Stop assaulting my feelings.
Thats not how things work user. You buy a Ferrari and if its used for 20 years its going to have issue and look far from new. Even if you buy it new and stick it in a garage for 20 years there will be $25k+ of maintenance to do on that vehicle just to make it run again.
Negan, he's talking about tekken
Did anyone actually wanted to vote for Bernie "match my (((donation))) bro" Sanders?
You really want a guy who couldn't stand his ground to a couple of gorilla niggers to face motherfucking China?
Suck my potato again cheap road kid. Actually get car wrecked destroyed. Come on you back running positive all camping game.
It's a perfect analogy. Pierce Brosnan married a Ferrari of a woman, and now he's walking around with a Pinto. He looks the same though. I wonder why he isn't 100 lb heavier.
>words are not violence
So why do you incels bitch and whine that women hurt you when they reject you, they're just saying no
No one wanted any of them, but Bernie would've won over trump for sure if bernie didn't get snaked by Hillary. Everyone hated Hillary before and even more so after the bernie situation.
He was the only one talking about solving the issue of money in politics. If our government is pushing legislation in favor of major business instead of it's people then our democracy is failing on a fundamental level.
>letting big megacorporations dictate what you can or cannot say
boy this is going to end well
Yeah but Bernie is running for office again in 2020.
I'll never understand wanting to be dominated by a woman. Women are to BE dominated, not the other way around.
They both look old and retired, people who given up on their bodies and just don't care because they love each other more than anything.
That last one is especially succint considering the implication that Americans have a higher KDR than Mexicans in real life.
Also, the lower ones are really funny and I'll likely be using them
Darn, these fricken fricks' fantasies can never be quenched, can they?
Isn't he like 80 years old? Dude's gonna croak in office if he actually gets elected. Probably more important to look who the VP is in this case, like with McCain in 2012.
There is no words to describe the level of pathethicness of this. Won't people sue for obvious first amendment violation? Oh right, because it's a corporation both democreeps and republicuck will let them do whatever they want.
>potato aim
>too far
>still uses potato aim, but with profanity
Answer me this, have you ever seen a single person on the internet ever say "Wow, that's a good analogy", because I haven't. I don't know who you fuckers are expecting to come through, Charles Dickens or something, because every time you autists go "Well ACHKTUALLLY" over every single analogy made. You can't wait to hop on and type out why that analogy doesn't meet your standards of excellence. what is so hard to understand about a car analogy to you?
And by that I mean 2008 because I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't actually give much of a shit about elections.
I want Mion(Shion) to beat me up!
>its not addictive
You'd think the medical world would've giving up that meme after heroin.
Looks like he likes 'em big.
>car turns from a ferrari to a beetle
Its just not even a logical analogy in the first place. At least use common sense behind an analogy to try to use. You're making it seem as if you buy a car and let it sit there it will just magically turn into a beetle after 20 years which isn't the case here. He married a brand new ferrari, drove that bitch for 20 years straight with minimal maintenance and looks like a 20 year old ferrari with 300k miles on it that he gladly parks in the front next to people who key/door ding his shit up. He doesn't care how it looks/drives anymore because to him is still a Ferrari.
>making fun of potatoes is ok
WTF Microsoft!? Not ok!
Have you ever read a doujin where the girl is dominant? The point is, by the end they're begging for the dudes cock. It's almost a domestication fetish. If you're such a badass you can tame this really strong and independent girl, then you're the king.
Idk about america but here in the uk cops dont go after anyone that could actually be a threat, they dont even investigate home burgalrys anymore.
they only go after people they know wont fight back aka old people and people posting naughty words on the internet
Why are 'get wrecked' and 'get destroyed' acceptable, but 'get raped' isn't?
Also, lol @ calling people retards is fine as long as you use 'potato'. Is autism acceptable too?
It's not supposed to make sense! Do you think I don't know a Ferrari can't transmogrify into a Beetle? It's an ANALOGY, a comparison between 2 things to point out similarities. Beetles are cheap cars, Ferraris are expensive cars. A thin young hot woman is a Ferrari, that same woman at 270 lbs is a Beetle, not desirable to someone who can afford "Pierce Brosnan) a Ferrari payment. It's pretty simple honestly, I don't what you're trying to prove Jesus Christ
Jesus fuck you're and idiot.
look at you, drumming up pointless hostility in response to an obvious truth out of boredom, directly proving his point. it's like poetry.
yuo would be correct, the west is doomed thats for sure.
Consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
autism is acceptable because autists tend to be incels and incels are on the other side of the political spectrum so its acceptable to attack them
fucking cunt
instead of "potato" they should've used "Vegetable".
>violence as direct physical harm on another person/object.
that is literally what the word "violence" means.
I miss the good old days bros.
LOL shit pushed in
What happened to the Halo 2 days when everyone called each other nigger this, faggot that, etc? We have to go back.
No amount of GET BLACKED NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER KEK KEK KEK GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN DABS BRAAAAP LOL GET REKT NUB is ever going to compare to people saying gg before the match is over. That shit makes me angrier than anything.
Almost every definition of violence I find includes things such as intimidation as another form of violence.
uncountable noun
Violence is behaviour which is intended to hurt, injure, or kill people.
Nothing about it being merely physical
maybe I'm optimistic, but hopefully once this whole outrage culture blows over things will go back to how they used to be
do people actually get banned from xbox live this generation? i remember scamming a bunch of kids and their parents for a couple years and never got banned.
we going to have anchor killings problems
Fucking this. Mars was one of the most important deities for a reason. War is natural for humans. We aren't all ment to live cozy lives until we decay. It's not natural.
God I hope. "Toxic" chat is just more fun, always has been.
Reminds me of my Source and GoldSrc mod days in high school. Brainbread, Natural Selection, Zombie Panic and ZPS, Zombie Master, fuck there were a lot of good mods.
The fuck, this thread is still up?
There's nothing more cringey than sanitised shit talking. It's like those school visits from anti-drug groups or whatever that were full of 30-40 year olds trying to be "hip" going full blown HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW KIDS
>potato aim
don't they know that potato is slang for a retarded person? if you're going to be PC you can't just use "other words"
this is like user saying "roody poo" (I wonder how many here even remember that)
Braindead phoneposters with no imagination just aggregating and regurgitating the simplest to type insults on their touchscreens before they go to their favorite clickbait sites to read the latest "Top 10 Things To Stick In Your Ass" article.
>Get fucked. Can't believe you thought you were my race slav
>You suck, Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1
I'll actually use this from now on.
It's Yuuka, you uncultured swine.
Christ, how did he get so fat. Owner-san, what are you doing.
Those words are absolutely implying the physicality of the action. Just because you think Hurt also refers to feelings doesn't make it so.
>Get transitioned. Can't believe you though you were on my level.
>Hey Phill Spencer, that was some serious potato aim. Get wrecked, trash.
>Cheap win. Totally expected from a white cis male
Is this acceptable? Trying to understand here
Hurt and injury do refer also to psychological hurt
Yep, hate on whitey is accepted tolerated and expected.
Why did they bother when we already had this?
>the very last one
Holy fucking shit
Yes bashing whites is always acceptable, do you know why? Because its always a white person who starts it all.
Traitor before enemy.
Hurt and injury first and foremost refer to the physical. The use of the word to indicate damage into the psyche of a person does not make the word comparable to verbal abuse or shittalk. The use of hurt and inju3 in psychology refers to damaged individuals that have been physically abused and therefore are also psychologically damaged.
Words cannot be harmful.
Also non-physical violence provokes physical pain too
>Psychogenic pain is physical pain that is caused, increased, or prolonged by mental, emotional, or behavioral factors.
>Headache, back pain, or stomach pain are some of the most common types of psychogenic pain. It may occur, rarely, in persons with a mental disorder, but more commonly it accompanies or is induced by social rejection, broken heart, grief, lovesickness, or other such emotional events.
>wh*te m*le
whoa now, can't be saying that around here.
oi mate
can't wait for you english blowhards to stop referring your cigaretts as "fags"
that day was awesome
Slice wiley'd?
And more
>Psychogenic pain is a pain disorder associated with psychological factors. Some types of mental or emotional problems can cause, increase or prolong pain. A person with a psychogenic pain disorder may complain of pain that does not match his or her symptoms.
>Headaches, muscle pains, back pain, and stomach pains are some of the most common types of psychogenic pain.
You're aware stress kills yes? Stress is not physical yet you can develop cancer and heart failure from it.
It is not comparable in any way to physical damage. A broken wrist will hurt and the pain will be forever scorching your mind. A broken heart or verbal abuse cannot even come close, nor are they able to.
Holy shit, this is even real.
not a day goes by without a honkpill
reminds me of religious cucks trying to change the way people swears
I laughed.
Saving this list and using this as trash talk fucking everywhere.
Especially the get out of my country one.
Can you say " youre trash" ?
The thing that makes me legit mad is this is aimed at adults too.
I assure you broken bones do not compare to that shit. Stress is a false equivalence when referring to harm because it is outside of the control of anyone. Stress is a natural system for the body to make decisions. We make better decisions when under stress, we concentrate better under stress, it's natural. Getting accustomed to stress is necessary if you want to survive.
>"roody poo"
>slang for niggers
I member user
I laughed.
Now I'm kind of angry.
The fucking coddling age.
You suck. Get out of my country--maybe they'll let you back in when your k/d's over 1.
>It is not comparable in any way to physical damage
Yeah it's worse, stress from psychological pain can make one develop diabetes, get a stroke or a heart attack, make you infertile, weaken your immune system etc.
I don't remember the pain when I broke my wrist, rationally I know it hurt but I can't recall the sensation. Whereas if I picture my school bullies I can feel my chest hurt again at the memories.
We hate you, you're the puritanical censor party now m8.
>Last night I took your sister to Burger King and later we played some Donkey Konged your sister
it's the actions that the words represent. merely hearing the word "no" uttered probably doesn't bother incels much.
>They only reason you went positive(POZZ)
Creative way of calling someone a faggot, Based Microsoft
Fucking bullshit you don't remember your broken wrist. That is absolutely bullshit and you are liar.
Stress is not worse than physical injury, the causes for diabetes infertility stroke or heart attack are more than just stress stop lying. Theres hundreds of factors at play, putting all that on stress is idiotic.
The fact that your father didn't teach you how to fight back is telling of the kind of person you grew up to be, maybe your dad was a deadbeat piece of shit and you inherited the same shittier genetic material from him. Life is shit wall to wall , thinking bad words can hurt you shows the lack of self esteem and absence of value you have for yourself, words cannot hurt you, you are hurting yourself if you think they do.
>Whereas if I picture my school bullies I can feel my chest hurt again at the memories.
This is why you cannot police speech, new speech will form with the same meaning.