Games absolutely no one, under any circumstance, defends

Games absolutely no one, under any circumstance, defends.

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I liked it when I replayed it a couple of years ago.
It's not as tight as banjo kazooie but it defs has its moments.
The complaints about all the shit to collect overstate it a bit.

Amazing game that only contrarians "hate". The only gripe is it's a collectathon but they make up for it with interesting worlds to explore, great music, graphics, and gameplay.

There are no good N64 games.

We have multiplayer for Zelda and Mario, so why hasn't this game gotten it yet? I mean, this one already has a multiplayer mode which would probably make it easier to mod in. I bet DK64 would legitimately benefit from having co-op.

it was a decent concept that needed refinement. The multiplayer was fun too

Fucking this

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Doesn't need defending, it's just a good, fun game

I got my fill of collectathons with Banjo Kazooie/Tooie. Enjoyed playing this at Target as a babby though.

This shit is fever dream headache inducing busywork. So many good games came out in 1999 and it is not one of them.

I liked it
Played the hell out of it as a small lad

Only esports-fags and people who weren't even born when it came out actually "hate" Brawl

Brawl has the best roster. Every character has a meaning to their series and no one is there to fluff up the roster size. With an Animal Crossing rep, it would have been perfect.

Are you kidding dude? This was the best collectathon on the N64. Hell, you got me craving a new playthrough with this post.

Bull-fucking-shit. Even your average casual at the time knew it was slow/floaty. Even they preferred to play Melee over Brawl
Stuff like this is true though. I don't hate any of the games in the series, and Brawl definitely had the most love put into it. It really did feel like a celebration of Nintendo, so I still had fun with it.

Kinda hilarious how Nintendo purposefully balanced the entire roster so anybody could be tourney-viable, and then suddenly it's a big deal because "Muh low gravity"
Brawl's not a good Smash game by any means, but it certainly had the most going for it when you consider how the roster pans out on a broad scale

Brawl is the worst Smash game.

> Lucario
> Zero Suit Samus

I bought this one because I needed the expansion pack for Majora's Mask, turned out to be good game in its own right. Also I thought Banjo Kazooie felt like a rip off cause I played this first.

brawl had the worst balance in the entire series by a wide margin, which is saying something

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well there's stuff like super mario 64 but that's about it

>the worst balance in the entire series by a wide margin

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remind me, who was the character in 4 that didn't have a single bad matchup, took home 60%+ of all prize money, and single handily got huge chunks of the game banned while having specific rules targeted towards him to make him less effective? Shit even without MK the game still had multiple 10:0 and 9:1 matchups. Brawl is the most poorly balanced game in the series and it's not even close

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Brawl was genuinely hype and tons of fun back then, its just not something you can replicate anymore and its easy to say that the game sucks in retrospect, which it kinda does, but back then it was the shit, you had to have been there. And thats not an excuse either, of course the later entries polished the crap out of the formula, that doesn't make the game invalid unless you're either a sour esportsfag or genuinely weren't born yet and just repeat what ecelebs say about the game now

I miss the days when I would check the Dojo and get to see new characters and features. Now it's just asspained manchildren shouting buzzwords.

I just did 101% recently. Honestly, the collectibles are barely the issue. IMO, the bigger problem is how many of the minigames are just outright busted and barely winnable.

Beaver bother, beetle races, etc. Then being forced to play DK and Jetpac just to get to endgame.

The actual running around grabbing bananas/opening new paths is actually relatively fun. But every time I got to a bonus barrel I crossed my fingers for one of the few not shit minigames.

The Diddy jetpack ring games are terrible too.

the MP mode is pretty great, I still play it with friends from time to time

Perfect Dark
Blast Corps
Mischief Makers
Sin & Punishment
Rogue Squadron
F-Zero X

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>no one, under any circumstance
I liked dk64, suck my dick lad

God this thread is shit

I'd call you contrarian but I genuinely never get the urge to emulate anything on the N64 so there might be something to it