Um Atlus? How did they get away with this

Um Atlus? How did they get away with this

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That’s pretty fucking retort it

Bad localisation.

Remind me why people ship these two?


Both have a history before Joker showed up. Due to racism, she was ignored by most of the Japanese classmates, but Ryuji was wiling to be her friend.

So this is why Morgana hates Ryuji.. Absolutely based

Blonde hair

Retards will ship any characters that so much as make eye contact let alone talk to each other.

Ryuji and Ann had a cool dynamic before Shitoto showed up. Ann should have been the last member

This. Even if they out right hate each other.

Based Ryuji.

Somebody had to say it.

Yeah sure ignore the other moments between the two and plug your ears like a child

What's the original?

Did you not play the game? This is it user.


effing based

because shipper fags are mentally ill

this is the original.

Based Ryuji.

Ann's ONLY good quality is her feet

It's my headcanon that Ryuji dyed his hair so that Anne wouldn't feel like such an outcast by herself.

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I hear she goes for guys involved in satanic ritual abuse. So, good luck with that choice.

>there are people actually think Ann is a virgin
>there are people that think you can get into the modeling world without getting Weinstein'd

Anne loves getting pounded hard by Kamoshida

Anne is a bimbo slut skank whore hussy bitch harlot

Kamoshida deserves better than Anne.

>being this much of a virgin

t. mentally ill shipperfag

>an American that’s still in high school became a model in japan
Something like that had to happen for her to reach that


Every Japanese idol has to pay the troll toll, even the guys get molested by that old pedo that runs Johnny Juniors.

Thot status: patrolled

I wish there were more scenes like this in P5 where they’d call out stupid tropes. I guess then the main audience wouldn’t like the game as much if it openly made fun of the stuff they love

I never understood the people that love that particular cliche though.

>here do all this annoying shit for me
>your reward will be wasting a bunch of money on me for an evening where I act incredibly uninterested in you

She's just too old to be using that line

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based gay man

Japanese humour

to be fair in fiction if they display tw characters making eye contact then it's pretty deliberate

If Ren asked, Ryuji would have been all over it


Akira is just his name in the manga, don’t be retort it. It’s Ren literally everywhere else.

based, whore btfo

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Where is this bitch from?

Unfortunately for you, she already has a boyfriend

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Ren is such a shit name.

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Anns reaction when they think he died.

That looks like a girl.

She's a boy (female)

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So sweet of that girl to befriend the kid with the cleft-palate. I knew a girl with a cleft-palate and she was constantly being bullied for it, it was really sad.

hinata best girl