Weird trailer leaked on Youtube. Look likes Left 4 dead 3.
Weird trailer leaked on Youtube. Look likes Left 4 dead 3
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Creative fake
you should've made it more believable. also kys
holy f***
u wasted ur time so hard KEK
fake and gay
Niceeee hope its true!!!!!!
Let's hope it's real! Noice!
Definitely L4D trailer (CEDA reference on the sticker) but dunno if its from valve
It makes total sense for L4D3 to be the "flagship VR game" even if this trailer is fake.
>Weird trailer leaked.
>Implying some user on Yea Forums uncovered a L4D3 trailer with the title 20190611wVLACgXBSwO4eVv.021162_h264
valve doesnt really famous for this vague type of trailers.
Hey man if you made this good work. Honestly no sarcasm. Keep at it
This. The trailer looks very, very nice.
Too much gore for it to pass as a real Valve trailer and that's not what the infected looked like in LfD games. Nice work though, it'll probably fool any of the retards out there that still think Valve make games.
Nice but if this is true.... Jesus. Like holy shit. The secret weapon to fight back Epic.
This is a new resident evil blender porno trailer
holy shit i want to believe. Imagine a L4D game with the same visual fidelity and gore as RE2 remake. Too sad its probably fake tho
Typical Yea Forums autist. Waste hundreds of hours to troll some neckbeards on Yea Forums with a fake trailer
no idea why wou'd easte your time creating a fake trailer for game that is known to not be in development anymore
pretty much this. If Gabe surprises us with "Orange Box 2," game over for PS5, Epic, etc.
you could have put in a little more effort into the name of the vidoe lmao. fucking cringe
The filename is dated June 11, 2019.
This is insanely well done for SFM (I think it's SFM anyway), but I really do doubt this is the real deal.
>video uploaded ~30min ago
user you probably should have spent some more time researching how to make it go viral etc. but I gotta say the video is pretty cool anyway
According to Tim Swiny, he will be more glad to give up on Epic Game Store for that.
Obviously not real but the trailer is very nicely made. Kudos to you user if you made it
Isnt that E3? fuck dont get my hopes up this cant be real
I really want Left 4 Dead 3, anons...
There is a special place in hell for everyone who toys with the hearts of valve fans like this.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
If this is a real leaked trailer where is the name of the game?
I honestly enjoyed it
Fake as shit made on unreal engine,deliberately tried to make it look like L4D3 to get people talking then hopes to land an actual industry job because of how 'impressed' articles say people are. Protip it never works out, this guy will be back at college within a learning how to do a job he has an actual chance at
Same here.
Nice RE2 ripoff!
in the age of source filmmaking, why should I believe this?
its real. valve is literally soulless these days
It's clearly not you morons. It's either a trailer for that Back4Blood Turtle Rock game, or it's just some faggots SFM project. Most likely the latter cause the dude was too lazy to put any characters in the trailer. It would show how low quality the animation is and thus out him as fake
Teasers often don't have names.
Show but dont tell? I mean anyone would recognize the 4 fingers hand anywhere. Still it is hard to believe , BUT thats the thing. I WANT TO BELIEVE.
>The fake and gay spammers in this thread
hopefully valve returns to their game making ways
It looks absolutely nice but, anyone nowadays has the tools to make a trailer like this
I want to believe
do i even care about left 4 dead tho? what could they add to make the game fresh?
OP kys
Absolute kino, tbhq
Sure, but this looks like SFM, and it takes a really fucking long time to animate something as good as this in SFM.
Either it's really Valve, or it's some skilled autist.
I can't even begin to understand why people like this generic game. Literally just the 'every game is fun with friends' effect multiplied with the valve shill effect.
Could this be an upcoming Valve VR title ?
all the reveal trailers are always meant to introduce the games characters, so this sure as fuck isnt l4d3.
fan made in SFM
after 10 years, I still believe
Why are autistic people like this
Why waste so much time?
Nice fake but the L4D devs are already making their own spiritual sequel without Valve.
rewatch it goys, its way too high quality to me 1 autist
>thinking Turtle Rock can still make good games
Never understood the love for this series. It was so repetitive with no progression, customization, leveling, unlockables and abilities. Short as hell too.
VALVE are the l4d devs
>It was so repetitive with no progression, customization, leveling, unlockables and abilities.
not sure if clever bait or zoomer
Being a 3D artist who worked in some games.
Man, if this is fake prop to the guys who did it.
This is looking professional.
>Ctrl + F "nice"
>8 results already
also there wont be a l4d3. BUT the devs of left 4 dead are making a spiritual sucessor. but after that shitty other game they made im not so sure.
It's good for their portfolios, gets people talking about a thing they made.
>generic static scenery so you don't need to show how bad your animation work is
>throw in a few """hidden""" words like Survivor, Safehouse, and CEDA
>The hand closes to a 3 at the end
This is obviously fake
No Epic no buy. Not installing steam shitware on my rig.
Theres about a 3% chance this is real.
The trailer really feels like something Valve could have made, yeah, but I'm still skeptical.
you know custom maps and mods are things right? or have you not even experienced l4d with 20+ people on a server
Haven't seen any of the assets in the SFM workshop except for the Pepsi can and some of the tools but these are so generic there are probably hundreds of accidental copies
might be real
>the devs of left 4 dead are making a spiritual sucessor
No they aren't. Valve isn't making anything ATM. Turtle Rock are not the fucking main developers of L4D
The game itself IS fun, nigger. Add coop, versus modes and the ability to mod virtually every aspect of it and your game will live a lot.
>Orange Box 2
>Portal 3 or TF3
All valve games with a 3.
it was the hight of DUDE ZOMBIE GAMES fad in 2007-2015~ ish
that being said i have countless hours in 1 and 2 alone, still play it these days sometimes
I heard Left 4 Dead 3 got canceled, so I guess they just went ahead and made Left 4 Dead 4 judging by the zombie fingers.
>making a game with 3 in the name
yeah but what is that in american time?
im sorry for your parents
Fake and gay.
Did you not just answer your own question? And it is pretty fun.
valve doesnt make shit these days, that wont change.
i could swear i saw a few articles about turtle rock? maybe im wrong
Left 4 Dead...4?
That tipped me off as well. All of the assets look brand new.
weird trailer? that's literally your own channel, retard. mods please permaban this faggot.
im sorry for your grand parents
the finger moves down at the end you idiot
They're doing Back 4 Blood
looks real, the camerawork is very valve-ish (check their other trailers) and the soundscape / music is obviously brand new. too much effort for an outright fake, I downloaded this before DMCA hits
I want to believe but any sap can make that in SFM, given enough time.
It's not like Valve is in the game making business these days.
reminder for you shitbirds
The new assets as well?
They all clench into a fist idiot.
competent fake i suppose
lighting got fucked up with the door scene though
fuck off Lahey
I want to believe it's fake but it's really high quality to be just one guy's work
Valve has posted unfinished/WIP trailers to YouTube before so I'll believe it was meant for L4D3 but scrapped when they stopped working on it
This is impossible to make in SFM are you retarded?
OP here. Okay you got me. I made this myself as a college poject. I will delete it now and post it in reddit. Maybe they will fall for it.
>there’s new assets and noticeable effort, it could be real
I can’t trust any leak after the Grinch hoax, not gonna take a risk again
No reason they can't really.
It's mostly a static scene, if he animated swarms of zombies I'd be convinced it's legit for sure
gay and fake
>implying they ever started
This post is fake and gay.
ill fucking find a mountain lion, kick the shit out of it with a ten foot pole and let it loose in gabes house if they just do a shitty "hurf durf nice gwafix remake" of 1 and 2
well it has CEDA on the map, so it's definitely L4D, whatever it is, probably just some fan trailer done in SFM
>unrecognizable sounds
>unrecognizable music
>unrecognizable assets
so tell me, OP
how did this video come to your attention?
Our lawyers will be in touch.
Probably Turtle Rock's "Back 4 Blood" spiritual sequel. Already announced.
Shit hawks, Randers...
I'd be convinced if the sound had some of the Left 4 Dead signature but this sounds like something completely different. Obviously not Mike Patton zombie.
The funny thing is, this isn't Source 1. This is either Source 2, UE 4 or something else, fuck you op. I know this is probably fake, but i admit its well done.
enjoy your remaster
Honestly, best fake trailer i've seen.
Zombies are just so boring.
you can get in touch with me any day, babe
>We will get L4D3 before Half Life 3
If l4d3 came out today it will be a battle royale mess. Valve, like Blizzard a decade ago, have lost it. Both companies got where they are by being in front of the curve, and creating successful games that other developers try to imitate. Nowadays both companies are clinging to what's popular, and that's why they've fallen out of grace.
In my opinion, it looks just a bit too good to be on the source engine, but I'm no expert.
they did, there are several screenshots of maps intended for the game albeit with reused assets from CS:GO
I will never understand why they made a brand new engine since all they used it for is fucking dota
>using irl brand life cereal
Fake and gay
he is a bullshit specialist
We just have to believe the opposite of what he says about it
Could just be Back 4 Blood.
not with those 3 fingers, idiot
Makes sense. L4D3 has the potential for hats.
The engine went deep into development hill because of Valve's disorganization. DOTA 2's "source 2" is just a rewrite of source.
This, unless for some reason Life decided to advertise in an upcoming zombie game.
Don't threaten me with a good time or I'll threaten you with a lawsuit
everyone is looking over that detail
Valve doesn’t make games.
He said its fake
The hand is pretty much identical to the one used in L4Ds original cover art, I highly doubt they'd get away with that.
Now do HL3 and put some "Project ____" name at the end
retard wasted his time for 15 minutes of fame
Which one of you faggots told Valve News Network?
The sooner I did it
He is here
Could also just be fake, and considering the scummyness of the industry lately, I wouldn't put it beyond Turtlerock to try and make people believe this game is Left 4 Dead 3. Why are you so aggressive about this anyway?
This. Biggest detail that proves it's fake.
As far as I know, Valve has not endorsed real-world food products in any of it's games.
So it's real ?
>game obviously not made on source engine
nice try op, it looks to good to be valves
Except that only proves it
>See everyone? We have the 3! It's the L4D you've been waiting for!
Source 2
Are there any giveaways this was done in the Unreal Engine? Look at the assets, are they brand new or can they be found in some asset pack available somewhere?
>its fake, so go give it attention
Lovely quality but c'mon, as if Valve makes games anymore.
The 3 fingers could be a not-so-subtle nod to the fact that it's a spiritual sequel.
Depends on whether or not Valve has a zombie hand copyrighted.
looks amateurish
The map referring to CEDA and a safehouse is obviously new, and looks pretty good as well. Thing is, I don't think this is made in Unreal. As something who's been using it for a long time, I can say that it looks very SFM-esque.
That proves the whole thing is fake.
When does that show up on the video? The trailer is pretty much devoid of anything that links it to the Left 4 Dead universe.
You do realize that the hand had 4 fingers, right?
Could just be a nod to the fact that they made Left 4 Dead before, but who knows. Odds are it's fake.
There's 4 fingers?????
>channel location is set in canada
cant fool me you goddamn leaf
valve rennaisance fucking when?
any unreal fags here can tell if the assets are stock or brought from the store?
If this is fake, is this the highest quality fake ever made ? if it's not mostly pre baked assets
it's REALLY well made
Also a Pepsi can, even if it said Bepsi it's still to close to the real thing.
The hand comes alive and lowers the pinky finger right at the end.
i hate canada
Bepsi? :-DDD
Valve has never endorsed real world brands. It's not real
A considerable amount of shit on the trailer is very specific to the trailer, like the map mural.
holy shit, the L4D3 trailer actually leaked, thanks Tyler
The movement of the pinky is too quick and it cuts off too fast, I think they wouldn't make it so subtle if it was real.
What's the fucking point in fucking with valve fans like this. It's so well made, but it's obviously fake. Who gets enjoyment out of this
>Valve has never endorsed real world brands.
At least we know it won't be nazi zombies.
None of it is stock because the stock assets are either hard fantasy or hard sci-fi with no inbetween, I can tell you that much.
Keep posting....
That was old Valve, now that they're going bankrupt they'd definitely take on sponsors.
Stop getting me into trouble. For fucks sake.
Pepsi cola at 0:42, valve wouldn't put ads in their game
how retarded are you
for real, the models were all made just for this trailer, whats the point?
It actually says oopsi but the logo is dangerously close to the real thing.
Tyler got an announcement canned at last years e3 because he doesn't protect his sources.
He is not our guy.
Fuck off. Fake.
even if it is L4D3, nu-valve will fill it with shitty cosmetics and a skin store
IF it's not pre-baked assets, then it's the most impressive fake I've ever seen
>going bankrupt
there's also Life cereal which is a real brand, FAKE N GAY
Everything looks covered in vaseline, it's 100% Unreal Engine
>OP makes fan-made L4D3 trailer
>posts on Yea Forums for attention
>idiots tell VNN
>trailer gets attention
OP is probably autistically laughing right now
The entire industry is at his will
Finally, another zombie game! Been too long since the last one!
...or SFM
Look just the other day someone was shilling on their Patreon a Lelf 4 Dead 3 leak showing a map that people said was an old canned CS:GO map. That map turned out to be the new Danger Zone map. So it indeed was a canned CS:GO map that got reworked.
There are no L4D3 leaks, the game is cancelled.
>tfw you will never be valvenewsnetwork
>Epic Store exclusive
I don't remember SFM looking this good.
The fuck happened?
>pepsi can
God damn it, thought it was real
Is it
look good, but 99.9% is fake.
Nah man it's Oopsi
do you have any idea how long valve works on a game? they have probably been using source 2 for another new game since about the time you were born, and havent announced it yet
Every single leak ends up being about Tyler no matter what
Gaben calls him on the reg to ask him about what Valve is going to release next
It's RE;3
probably fake but i want to believe
put me in the screencap
>allahu akbar
Damn, spot on.
fag tthat's the point
I just started playing L4D again recently, this really makes me hyped. God fuck I want another L4D so bad. I want my bros back.
>tfw didn't see a single marvelshit movie in 12 years.
fuck, it actually makes sense
who the fuck even likes l4d? game is old boomer shit. yawn.
People saying it's fanmade SFM, can SFM really look this good? I've never seen such a high quality SFM video
Why is tyler such a faggot?
It's S2FM
You clearly don't know about the HL2 beta
Holy shit
Man I wanted to see that ass, not some capeshit.
I hope tyler doesnt see this :( ill be sure to donate $100 next time he streams
The logo is not identical to any of the real logos though.
Days gone, overkills the walking dead, resident evil 2 remake I forget the rest but your mom's a whore
Valve's SFM videos always look good, especially the Left 4 Dead ones.
Looking at your source, 2005-2012 looks like it.
Guys, it's real.
I've just spoke to my friend who's really good friends with a few of the high shareholders in Steam and turns out this is going to be shown at e3, it's gonna be incredible.
the door at 1:10 is clearly the safe house door though
Yes, but not nearly this good
>private company
nigga wat
>l4d2 is almost 10 years old
I've never seen anyone take a small little reference or prank pulled by one of the devs and blow it so greatly out of proportion.
that's what i thought faggot
Look closely. The f and e are visibly different.
>e3 2019
>gaben rolls onto the stage
>i bet you wonder why none of the big three showed up
>crowd whispering
>a big number three lights up on stage
>a few screams of joy from the audience
>maybe we accidentally sent them a letter with our new projects
>several grown men begin to cry
>introducing the PURPLE BOX
>tf3, l4d3 and portal 3
>crowd goes wild
>but no hl3 fuck you
Imagine being so retarded and thirsty for new Valve games that you believe, even for a second, that this is real
Its fake, the zombie scream at the last bit its an edited version of the night hunter scream of dying light, very recognizable
it feels like fucking yesterday when i was reading about l4d1 in some game magazine
it's left 4 dead vr you dummies
>rolls onto the stage
Every time.
>tldr: It's not SFM.
PBR was only implemented into game engines long after SFMs release. That being said, people found out that you can replicate its effects by modifying a leftover shader from Dota 2, and whilst it is pretty accurate there's a performance cost associated with its use. If you spawn any recent port using this hack, it'll likely consume most of the programs 3.5gb expanded memory, making a 60 second long video using hundreds of props, all of which would be using the PBR hack, impossible to attempt. There's also some other things that aren't possible within the program, at the start there's screen-space reflections, and also the Depth of field is of a far higher quality than anything SFM can push out.
>RE game with updated L4D gameplay
saw the replies, knew it was based desinc
Nah man, I don't hear it
? valve can actually animate fairly well, and this fake showed nothing of actual animation skill.
sure someone obviously put a bit of effort in, but a l4d trailer/teaser with NOTHING on characters? nah
Valve animates incredibly, I was talking about graphics
>life cereal
Yeah sorry hombre
Check the pill bottles next to the zombie head and on the ground in the aisle where the head is. They match up with the pill bottles from L4D
The sounds are nothing like each other.
>no progression
You progress through a story as a survivor.
>no customization
You can swap weapons at any time, and can pick up mods (like laser sights) along the way.
>no leveling
Good, were you hoping for +1 decapitation stats or some shit?
>no unlockables
Such as different costumes? Why is that necessary? Does that change your ability to shoot a gun or survive a zombie outbreak?
>no abilities
Like what? You're not some mutant with lightning powers, you're just a person trying to make it through a horde of zombies with three other people.
Fact is, L4D was never a weeb game with typical jrpg shit. If you need to have a stat increase, a level-up, a new item, or some sort of shiny trinket every 45 seconds or a game loses your interest, then you are everything wrong with modern gaming, and exactly why lootboxes are so prevalent.
I hope it's fake because I don't want L4D2's playerbase to become even smaller.
>sticky note says CEDA EVAC on the post
theory disproven
That zombie is Louis btw :)
someone just having fun with ue4
>tfw my dad wouldn't let me play L4D1 because he said I was killing mentally ill people
The map is a CEDA map, and even has a picture of Coach on it near the circled Louisiana area. It's not subtle at all.
Animatonfag here.
It's obviously a L4D3 trailer, everything about the camera work and rendering techniques screams Valve, just look at how similar the vibe is to their CSGO and Portal 2 trailers.
This certainly wasn't made by an ametaur, and almost certainly not by one person. There's way too many GOOD models and textures shown here, as well as a ton of PBR techniques. Either someone has a bigger, better free asset library than I'm aware of or this was made by a professional team.
It's basically way too good for me to instantly dismiss it as fan b8.
Not even close.
zoom zoom
>some artfag posts his art
>literally nobody cares
>shills it then as a L4D or any other highly expected game
>people lose their minds
nothing is illuminated enough to really judge graphics, but that does show whoever made this really understands lighting
Why is that bad? Does your dad want a bunch of mentally ill running the streets? What a fucking cuck jesus christ
Are you saying Source Filmmaker didn't get upgraded to Source 2? All the shitty animations around the internet are from OG Source?
Is Valve just using Source2 for fucking DOTA?
>everything about the camera work
Cmon its just endless slides
that and the L
and none of the letters are the same color i think
also, life might be one of those words that are too generic to trademark
>still remember playing dark carnival on release day
>that was 10 years ago
>tfw my dad let me play l4d1 because he said i was killing mentally ill people
>some artfag posts his art
>literally nobody cares
>shills it then as a L4D or any other highly expected game
>people lose their minds
And I am not downplaying the quality of art, it looks great, but this attaching themselves to famous brands pisses me off.
Yes, SFM is so busted the tf2 version it uses is extremely outdated. You can't even pick up engineer buildings in it.
poah, looks like a bloody knackers yard!
What about the pepsi soda cans and the Life cereal box?
Who cares about this boomer shit?
valve is back baybee!
lurk moar
>a ton of PBR techniques
user, everything has been PBR for this entire gen... I highly doubt you're a professional
Dota 2 and Artifact.
So far the only thing that's in Source 2 is Dota 2. CSGO has some assets from Source 2 and also the UI has also been changed to use their Panorama UI tech, but other than that, there's no real flagship title for Source 2 yet.
Weird channel name. Clusterflu961
Looks too good to be fake.
Fucking last public update they ever released for it was around 2015, they didn't even bother putting out anything after that anymore.
>File: unknown (27).png
Don't you feel dirty shilling like this? Can't you get a job without pretending to be Valve? This is pathetic
figers literally fo from 4 to 3 = L4D3
IF this was real and I say if, that's a possible name for a new virus in the L4D universe, or an evolved green flu
Reminder that the infection of L4D is first confused as a flu
are there any fake trailers anywhere near as good as this?
nothing comes to mind, the Rayman leak for smash wii U was impressive but not quite as this
Who is Tyler?
In the trailer we can see a pepsi can which tells us that this video was not made by a game company
>Looks amazing
>But know we're never gonna get anything like that from Valve ever again
>not by one person
youre retarded if you believe this. one autist years on his hands since L4D2s release couldve made this easily.
>video game companies never use brand
Have you guys seen the red doors?
you mean "back 4 blood"?
seems like its gonna be shit.
no narration pretty much proves this is fake
Some notes:
>Planning room has "CEDA EVAC" on a sticky note, as well as a picture of Coach.
>Mentions of a cult involving mutants, could be like a "dead space-like" virus worshipping thing?
>Pill bottles are identical to previous L4D games.
>Hand slips into 3 fingers.
>Channel name is Clusterflu. Could be an evolution of Green Flu or a new virus entirely.
Some interesting things. I'm gonna play the pessimist and say this is fake, but it looks incredibly professional and high quality.
Couple of things that stand out to me are how shitty the headlight textures on the car look, and the less than stellar quality of the zombie scream at the end.
why does it look like the resolution turns to shit as the pinky closes?
Wtf is this real?
I like to think that this is real and is pretty much a big fuck you to Epic for all that they have done, I mean after this they pretty much lost.
Maybe they made a deal, maybe it's a texture that they were only supposed to use internally, maybe none of it matters anyway. Fuck knows.
But like some others have pointed out, it wouldn't be the first time Valve has used real life brands.
Right, but it's not exactly easy for amateurs to create PBR materials, It's a lot more work than just making a diffuse texture. Basically I'm saying that A LOT of work went into these models.
This will be the game you'll buy their new VR headset for
Is that spencer in the background?
You mean because there wasn't a narrator talking over the trailer means that it was fake?
t. maker of the fake trailer
??? bro thats just what my screenshots are called when I take them with the snipping tool built into windows. as an example here is unknown (26) that I saved earlier today.
Also I noted the first metal door and the broken glass door for the fridge both look really high quality for just a one off fake trailer. Look at the denting and the bloody handprints
>rise up
been wondering the same thing
Definitely fake. Valve don't make video games anymore.
Reminder that the writer for Half Life had secret ARG twitter of Grub Dr. Breen for years that nobody even knew about
This is totally something they would do (like 5-10 years ago)
doesn't look that much like Coach, looks like a gay in ski mask
this is clearly made with bought assets, the zombie head is on turbosquid
We didn't even saw the pepsi, could be shit like Pipsi
Please no, fuck. This will be the biggest kick in the balls.
Good job detective user ~desu~
>people are falling for this again
>not even reddit bought it
this fucking board
>40 dollars for a shitty zombie head
Tyler said it's fake, so it must be real
It doesn't even look like the one in the trailer
not even remotely similar
It's clearly a low-effort viral made by a bitter pcbro. Get over it, tard, Valve doesn't make games anymore.
Pepsi can does not use the actual Pepsi logo, the life cereal, I don't know.
>it's real
If only Valve didnt release a tool that lets any faggot with too much time on his hand make a perfect realistic looking trailer.
L4D3 fucking NEVER, cause valve doesnt know how to run a fucking company
>dude desks with wheels LMAO
>dude just work on what you FEEL like xDDD
Anyone unfamiliar with Valves employee/work structure should seriously look it up and be fucking horrified.
im still ashamed for at one point thinking their system was cool
this is back 4 blood teaser
It's delusional to think that Valve would make a new video game. They don't want to make video games.
god the samefagging is unreal
please dont come back
Not even looks like the one on the teaser
Don't be too harsh on them they are steam Cucks who are desperate for anything at this point
Again? Is this a reupload or someshit?
Game devs even the big ones don't make all of their assets from scratch, especially for hype trailers.
Plus that model is very basic compared to the one in the trailer.
The video also used assets from somewhere else, look at the spray can next to bebsi
Nothing like it, different textures, different eyes, different ears, jaw isn't fucked, different nose, the list goes on.
yeah, a year ago.
You retarded?
Go back
It's not
That's the only one, the zombie head still isn't the one you posted.
its gonna be shit. bast case its a reskinned l4d with new graphics
its this
This shit goes way deeper than anyone imagined!
try again
Not to mention the out of place sound effects like blowing wind and crows, and a sudden pitch in the volume for no reason..
It seems like it says "Poopsi" on the can if you look at 0:35 in 4k
I didn't post the zombie head one
If it was real the video would have been shoah'd by now.
Being some sort of ARG thing doesn't make sense. They wouldn't start an ARG with a teaser trailer like that.
The video quality is too poor to be an official release as well.
still why would valve buy assets kek
>They wouldn't start an ARG with a teaser trailer like that.
I would have kind of believed it if it wasn't just a camera going through static scenes mostly and didn't have brands in it and maybe so professional voice acting.
Kek at all the Pcbros desperately wanting this to be real.
Fuck video games.
wow user you sure are a fucking retard.
Gabe's a fucking microsoft flunky reject. you think that knife-collecting cunt knows SHIT about running a softare dev company? He got lucky with half life
Did the Grinch teach you braindead retards nothing? It's fake, just like the Grinch leak, which is roughly of the same level of effort as this fake L2D3 trailer. If you believe this fake, you need help.
the real pepsi circle logo is red on top too, not on bottom
lmao it's literally a smiling nigger, open your eyes user
>They wouldn't start an ARG with a teaser trailer like that
>The video quality is too poor to be an official release as well
>Hundreds of zombie games
>Valve shits out another sequel for a Zombie game
100% this is just a VR version of the original games.
jinkys baby jinkys....
fuck off op, your trailer isnt real
>GladiumTonitrua !!/p4X/afQbt/
I don't like present Valve, but L4D is one of the few zombie games I'd play it.
I'm convinced that the thread is populated entirely with shitposters
No sane person could think this is real
And that's why they're blatantly stealing the L4D logo at the end, right?
Imagine genuinely being so retarded, so blind, so braindead, and so delusional that you unironically believe this amateur trash is real. You shouldn't even NEED basic intelligence to know that it's fake, that means that you people who believe this fake shit are so stupid that you make legitimate idiots look like geniuses by comparison. Holy shit. Literally anyone can make a fake leak you stupid, retarded motherfuckers.
>CEDA literally sprawled all over the planning board, an organization only present in L4D
yeah this is going to my doomposters compilation
why do all geeky weirdos look like that? that no testosterone goofy looking malformed face
As the original creators of L4D, they're perfectly within their rights to do so. Valve wouldn't give a fuck anyway because they don't care about L4D.
The grinch leak was no where around this level of quality.
There is no way to make a SFM animation look THAT good. No matter how much time you spend on it.
>4 fingers
>GladiumTonitrua !!/p4X/afQbt/
I formatted my pc so I haven't gotten around to filtering you, thank you for posting.
Have you seen this "trailer"? It's amateur-level, nothing professional about it.
> Country: Canada
A FUCKING LEAF??????!!!!
wasnt this posted like 1 year ago?
Based and redpilled
why is no OMUL PAIANJEN trailer????
They usually start with something short and cryptic. Not a 2 minute teaser with a really obvious nod to the game's logo at the end.
That sort of lengthy teaser is more like what you'd get at the END of an ARG.
Upon watching at 4K I'll admit that could just be a youtube fuckup.
The 4K version looks clean, but the 1080p and 720p versions have really bad artifacting at the end. Maybe others too but I didn't go through them all.
Yes it was. Fucking Yea Forums having the attention span of goldfish.
It has to be Back4Blood.
Samefagging isn't going to save your claim. Post the sauce.
Prove it. If it's a year old then there should be several youtube videos.
>June 11, 2019
Yeah lads, it's happening
Agreed if it's real, because Valve don't make video games anymore. It's impossible for it to be Left 4 Dead 3.
zombie sounds nothing like the l4d zombies
let's see your non amateur professional fake if anyone can make a fake leak dumb faggot
prove it faggot
fuck off you ugly fucking cunt
I can't wait for Epic to take over. Fuck Valve and fuck Steam
So one thing that's pretty obvious but I don't see mentioned here is that the video title starts with 20190611
6-11-2019 is the first day of E3
its been 10 years dude
Doesn't mean shit.
It's just as likely that their devs remade old Source maps to get used to Source 2.
Wow a faker paid attention to minor detail to make gullible idiots like you think that it's real. Holy shit. No really, are you for real?
>tripfag mass-reporting all the images of himself out of shame
even the zombie looks nothing like the originals, they were mostly pale humans, hair included
what the fuck was all that about?
can someone explain this to me?
Who and how the fuck did someone even find this video?
you see how the virus has evolved in a short time in L4D2, so its not uncommon for shit to change over the course of years, e.g. zombies
The author is probably here shilling his art
Hi, fag
These look like they have no textures
OP is a Valve employee here to create hype. Believe!
>It was so repetitive with no progression, customization, leveling, unlockables and abilities.
reminder we're in 2019 clown world timeline and this is probably not intentional bait
I think it's a nod to the screamer, I think the screamer MADE IT BOYS.
Gabe more or less said that they have a lot of devs who don't want to/don't know how to use source2, so they keep developing on source
The guy who made it probably posted it, he might even be OP.
Unless we can account for these assets it could be real though, if someone finds the map we can put this thing to bed.
>no progression
the game is literally make it from A to B to C, etc.
>customization, leveling, unlockables
opinion discarded.
>could make Half Life 3
>could make Team Fortress 3
>could make Portal 3
>instead they make a sequel to the shitty co-op zombie game
I'll be really mad if this is real
Don’t forget that turtle rock made Evolve.
Spray bottle has a blue trigger and nozzle, but yeah the rest of it isn't textured.
no it just looks generic
As I said it's an obvious detail but I didn't see anyone else mention it yet.
>instead they make a sequel to the shitty co-op zombie game in VR
It was Valve's most console-friendly game. Complete with the business model (Buy this DLC that we're calling a full-price sequel!)
They were posting memes in chat and he's fake crying in response to them posting memes. You do know what actual emotions look like, don't you?
There was too much arm. Looked unprofessional on that shot. Fake
I would unironically prefer l4d3 and portal 3 to hl3, so I wouldn't even be mad
or they are making 3 games at once and will release them as orange box 3
Evolve was a good game ruined by a greedy publisher shoving in micro-transactions. But their next game is published by Warner Bros. so it's fucked anyways.
Obviously fake. I sincerely question the intelligence of anyone who unironically believes this is real.
Look at the spray can at 0:42
Nope lol. Enjoy artifact
This was made in Blender my fellow reatarts
>Not taken down
Clearly fake
Yeah yeah, and I got a genie up my asshole.
>some dedicated autist makes it look like its real
>le mystery upload
>omg guis is real
Fucking idiots, all of you fucking morons who dont realize that Valve doesnt make games anymore besides VR shit.
All you retards who seriously believed this fake shit better owe up to the fact that you fell for an obvious fake.
confirmed fake, pack it up boys
lmao TF2 still has a huge community and comp scene
>portal 3
Oh so you can get more SPAAAAAAAACE memes? Maybe a few LE CAEK IS A LIE XD memes?
>shitty co-op zombie game
Sorry you are either too dense or too friendless to enjoy one of the best zombie series in the past 10 years that has zero modern bullshit stuffed into it (a la microtransactions, dlc, level unlocks, etc).
why are people allowed to post BS pictures with words like the N word in it here? Really makes me not want to come to this website.
The real question is if the food court is okay.
same, though hl3 is more than welcome too.
I tried to look really hard at it. The top looks different, it doesn't have the word 'flextone' above SPRAYPAINT, and the color circle looks different too.
It's fake you fucking idiot.
Which word? Sorry I haven't had my chai soi latte today, you'll have to enlighten me.
Flextone isn't on the one in the video, different colour circle, writing at the bottom of the can is gone in video.
L4D wasn't in the original orange box so it'd be a separate release.
Remind me of the stalker 2 leaked trailer.
Oh I agree that the trailer is definitely fake but c'mon, point out something reasonable that isn't quickly disprovable.
why did mods delete the other guys image? whos fucking mods are these
Well it's just a white bottle and bucket lid. In a dark corner like that you can't really tell if they're textured or not.
My concern is the car headlight textures that look flat and low res compared to the high detail on everything else.
It's an okay texture for a game asset but for a closeup in a teaser you would expect them to make it look nicer. Maybe model the bulb and such in 3D.
Ffs you can't be this new
Poor bait nigger.
nah. programs that generate these kinds of filenames use the current date, not some future date where it's supposed to be released. it's trying hard to look real but only confirms it's fake. also it's trying to combine multiple kinds of generated filename, as 1) a timestamp 2) a checksum string and 3) a codec, all in one with no standard formatting to distinguish the parts. no program does this, and only an autist would manually rename a file like that. marketers aren't autists, but fake leak makers are.
This trailer is really weird, maybe it is a WIP. None of the sounds queues are recognizable as from a Left 4 Dead game
>a single bought asset makes it fake
You know that's what websites like Turbosquid ar for, right? No way a fan would pay 30 bucks for a single asset.
>this picture
I'm gay now thanks
wtf is wrong with you people
>can top (under the nozzle) is a nearly spherical dome
>can top in the video is staggered and has more detail
There are also a few other details missing from the video version. Why would someone go to the trouble of buying such a simple asset if they're going to make complex edits to it anyway? Wouldn't it just have been quicker to make a simple cylinder yourself?
what N word? you mean NIGGER?
It's not this one, doesn't mean this video is real but it's definitely not this model.
>literally every shot is static
come on anons, you can't be that fucking stupid
faggium is obviosly reporting anything calling him out with the reason “starting a flame war” wich the mods auto accept because theyre lazy retards who dont care about actually caring for the board. just try it on any post you dont like, it will likely get banned.
He most likely reported them for flaming, being off-topic, or trolling outside of Yea Forums.
Doesn't change the fact that he's a cringey tripposting redditor who acts like he belongs here.
But duh hand moved
>one of the best zombie series in the past 10 years
You must suffer from severe retardation if you find shooting waves of mindless enemies fun. Also, you think modern Valve wouldn't put microtransactions in it? You're delusional.
Let me feel something.
Zoey rape scenes
>still not taken down
Just some autistic SFM/Blender artist bullying
The sounds do seem kind of sub-par and placeholdery. It's been 10 years though so not recycling sound effects isn't surprising.
If it is in fact a leak then placeholder audio makes sense, though if it were a leak I'd expect it to have been taken down by now.
Then again Valve might realize that taking it down would only increase the credibility of the video.
God I want this to be real. But what new special infected would there be?
Feel free to fuck right off little nigger.