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people only know about this game because of wow

Time to play some Dota

Zoomers like you, maybe

>being this delusional

>He wasn't around for the golden age of WC3 competitive online, footmen frenzies, and following that the fucking Birth of DOTA.
How fucking young are you kid, really?

Warcraft 3 was a best seller when it came out you dingus. Hell it was the fastest-selling PC game in history in it's time.

That's a funny way to spell sheep tag

I always liked the menu screen to Dota

>tfw Warcraft 3's custom game community was still doing strong until SC2 killed it
>SC2's custom games were shit so that died too
Fucking hell the failure of SC2's custom games is still the biggest disappointment of the 2010s for me.

Doesn't change the fact that WoW was the Fortnite of its time.
For most people WoW was their first PC game.

If it wasn't for the success of this game wow wouldn't even exist.
But you knew that and just wanted some easy (You)s.

They allow you internet at the retirement home, Grandpa? Who tf remembers any of that shit? Old people, that's who.

>Wow was the fornite of it's time
You are beyond help my dude.

TFT was the defining game for me.
But it's gone and I have to accept that.
No game will ever replicate it.
nu-Blizzard are hacks

Don't respond to zoomers pls

Warcraft 3 was pretty popular but not as popular as WoW.
You are delusional or wearing some very thick nostalgia glasses.

>being this retarded

At least before Blizzard fucked everything up.

Like multiplayer saves fucking cunts

Most people don't play Fortnite on their PC.

Anxiety hits me when i want to play multiplayer 1 v 1, played it years ago always raged.

Where's the Reforged beta that they promised?

Let's settle this once and for all

even brood war's custom games, much smaller than the war3 scene, seemed better than the SC2 ones
i think the problem was the difficulty in finding open lobbies or people to join your lobby

>tfw still make custom content for war3
>meticulously recreate Diablo 2's Bone Armor in warcraft 3 with dozens of options
>realize its for a 17 year old game
>die a little inside

Starcraft 2 custom games were a mess on launch, and they didn't even try to fix it until years later.

Not having lobbies but instead a popularity ranking that favored short games, upload limits for map makers, and the sheer needless complexity of the starcraft 2 galaxy editor did no favors to the custom game community.

>boomer games
fuck off, don't you guys have wives, jobs or more important things to do?


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Too obvious

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Also the fact that Blizzard said mapmakers dont own their maps any more because they were still butthurt over DOTA slipping through fingers.

I truly feel sorry for everything you missed out on.

But they are remaking wc3, it's called warcraft reforged.

>see this picture
>immediately hear the chains rustle

what the fuck did you say?

I genuinely believe that WC3 is the best game ever made

I know its bait but if WC3 wasn't as popular as it was WoW would not have even became a thing you double nigger


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Thank you.

technically birth of Dota was star craft 1, although frozen throne was definitely what popularized it.

Biggest worry I have is that they change the game to suit "current WoW" lore. They've already changed the map for Culling of Stratholme.
>characters we thought weren't going to be important became more important later on (referring to Jaina and Sylvanas) will get their role expanded
Best case scenario, it means more missions, but worst case, retconning missions to push STRONK WARCRAFT WOMYN. Also why does Sylvanas need more of a role? She already has almost half of Legacy of the Damned to her missions. I can't wait to replay Founding of Durotar though.

>wow first pc game
you need to be 18 to post in this site dude.

>tfw gambling on how Reforged will turn out is the only way to buy WC3 nowadays

Fucking weak desu


Starcraft 2 custom games are actually good now.

and Warcraft 3 has been revived due to Blizzard adding Warcraft 3 Reforged to the launcher, which gives a copy of WC3 if you preorder.

>he doesn't watch Back2Warcraft

To be fair, Blizzard changing the campaign is going to make it worth replaying the story again

A shame it took Blizzard the better part of the decade to fix custom games. The hyperfocus on e-sports fucked over SC2 so hard.

read my post again you dumb retard
wow became so popular that most wow players learned about wc3's existence only after they started playing wow

The focus on esports kept it alive. Starcraft 2 experienced a rebirth after Serral won the Blizzcon finals and became the best player in the world

And the only reason WoW had it's initial popularity to begin was because of the RTS games.

How old are you?

tfw no more revenge of the niggers on wc3 reforged

Tower defence v.2 what a fucking age

How come?

duh, but that's not what i said in the top post, i see most anons here are too retarded to get it

>game with that name
It's not rocket science, user. People can't handle handle edgy jokes today.

This should be bannable

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Too much bitter truth for you too handle?

this kills the boomer

>Make a map for me and friends
>Play a single match of it and never touch it again
Ever made a map, Yea Forums?
So should giving these people (you)s, it's such an obvious bait and it derailed the thread

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>tfw you'll never log on and kill zombies with your mates im Night of the Dead II

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>tfw still frequently play custom games with friends
such a timeless game

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Island defense was GOAT. I can't actually think of another game quite like it. Assymetrical multiplayer like that just isn't made like that anymore.

People only knew WoW because of Warcraft III you idiot

>they changed the campaign
it's gonna be shit bros, im sorry

Undead still 16 years later suck massive balls in T1 and T2

Hopefully there will be an option for just the regular campaign, just with HD graphics. Worst case is that someone makes it themselves. Whatever, so long as Founding of Durotar is still untouched, I'm happy.

Is Activision seriously going to start to shill and spam wc3/4 threads now also?

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I played warlock so many times

They did this with BFA why not do it with WC3 remastered

My lost teenage years say otherwise

go back to /pol/.



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>Blademaster getting fucking gutted


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Is there anyone besides Russians that even play or played the original RTS mode?

4v4 RT ladder... home
At least it was before maphackers fucked everythnag up

If I get my hands of that fucking faggot that ruined Island Defense I swear to god.

Cata kids, maybe. I still firmly believe what made WoW so popular, especially as WotLK started releasing, was Warcraft 3 and Arthas. Everyone knew who the Lich King was and we finally beat him.

>people only know about this game because of wow
Bitch i grew up with it.

Yes, It's still good, nothing wrong with some actual match instead of nothing but customs.

I think that Blizzard had the overall setting "figured out" up to Wrath. Stuff like concept art, the lore in the tabletop rpg, had stuff that was featured later in vanilla, BC, and Wrath. There modifications (like the Eredar = Draenei shit, or the nature of the Lich King), but I think there was an overall idea of the setting. Everything past then is them winging it increasingly.

>tfw they already banned caterpillar for mcreating Caterparty

RIP escape from gay space then

>used to play custom games constantly
>everything was good
>out of nowhere, years later Blizzard patched the game
>now the game BSODs randomly

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No there are humans before world of warcraft.

What are the chances that Activision will actually make a decent remaster of the game and revive the custom map scene like the old days?
What are the chances of them actually not fucking it up totally and trying to control the shit with an iron hand?

I don't think 4v4 is great for warcraft 3.
2v2 sure, 3v3 maybe, but for 4v4 I'd rather go aoe2.

fuck you i played this long before wow was even a thing and it has great community since launch suck it zoomer

Why the fuck haven't they released reforged yet?

There'll be a resurgance, but they have added in some control that'll stunt the potential.

Some custom games will be weird, because of the split art assets, old customs and crossplay. Making graphics fags mad because there's a 2005 custom model next to their 2019 models, but I think that will just be funny.
I don't think there'll be a golden age, but a silver age perhaps.

hafl the guys in my elementary school were playing diablo when it came out, the rest were playing warcraft 1. all their dads and older brothers were playing baldurs gate

>long before wow was even a thing
I mean, 1½ years before release.
Sure he's wrong, but WoW had its official release not long after, and was already being publicly developed even before Reign of Chaos.

i do but im нoт aн aмepикaнcки cпy

why would you want to play it? Looks like a phone game

>Getting reforged for the campaign
>Not the custom games

Castle Fight: IN HD

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this. gaming for me nowadays is quietly waiting through thousands of western AA developer releases for that one diamond in the rough. anything from trusted names is bound to be shit, especially if the company is publicly traded.

least it was before my black ass fucked every niggin thing up

oh god
I wonder if there's a dark deeds version for 20+ players now since they upped the player count
with the same map size

Why does Northrend have flowing water? It isn't even that cold apparently.

At least I got a backlog of Quake and Doom maps to play through, Shit's fun.

thats true but game was really big back in the day,it did great on launch and that is before wow,i would even say that without it vanila wouldnt be as successful as it was ,only reason i and many peolle i know started playing wow was because it was a seqel to wc3

I actually never like the campaign or the actual RTS game when I played this when it came out. Only reason I ever got this was because of the custom maps.

I did like those parts, but the main thing I loved was the custom games.
Because of the ums scene it's the #1 game for me and it can't be challenged for that spot. Without it I'm sure I still would like the game, but it would be like #43.

aside from ETD what other scenarios were fun to play with [spoilers]by yourself T_T[/spoilers]

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>Ever made a map, Yea Forums?
I only made joke maps.

Holy shit. Those other changes as well, like the Necros

It sucks that Reforged is going to likely blow dick because Activision can't even be trusted to make a remake correctly. Also if it's true that they're taking all rights from map creators for custom games they're insane if they think anyone is going to make quality high effort custom games like they did back in the day. It's going to be as bad or worse than SC2's custom game scene was during WoL.

>by yourself
11th vampire is surprisingly fun to play by yourself.


Various rpg maps I guess.

Humans' buildings in Reforged looks like Blizz outsourced it to Clash of Clans makers lmao

Russians are more into wc2.

do you actually think people having rights to their maps was a driving motivation to them making the maps 20 years ago?
this just ensures a dota 2.0 doesnt happen

I love how many wcdrones this post triggered

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>playing human outside of the campaign

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>Castle Fight
>Not the metric fuckton of glorious ORPGs we'll get

Twilight Eve's gonna be sick.

>Also if it's true that they're taking all rights from map creators for custom games they're insane if they think anyone is going to make quality high effort custom games like they did back in the day. It's going to be as bad or worse than SC2's custom game scene was during WoL.
Yeah like that is extremely discouraging for people who want to make maps, a lot of map makers have fantasies about making games, and with the sc2 model there's an extra fear of losing their ideas.

>>die a little inside
but it should all work with reforged, so no worries lad!

It was a driving demotivation for making maps in sc2.
>this just ensures a dota 2.0 doesnt happen
Yeah that's a fucking problem.

tfw played 3 games and won all three in the scrapyest way possible so I bet my next opponent will crush me.

is it time for a new account bros?

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>It was a driving demotivation for making maps in sc2.
no it wasnt, the problem with sc2 was that the editor was fucking shit and broken for YEARS


Why was it so different in wow? There was no ocean and even the structure of the frozen throne was very different.

All the talent from the old Blizzard days left shortly before WoW released. Some of them founded Arenanet, for example.

Isn't it the other way around?

I spent waaay to much time trying to recreate damage absorbing shields in war3, now that it works i just feel purposeless now.

Warcraft III World Editor is the best game ever made.

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YouTD has a ton of depth

If you don't open mk 1st you're shit at the game

I cannot argue with that.

That's good. I don't want a Patreon and Discord link on every loading screen.

least it was before WoW fucked everythang up

If he said DotA he would be right

Makes me sad, so many modern game devs got their start working on mods, and now companies are pulling up the ladder behind them. It's going to affect the quality of game devs even more. Imagine a world where stuff like Doom, Duke, Quake, and Half Life modding never existed the way it does now.

Literally anyone older than 20 has a 75% chance of having played WC3, you fucking infant. And a lot of us raided in vanilla. The world didn't begin the night you crawled out of that dumpster.

They're adding lua scripting support in the next update.

>completely missing the point of that post
another retarded boomer down

oh don't mind me, i just saved everybody's time with a potential 8 hour long shitpost outbreak about wymmenz and niggers because of a single retard from /pol/.

Yes it fucking was, it had numerous problems and one of them was the change in user agreement making map makers less motivated to make games for sc2, since the potential for branching out would be more at blizzards mercy.

The only point is you being retarded and wrong.

As usual Yea Forums is talking about some pointless e drama instead of the game

what are you hoping to accomplish by posting this obvious bait?

of course it was/is. People don't mind not making money from custom maps they make. What they do mind is putting in the time and effort to create something and then having a company go LOL BTW THIS IS OURS and monetize it, or c&d them from using their own creation any further.

>Pointless drama

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What the fug

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more like a bunch of boomers got triggered by a truth they don't want to accept

Howdy pardner!

>but it should all work with reforged, so no worries lad!
They did a whole panel about how old custom content wouldn't work. Sure triggers and whatnot are fine but anything external you had to port into your map like original models, textures and sound is fucked cause they're using a different file extension.

What truth?

How come when I try to play a costume game with a ally AI and one enemy AI, my ally AI sends all 5 of its workers to get wood but nothing on gold and never produces any units? My ally is night elf. Is this a bug or did blizzard just not make good AI for custom games?

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>all the shitstorm this generated
WoW was the Fortnite of 2004
Moms and their kids played it without knowing anything about WC3 or any other games that Blizzard made.
If you refuse to believe this you are legitimately retarded or blinded by nostalgia.

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Back then? Not really, but things aren't the same as they were in the early 2000's. Gaming isn't nearly as niche as it was, if there's viewed to be a viable way to potentially make a big hit and it's just so out in the open being taken away from you why put in the effort?

maybe change it from ez to normal you idiot

Since the latest update people have reported problems with that. I've done some custom game against bots to practice build orders for an off race and haven't noticed it, but then again it's kind of hard since it's 1v1 so it's only when I'm like scouting them or in their base.

night elf wisps go inside the goldmine you wont see them running back and forth carrying sacks of gold.

Moms played WoW and they don't really play fortnite to any notable extent.
WoW had a very wide demographic, old and young, men and women.
Fortnite doesn't have a large older playerbase like WoW did. Decent amount of girls play it sure, but women are way more widespread in video games now than they were in 2004 making the female playerbase of fortnite not even notable in a comparison with 2004 wow because it applies to so many other games today.

just install some 3rd party software and play the game online lol

based dark deeds player

>adding what has already been said to a 3 hour post


No, there aren't any wisps in the goldmine, I checked the replay.

>Playing WC3 online while peasants were stuck with their Xbox and playstation shit [did ps2 even have online? lol who cares]
played for years until wow was released, still kept playing this game when i'd get bored of wow.
good fucking times
Fuck wow classic, I can't wait for reforged. but even if that gets fucked up [some how] i'll still have this game, and its servers are still btw as are diablo 2s

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Im not worried about models, i made it with triggers, down to the segments orbiting and falling off once 33% and 66% was reached, the models are easily replaceable

what race you play?

>tfw warcraft 3 tft ending was perfect
>wow killed the entire point of WC3 TFT
Fuck I hate Wrath alone for that. Wrath was literally made for zoomers who never played TFT.

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Nigga what? WoW and Warcraft were worked on nearly simultaneously.

sorry but that would be the age of empires editor

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Warcraft TFT was specifically setting up the forsaken, the human-orc animosity and the lich king arthas as a WoW boss.
You have to remember that WoW was being developed alongside warcraft 3.
RoC had a great ending wrapping things up, but even then you knew WoW was coming, though I'm not sure if they had gone on to say how it was gonna be this faction vs faction stuff yet, early WoW stuff had orcs and humans adventuring together.

>tfw you convince your friends to play the horse racing map which was just a picture of a man getting fucked in the ass by a horse

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You're just an ignorant motherfucker.
aoe1 and aoe2 are great games, but their editors don't touch the wc3 editor and what was done with it, they don't even touch the broodwar editor.

I'd love to get my old pack back and play a 4 hours autismfest round of Titan Land.
>Tfw you build an awesome town but no one ever comes to visit so you have to go out yourself and abandon it
Sounds cool, is it just out there in an empty map or is it a part of a bigger project?

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check out the current PTR, reforged is going to shit over this so fucking hard

I have a cuhraaazay idea, how about we play some ORPG(s)? on gameranger, so our pirate friends (including myself) can join the party

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Its a resource anyone can use and has been approved to be leakless(so far)

You actually made me mad, fuck you

I only heard about WoW was cause of TFT bnet friend asking me if i'm gonna play it,probably wouldn't have even heard about it till much later

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Yea WoW classic and Warcraft but not the shit called Wrath were Metzen was on cocaine 24/7

>Warcraft TFT was specifically setting up the forsaken, the human-orc animosity and the lich king arthas as a WoW boss.
>LK says now we are ONE
>setting up king arthas as a WoW boss
based retard maybe rewatch the cinematic.

Last time I organised a game of warcraft 3 with Yea Forums some people left 5 seconds after the game started followed by 2/3rds of the lobby leaving 5 minutes later.

user, you were the one who said
>wow killed the entire point of WC3 TFT
Implying that WoW's existence itself invalidated WC3. You are right about Wrath though. But even then some elements of Wrath were planned ahead of time, mostly geography though.

>LK says now we are ONE
>setting up king arthas as a WoW boss
There's nothing that negates what I said with that.

>spent childhood playing zombie maps like notd and undead assault
>years later no one picked the idea for a full zombie game like this

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Nothing in Wrath makes any sense the entire continent is dumb and don't forget they cut Azjol-Nerub but added more Troll shit. Fuck Blizzard.

>human buffs in the new patch
Lmao, fuck healing

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Zul'Drak was in the tabletop book Lands of Mystery though. I wanted Azjol'Nerub though. Fucking ancient WoW engine unable to handle verticality.

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>No Eras Zombie Invasion like game that I've found
You'd think someone would have ran with it

>costume game

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This issue with Eras is it isn't fun for zombies at times especially when the humans know what they're doing

Eras was a boring slog imo. Like a bad fortress survival.
Lots of other good zombie maps where you run around in a ruined city though.

sorry, here it is, give me any feedback

It's got a shit load of options so far to make it into w/e you want, it utilizes the special effects modifications that blizzard added in the current working patch (Not PTR)

my nigger

I hope Parasite gets remade.

not me. fuck you.

only subhuman zoom zooms who werent even born maybe, WC3 was my first game i was hyped for and it fucking delivered, what are you hyped for? new fortnite season? kys nigger

honestly I still think Far Cry 1 map Editor was better.

or it was until dota fucked it all up!

The naga spell, what's wrong with it?

wow was MUCH bigger then fortnite during its prime.


This, if you're stuck playing zombies against good human players the best thing to do is to not attack at all to avoid feeding exp and increasing your income to about 2k and then each zombie researching lvl 2/3/4 (or stalkers instead of lvl 4) as soon as they can. You go from lvl 1 to lvl 3 really fast which might give you a window of opportunity to catch humans off guard, before they can wall off their shores.
It's very boring and very effective. If you don't get harassed to death by ranged heroes you're almost guaranteed to win this way, or at least that was the case when I last played.


Though parasite 2 was my favourite map for a time before I discovered metastasis, which I found more varied and interesting with.
The lack of a bio region on the space station was a shame, but metastasis had enough other stuff to make things interesting.

Hard to get those maps right where there are basebuilders or people hiding vs a hunter or a horde.
Tags work better I think. Tree Tag was probably the one where playing the hunter was as fun as playing the hunted.

Cat & Mouse in broodwar was top tier too though.

>Battle for Helm's Deep
>Footmen Frenzy
>Sheep/Forest/Island Tag
>All those arena maps using anime characters with extremely exaggerated and powerful abilities
>Final Fantasy ORPG and Epic RPG

I'm going full nostalgia here, I want to go back and play these again. Did anybody play this single player custom game with really edgy designs? Like you start out with a frostmourne wielding Arthas character, but he has a black and red color scheme. You set out on a quest to find party members that you have been split up from, one being a Demon Hunter model that is some vampire character, and there's a map where you have a huge siege tank coming down a lane I think?

Reforged news made me want to get back to mapping. I'm making a Risk of Rain inspired map, though I'll probably never finish it.

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What are some good 2 player maps lads
I tried pretty much everything on hive workshop, but still want more. Any genre will do

>though I'll probably never finish it.
playing around in the editor is a fun excercise even if you don't finish it
but please try to finish it, even if it feels flawed, you can always make updates

Parts sold their good infantal patrician based or more from the classic characters.

I honestly tried to play random any chance I got. But I prefered undead or human


spellcraft with the strife mode or gladiator mode

explore the ruins rpg

a lot of other rpg maps are probably fine, but there's also quite a bit of shit there, so be prepared to start over and try other maps if you go for plenty of rpgs

Newer versions of Eras give you gold for attacking human buildings now and decreased cost of zombies so it's kind of good to keep pressure now

Don't worry PTR has UD and Humans being the new meta


Campaign tier list
RoC Human > TFT Night Elf > RoC Orc > RoC night Elf > RoC Undead > TFT Undead > TFT Human

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WC3 was incredibly popular for early 00s PC game
Even WC2 was in the top end of PC games in popularity in its day
Should be enough said that WC3's popularity carried WoW to public conscious even in bumfucknowhere Europooristan where I live, this is pre-release, people were fucking hype to play a Warcraft rpg together

>ROR styled items

holy shit I did this with a warchasers map too
Do you still have it?
I wouldn't mind playing with it unfinished (Or offer any GUI help)

I have never beaten the campain. All i ever do is play Wintermaul, Line Tower Wars, Ent Tag, Eras Zombie Invasion, and X-Hero Siege

Poor user, I pitty that you didn't have weekend lans doing custom maps with your bros.

>NE campaigns anywhere but last or better than RoC orc at best
>TfT Human that low
>Undead campaigns
>Not the absolute best Warcraft has to offer
The actual order is:
TfT Undead = RoC Undead > Human TfT > Human RoC > TfT Orc > RoC Orc > TfT NE > RoC NE

>TFT Undead lowest
absolute shit taste

To the bitter end
Its incomplete iirc

Sheep tag was literally the 200IQ custom map. Seeing sheep tag pros play that shit was insane.

I like that campaign, but man the author's music taste is really shit.

there are like 6 missions on the TFT undead and it was rushed as fuck.

>human tft > human roc
opinion discarded, human RoC campaign is the only reason people even talk about this game still.

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Reminder that the reason WC3 custom maps were so good and popular(outside the good map editor) was because there was tons and tons of good assets to use.
All the different kind of units you could also easily customize a bit, all the cool spell and particle effects, great sound design.

And now I ask you this, will Activision be able to do the same with their crappy Mobile remaster?

Everyone who liked WC3 will just use the original graphics instead of the new soulless artstyle.

I've started and scrapped around a dozen maps projects over the years. Only ever released a subpar TD map.
The editor is indeed really fun and that's why I keep coming back to it. But I eventually give up because I hit a wall where I or the editor isn't capable of doing something I planned to do, or it just becomes too much work. I worked on this map for a week and barely just finished with setting up the basics like spawning enemies, basic items, setting up stages and enemy spawns, while I still have all the heroes and their abilities, all the bosses, all the shrines, all the cool items, all enemy abilities etc. It becomes more work than fun at some point.

Sure user. But it's not really playable in the sense that you can make any progress. It's only set up for testing right now. The only functionality so far is picking a hero (Huntress is best at this point because bouncing glaives make up for lack of abilities), picking up some items and killing enemies. A lot of shit is broken right now because I haven't had the time to fix this stuff.

Human Frozen Throne campagin was good (though it really is the Blood Elf Campaign), but yeah Scourge of Lordaeron is iconic.

Any advice? I've been thinking about wanting to make a single player campaign in the vein of The Last Guardian custom campaign. I've never done mapping before.

>>years later no one picked the idea for a full zombie game like this
The Red Solstice was basically undead assault.

It didn't sell well and the multiplayer died quickly as a result. I had a lot of fun with it though.

Thats why it was so bad, you had access to like 1/3rd of the units and all the naga units where just overpowered versions of the blood elf units you already had. it was a strong campaign until you reach outland.


Yeah Red Solstice was great, it's a shame it's dead now. Hopefully the sequel will be good.

>last frame of the final cinematic is the main menu of the game

This is one of the most kino video game i've ever played.
How is it possible to go from this lvl of kino to the trash that is WoW?
Wtf happened to the writers?

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I tend to like experimental stuff, so I didn't mind as much. But yeah definitely the roster of Curse of the Blood Elves needed work. Also one of the best things I ever did was figure out how to transfer the Shadow Orb to Illidan in the last mission of the night elf campaign.

They started employing more women.

He's right, it was butchered by the forced missions of Sylvanas which had NOTHING to do with the main story, since they wanted to introduce the forsaken so badly.
Only good thing was Garithos.

Got any contact, I'd be happy to help
make a hiveworkshop account, Mines "Devalut"

im pretty sure its the same Metzen who wrote both WC3 stories and the Warlords of Draenor lmao

Open up warchasers, the default map thats included with warcraft and look at the triggers and how they did shit, eat it right up.

Hail to the king, baby. One of the most iconic moments of my adolescence. One of the things I really loved from an aesthetic sense is how they kept the same leitmotifs in the Wrath cinematic.

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Metzen is a good writer, he just needs a filter. I'm glad the guy retired before he killed himself on all those coke fueled Blizzcons, but without him at those they are unironically soulless.

I was working on a warcraft 4 fanfic but I stopped when reforged was announced. It was going to take place in outland 3 months after Arthas slew Illidan at the icecrown glacier. It would follow around Maiev and her small group of night elves trying to escape outland now that illidan has disappeared.

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Sylvanas mission are shit yes but Arthas/LK missions are kino tier.

I dunno man. I started mapping over 10 years ago when I was still in high school. I just played around with it until I understood some things. There are a lot of small little quirks about how triggers, abilities and units work that you just have to experiment with to understand. I've never done a custom campaign either, so I don't know how those work. Best I can say is to just start working and google answers or browse/ask hivenetwork for help.
Main thing you should learn is how dummy units work, and how to prevent basic memory leaks. Other than that you have a lot of room for creativity.

I'll think about it, but probably not any time soon. I don't really have that much time to work on this the coming months.

I liked the Sylvanas missions when playing on hard. One of them was the hardest mission in all of the Frozen Throne campaigns in my opinion.

Maiev isn't a thot though.

Arthas missions were just him running the lab and setting up more WOW lore actually.

Yea you mean the first one right? When you only have ghouls and banshees.
Imo the hardest was the first one of UD : Paladins and elite knights destroy your ass so hard. DK/Sylv/Lich are just shit heroes for pve.

I think Metzen is at his best when he's not trying too hard to be grandiose. Warcraft, especially in it's early days, had this very simple appeal. It wasn't trying to be original and subversive, it was just an 80s nerd getting a chance to show off his high school fantasy world to everyone in the form of a game with high production values. It's honesty I can appreciate.

It started going to shit when they became more concerned about keeping the gravy train rolling, or making social statements like "why do I have to explain to my daughter some girls in the game have bikini armor". Basically, Warcraft was better when it was a nerdy manchild Metzen writing, not when it was grownup daddy Metzen. I'm glad he's retired though, he seems to be enjoying it.

based & cocainepilled

I'll make some QOL changes if I come across them and try to make some additions, the site has a pastebin, when you get a chance you can tell me what you think (assuming the map is not protected)

He lost his 90's touch like a lot of video games dev :
Wc2/3 used to be grim, edgy, bad guys win...
And then you have WoW, where each faction is dull for the sake of statue quo and where Horde/Alliance roll on everything. Because we need loot pinatas.
The cinematic don't even exist anymore : They are just commercials for each new expac. They add nothing to the story. Something like Arthas killing his dad would be impossible in WoW.

I mean the one where you have to beat the dreadlord as Sylvanas only. That mission turns easy later on when you have mind controlled tons of neutral creeps, but the start was brutal because there's two enemy bases attacking you and you have to destroy the smaller one fast while not getting overrun at home base.

The first undead mission was pretty hard too, but you could play it slowly and grind it out. Kel'Thuzad had easy time destroying the human farms by just sending waves of skeletons. Meanwhile Arthas required almost no attention because of aboms, and Sylvanas just had to mind control some bandits to hold the road.

its REALLY hot in outland, eventually they would team up with best boy akama and he would dress them up in outland style clothing.

And excuse for me to draw naked night elves too

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Please tell me you're joking...

>my thread is still up

This truly is a great game.

>its REALLY hot in outland
no it's not

>Something like Arthas killing his dad would be impossible in WoW.
i still have chills just imagining that scene

>ywn play 2008 island defense again
Take me back bros

3 cmd or kick

spawn 100 archimonde
tint 2550002555
level 100

Alright cool man, thanks. I appreciate it. Though I know there's a lot of stuff that's broken so you really don't have to fix up my wips.

yeah this was hard as fuck for me too on my "hardest" play through last summer. But only because I didn't get silence and every 2nd wave was like 15 necros and 5 meat wagons.

I actually think the blood elf mission where you need to retake bases and assault the undead with harsh words and sticks was the hardest mission though.

Are there any 90s devs that still got it? Metzen settled down, CliffyB melted down, Carmack is more or less a techgeek than a game maker. McGee is doing something in Asia, Warren Spector has changed to where he said being able to kill kids in Deus Ex was a bad idea. John Romero is still stuck in the 90s so much it's almost a joke (But his take on E1M8 shows he's still a great level designer, and I hope Sigil is good).

alright, you're cool user
>half the lobby leaves in the first 10 mins

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in my head cannon, I dont follow wow lore as I never read it after vanilla.

The dialogues is also great :
When Arthas says "you don't have to sacrifice for your people" it's ambiguous as you don't know if it's ner'zhul talking to Arthas or Arthas talking about his father.
Also "Suceeding you, father".

I feel like WoW tried desperately to recreate this kind of small, badass and yet effective lines.
But it completely failed like "there must always be a lich king" for exemple.

As zoomer as he may be, he's absolutely not wrong. WoW was a cultural phenomenon around WotlK, and there was plenty of people who got into PC games JUST for WoW

>I actually think the blood elf mission where you need to retake bases and assault the undead with harsh words and sticks was the hardest mission though.
When I played that on hard back in the day, when tft had been released not long ago that map seemed impossible to me.
Played it since then and I've breezed through it, even destroying the extra ud base immediately, last like 3 years ago when I replayed it because of the warcraft movie.
Even if you kill the acolytes they send they still spawn buildings iirc, but you can basically remove them from play and save a lot of your shit making it super easy.

well, there was an attempt, maybe next game we'll be lucky and set up our little towns, storylines and characters for 40 minutes before everyone leaves with no actual rp'ing done

>being this young

Maybe it's hot, but that's not a reason to wear such underwears.

It is, see that book about Illidan/Maiev.

Gem TD is pretty good, it has pretty decent replayability as well.

It's fun, and I lost my warchasers map with the ROR style so this is a great opportunity

>For most people WoW was their first PC game.
Citation needed

I will finish her cunt!

>I feel like WoW tried desperately to recreate this kind of small, badass and yet effective lines.
It's so weird, blizzards recent stuff is one of the few things in gaming that makes me actually cringe.
Like, in the bfa trailer, sylvanas screaming for the horde and every rising up to the moment, I cringe because I know they think that seemed cool.
Overwatch trailers also manages to get cringey moments. Looks awesome and seems like a fun enough game, but fuck their tone is off.

Wait they are changing the campaign missions?
WTF r u on about?

>book about Illidan/Maiev
Interesting. Does it ship them?

So what's the worst WoW retcon? For me its probably demons only being able to die in the Twisting Nether since it renders the death of Archimonde and the sarcifice at the end of WC3 completely meaningless

Attached: Archimonde'sEnd.JPG.jpg (282x248, 82K)

oh the books aren't canon user

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they're rewriting some parts to have other characters play a bigger role and changing some missions
and yes, Christie Golden is writing them.

One line that bothers me a lot is when Sylvanas says "Ask the dead if honor matters." The dumbest possible thing you could say to a tauren or orc. Who can talk to their ancestral spirits and ask them to their face if honor matters. And odds are they say it will.

>So what's the worst WoW retcon?

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>Blizz making something good.

Are you dreaming? No, only ambiguous moments.

The problem with WoW's lore is that they killed Ner'zuhl in a fucking book. They have that really cool character and they just kill him off but not ingame instead in a fucking shit novel.

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You can still use the original voice acting in Reforged so the changes will mostly be to map layout to make it visually similar to WoW's versions of various locations.

That one becomes even more bad because it set the precedent for retcons to come

>Christie Golden is writing them.
God no. A decade later and I still can't forgive her for Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. She turned the Arthas "Bantz master" Menethil into a more obvious Elric of Melnibone rip off. Pisses me off she's the lead WoW writer now.

For me it was "One Legion for every reality" a retcon so shitty they ignored ever since because of how badly it fucks the lore.

they haven't confirmed if you can use the upgraded visuals with the original campaign and voice acting. if you can then there's no problem imo.

I would have loved the original draenei from WC3 to be playable. alongside with furbolgs.

but what do we have instead?
fapbait with hooves
green gnomes
fat people

>and yes, Christie Golden is writing them.
I didn't have a problem with her in the past really, From what I read of lord of the clans, only excerpts it seem fine.

But there was a recent theramore book, and it has a map in it of theramore.
And it's 1:1 of what you see in WoW.
The reason that is very stupid is that WoW is a limited representation of warcrafts world, you can't expect players to travel for days between cities so you have to shrink everything down to an acceptable level, of course, that's fine.
But in a book you don't need to do that. You can have sizes that make sense.
Instead there's this tiny little thing that makes no sense in the context of what is going on.

>when they didn't hire Arthas' original VA for Wrath because he had the temerity to ask for more money when Blizzard was making more money than ever before.
Still will always bother me.

>Bantz master
I tend to forget how enjoyable his lines are in wc3

are they changing the draenei in wc3 to wow models?

Golden's early stuff is fine, Lord of the Clans is unironically good for what it is, though Last Guardians is still the best OG Warcraft book. But I think everything Arthas onwards has been increasingly worse. I still hate Warcrimes on the principle of that "Important lore developments for a game shouldn't be in expanded media"

I hate how no fucking Dreadlord stays dead now. Moments like Mal'ganis getting BTFO'd by Arthas, Tichondrius getting BTFO'd by Illidan and Varimathras reluctantly killing Balnazzar are all ruined

its canon that maiev has yandere thoughts about him


Draenei. What a fucking mess.

The 'upgraded' visuals are really a downgrade.

I think Balnazzar coming back was fine because it was another hint that Varimathras was not entirely loyal. But Mal'ganis coming back was dumb, mostly because of how it ruins the impact of what happened in Warcraft 3 (also creates a plot conflict of why didnt Mal'ganis go yell to the other dreadlords THE LICH KING BETRAYED ME), and also because in Wrath it was just a rehash of the Scarlet Crusade storyline in vanilla.

>thread is full of froggy millenials pretending to be boomers
At least try to make it less obvious

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It's like that for almost every characters :
Muradin, Cenarius : These tragic moments were nullified by WoW.
And even more on a larger scale : The scourge legacy was already gone with vanilla (see naxxramas), the Blood Elves are just High Elves who switched Horde (yup, the sunwell was still here, who cares about Outland since we just retook our territory).

If Blizzard wanted a Blood Elf faction seperate from Outland and Kael'Thas they should have just have made them High Elves who stayed with the alliance.


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I believe this is what they wanted to do. But they needed asian people to play Horde.

Nothing shamefull about that, beeing a wow baby on the other hand..

WC2 was installed on computers at my school in the early 00s.

How is it canon?

i played WC2 on PS1 lol


I've had enough of this

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Reminder that WC3 literally killed the fantasy RTS genre and it will never come back thanks to Blizzard

Not that it wanted to. Nothing forced devs to stop making their own fantasy RTS.

Yeah because all the other fantasy RTS were orders of magnitude worse.

My adolescence was the blizzard's big 3. I will admit I had no interest in the rts but my god the custom games.

I'm the guy that goes 4v4 RT and do Tauren Chieftain + casters + taurens everytime so you niggas can play the easy air game, yw yw

Based heavy hitter bro

I still hate DOTA for essentially choking the life out of custom games. I've never understood why it's grown to become such a huge thing.

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I'm the guy who does nothing but make BM, a shop and steal the LH/Loot of the ennemy.

at one point it's all you could see online
people stopped playing kodo tag or paintball or run kitty run

So is it true you can cheese the night elf campaign by spamming huntresses?

does dota2 have a custom game community that can replace wc3s?

idk, i did beat RoC and TFT on Hard tho, but i didnt use any cheese

It never did.
40 seconds after that screenshot you'd be in a dark deeds, footie or most of the other stuff that you wanted.
Just refresh, or host(people would join unless it's super obscure, and even then people tend to join)
Dota killing customs is the dumbest meme ever.

This thread undeniably proves that zoomers have infected Yea Forums. WC3 is the best thing blizzard has ever made or will ever make in the history of its existence

you're thinking of brood war
but you were pretty close

Short answer: No
Long answer: I don't think so

Why? They're actively developing WC3 again. The online experience is better than ever now because bots aren't necessary.

because it's easier to manage one character than an army of them

Take the (you), you deserve it for catching so many people with such shitty bait

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>because bots aren't necessary.
Bots were never necessary and were actually hurting customs more than anything else.

barring a bunch of soulless koreans and spergs wishing they could live in korea, people would take wc3 over brood war any day.

just wanted to be a contrarian, i actually love wc3

Map where you had to run away from Archimonde with giant cock was the shit

Were you a retard anons?

Where you controlling pretty blonde boys with Arthas' model? Was the cock just a plain white sausage shape? If so that was the shit
Archimonde's "kills" spawned smaller archimondes, which actually made my pp twitch once. I now realised that It was foreshadowing my mating press/impregnation fetish

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Dota isn't fun

No, people who weren't born this millenium know about WoW because of WC3 you fucking underage faggot.

>doesnt know about the chinese and wc3
120 is the best player.

probably. I'd be impressed if they didn't

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why would they? 'those' draenei are 'broken' instead of the 'regular' draenei we got in WoW. technically they're already in Wc3 via the eredar. make sure to buy reforged :)

Draenei is the most offensive but I don't subscribe to the orcs being brown either.

Based finns

>not already doing it with Classic/Home threads

yess... goood goy.. relive the glory days of the game we tricked out like a cheap hooker...

>24 max players
>map pre download
>can see lobby size
>no need to spam refresh
Oh shit niggers wc3 is back fuck this board im off to playing it

There is no paid shills. WoW players are drug addict.

4 wins now and that was even scrappier, my ladder anxiety is at an all time high

I hate games with custom modes. They make me feel inadequate.

Warcraft 3 deserved a new engine, instead of a patch.
I want new items, new physics, new AI, new graphics, new missions.
God i would give anything to play a new mission with Arthas/Illidan/Maiev/Kael...

here's your (you), that got me good

i think you meant you want Warcraft IIII

>american education

With the nu writers in charge? Never.

>new missions.
>God i would give anything to play a new mission with Arthas/Illidan/Maiev/Kael...

It's so weird that "MOBA" became a thing.

I played a few matches in Warcraft 3 and had my fill. A VS tower defense is cool but... that's it. It's just a kind of cool diversion. How could it spawn million dollar prizes and it's own culture. It's not really fun after the 10th round.

Now that I think about it Dont Starve is just Wilderness Survival and Dead by Daylight is essentially Murder at the Mansion so I guess other custom games did get their time to shine in a way.

No. There are only handful good games there, and people only play the trash ones.


I would never think that such obvious bait would be so effective, but clearly I overestimate the intelligence of the average poster.

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>haha everyone got baited!
>ill just add my own quip to it ...

what, why?? most of them dont require any mechanical skill at all, theyre like mini games but multiplayer and retarded to boot. just good ol fun. the fuck?

t. mad because he got baited and is being called out on his low IQ

If you never played Kaggz you aren't a true gamer

Attached: 3wc3.png (581x48, 5K)

>warcraft 4
>from nu-blizzard

that's one hell of a monkey paw wish, fuck that

Fuck DOTA only people of pure Patrician tastes played Ice Troll Tribes; Island Troll Tribes.

its funny how much acrobatics you will do to deflect when getting called out on doing something stupid

If you can't hear the song playing, you've never lived

Attached: 3wc3.png (896x529, 991K)

does anyone remember the Trolls co-op island survival thing? what was that called again?

>Play Human
>Mountain King first with shitloads of rifles
>Also get Paladin
>Tech into Priests and Knights
>Get Archmage for the sweet aura
Man playing vs Hardest AI wasnt so hard in retrospective

I used to be like you but then I rebounded back to Parasite 2. Yeah there's only one space station, but it's massive, and I found that most Metastasis games quickly devolved into everyone just blowing up the space stations and suddenly there's no room to run around and have fun in.

Also the abilities, both for suits and alien, are simply more interesting in Parasite 2.

Hell yeah! Thief is best class.

I'm more of a spongebob slide man myself

This is literally the best fishing video game of all time

Attached: 3wc3.png (765x545, 923K)

cheesing the wc3 ai is extremely easy

>I played a few matches in Warcraft 3 and had my fill. A VS tower defense is cool but... that's it. It's just a kind of cool diversion. How could it spawn million dollar prizes and it's own culture. It's not really fun after the 10th round.
It's not a vs tower defence.
A vs tower defense is tower wars.

The reason AoS took off is that it took very popular rpg mechanics of maps in broodwar and warcraft and put them in a competitive game, and a team game.
Rpg maps were popular back in broodwar too, and you commonly had progression on your character by upgrades that could go up to 255, so you could have an Elf Ranger(that was just marine raynor) with 44 upgrades. It's satisfying for players to use rpg mechanics in any game and see how much better your character becomes.
AI is lacking and the rpg maps are too easy though, you just go through the motions and the thrills pass.
In AoS you have those same mechanics, but there are other thinking humans on the other side.
This evolved in wc3, on day 1 or like day 2 there was an East to West layout for an Aeon fo Strife map already, and the wc3 editor had inherently better tools for making characters with power progression through levels due to the hero system. Aeon of Six Gods and many other aos maps followed, and Dota too existed back in RoC, and it was a decently big map there, it wasn't as dominated as it was later though. Different mixes of hero existing hero abilities gave rise to huge experimenting in the maps, even more so with custom spells and tft. I remember when tft came out I played a tft version of it within the first week.
Hero Arenas were similar in a way, but they lacked the creeps of AoS, which function as a good alternative to random mobs you destroyed in rpg maps.

The darker side of why they took off is that you can always blame your team mates in an AoS. There are 4 other people there and you didn't lose because you fucked up, one of them fucked up.

Island Troll Tribes, Ice Troll Tribes, and I think there was a Jungle Troll Tribes.

Yeah Parasite 2 was the best. There was always something to do, even if it was barricading in the bar and drinking till you pass you.

Which version? There were hundreds of those maps made with different songs in each one.

Is there anyone out there now currently that's actually able to join and actually finish a custom game? I get dropped after 10-15 minutes, if the map launches at all... Is there a fix?

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blessings of allah upon u

Hunter bro here for all your meat needs fuck the mage memers

>Also the abilities, both for suits and alien, are simply more interesting in Parasite 2.
Like what?

Holy fuck I love that game, I once spent 4 hours with my buddy fishing and chatting about dumb shit. In that moment, I could relate to my fishing obsessed boomer father.
I wish I had a real rod, I should get one

Oops, meant for

I played the base game but not frozen throne. Is the expansion that much better?

It's the Broodwar of the series. So, yes.

>playing all these newer games
>losing constantly but still having fun
Though the one game of Angel Arena Eclipse I played, I was able to fuck shit up just from remembering what to immediately go for.

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Jealous of all these (You)s you got for such easy bait.

Oh well, have another.