Oh good, I was worried it wouldn't be RE. Gotta be specific user.
How cool that the whole NG trilogy is on a modern console. I don't own an X1 but I'm really happy for folks who do.
this pretty much confirms my suspicions that Nioh 1 will also be coming to Xbox and Microsoft will show Nioh 2 gameplay or announce a playable alpha at E3
How does that make sense
because here is Team Ninja catering to Xbox fans specifically
they also talked about porting over Nioh 1 earlier this year if enthusiasm was big enough
and they've also stated Nioh 2 won't be a Sony exclusive later down the pipeline
they'll announce a definitive edition with all the DLC during E3 similar to how Nier Autotmata got announced last year
Haven't even finished NG Black yet.
>Trials Evolution
Finally a good Trials game
>Ninja Gaiden will never be good again
>NGB to NG3RE playable
Fucking shit, they really want me to buy a Xbone
it can
it's not like Team Ninja's other games are terrible anymore
they've done a lot to pull themselves out of that pile of trash they were in around 2010-2015
Hyrule Warriors is one of the best musous ever
Nioh is a really good souls-like and shaping up to be more unique with the sequel
DOA6 is... well it's better than 5, so there's that
they just need to avoid some pretty obvious pitfalls from 3
4 could easily be NG2-tier
Why can't they just port Ninja Gaiden Black to PC?
they couldn't even port it to PS3 properly
I think the game is too intrinsically linked to the original Xbox hardware that running it on another platform is too difficult without solid original Xbox emulation
>trials evolution
Fucking sweet
That game is literally perfect
or they probably just lost the source code
but they gave it to Microsoft to do to 4k remaster
But Ninja Gaiden isn't inclusive enough. They should first make it easier.
finally, the best trials game
>All 3 Ninja Gaiden games playable on Xbone
Might finally buy an XboneX
I've got NGB and NG2 on my Xbone, but I've never played NG3 because of all the terrible things I've heard about it. Is this version or whatever really that bad? Might pick it up.
it's an emulator, not a remaster.
It's the original game running on an emulator. You wouldn't need the source code for that.
Knowing Hayashi, he would probably port Sigma and Sigma 2 to PC.
>and they've also stated Nioh 2 won't be a Sony exclusive later down the pipeline
where? i knew it wouldn't be exclusive because sony didn't make a huge deal at their E3 saying "ONLY ON PLAYSTATION!!!", but i at least want to see the official confirmation.
That's Razor's Edge, not vanilla 3. RE is an improvement, but it's really just polishing a turd. 3 at its core is a horrible game.
Was hyrule warriors actually by them? I thought that was just omega force
>That game is literally perfect
yes, as long as you ignore the horrible dlc
Is Razor's Edge worth playing?
Well yeah. But the base game is Tetris levels of perfect. Seriously great game I recommend to everyone.
Like said, it's a polished turd. Don't expect NGBlack levels of quality in this game. It fixes most of the problems that the original NG3 had, but it's not perfect.
It is by Omega Force. Though TN were helping on musous since Orochi 3 (and it shows)
Is Razor's Edge a significant improvement over NG3? I really like NGB and NG2 but passed over 3 cause I heard it was shit.
It has its moments. I enjoyed it at some points, but there's just so much fundamentally wrong with 3. Playing as Kasumi, Ayane, and Momiji was really fun, though. That's honestly the best part of RE.
most of the improvements are QoL-based like giving bosses actually visible health bars and having all the weapons in the game instead of just the fucking dragon blade and having to pay for everything else as DLC
they can't fix some fundamental problems like meme mechanics, QTE bosses and god awful story (even for NG)
also Anaye is a brat now? I guess she's 17 or 18 around the time of this game, but she's absolutely nothing like her character in NGB
her levels might be the worst part of the game too
Hayashi clearly had no idea how to approach this sequel and just saw the success of Bayonetta and God of War and copied the worst elements from them
it's definitely not Yaiba-levels of terrible, but it's certainly a bad game
wtf bros. did they remove the online in trials evolution. it keeps saying I'm offline
When the fuck are we gonna get more OG Xbox games?
I know MS said they aren't a priority, but it's been over a year since the last update.
If they don't have some at E3/the Inside Xbox E3 episode, it can be assumed that they are not adding anymore.
I'd bet at E3 we'll get a decent batch
hope for SH4 and SH2 since HD collection got in it shouldn't be a hassle
what's left to be saved besides Otogi 1+2 and DoAU+3?
never ever
Burnout 3.
Daily reminder if you don't have SSX3 "4K remaster" on your Xbone you're missing out
>Skate. 3 but no Skate. 1
why does this make me angry