ITT "remake is superior"

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have sex.

that fish knight looks like he can roll

el retardo.....

Attached: ocarina_of_time_n64_3ds_comparison_thumb.jpg (563x936, 169K)

Soul and even more Soul

What are some games where this is actually true? Kirby Super Star Ultra for one.

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memes fried your brain, go outside and play with your pet or something

Non-arguments that come from virgins screaming "have sex" is the most pathetic thing that has happened on this board.

SMT Strange Journey

>wonderboy: the dragon's trap

well yes, it's more or less named after the original title.

Attached: Wonder_Boy_III_-_The_Dragon%27s_Trap_boxart.jpg (256x355, 29K)

The art is cool and all but why didn't they make it look and sound like a Wonder Boy game?

Super Star is better on SNES though.

To each their own, but please don't tell me you think Super Star SNES has a better art style like people do on here. Certain backgrounds look like they wanted to copy DKC's scanned-in 3D look and it just clashes so hard with every other sprite.

Didn't you technically do the same thing when you called them virgins?

Left is superior

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>To each their own, but please don't tell me you think Super Star SNES has a better art style like people do on here.
I think Super Star SNES has a better art style. Don't get me wrong, some Super Star Ultra backgrounds are an improvement, but most backgrounds, foregrounds, and characters are better on SNES and they tend to be a lot more animated.

PS3>original obviously but what the fuck were they thinking when they made those god awful pachinko sprites

I don't particularly like any of these.

My nigga

Reminder that NST is the definitive way to play Crash.

Sure if you don't want good color use, a sensible hitbox, and the superior Cortex. But it does have... What, HD? Is that it?

>Lex Lang
>not the superior Cortex
>waaaah the hitbox
Please get better at videogames.

>Lex Lang
>not the superior Cortex
Correct. Clancy Brown's performance and the way his character was originally presented blows Mustard-Man McMeatsmoker out of the water.
>>waaaah the hitbox
>Please get better at videogames.
I'll do that with games that are better designed.

Lex Lang portrays Cortex perfectly in NST, please stop trying to be contrarian.
>"h-h-he's supposed to be MENACING!!!"
He was never menacing, he was always an arrogant dipshit who engineered his own downfall in all three games.
And the game is designed just fine. Unless you're terrible at jumping and you have no idea how to comprehend depth perception, you shouldn't notice the hitbox being a pill.
Plus NST has time trials for the first two games, as well as Stormy Ascent and Future Tense.

He wasn't supposed to be a little faggot either. He was an angry, bitter, hunched over, fed up nerd.
You're unable to defend a pill-shaped hitbox. It's objectively a bad design decision.

Middle is best by far.

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He's not a little faggot in either. In NST he's an arrogant prick who's so narcissistic he can't see how shortsighted he is. He is the only thing keeping himself from winning and taking over the world. His voice and his mannerisms in NST reflect this, especially in Warped where I think Lex Lang really shines.
The pill-shaped hitbox is a bad design choice, but it's incredibly minor and only changes the game for retards who can't jump correctly. This "objectively" bad design choice is overshadowed completely by the new, better content that NST brings to the table.
Only a purist or a contrarian would unironically think the original trilogy is better than NST.

right is like a billion times better

Honestly the 3DS remake of OoT, though in some ways it's more of a port given how straightforward a conversion it is, is pretty good in most places besides the lighting fuck up on nights and the Ganon fight. Grezzo actually did a good job reproducing Ocarina of Time in more modern visuals without altering the core game beneath it besides the quality of life changes.

As a thousand threads will tell you, Majora's Mask 3D was the real fumble.

correct except for the loli. Far right loli is superior.

You can change graphics/soundtrack/sound effects like in R-Type Dimensions.

What said, you can press a button on the fly to swap between the original Master System release visuals and music but in widescreen, or back to the new visual style. I think you can even have classic graphics but modern remixes and vice versa, but don't quote me on that.

I thought the thread was about showing remakes that are superior

The air quotes in the thread title implied sarcasm to me. My bad.

They are just regular quotes user.

>In NST he's an arrogant prick who's so narcissistic he can't see how shortsighted he is.
And that's roughly half his character, originally. That's why the VV vision of cortex is inferior.

Tell me what the other half is, then.

Dr. Cortex had the ability to seem dangerous and intimidating in the originals. He used to be a character with range until he just became a gay stereotype. Also his design is worse.

I don't see anything that Lex Lang couldn't do. That's basically how he acts in the final communications with him in 2 and Warped.

Or maybe it's just how they look and play better.

You can tell this is French just by the linework.

meant for

The Dragon's Trap remaster is objectively superior, though. What kind of a faggot do you have to be to think it's worse, especially when there's a dedicated button to switch to the old graphics on the fly?

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>Only a purist or a contrarian would unironically think the original trilogy is better than NST.
Or, you know, someone with fucking eyeballs.
>inb4 some mongoloid tries to start the SOUL memespouting to discredit these

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is gender same as sex?

>the colors are different!
>this, of course, completely overshadows the fact that the remake has more content, loads faster than the original, and plays almost exactly the same!

>pixel garbage was soooooo much better
Yea Forums, folks.

This. I say this as someone who started with the SNES version, Ultra is a straight up improvement in every way.

Neptunia Rebirth vs original

What a godawful artstyle

>has more content
Like fucking what? Lazy-ass time trials and a model swap to play as Coco? Big fucking whoop.

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>the art and color direction went from masturful to amateur garbage, yes, but the remake lets you play all the same levels again in time trials and the gameplay is alsmost* exactly the same!
>*it is worse

Post the top of tower hub in Warped.

>"it has more content"
>uh, like what? this content i dont care about? so what?
The time trials practically double the amount of time you're gonna spend on the game, and they add much more depth to levels that you normally just run and jump through without them.
Literally the only things the originals have over NST that're worth a shit is arguably the music, the correct hitbox (which, again, is a non-issue if you aren't braindead), and the controls for some of the gimmick levels in Warped. You're nitpicking random bullshit instead of realizing that NST simply fixes most of the problems the originals have, and adds more on top of it. This alone means it's superior, unless you'd like to admit to being a dumbass graphicsfag.

You don't need time trials to try and speedrun a level and they don't even add anything outside of Warped.
>The only things the originals have over NST are the music, the correct hitbox, and the controls for some of the gimmick levels in Warped
And, by far, the visuals.

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>and, by far, the visuals
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. The game looks fantastic in pretty much every level. You've only been able to provide two examples, and I found when 100%ing both versions that NST looked and felt better.

Soul vs Soulless

It will always bother me that TTS was Kojima endorsed and its voice clips were used for MGS4.

>ITT: remakes that are actually faithful to the games

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>pic unrelated

The original has great design and color choices all the way through. Their use of colors and shapes is very creative and appealing. Now, if the NST faithfully and considerately adapted all of that to HD it would be a strict upgrade. But that's not what happened. Some levels look pretty good, but for the most part colors become a lot more bland and generic almost everywhere. It's almost as if they didn't fully understand Crash's design choices and wanted to make it look even better in HD. It's more like they went "we need to remake these games in a modern engine and fast!"

yeah well no shit
that's why it's the PS1 spyro