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i just realized that bend made bubsy 3d
it really shows
Well I guess this proves people will buy literally anything.
I'm glad it did those sjw reviewers who gave it a bad review because "straight white male = bad" are fucking raging
General reminder the ign reviewer who gave this a 6 or whatever it was gave all the tomb raiders a 9 and she's a lesbian
based as af, proved all the faggots wrong
Is this a glitch or easter egg
There's some youtube reviewers getting million plus views for reviewing this game, like that one guy who said to wait for a sale.
IGN and the lugenpresse really messed up this time, because they're losing readers to youtube.
I haven't bought this game.
2 is better and they scrapped the MP for that one. Cheap cash grab
Isn' "wait for sale" equivalent of 6/10? If even youtubers are saying that this game is mediocre, then something went wrong
I've put in about 10 hours into it and it definitely got shafted by the critics. It's a 7.5-8 at least.
And she said she never had a problem with the protagonist. From what I've seen it's only the Gamespot reviewer complaining.
They were wrong for that, but let's not praise this shit just to "stick it to the SJWs" or whatever. It's still just as much of a bland, derivative piece of garbage as it looked at its first reveal years ago
No, the guy rates by don't buy, wait for sale, or buy.
games don't usually have fun cheat codes like that anymore
"Wait for sale" is literally "the game isn't worth its price".
This is pointless. You're trying to turn a word into a numerical metric and then now you're saying wait for sale means don't buy. Wait for sale means just that, but it doesn't stop anyone from buying it today if they want.
that's a shame. not that it really matters, but i think kids nowadays are missing on stuff.
Friendly reminder that Days Gone takes place in the Syphon Filter universe.
>physical sales
since when do these matter when it comes to games
since like from the 50s
>counting physical sales when fucks like bethesda literally ship you a cardboard disk with the download code on it
no way man
>Japs thought they could outdo the West
We haven't even revealed our trump card of 2019.
>but let's not praise this shit just to "stick it to the SJWs"
Lmao, where do you think you are? If it goes against the mainstream/SJW, we like it and defend it.
"Wait for Sale" is my gaming mantra. The only way to do it in current year. I'm not accidentally buying a 60 dollar game that has 3 Season Passes for 50 bucks each and 10 pages of microtransactions.
>no actual source on global sales
>physical only from the UK, and only a percentage
>devs are working on a new game, so Days Gone must have been successful (from 2018, no less)
Wow, you idiots are really grasping at straws, aren't you?
It's talking about UK though, it's not saying anything else about other countries or land. You suspect me to just take this as hard fact for all other continent?
that's their problem. is still probably cheaper to buy your fallout 76 game cardboard than from their store. heh.
hear me out you fucking baboons, if you buy physical for a shitty game, finish it and resell it(an exclusive I may add) you get your money back. It's not fucking nasa,
Finished the game today, fucking hell it picks up tempo like wildfire, I cared about characters, and Captain Kouri fucking hell, I did not see that coming, hes absolute bro.
>in the UK
LMAOOOOO holy fuck that's just a participation medal for Sony. Knack outsold Mario in the UK, but not in global sales
proof that sonyfags will buy any old garbage with sony's name on it
Based. Game is really good
I just got back from Sarah's former workplace. Glad Jim got his.. How much do I have left, because I don't want it to end suddenly.
Thats actually great news. Im really loving the game, it grew on me a lot
Thats what pisses me off about the 'game journalist' reviews. They talk about the characters being shit and stuff but theyre literally the most memorable and believable characters I can recall. Lots of subtle emotional shit going on all the time.
Is this game worth $20? I have about $20~ in my PSN wallet and my friend said she'd get me the other $40 in cards. I just finished up Sekiro and I'm looking for a single player game to play through in a week or so.
What do you expect from reviewers who cant releate to stpry if it doesnt involve gay trans furries
Yes. The reviews are way off imo, I'd say its a 9. Even the repetitive fetch quests feel really fun to me. It starts off pretty slow, but you upgrade your abilities and bike alot over time.
i bought on release day and still havent finished and i usually finish these game in like 3-4 days tops
Same. Its long, but doesnt feel like its dragging at all. If anything, I keep wanting to play more. Defintely a sleeper hit for me, I didnt expect much of anything from this game
What are your favorite parts about it? Worst parts about it?
excited to see what's next
Terrible framedrops when you're on your bike sometimes. Weird out-of-place transitions between gameplay and cinematics, especially near the start of the game. Some walking sections of exposition go on for way too long.
Everything else about it I really like
user, that first 10 hours is exactly like the last 30+ hours. You will be changing your mind and amending your score back down to 6-7 when it's over.
Ive never had any glitches like this in my playthrough so far. Also
>shitty pistol
>misses headshot every time
Not to me, I found it really picks up halfway to the end
isn't this just some generic third person FPS survival?, I've even seen ads for it in my city but it's the first time I've heard of the game
No, its more like a thirdperson shooter with rpg elements. Kind of farcry style progression of character/weapons
Is the game fun? It looks good and I've been waiting for it but critics ripped it apart
This game looks like the most generic shovelware possible If anything almost all other game reviews have inflated scores, but we already knew that
What a massive rip off. Wait for a price drop.
Its very fun. I was thinking it looked 'generic' too, but it actually plays pretty unique and the story and characters are great. Iron mike is based. Its a long game too
yeah im in the same boat, the more the story goes on the better it gets and just how long it is, its like when you download a very good TV show and watch it through weeks
like: the story and characters and the hordes, gameplay is good, not much i can go into detail its just done well
hate: the shitty framerate, the bike engine upgrades doesnt really actually increase your speed and the bike isnt fast enough. its like you hear the sound of the engine going up but your speed doesnt actually increases
shotguns are garbage, in a sesne that they are too shit early on and later on when they are good they are still shit because ARs and SMGpistol are better choices
and i dont know why people are shitting on the story and characters, in this game they are actually good
unlike in Horizon where its absolute shit and it never could get me interested, not to mention those shitty predictable characters and terrible animations
only reason i kept playing and platted it because the combat with the robots was done very well
To each their own. I honestly stopped giving a fuck about whether or not the wife is alive when the MC suddenly remembers his wife had a goddamn job. I just stopped and went 'Oh fuck no, we are not doing this shit, again.'
I love all the faggots hating on this game getting btfo, even better the "game journalists" seething because you're playing as a white straight dude
>Frame drops
Get Pro. Runs smooth
Its fun fun fun. Seeing how you are saying reviewers ripped it apart, ypu're only reading popular ones and did you even read them? Half of reviews were biased of reviewers politics. All independent reviewers liked the game
Is this game worth getting if I loved state of decay?
We've gotten to the point where games journalism/reporting/discussion is such that I don't even know what a game is about anymore, just that some SJW doesn't like it
I know about feminists being mad before I even know the plot of days gone and I have no idea even what fucking genre it is
this is fucked up
Most games are not worth $60.
definitely. Its way better imho
White protagonist is getting overplayed. This is a fact.
Deacon is probably the most complex and original character Ive seen in a long time. Honestly impressed, because I hate the 'biker' persona, and I started off hating him, but his character is really well written
What are you winning with this exactly?
>SJW gets outraged
>ANTI-SJW gets outraged
>both sides manufacture outrage
The point is that if you're getting actively mad at digital entertainment and waging internet wars over it you're a retard who deserves to die quickly.
>physical sales
Neat. I'm glad its doing well
Could not care less how a game sell here. The people here have fucking terrible taste, I mean come the fuck on fucking FIFA tops sales despite it being the same rehashed trash year after year.
Why do people get so mad that people play fifa?
Same reason they get mad at people playing fortnite.
Jesus, I guess being a generic zombie game with the open-world meme really does sell.
>annoyed that FIFA tops sales
youre a spastic
Why can’t he be annoyed about it? They’re low effort games and it’s just the same shit every year.
Once you start being annoyed at what other people like, your life goes to shit.
You could say the haters got bent.
Fuck weebs and fuck sjws :)
You’re missing the point, it’s not about berating people for what they play. If THEY want to buy the same shit every year, let them live in ignorant bliss. It’s the faggot company’s fault primarily.
Why the fuck are you comparing it to RE2? Want to compare an open world game to DMC5 or KHIII as well?
>Isn' "wait for sale" equivalent of 6/10?
I would rate the game as 7/10, it's a solid C+ game. Three thumbs up. 75 fire emojis and 25 turds.
$60 dollars isn't worth $60 anymore.
Wasn't one of the major complaints about the game constant bugs and glitches that got really helped out by the day one patch?
the game is a solid 7.5 and has a better story than horizon which sold like hotckakes because of the Killzone tier graphics.
All those Easter eggs to Syphon Filter, and even the stun gun is in the game. I wonder if Bend is thinking of bringing back Syphon Filter?
This is true. You have no reason to give a shit about anyone in the first two encampments, they're just quest-givers. Deacon is just a hired gun, a drifter. In the third encampment you actually get to know other characters.
Skizzo did nothing wrong
>Jump forces sells shittons
>Days gone sells shittons
>PS4 sold over 90 millions
Yeah, fuck this gen. People buying literal shit just because of massive shilling
Rikki >>>Sarah
i would have gotten into that hot shower with Rikki and forget Sarah in that instant
>surpassed re2 and the division 2
>physical sales are the highest
How the fuck did they do it?
It's just the studio thought, the actual people behind Bubsy 3D are long gone.
it's an underdog title with broad appeal, a controversial critical reception, and legitimately good qualities. It sells itself.
they're the sole reason why those shitty microtransaction even exist
>snoyboys buy whatever is shit out on their console
So glad all those shit-for-brains RE2 fanboys have no explanation, except excuses. They were al over Days Gone, saying zombies are boring and unoriginal while sucking off a zombie remake. Zero critical thinking skills. Now look, it outsold your shitty meme.
zombie die from a single headshot as they should
its not like it was any difficult to surpass that garbage that is RE2
Rikki is probably the reason reviewers hate the game so much. She's an Indian woman in an interracial lesbian relationship with a black female doctor named Addy. Rikki admits she kinda started the relationship just to pass the time, and has a lot of sexual tension with Deacon. You literally almost cuck a black female doctor in this game.
>She's an Indian woman
the VA is indian but the character itself is hardly that
>Rikki Patil
She's indian, m8.
Both of the games are good and there need not be any conflict. I own both and love both. Weebs are just unadulterated cancer. They think liking something foreign makes them more refined/intelligent, when the precise opposite is almost universally true.
so is it actually good ?
yes, names define you ethnicity not your actual genes
she's white
7-8.5, depending on your love of zombies/post-apocalypse
Yeah I ended up getting it and it's one of the better zombie games I've played in a while. Way better than state of decay 2 which got great reviews despite being pretty shallow and janky. I didn't know people were actually mad over the protagonist.
>this passes for white in America
she's obviously at least biracial
She has an indian name and a horse face.
thats pure white considering these pass as white in america
He thinks japs made this game that last of us 2 will be a better game. I'm fluent in retard because I'm half retard on my moms side.
By the end of the game the bike is noticeable faster. I thought it was too slow as well but now it zips along at a satisfying speed
Because Americans are nice and accepting, everyone is white here. Not like in Europe where racism and bigotry prevail.
im at the end of the game, or at least near
i have the last engine upgrade
there is barely any difference
well you're definitely at least half retarded.
The whole thread is based on the game outselling RE2R.
>but it's a white male no one wants that
The kid from Stranger Things is white but he has an actual birth defect that caused facial disfigurement. That isn't his fault and I wish people would just leave the kid alone. It'd be like mocking a kid with down syndrome for being mentally deficient. Some things they just can't help.
Lol user quit trying to court me
She could pass for latina at best. I don't understand why you're in so much denial, is it because of the poo memes, or because you think all Indian women are dark as fuck? There are a lot of light skinned Indian women, and all the pretty ones become famous in Bollywood.
>The kid from Stranger Things is white
>There are a lot of light skinned Indian women, and all the pretty ones become famous in Bollywood.
they are less dark skinned, not caucasian white like Rikki
She was probably lying.
Anyone with the disease he has develops facial and body disfigurement.
>they are less dark skinned, not caucasian white like Rikki
I wasn't aware that you've seen every indian woman on the planet, all 500 million of them.
You wanna goo in a poo, deal with it.
Sony needs something like Gamepass. I want to try it out, BUT i ain't shelling 60$ for it. Like Crackdown 3, I actually enjoyed it a lot, but I would never pay full price for it.
If by 'garbage' you mean 'good game' then I agree
It's the skin tone and hair.
sorry i am not american, i actually see the different skintone of a person
I've been itching for an open world game to play that isnt old school cowboy or historical and Day's gone scratches that itch perfectly.
Gameplay is perfectly fine, the bike is fun and having to survive looking for fuel makes it interesting. The enemies are fun to fight since you have to stealth kill a lot of them. Story is surprisingly good so far, every character acts out realistically on what a post apocalypse bunch of characters would act and people do despicable things just to survive which makes sense rather than follow their sense of justice.
This game is at least a 7.5 at worst but I can give it a 8 seeing as how there's a ton of open world games that are worse than days gone and yet have a higher score than it for some reason.
You're just mad people have fun
>You wanna goo in a poo
>you have to stealth kill a lot of them
i barely ever use stealth kills
guns/headshots are perfectly viable, and nothing is dangerous enough to really require stealth. The AI is dumb as fuck.
So does Ape Escape and MGS3.
He is Italian. If thats white or not kind of depends how /pol/ you are.
Personally, he is white, and this is coming from a DNA tested 75% north eastern euro, 25% Scottish white faggot.
And totally ignore surname/morphology.
African Albinos exist. Are they wh*toids?
>post yfw first fighting a breaker
I'm Portuguese and Italian. Literally the nigger of Europe. The cops put "Hispanic/Other" when they arrest me. I look whiter than him. My skin tone/hair is completely different.
>littearlly the nigger of europe
That would be Irish and you god damn know it. Still though, the worst of whites is still white.
>claims to not be American
>Judges people's race by skin tone alone
RETARDED in bold letters precedes whatever your nationality is. Her name is Indian. She has an olive complexion. Her eyes look distinctly Indian, because her actress is literally Indian. If you refuse to accept the facts, then there's no point in further discussion.
if hitler changed his name to Jamal Goldberg would that make him a black jew?
african albinos still have african features, Rikki looks like any regular white chick
>Rikki looks like any regular white chick
You're clearly baiting for 56% memes, but you also claimed to not be American. You fucked up.
>Rikki looks like any regular white chick
Kinda looks like Michelle Rodriguez, but I think it's because of the ponytail.
she has as much olive complexion as Deacon
but like how you are pushing for poc when its an obviously white woman
>tfw Deacon is indian too
They made Bubsy which was a failure, but were given the go ahead to make Syphon Filter, which was a massive success. One of the few white male run studios out there that isn't cucked to hell.
There's something really good about the atmosphere in this game.
this game looks fucking terrible. what the fuck is the appeal? oh wait there is none
RE2 was the UK's biggest opening of 2019 until Day's Gone
Fuck off Jay
>Rikki is indian because her skin is obviousy like light skinned indian womens!!!
>has a whiter skin than Deacon
why are americans trying this when its clear as a day she is white?
>skin color = race
also see , fag. No lighting/angle tricks.
that bitch is clearly at least half something
>skin color = race
are americans really this brainwashed?
i guess my favorite black US president was John F Kennedy and my favorite white US president is Obama, since skin color =/= ace lmao
imagine having to go this far because you are a fucking retard
Why does the main character look like Vinny
should have half my dick inside her haha amirite
>skin color = race
This is 1.8 Sony TFLOPS.
How do they do it?
you could have a light skin nigga and a swarthy italian with the same skin tone, dumbass. Pigment is merely one of many biomarkers.
ah yes
black people with white skin are actually common
thats why we call them black, its obviously not a defining racial trait
The DoF/blur helps a ton, but the AO on the foliage and ground look really nice. Makes the dirt and ground have a lot of depth.
Good. RE 2 remake was too short and shouldn't have been more than $30.
ok, american white
>Physical sales
The game will probably sell reasonably well worldwide, but right now, this metric is doubly fucking worthless.
sony first party devs always work magic with 7 yr old garage tier hardware
so Deacon isnt white either then
neither is Boozer or any other white character
since skin color =/= race
Sony squeezes the power of their consoles
There are some PS3 games like Uncharted that hold up graphically pretty well
>black white black white
bro do you know that there's more than 2 races on earth?
Black White and Yellow
What engine does this run on? Is it the HZD engine or just UE4?
Well technically they all look like Mutts of some kind. But they could pass for white better than her. You really are a massive retard if you don't see the difference between facial morphologies. You're probably autistic.
hadn't really heard anything good or bad about the game besides some journos/reviewers bitching about it, was in at Gamestop grabbing a charger for a Wii U gamepad and a few random shoppers talked about it, said it was a lot of fun and the motorcycle thing was pretty interesting. So, guess the general public likes it well enough.
>its da zomibe uh-pocalypse & they got real sensitive hearin' & smellin' so ah got me a r'eal loud bike
Every last s o y boy game dev who's obsessed with The Walking Dead needs to get dragged into the streets by their chastity belts and beaten to death with sledgehammers.
how is that at all fucking relevant to any of my points, scrote sniffer?
>brown hair
>brown eyes
Nice try, rabbi.
Heavily modified UE4
There's a lore explanation for that, dumbass. Since food is so scarce, people's diets consists mainly of cans of dog food. The low-quality food causes massive, explosive gas.
Fuck off, you racist prick.
yes majority of white people have brown hair and eyes and white skin
Yea Forumsros...
After reading that post, you still felt the need to argue. Maybe you really are a JEW
Isn't every game that uses UE4 technically using a heavily modified UE4
nice shill thread. you got btfo every other time and yet you still post
i just like seeing you keep getting btfo and trying some ridiculous way argue you way into retardedness
Nope. Far from it. Days Gone has rewritten most of the graphics tech.
White protagonists monopolize games, this is a fact. White protagonists need competition, and this can be achieved by Epic Store buying every game until the end of time and forcing devs to change their protagonist into an anthropomorphized anime girl mascot of the Epic Store. FACT.
Days Gone is literal anti-shill material.
It looks bad to anyone who hasn't played it. It looks bad to weebs. It looks bad to console warriors. There is a 80-20 chance that any positive posts about it will be met with flaming.
Everyone defending this game is a literal boots on the ground operative trying to save a game/studio that was unjustly anally raped by the media.
>unjustly anally raped by the media
And this is because they played a pre-patched version and literal complaints are the same complaints that can be said for every other open world game out there, or some weird political shit that has no place in video games (zombies are white, really? how's that a fucking complaint?).
I had no interest in this game and didn't know it was developed by the Syphon Filter guys.
Then I saw all the bad reviews, hating on biker(white) culture and white people.
I think I'll buy the game just to support these guys--passionate white dudes working hard to make a great game without SJW nonsense, they should be rewarded and I want to see a new Syphon Filter game.
Audibly kekd
>syphon filter
It's dead user. Let it go.
they're not, some of them are though
>hour long cutscene when you arrive in crater lake
If the fags at Buttfeed and game """"""journalists"""""" in general are mad at the white culture depicted in the game, I'm willing to get a copy.
I just want a competent third person stealth action game with a globetrotting thriller plot. Hated running around in the desert in MGS5. Hated tagging enemies in Splinter Cell Blacklist. Hated shooting brainded cartel spics in Ghost Recon Wildlands.
Need a new Syphon Filter. A game that's part action movie and part James Bond with a tactical, operator vibe.
there are a few things that really hold this back for when it comes to gameplay. There seems to be a set max limit of zombies (sorry, freakers) you can blow up or set on fire at one time, there are still some bugs here and there like losing ammo for my handgun, or falling through the floor, or the bike just phasing into other vehicles when trying to mount it. Still, the story is really promising (even though the cut scenes audio/visuals are out of sync every now and then). fun game but pick it up on sale with all the dlc. glad sony picked up the studio to do more work. wish it had co-op but i'll just play risk of rain 2 for that
they can pretend shipped copies are "sold" that way.
And it's a fucking shit game.
Shit acting.
Shit story.
Shit characters.
Shit gameplay.
Shit facial animation.
Shit side quests.
Shit everything.
>Get Pro. Runs smooth
lol, why are you lying. The pro struggles and drops frames even at 1080p
There were multiple articles calling the game's flashback wedding scene "problematic" where the protagonist's wife says "I hope you ride me as much as you ride that bike" which is a common joke that is made at biker weddings in real life. These people have no context and a deep hatred for anything culturally white.
Wired has an article lambasting the game for being a "reactionary libertarian power fantasy".
It's all so tiresome.
>Generic zombie game comes out
>Nobody cares
>Some literal who reviewer hates it
>Suddenly it's the best game ever
Are you guys really defending generic zombie game #46853 for such petty reasons? It's going to sell anyway because it has the Sony sticker on it.
how did Sony do it
>I just want a competent third person stealth action game with a globetrotting thriller plot.
Same. So much. Syphon Filter, Splinter Cell, even Alpha Protocol, all dead. I just want my spies, mission briefings, gadgets, and mix of exotic and grimey locals. Sucks so much, man.
>Bend did this game instead of a modern Syphon Filter
This game is Sypon Filter.
Wow, Sonyfags really do just buy any old trash.
When was the last time they got a good game?
>that wolf attack
Out fucking played
>the game is a solid 7.5 and has a better story than horizon which sold like hotckakes because of the Killzone tier graphics.
Both of those games have absolute fucking shit story, characters, side quests, etc.
The game is a decent time waster, it’s scored fairly but not for the right reasons.
It’s not bad but it’s fucking borderline brain dead with combat sometimes. Fighting any human is so easy there’s no point not to just run in guns blazing stealth just stretches shit out you won’t die if you just run in and kill everyone
There is no way these threads arent made by reddit fags.
>. Fighting any human is so easy there’s no point not to just run in guns blazing stealth just stretches shit out you won’t die if you just run in and kill everyone
So your usual Sony game
How would you feel about this?
>Wild Arms
>White Knight Chronicles 3
>Cleopatra, Jeanne D'arc Sequel
>Kings Field V(R) Trinity
>Patapon 4
>Omega Boost 2
>Soul Sacrifice 2
Sony has never been good with human enemies this gen. It was the single worst thing about Horizon.
>Omega Boost sequel
>Jeanne D'arc sequel
>neither of these will ever happen
Why must you hurt me user
top left is a polack
They outdid. REmake 2 is a far more superior game.
But the west is lost. The western society is going down the retard path politically and socially.
Only a low IQ society like the west could value low tier entertainment like Days Gone above REmake 2.
>another weeb who hasn't played it
don't you have children to molest?
>weeb who hasn't played the game
Fuck off with your shitty clickbait
Why you retards keep bumping garbage threads like this is beyond me
fuck whoever recommended this to me. Game crashed in the fucking opening scene.
Espionage/Thrillers man. So few games. It's like the most popular book genre (outside of romance) and has always been a perfect candidate for video games. Mission planning, gadgets, various routes to complete objectives, over the top set pieces, exotic locations, it's got it all.
>falling for the pro meme
30 hours. Not one crash.
is pretty good a solid 8/10 but honestly i still think RE2 is better idk might be the nostalgia still kicking in
anddddd now I cant progress because the game won't let me move the car in the first mission. fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun
>weeb who hasn't played the game
Shut the fuck up already, braindead worm.
Even more
There was at least some tension in Horizon since you can die easily on high difficulty
For this one it’s even easier than BOTW, it’s just completely braindead, only the zombies should be in the game desu the crazy people don’t even make sense, a cult in the world presented in that area should be like Jonestown, friendly and accommodating on the outside and sinister only to people who would know better. Crazy scarred mad max cult is just stupid and doesn’t work in anything less grounded than an absurd movie like mad max.
Westerners are way fucking dumber on average than even low end nips
What did you expect for Americans and yuropoors to have taste for games? Only the dumbest shit sells well here, look how many people still bought Anthem 2 months ago. Look how many bought Battlefront and believed the 10 year meme for Destiny.
lowkey scared of playing the game cause i don't wanna deal with 100s of these fuckers coming at me
Yay. Another mediocre """AAA""" title appealed to the braindead common masses.
Have fun at the sawmill.
I can't trust reviewers opinions on the game because they made it obvious they're mad that the main character isn't a mega beta.
Also, they're not human, and their opinions don't matter, but still.
I'll wait for when it's 20 dollars.
I just snuck around most of them. I saw like 4 of those homes to blow up when searching for the motorcycle part but was like nah fuck that
Wish this was on PC. Oh well.
Bend studio always reminds me that my dick isnt straight.
Sony first-party games almost always look better than most third party.
Give it a few years.
lol the snoy cucks ITT forming some tribe mentality to cope and "get back at" reviewers together by glorifying average games.
why are ps owners such dumb asses? really baffles me.
How come a 5 out of 10 game sold so much?
>sony toddlers so thirsty for games they buy anything that's put out, even if it's garbage
lmfao embarrassing.
The rain looks comfy
>How come a 5 out of 10 game sold so much?
Because they dumped 3/4 of the revenue to marketing alone and not on the actual game itself.
the game looks comfy
I don't mind the wait, Sony is usually pretty stingy when it comes to PC releases though. Looks like a groovy game.
>This is what sony ponies consider good
Game needs mods.
>Normalfag game sells well
What's new. The pattern never ends.
No it doesn't.
Yes it does
wait for sale is more of "It does what it does well but doesn't revolutionize the genre well enough to be a must play". You won't regret not having bought it at the beginning and missing out on all the hype and fanfare like Bloodborne or BotW.
Well they had a pretty serious sequel bait moment so this doesn't surprise me. And I'm not gonna lie the bait thing was actually kinda interesting and I kinda wanna see where they are going with it.
That UI is fucking dogshit
>physical sales surpass RE2
>RE2 has Steam
I couldn't give a fuck about Days Gone. I stopped caring about it 3 years ago.
you first. you have zero experience with this title, and thus your inanities are irrelevant
>weebs so assmad that anything even marginally western is released ever
I hope all of you contract syphilis.
UI looks pretty standard and out of the way, user. I just don't like the minimap being on the right side.
Why do snoyfags hold metacritic to as a be all end all? They should of known sony made bad games before
You're bad at the game, Adam.
I just want Sid Meiner's Covert Action remake, maybe with Phantom Doctrine pinboard system.
Resistance Retribution and Uncharted Golden Abyss were the last 2 games Bend worked on before Days Gone.
Why is this game being hated on Yea Forums, it's from the Syphon Filter devs and I thought we never sided with journos?
No I'm not.
it's western and zombies. that's enough for the weebs.
Is It actually look? It looked so generic that I didn't pay any attention to it.
the paycheck sony is giving me to talk about it is simultaneously both.
like i know it's generic garbage and i shouldnt be shilling it, but i was able to pay for dmc5 off this game alone.
nice bait fag
how poor are you
As of patch 1.07 it just crashes at startup on my launch PS4
>But the west is lost.
Days Gone is literally a game about alpha males that fuck bitches hate homos and chug bear while cursing at everything. Just because a soiboy like you hates masculinity and needs a woman as a protagonist doesn't mean everyone is like that. Go back to posting pics of Clair or Ada and leave real men to their biker gang games.
>in the UK
Did crowbat make a video yet
Calm down, stupid mutt.
it's zombies in 2019
it is but it does enough stuff in a unique way to stand out but it gets really repetitive
Half a year ago.
the story isn't bad
the game plays like a gta, though
Why cant an easter egg just be an easter egg?
Is that a bad thing? I like GTA
Should i get this or metro?
Why do faggots on this board idolize ugly ass gooks so much?
Do you faggots want AmeriCHAD to nuke the shit out of you faggots again? Learn your place you irrelevant slant eyed sub humans
gta's have a very cheap feel to the way they present the narrative
it's why people really like the red dead games, it avoids that
Weebs. That's literally it. Weebs and incels who couldn't strike out with white women, so they then idolize anime characters and think those ugly flat faced chinks look like the characters they see in their moeshit animes. What inevitably happens is they eventually get the courage to move to japan, get rejected their because the problem is how ugly/socially retarded they are (and not the women that reject them) and their whole world view comes crashing down.
We just keep on winning.
Calm down, stupid mutt.
syphon filter remake when?
The narrative is presented similarly in the Red Dead series- 80% of the story is told via conversations while walking/riding with NPCs to a location.
Setting the game in the same world, and even giving the player an ICPA taser gun aren't just funny Easter eggs. Days Gone effectively is know apart of the Syphon Filter universe whether that's good or bad.
>bend studios get chance to prove themselves, brand new IP, tons of funding and plenty of time
>game sells like hotcakes (hopefully?)
>given freedom to revive the series
>ps5 exclusive
I’d say Metro, but I haven’t played either. Days Gone is a serviceable but unremarkable open world TPS. It simply brings nothing interesting to the table, especially since we’ve seen all these elements done before and done better.
>not wanting to waste money on shit means you're poor
I bet you buy gucci shit unironically
Anyone else think this looks like just another generic open world zombie action game? I don't see what all the hype's about
Stfu Abdul, I'm German, I just don't get why you faggots idolize literal mutt eaters like those disgusting chinks/gooks
>generic open world zombie action game
Name 3 games that fit this bill. All I can think off is a mod in Day Z and that shitty Xbox game
>People actually like hetereo white guy schlock
I'm genuinely surprised, not hating at all just surprised. The media has been trying to convince me the opposite.
really sad that a medicre game will sell just cuz it is a exclusive+ no other games coming out
Metro is a fun game but short, it kinda hampers itself in it's open world setting because the previous games shone when they were set pieces.
Both games are comfy but Metro is a better game but you can finish it within a day while Days Gone is really long for an open world game and the story just keeps on going.
they pulled a "captain marvel"
Invisible vehicles should be an unlockable in games.
>7 Days to Die
>Dead Island
>Dead Rising
>Dying Light
>Metal Gear Survive
>State of Decay
>Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
Open World isn't a genre, it's a style of level design, specifically it's the antithesis of level design. Regardless, the above are all "open world zombie" games, and that is far too many just for the niche subgenre, nevermind the virtually endless list of zombie vidya (and media in general) that doesn't fall into the open world category.
Good job!
Nah, it's just gamers rising up.
Hahahahaha, my condolences.
The most fucked and cucked EU country.
Hope you are enjoying being fucked by all the migrants and turks you worship in your joke of a country. First fucked by slavs, now fucked by muslims.
Why would I give a fuck about the UK?
Aren’t those faggots being fucked by the queen right now?
>physical sales
So...its nothing?
pretty much since UK has terrible taste
Literally the only reason people (myself included) went to see Captain Marvel was for the Endgame tie-in.
It was all worth it for the after credit scene where she gets paged
capcom? more like cuckcom
isn't bend studio a sony subsidiary?
I think subsidiary is the wrong word, but they are a first party developer of Sony, yes.
>Give it a few years.
As if, reason why Detroit and those Cage games released on PC was a deal between Quantic, Sony and Epic games store, not gonna happen with these ones
i always thought that first party studio and subsidiary were the same
That and well quantic dream isn't owned by sony unlike other studios like sucker punch, guerilla games, bend studio, naughty dog, etc
is no one going to talk about how the article sounds like it was written by a 16 year old, like what the fuck it's so amateur.
it's done less an actually makes sense for a cowboy story
games being sold physical only has proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made, physical sales should be the only sales that matter because games should be sold physical only
Is the Syphon Filter series worth giving a go if I really like Days Gone?
I always seeing the series growing up but never played any of them.
I might have to get a PS emulator going.
the only reason they can get away with that is because of digital distribution
when a developer does that they should be boycotted into bankruptcy
It matters for PS4 games. Usually you can find a physical copy way cheaper than whatever the online store is asking. One of the benefits of having multiple retailers trying to undercut each other.
>physical sales
>One of the few white male run studios out there that isn't cucked to hell.
It's because they aren't located on the fag coast or in cuckada
*crazy frog intensifies
So what's the sequel going to be about? They hinted at a larger than life 7-hour war scenario and it's not like the protagonist got superpowers at the end of the story. So is he going to fight the super zombies with his moonshine jug full of napalm
Who knows