Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2


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Other urls found in this thread:

the fuck is a bruja?

I will write an angry letter to Paradox if Ventrue aren't playable at release.

>implying anyone would be excited playing ANTIFA gommies: the clan

where my Tzimisce at, not that I would even consider buying this game at this point because the devs has zero experience in making actual games.

Okay but where's the gameplay

Didn't they reveal the 5 classes on release already? I swear I saw a promo picture here. It was Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere and Nosferatu.
But yeah, this. Where's the gameplay, I don't give a shit about sloppy animations about antifa commies.

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Camarilla clans only.

>ANTIFA gommies: the clan

As someone who actually runs VtM tabletop sessions, you're actually pretty much shielded from the worst of that because the vampire world ends in the mid 2000s, and players are strongly suggested to create characters that have been vampires for at least 20 or so years, meaning at your very worst, you have "legitimate" political radicals stuck in the 90s.

>clan retard commie
Who cares, call me when we get Toreador and Malkavian.

>No gangrel warform rip n tearing
>No malks

Game is literal trash from the get go then.

Anarchists aka the good guys

Remember, some clans will come as DLC after the game is released. Better pay up for those Malks :^)

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Spanish for witch

Fucking KEK, they just low-key revealed Lasombra/Malk on the announcement stream

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Do any vampires fuck black humans?

At least there's one sane faction.

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same boring shit then

>meaning at your very worst, you have "legitimate" political radicals stuck in the 90s.

Normally this would be true but I wouldn't believe for a second that video games made in this era would not contain some obnoxious and unironic "ME RIGHT UR WRONG" message shoehorned in somewhere.

Anarchists, socialist, communist vampire clan who hates the man and authority with a raw passion

>I hate the commie clan
>Now where's my pussy liberal clan
Oh user.

If you even consider going Tremere you deserves nothing but 9000 torpors

So to recap the stream:
-Brujah confirmed
-Potence and Celerity for disciples
-character creator is a thing, so we pick race/gender/appearance
-one of the presenters mentioned Lasombra and Malks at one point, co-presenter had to de-confirm them but it's a pretty obvious slip
-Same presenter went on to mention 'Sabbat' and 'Camarilla' clans

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Stereotypical anarchists. Punks, bikers, rebellious teens. ect.

>second that video games made in this era would not contain some obnoxious and unironic "ME RIGHT UR WRONG" message shoehorned in somewhere.
Yeah because the fucking 90s and 80s were a pinnacle in video game storytelling

Why do Boomers even come here

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they've literally said clans will be free

>only plays shit games with black and white stories

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But I WANT to be the corrupt assholes :

A LONG time ago they were philosopher-king/warrior-poet types. This went to complete shit during the Middle Ages and afterward they became political radicals and punks. They were behind the Bolsheviks.

"Good" ones are like Spike from Buffy, bad ones are like the vamps from Near Dark.

>Lasombra AND Malks
I'm hoping this wasn't a genuine slip since that basically fucks over both the dedicated social clans if they genuinely are trying to avoid any overlap with disciplines.


There are less than five actual vampires in China.

That's jiangshi territory.

Anarchists. The bad guys, basically.

Good luck I'm behind 7 chantries.

can't wait for all the shitty politcs
inb4 some user replies to me seetheing

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The Ebin Rebels

these type of posters are the people spamming threads with shit

How do I become a punk ass anarchist IRL bros?

I'm playing Arkham Asylum too my fellow Brujah

god i want to FUCK damsel

Why did Pinocchio go to jail?



there's a smidgen of gameplay at the end of the animated clan trailers

there's 4 more of these coming, so obviously, actual gameplay revealw ill be e3

Is no one else worried how they never show gameplay footage?

There's no way this game will be anywhere near as good as the original. Developers and writers just aren't taking the same chances anymore.

>My beloved carthage became anarchists and punks

I WILL KILL YOU IN HELL SCIPPIIOOO or whatever vampire clan was orchestrating the 3rd punic war.

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No, they're immortal but don't want to live forever with HIV, which is understandable

You're over 30 posting on Yea Forums and can't even read too?
Jesus christ

>they've literally said clans will be free
but some more free than others

What do you mean?
Lasombra and Malk couldn't be more different

The original was good?

not to mention the fact that the devs has made literally NOTHING of value until VTMB2, even ignoring all the obnoxious 2019 politics/idpol identity shit that will no doubt be in this game this thing is doomed to fail from the get go.

I'm just going to assume this will be similar to the Shadowrun game that came out recently. All the charm and flavor from the original will be gone, because we live in a different time now and they just don't make games like they used to.

so what?
I still don't see how Nosferatu can work if you choose your own clan after making your character
so what, you're normal and suddenly you're an ugly mother fucker?

Yeah it was interesting they said the Brujah want revenge on ALL the clans that did it, namely the Malkavians, Lasombra, Toreador, and Venture.

are you unironically retarded

I didn't say that. I just said that sequel won't be as good as the original. Which might mean not good at all. Which means the sequel will be even worse.

Let's not forget that no one gave a fuck about the original until it was "fixed" with community-made patches up the ass. And even then it was still a mess.

You can tell how old wood/trees are by the rings, she was underage.

Though, this also means that the cop fucking amputated her.

zoom zoom zoom

Nosferatu are probably going to DLC, really can't see a player character CHOOSING to look like a skid

Vampires don’t usually fuck anyone. Most of them don’t even have sexual drive anymore and sucking blood feels way better to them than sex

>woah dude, how can you just be a normal looking human and then get ugly after being embraced bruh what the fuck

you diablerise another vampire


we're a thin blood though

>he diablerised a nossie

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>so what, you're normal and suddenly you're an ugly mother fucker?

This is exactly how becoming a nos works tho

Why would I not want to look like a monster in a game about monsters?

this still make zero sense though, if her legs=the doll's age then that means her torso would be at the same circumference of her legs because the comic implies that her entire body was made from the same tree.

How do you think you become a real vampire?

suck some elders dick?

Jesus, I never would have guessed that. But, that's not even how wood works. Taking any random piece of wood and counting the rings doesn't tell you shit about how old the tree was that it came from.

I assumed that Pinocchio killed the cop for amputating the girl. Silly me.

Now I'm trying to figure out why the other prisoners are smiling at him in the last panel. Do they want to fuck his nose?

>playing as filthy thinbloods

day 1 ignore

Bane, pls

based clan from a gameplay perspective
however in the narrative a bunch on useless shitters and malcontents with no clear objective who LARP as revolutionaries to please their egotistical moral superiority complex

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How do I get a snarky hotheaded punk anarchist GF bros?

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How will clan DLC work in single player campaign?

>Insert random strong independent women #554101223987

I'm tired of this nwo bullshit in my games....

You can't actually tell if her torso isn't the same circumference as her legs.

This is edgy in the worst way possible.

you don't


So just like IRL anarchists

well, yes. that would entail having the curse and everything come to you. so have fun sucking the nos dick

That's how all Brujah act tho

Have you ever seen WoD lore?


The original game was like The Matrix but with vampires.

So... is it safe to assume this will be like the Matrix sequels, but with vampires? Count me out.

>who LARP as revolutionaries to please their egotistical moral superiority complex
I wonder what Venture faggot paid for this post

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pretty much

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Clan stereotypes are not set in stone

P. sure one of the highest ranking cammy fags is a Brujah.

You don't have to play a faggot, you know.

As soon as they find out you habitually post on Yea Forums, which they will assume is an alt-right website, you won't stand a chance with them.

I wonder how this board is going to react to basically having a /pol/ general up 24/7 when the releases

Who cares about the rabble? Tremere for life

They are a pretty cool clan who once ruled over Carthage as philosopher/poet/warrior kings. They are technically the warrior clan where all of their Disciplines are about tanking, killing, and releasing their inner hate/passion. But how the fuck do you exemplify that in a modern setting? The only way is to make them edgy anarchist fags.

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truth hurts

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imagine defending a clan where their collective weakness is "anger issues"

That's not wholly true as of V5 (which I believe is the system they plan on using) since Malkavians lost Dementation in favor of Dominate. Outside of that, though, you're right, they share no more disciplines, but the disciplines they have combined would make it impossible for either of the Toreador or Ventrue to be in the game along with them assuming there is zero overlap between the clan disciplines, which may very well not be the case.


Kinda bummed they consolidated Dementation into Domination but then again it really did play like a reskinned Domination

It's objectively the dullest clan followed closely by Ventrue and should have been left out.

[distant YAS]

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The redhead bitch who I forget her name that calls you Cammy is the second most annoying idiot in the game behind the bartender at the club Downtown.

I wish you could just shoot her in the face as soon as you enter the bar.

Here is my real question:

How are Lasombra not going to be overpowered in this game? The reflection weakness is basically nothing in vidya, when it would be potentially hazardous on the tabletop.

Ventrue and Brujah should be guaranteed.

fucking thing blood bullshit
I want to be a strong vampire
we were fuking strong in 1
I wan stronakpsf;

What the fuck am I looking at

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>it would be potentially hazardous on the tabletop
never played it and never will but I'm curious, how?

It is dull, but it's a good simple Clan isn't it? Like, gameplaywise it makes a lot of sense for a video game

>walk in front of window
>break the masquerade

>tfw early boss battle with a neonate

Well malks used to have dominate before v5. It was only sabbat malks who had dementation. WW realized people like that power, so they had the sabbat malks do “something” to give it to all of the clan and worsen their mental illnesses

So, they got it, lost it, got it again and lost it in lore.

Damn and I already thought Tung was a bro for kicking it with the sexier version of the Asylum owner and giving the Ventrue a fair shake

Honestly the actual Ventrue culture of dignitas and noblesse oblige is really neat since it meshes well in most settings. The game also doesn't feature their specific tastes that make playing them legitimately difficult and interesting - like if you have to feed on rape victims.

Brujah: gommies
Gangrel: lupine-wannabes
Toreador: fags
Tremere: backstabbing fags that got baited into diablerising an irrelevant clan and got themselves infiltrated
Venture: also fags

the only based clains in camarilla are malk and nos.

who are the corporate vampire shills
those suit dudes

>1 more single second of gameplay at the end
yikes, this isn't looking good at all

Except you know that will not be implemented in the game.

It also applies to photos and video, so its actually pretty difficult in the modern world to be in any way involved in public life as a Lasombra.

Breaks masquerade. Means hunters will come for you ass, and makes a scene, which is bad no matter what select you are


There's a way to make it endearing or enjoyable to an audience. An annoying character should annoy other characters, not the audience if they're expected to like them.

Gangrel aren't werewolf wannabes, dude.

They're literally just hobos that happen to be able to shapeshift into animals. Basically druids except more hardcore.

To be fair to them, its a story-heavy RPG, I assume what they want is to build story hype with the clans before revealing gameplay. So I'm not too worried yet.

>but the disciplines they have combined would make it impossible...
Hmm... I have to wonder, really.
I really have to wonder how they plan to implement them.

>he's based until he shat on my clan

yikes, real free thinkers right there.

Shut up ravnos, your”clan” ate itself close to extinction during to week of nightmares. Didn’t even kill your ante, had to have big old technocracy cock save your asses

>tfw I'll never be a comfy Lasombra NEET and have a legit reason to never go out
feels bad

>I assume what they want is to build story hype with the clans before revealing gameplay. So I'm not too worried yet.

gameplay is an important aspect if you are going to be up against enemies like lupines/fiends and other terrifying WoD races though.

Brujah aren't gommies you brainlet, there are many of them who are apart and loyal to the Camarilla. You mean the faction Anarchs are the commie fags.

Yeah werewolves hate them as much as they hate everyone else.

>it really did play like a reskinned Domination
Except for the whole “giving Chunk crushing depression to get him to drop the keys for the art gallery” thing. Like damn game Chunk didn’t deserve that. I just wanted him to open the door

Oh yeah but E3 is fast approaching, we'll probably see gameplay then once the clans are all revealed.

If you want to be a NEET in WoD you either go Tzimisce or Nosferatu and apply for their tech department.

Lasombra would be pretty sneaky if you had to face security cameras.


That’s a good way to be taken to blood court and eaten, cause lasombra have a whole systems for legally eating each other’s souls

>Monetizing the shit out of a sequel to a game that had niche appeal and a cult following

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Read my comment again. I said I already thought he was based

I don't understand the logic behind Gangrels in the WoD to be honest. There are Werewolves in the setting who can already shapeshift into the same sort of wolf form, how did the Gangrel, vampires, get a hold of the same sort of shapeshifting powers that is already is key trait of another clan?

It's the only way the game would ever get made sadly/

They're too tired from reading it the first time

The future, Cammy.

>why does a company selling a product have to monetize and promote said product?

Welcome to the new age of nostalgia pandering, and stifling money out of all the idiots who think "OLD THING I JUST WANT ALL GAMES TO BE OLD STUFF FOREVER AND FOREVER" is their logic in game making.

It's real simple, okay.

Vampire the Masquerade was made BEFORE Werewolf.

"Actual werewolves", as in, the Romanian folklore, were also just a type of vampire. Dracula shapeshifts into a wolf in the novel and commands animals.

Yeah but if I go Tzimisce I would lose my reason to never go out and if I go Nosferatu I'd be an ugly nigga



very true, in the current gaming industry in order to maintain growth to please the kike shareholders you have to either milk your fanbase dry with micro-transactions, or expand and just make mobile shit for chinks.

I don`t expect much from this, the writing seems pretty dry, soulless and serious. What I enjoyed about the first game was the fact that it wasn`t all doom`n gloom all the time. The setting also seems duller Seattle is juts not as interesting as a vampire dominated LA. This writing gives me no hope for Malks since they were on wacky side on the original game.

tfw I just want militant rebels and instead get a bunch of communist antifa posers whose first mission will be sucker punching trash cans

Although on the tabletop you can take merits so you don't smell like wyrm taint (lol) to them. Additionally, one Path (alternate morality) basically decides you're going to live like an animal, and if you're a good enough manimal, werewolves don't automatically sense you as kill on sight.

>a story-heavy RPG
so are Mass Effect, Fallout New Vegas, Deus Ex: HR, Witcher 3, etc. they should still have sufficient enough footage on display, showing literally 2 seconds is a joke.

Well, gangrel with enough dots can turn into a fight form and a flight form. Can be anything if it makes sense but they can’t change it when chosen. This is hard to pull off in game. So they took a high level power, and lowered it a few dots.

And blood can do that, it’s just the same mutability as tzmisce blood but natural. Nothing to do with werewolves, vampires can just ape their form if they’re strong enough.

Fuck there is an entire power for choosing one mythological monster and one of the examples is a werewolf

There was a game informer article where they speculated on the clans, but that was just made up by the game informer editors. They still haven't announced the 5 starting clans yet.

Come here you fucking cammy shit so I can heal your soul.

It's not, but they're not going to make any money anyway lol it's not like the first game was a success either

this, you would be insane to think that games made off of nostalgia would be good. It's quite telling when they named the sequel VTMB 2 instead of VTM(New Title).

I will believe it's good when I see it but don't be one of those cautiously optimistic retards who preorders it because the name of the game tickles your memory.

Yep, it’s a thing.

Not him but Lasombra are the most involved members of the Sabbat, which fully endorses diablerie (eating souls) as forms of minor punishment and promotions.

Yeah I figured they were going to do Lasombra instead of Nosferatu as the stealthy clan, since they don't want to deal with walking masquerade violations until DLC. Also Lasombra joins the Camarilla in the new V5 Chicago book.

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They’d still hate you for being in their jerk off woods. And red talons would hate you for dressing up as their wolf waifus.

nice reading comprehension, faggot

*Blood boils you*
Nothing personnel, kid.

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Have you never read 1984

Tremere master race report in

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That's why Gangrel are hobos, and why they aren't locked to wolves.

I actually played a city gangrel that was entirely based on the one MJ video where he turns into a black panther and beat the shit out of a car with a pipe.

>since they don't want to deal with walking masquerade violations

Obfuscate level 3 literally solves this. Lasombra are barely stealthy, nigger.

imagine actually wanting to be a bunch of literal backstabbing nigs using second-rate """magic"""

not him p. sure that animal farm

lol the objective loser clan
cool third eye nerd

>I read 1984 I am SO smart

Who do you think is returning?
Surely meme novels aside Jack and the cabby driver, maybe beckett.

t.didn't read 1984

>cucked by a pacifist
>master race

psssh nothing personell kid....

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>Also Lasombra joins the Camarilla

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People bring this book up all the time, and it's never an appropriate or accurate reference. I think the people who bring it up are usually the ones that haven't actually read it lol

not him for me 1984 was required read for school did u not go to school

he is stupid because he quote aminal farm

>Muh body swap
So what, Tremere just hopped into his right hand man, who's now in the body on some guy who's soul is banished to a mirror. The clan as a whole is much stronger thanks to the diablerie.

not everybody lives in Cuckmany, Hans

What obscure bloodlines do you want to get into the game in the future? list three
for me
its the Kisayd (fae shit yo)
Samedi (cause the idea of someone wanting to become a zombie looking motherfucker for Vodoo powers amuses me)
And daughters of cacophony (Which can have men in their ranks, unlike that double extinct feminist gangrel bloodline that died out twice)

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lol u dummy check out gehenna some time

enjoy ur third eyes and being eaten by tzimisce, bruv

>*turn myself into a pool of blood*
>*turns you into a fleshy toilet*
>heh, never should've walked out of the Chantry, Camarilla whelp!

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>wew lad check out this boring 1 minute teaser with some boring narration and no in game footage or cutscenes, hope you enjoyed it, wewiee!

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Let's Hogwarts this shit up.

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from usa again did u not go to school

i just want setites
and maybe shark gangrel

.02 blood points have been deposited to your pool

Followers of Rudi

Well, good thing they backpedaled on that for V5
And theres the fact no sane ST would ever run one of the end of the day scenarios without asking his players "hey wanna play this?" considering most WoD fans fucking despise the meta narrative

My bad, not from USA and I actually didn't go to school

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o shut the fuck up
its not like this is a highlight for me either

i would love to play as a vampiric necromancer and talk like the godfather at the same time
obviously Giovanni is the best clan

If they didnt make a sequel everyone would be crying "man where is masquerade 2"

fuck off retard

Does anyone actually remember how bad the first game was?

It was pretty much unplayable without console commands. I am not expecting much from this.

Should have let VtM die, dude.

V5 was a mistake.


>tfw u will never eternally fuck your hot as fuck cousin while kneecapping ghosts before pasghetti

Brain damage, huh?

If they make opiate addiction a key part of the game's plot, even if it's just side quests, this will be GOTY for me. Otherwise I won't even pirate it.

>V5 was a mistake.
it was
But 20th anniversary, came before it, and all it did was backpedal on Gehenna and lessen the meta narrative. As well as change a few discipline powers, (aka switch some to lower dots and others to higher dots)

so that version is pretty based. It also includes the Drowned legacies, one of the coolest things ever

I mean I played it like a month ago so I understand completely. Why the fuck would that indicate that this one will be bad as well? It's been 15 fucking years. If anything just look at the current studio if you want evidence that it's going to suck.

which antitribu are based?

God brujah are such edgy faggots
t. gangrel

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I told those faggots there were retards in the thread that thought that image was official, but OH NO, I was the retard, because no could possibly think that, no sir.

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Yeah, must be brain damage. Not those nostalgia goggles you've got on.

their curse is they have to make a save to not inflict emotional or Physical pain when they have the chance to. Makes fights with them fun

I don’t think they would make the same “what the fuck this isn’t even playable” mistake twice.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have high hopes this game will be amazing but there’s a difference between “wait, this is all you got?” and “holy shit, I can’t even play through the tutorial before the game bugs and forces me to reload”

Will the devs be brave enough to make the Malkavians crazy in today's PC world? It seems doubtful they'll include the hallucinations and crazy dialogue from the original.

>Entirely different studio making the game
>15 years
>won't have valve breathing down their necks to release it quick
>Durrr last one bad game play, grug say this one be bad to

Go shove your dick in a blender, mongoloid


I wonder if we will get a rematch

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It wasn't fucking unplayable you drama queen. Go to the hospital.

Is this the old canon? Is there a chance we get to play as the Sanguine and other obscure clans? Or hilarious shit like the Baali?

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Should be a secret boss fight with obscure as fuck trigger

Nos because there is no actual difference and clan trumps sect.

Antifa Gommies have been a thing since the 1930's, bruh

>Entirely different studio making the game
So... let me get this straight.

You're arguing that the original was good. But you're also harping on the fact that the sequel is being made by someone else. So there's no relationship between the two, is there?

Just like the good old days! (the dark ages)

What would the cheevo be called?
Stopped Sign?

>all the obnoxious 2019 politics/idpol identity shit that will no doubt be in this
Is this the part where the American Mutt forgets his shithole of a countey was founded on Identity politics? And dominated by it for its entire existence?

Back then they were cooler because they actually killed people and blew shit up, bruh, not wear black t shirts and gas masks as a fashion statement.

t. seethimg t*emere neoate buying the propaganda

The female vampires won't be as hot because of muh feminism. The male vampires won't be as cool because of muh onions. It's not 2004 anymore, amigos.

stop in the name of love is the secret achievement you get for successfully persuading it to move aside

I guess all those fan-made patches made it somewhat tolerable.

But the only way to really enjoy the game rather than suffer through it was to turn on god mode and noclip, because it was a mess.

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I'm not arguing the game was good, I just thought you were retarded and pointed it out. The other guy was trying to claim the jank was good gameplay.

I'm hopeful these guys make a game that's what bloodlines should've been, you know if big papa gabe didn't force their hand.

And yes, exactly, not relationship between the two, besides the people publishing it bought out white wolf (and later took them out behind the shed for being too goddamn liberal even for swede standards).
Which is why both sides of the argument are wrong
You assuming it'll be bad cause it shares the name with a janky cult classic
And the other fucks defending said classic.
its unexplored territory amigo

Is there a more boring and faggoty clan that Brujah?

Did you get lost on your way to Reddit?

He's right you know

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>You're arguing that the original was good.
Not him but I don’t think he’s arguing the first was good at all. Only that just because the last one was rushed and bad doesn’t mean this one will be especially given it’s being made by a different studio


Anarchs as a sect


fun for a melee build, boring for almost anything else unless youre RPing an ECKS DEE ANARCHIST

There is nothing wrong with Brujah.

Clan stereotypes do not mean you have to be that way. Literally the only thing that actually defines Brujah is being vulnerable to going into fits of rage.

Boo. Worst clan. Boo.

Probably true but the big tiddies on notChristina Hendricks vampire is nice.

I doubt we’re going to get a console command that can make everyone's tits bigger tho

Not canon

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>muh current politics XD fuck cummies and antifags amirite!!!! XD
Kys faggot.

God I hope not.
If they reference it at all, it better be super subtle.
Like some graffiti on a stop sign somewhere that says powerful enemy or something. Something tasteful.

Don't go all

>used to be obsessed with VTMB, would play several times a year
>regularly posted on the short lived generals
>read all the material, even the shitty clan novels
>ran a few games that were pretty fun
>have absolutely 0 interest in this sequel or anything WW/Paradox related

I'm glad I got so burnt out on it that I'll never feel the soul crushing disappointment that this shitty game will inevitably cause fans.

people only """"""""""""""liked""""""""""""""" Brujah because of Damsel

I'd be down with a fighter-type vamp. Unfortunately the brujah character presets in vmtb look like niggers, and they have that gay muh rebellion shit going on.

Boring narration, sterile writing, cheap unfitting animations

I still hope it's just these little clan introductions that are purposely conspicuous for the sake of who still has to get an idea of who is who and what is what, and that the game is actually going to be great, but it doesn't look too good

Yeah they're pretty 1 dimensional and boring.
Blood mages are inherently interesting.

Actually user I think the Asylum franchised, so we might be seeing therese and jeanette in BL2

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>most if not all of what people remember fondly about the original comes from an unofficial patch
>no one is going to patch the sequel properly
>it will stay bad

see here And kindly chop your dick off to end your genetic lineage.

goddamn white people

Was this crowdsourced? Why is the animation so bad?

And why is there no mention of anything to do with vampires in this? lol

You really don't want this game to be bad, huh? Are you going to cry when it comes out and sucks?

>And why is there no mention of anything to do with vampires in this? lol
They assumed you were not mentally handicapped.

Isn't what's proposed in that the antithesis of the Masquerade? Upending society in a city sort of fucks over the other clans there. Why is it always the based Vintue who act as the non-retarded ones?

*consorts with Baali*
*sacrifices babies to the Baali organ pits*
*pretends none of it happened afterward*

Keep in mind that we now live in a post-Twilight world.
Vampires in media simply aren't what they used to be and probably never will be again.

>What do you mean its made by entirely different people
>and technology has advanced since nearly 20 years

I repeat my prior request

i just hope they dont go full retard and paint them as ,Antifags with one sided current politics social comentary, i want to see actual anarchs and not upperclass soujabois larping as communists.

and we live in a world where outside of fatties and lonely wives, no one fucking likes twilight anymore. so, bring on the fuck mothering vampires


It's not a good idea to skip your meds. Do what your doctors tell you to do, for your own sake. They're on your side, I promise.

Bald nigger

why does no other game's dancing have this much soul in it?

Will the brujah be mary sues in this game because orange man bad or will they poke fun at white communists/punks like in the first game?

They're either trannies or dykes

Your best chance is cutting of your dick and pretend you're a woman and guilt trip them or accuse them of transphobia if they don't want to be with you until they do

How did they do this? And does anyone have a link to somewhere where I could watch footage of the stream where this was mentioned?

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I don't think it matters whether or not anyone "likes" Twilight anymore. It's just a fact that everyone knows the tropes that series spawned, even if you never liked it to begin with. And those bits and pieces of silliness are going to pop up in the game, probably in the worst way possible.

>they have that gay muh rebellion shit going on.

seriously niggers you don't have to be retarded and pick anarchs if you're brujah

Fleshcrafting > blood magic

Jeannette fucks hummies and even nosferatu
inb4 b-b-ut she is m-m-malkavian

Actually most are content to be gangland thugs peddling cocaine and human trafficking, the uppity anarchist ones get killed, quickly. Also there's the secret True Brujah, with time powers...

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I have to assume that this game is going to have a liberal leaning. Consider it's being released in an election year and they want the game to be reviewed well, they would be retarded to try anything else.

Yeah and she's seen as a weirdo, the bite feels better than any fucking. She's just doing it reason basically. Which makes her weird.

its like, say, jerking off or slamming your dick in the wall. She's doing the later and everyone else is glancing at her with concern and disgust


It was in the announcement stream, they compared Brujah's vampire features to other clans, saying 'some of them have no reflections, other's have chalky white skimn'. They later went on to talk about 'Sabbat' clans and 'Camarilla' clans, so not very subtle there.

Should I pay fo the first bloodlines game or pirate? Like does my money go to the devs who made it and the sequel?

>Ellison said that they wanted to move away from what she considered to be the "male power fantasy" of Bloodlines to give it a broader appeal.


Jeanette is literally a Malk, who are fucking crazy.

She was raped as a kid by her dad until she shot him. Indiscriminate promiscuity is common among the sexually abused who associate sex with love.

I said ‘Most’ not ‘All’

True Brujah

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WoD has always been pretty liberal. Remember, WW was killed because they became too left leaning for the swedes. the fucking swedes. Like, they've had tranny Iconic characters for years, and only recently did they show the "bad side" of the more POC factions. Like the black furies for example. And that's just in OWoD. Not even touch NWoD/CofD

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You'd be better off just reading through the wiki rather than actually playing the game. It doesn't hold up and everyone who hypes it up is just remembering something fondly from their teen years.

>male power fantasy

VtM is like, the most feminist rpg ever

pirate. devs are ded. money goes to activision.

I will facefuck you with an ice pick

Troika has been dead for a long time the money just goes to Activision

Bullshit, I could probably tell my friends right now that vampires don’t burn in the sunlight in Twilight, they just sparkle and they’d be like “wait, what?”

Most people will think Dracula when you say vampire before they think Twilight

I don't know how to use Twitch. When going to videos selection, there's no footage of the stream. And right now, some annoying chick is streaming there?

Pirate the GOG version, I'm pretty sure it comes with all the necessary patches.

After about 15 minutes of struggling, look up the console commands for the game so you can actually enjoy it.

those tits

You don't have friends, user

Shooting heroin feels better than sex yet junkies have sex too
What a fucking stupid thing to say and most of the fanbase parrots it

You're bullshit. You don't even have any friends.

>daaas ryyytteee

Attached: 1555362967849.jpg (960x960, 91K)

>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>you don't play as a Bloodline

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Blame the writers, not us. its been stated time and time again in lore .

Also they don't feel fucking shit when they're boning, and have to spend blood to even do it.
Like, fucking is actually a detriment for vampires


>most of the fanbase parrots it

That's because its canon you idiot.

Sex involves wasting blood. Drinking blood is literally like sex on heroin on a rollercoaster while winning the lottery after scoring a touchdown.

The only things that are more enjoyable for a vamp are the embrace and diablerie.

So true

Disagree with this. Played it last year for the first time and I really liked it except for the sewer section. It holds up really well since the character animations were state of the art at the time.

>Sex involves wasting blood
what did he mean by this

They've been like that since first edition. if anything BLM is harping on the Brujah aesthetic, fuckin posers

Find a pig and make some bacon in the city of urin.

Are you just terrible at video games? Game runs fine with WESP and it's not a hard game at all so why do you need to cheat?

Blood Brothers because literally who?

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they squirt blood when they orgasm?

That’s not true, me and my right hand are the best of friends. We even fuck sometimes. There’s also lefty but we’re admitedl not as good of friends.

And Righty didn’t know that Twilight vampires sparkle. Also says that’s gay as fuck

the same points that keep you alive and from frenzying
the same points that let you use vampire power
and you have to spend, a fair amount to get a boner/wet, depending on your humanity rating

you can fuck, get not benefit, feel next to nothing if anything at all. But then you could be down a good chunk of your blood pool, and have fucked away the night.
LOSING ONE MORE BP to rise before you can go and replenish. This could lead to frenzy, to masquerade breach, to final death. Worst case scenario, but still

Vampires are moving corpses. You literally have to spend a blood point to have sex. It is a waste of blood.

Also semen is essentially blood.

>Also they don't feel fucking shit when they're boning,
Jeanette moans like a virgin girl...

I don't know, I played it a very long time ago. So maybe the patches have gotten better since then?

However, I'm not a baby or a retard, so I don't feel guilty about "cheating" when I play games. Especially in a story-driven game like the original, having to slog through combat and worry about hit points and shit was a real drag.

And using console commands actually made you feel like a powerful vampire.

>he didn't master the art of jerking off with the left hand

Every fucking time.

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Yep, and fem Vamps ooze it out their pussy. to feel nothing at all. nothing
Especially compared to the bite, embrace or eating another vampire's soul.

the only point of it is to ERP, fuck kine before biting them, or because you're a cuck who actually loves their ghouls that way

She also has multiple personalities, dude.

So by that logic vampires shouldn't even socialize because they are spending blood moving around, talking, etc
Nice min maxing vidya logic faggot

I will roleplay my Brujah as Alex Jones.

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>semen is essentially blood

Any personalities where she is not a vampire?
Suck my cock

So what exactly are Baali? Where do they originate from?

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> to feel nothing at all. nothing
Nice head canon virgin

I didn’t say we werent friends, user

Lefty and I wouldn’t be friends at all were it not for the occasional fuck

those pillowy tits give me hope for this sequel

See what I'm throwing out here? while it costs 1 blood to wake up, it costs several to put pengis in vagoo

Why would you do it? it gives no pleasure to the leech, nor does anything beside get off the other person if they're still mortal.

Saulot pulled a prank.

This character is 100% inspired by Christina Hendriks.

onion boy


Vampires are just a bloodborne disease, you know that right?

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>Three different pre-order versions have been made available: Standard, Unsactioned, and Blood Moon, which will include two story-based downloadable content packs, and a werewolf-themed expansion. Additionally, pre-orders of the Unsanctioned version or above receive in-game items referencing Bloodlines' characters such as Jeannette Voerman and Damsel.

I guess this means I'll have to wait a while to pirate the GOTY version that has all of this shit included.

So how will they handle Ventrue in the year 2019? I mean the only ventrue other than possibly the player was LaCroix, the villain.

READ THE LORE! the game isn't accurate. I could open any of my books from any edition and come to the "using blood pool" section and under "blush of life" it'd say "vampires ain't feel shit! the kiss is much more pleasurable than any mortal fucking, and they don't get off on banging anymore anyways, but its here if you want to relive your vampire romance novel fantasies, you hambeasts"


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>See what I'm throwing out here? while it costs 1 blood to wake up, it costs several to put pengis in vagoo
Why? having sex is considered to be the equivalent to going up a couple flights of stairs effort wise, for a vampire it should be nothing.


They're mysterious and spooky so nobody truly knows.

Big rumor is that somehow Saulot invented them when he went East for enlightenment which is why he was so obsessed with destroying them after being a hippie his whole unlife.

Baali, of course.
Although that depends on your definition of "obscure".

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Games are the cannon ;)

lol vampire have to spend a blood point just so they don't look dead, dude.

they're moving corpses. comparing that to physical exertion is p. retarded.

but i'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.

You honestly sure it's not just a reference to Venus?

It’s less about the physical effort and more about having a functional dick/pussy to even do the deed/feel pleasure from it whatsoever

But it isn't. It costs blood because you're waking up organs and jizzing blood to make it work. You're basically modding your body for a quick fuck, and since that isn't "natural" it takes more than the 1 blood used to wake your cold corpse up and move around and fight and shit.

its rerouting and drawing on blood that would be stored for later use. and it costs more the lower your humanity is. Wanna bang when your humanity is low! ZOOM! its half your blood pissed out into some whore!

cringe minge

>They are moving corpses
And how do they move? moving is physical exertion, they use their blood mana to move their muscles so why would sex be different other than some incel logic? logically the parallel between human phisiology energy requirements and vampire mana should be somehow equal, walking should cost less blood mana than sprinting right?
As opposed to waking up organs and salivating blood to talk? get the fuck out of here

I need toreador to return

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Ventrue is a lock, just like Brujah was. 100% in, Ventrue are one of the iconic clans.


Is basically what we've known from day 1.

Please stop arguing about how/why/if vampires have sex. This isn't /tg/

This, its bullshit that us attractive people have no clan to self insert.

Bruh Scipio vs Hanibal is 2nd Punic war

Bro this isn’t some fan conjecture, it’s literally written in the books. You wanna argue it’s nonsense? Go talk to the writers/publishers

they're incels

I'd rather be a slowly dying board then the necrotic corpse of one

blush of life is making your body look human, one of its options is too fuck.
Wanna be warm? Blood!
anything, that makes you look more human/ alive costs blood
By default, all vampires are easily able to be seen as not human
Vampires off of the path of humanity, cannot disguise themselves as humans (aka, no fucking)
If a hunter grabs your wrist, and you haven't spent blood to be warm and have a pulse, you're going to feel like a dug up corpse

Same with sexual organs. OH and each of these things cost blood, and you have to spend to do each of them.

Unless you have the right Merit

FUCK OFF! and don't argue lore you don't know

thrashing, now that was a way to dance

if /tg/ can be any board, any board can be /tg/. itd be an improvement

Toreador was confirmed during one of the streams. This is corroborated by the lack of Presence for Brujah, it'd make more sense for Toreadors to wield it.

>Muh book lore
Have sex
im worried we wont get a good hunter to face off against
hope hes atleast as good as Bach was

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Can’t bro, don’t have enough blood

toxo meltdown

> I'M WRONG! NOOooooo
>I know! I'll just insult them

Shouldn't argue what you don't know, retard.

butthurt betty


Your argument is literally non game shit

its the same lore fuckboy

What? upset your waifu would never fuck you? awww don't worry baby, I'm sure there's someone out there for you, in the real world

Just eat some rats bro worked for me


>Implying I want to have period sex with a goth chick
Thanks but no thanks, been there done that.

I'm Ventrue, you Niggferatu.


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Post music you'd want to hear in the game:

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Yeah, now imagine its cold, and has no pulse because they already spent an entire homeless person's worth of blood to lube up

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literally dominate anyone then faggot

I can’t, I’m Ventrue. I can only drink the blood of women who would ever fuck me.

Which is to say, im starving and will soon die again

Rip in Piss

-Brujah The noble savage
-Ventrue The savage noble
-Malkavian ongs haTe baveel

>Implying my chapped out worn out dick from masturbating all day has enough sensivity to tell if a girl has a pulse anyway

Actually. Ventrue can only drink from one kind of person. For example, imagine a ventrue who can only drink slaves, and is now desperately trying to keep third world slave trades alive and worsening office conditions so he doesn't wither up and die

Where are my brethren?

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have sex

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Ah shit I forgot to ask about if dancing will be present in the game. Though to their credit, they answered my question whether you'll be able to mod 3 disciplines for the clans. I'll make sure to ask it next week.

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>he thinks you can feel a woman's pulse with your dick during sex

Then you can experience what vampire sex actually feels like

Do vampires smell dead?

>He can't

Yeah but strangely Ventrue can change their tastes if their specific stock has entirely disappeared

>No Fortitude&Protean team aka RIP&TEAR™ aka Gangrel®
Fucking dropped.

Attached: This pretty damn heretical.jpg (712x678, 127K)

if they have a flaw/ are nossies/samedi/harbringer of skulls/ Cappociadons.

Imagine being such a faggot group and wanting to help the antediluvians when they rise from Torpor, only to realise they don't give a shit about you and get devoured the same. Imagine being this much wrong about everything, yeah I'm looking at you Tal'Mahe'Ra

>of all the fucking clans they had to bring back the most boring one
As if starting out as a fucking thinblood wasn't bad enough.

1-just move to lybia bro
2- if you are old enough to have that problem you should have enough money to solve it

Why wouldn’t they get the worst ones out of the way first?

>not shitting on antifucks

Brujah are good comedic reliefs, the valley girl communist vampire girl made me laugh a lot back in the day *sips*

1: there are spooky vampire bloodlines and shifters in africa
2: yeah but people would try to fuck you over, namely other ventrue.

The anarcs of the game have nothing to do with starbucks communists you stupid moron.

ok :3

The original means so much to me, I have to think the sequel is going to suck shit in comparison. And I doubt there's a new generation of people who are going to enjoy the sequel as much as anyone enjoyed the original.

>clan curse is literally autism

Why does communist propaganda keep getting shoved into video games?

I-is that invitation?

Tell that to Rudi

>good guys
the best outcome of the original game is playing a hot Malkavian girl who gives the middle finger to everyone

drop out of the system, recruit some homeless people, and stick to the MAN, man!

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Oh shit, you played Bloodlines 2 already? Gimme some of the details about gameplay, will you?
You fucking retard. The game is based on the new editions of WoD, where anarchs are exactly that.
Hearing this while going up the Ski Lift to meet Nines was one of the comfiest moments I've had in vidya.

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I better get my commie-fu back, where the FUCK is damsel

>prooöh :-DD


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Probably ashed. Or if she pissed the brujah off, put in a barrel filled up with concrete to her neck, made to frenzy and then dumped into the nearest body of deep water.


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based emilyposter

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There's a mail to a certain Damsel from LA by Theo Bell in the Anarch V5 book,

>Damsel, I hear on the grapevine you’re at work teaching new blood about how we do with the kine. I asked around some Rabble I’m tight with their thoughts, so you could get a mix of perspectives not so clouded with L.A. coke blood. So here it is:

Im talkign about the Pen&paper and also the original game you stupid mongoloid.
>The game is based on the new editions of WoD
Stop pretending you fucking know the game you fucking piece of shit liar.

Good, if you want to be a werewolf then be a werewolf

T. Cocksucking Toreador


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>wanting to be yiff yaff
Fuck off, nosferatu.


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What the actual fuck...

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i like the wrist flick


Okay, I admit this one doesn't look even half bad as previous one

>made with unity
this could be amazingly shit but im riveted

So, it's just Dishonored with vampires?

Animations aside, it looks decent.

It's UE4.

Attached: 1555441899628.webm (1920x1080, 1.06M)

Shoulda gone with Source again, Titanfall used it well recently.

i got a dishonored vibe too
that ellison cunt also wrote for dishonored so its not so surprising

Holy shit, an actual retard.
You one of those /tg/ chucklefucks who know everything despite never playing or hosting PnP RPGs?

Looks like VtM alright

>Dishonored with vampires
I'll take 14

>5 second teaser of a sneak-peak pre-alpha gameplay at the end of every concept teaser
I hope this trend doesn't catch on, it's beyond stupid. Other than that, I'm simply awaiting actual gameplay till I get hype, I love VTMB dearly but disappointments are all too common now.

What are you going to play as?
Me a toreador or venture seductive vamp girl with telequinetic powers
God I wish that was me ;_;

As a guy that adores games like Dishonored and Deus Ex, I'm actually pretty excited.

They don't exactly match, she just wrote a little shit, she didn't model or animate.

Flying tremere. Get fucked gargoyles, we stole your lives, your freedom, and now your wings to.

>tfw Adding vampires to a game will 7/10 make it better
>We will never get Dragons Dogma with Vampires

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And randy said there will be not microtransactions in BL3, I hope you're following where I'm going with this.

I hope we'll get a mod soon after the release to make each clan get their three disciplines again. Imagine being a Brujah without Presence, or a Toreador without Celerity.

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Emily was already a Lasombra simulator tbqh

thats true
i meant that the games business is a pretty small world

anarchist, vamps who hate authority but are also incredibly stupid.

Gangrel Bros ww@?


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>"It's fifteen years later and things have changed," Mitsoda said. "We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down."

Malkavians in the original game were insensitive towards the mentally ill and "punching down" according to the SJW writers, so no.

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I can imagine it very easily, as I’ve played characters who didn’t dip into a clan discipline, like one brujah who took auspex instead of presence(which you can do with freebie points) or one who only took a single discipline (due to a flaw)

Sounds like shit.

did you play the first game or did you mean what does the word actually mean

Malkavians were shittily implemented considering their take on mental illness was being borderline retarded and autistic. Malk dialogue was a novelty that actively hindered playthroughs and would only begin to make an iota of sense if you played the game multiple times.

That's terrible fucking game design ignoring the assbackwards dialogue

>Malkavians in the original game were insensitive towards the mentally ill and "punching down" according to the SJW
Someone wanna explain how? I’m not following this and usually I can follow SJW logic even if I disagree with it

Why was he such a faggot

Attached: Lasombra_Face.png (316x313, 37K)

Which is why they are going to be a dlc clan

The clan curse is supposed to be a curse. Not saying the dialogue was gold but how else do they introduce craziness as a hindrance?

The stupid and manipulable ones

Yiff yaff, bro!

Autists for the 95% of the time.

Would they exclude Malk's from the non-DLC clans?

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No, it's Deus Ex with vampires and more open world.

>animated video with no game content shown
>there was no way brujah wouldn't be playable

its a nothingburger

The argument is that their craziness was sometimes just comedic relief, and apparently that's insensitive.
Obviously that's retarded since the Voerman sisters are probably the most memorable character/s of the game, but whatever.

I think the most likely clans to be excluded overall are gangrel or malks tbqh

If there's a nightclub, I'd love to hear some dark electro.

I wouldn't want to see an exact repeat of the same quest scenario with them, having you bounce back and forth between the twins just to lead up to the grand reveal again with a new character, but I wouldn't mind stopping by an Asylum 2.0 of sorts and seeing them get involved again somehow.

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>>I think the most likely clans to be excluded overall are gangrel or malks tbqh

I agree, although the recent slip on stream lessened that abit.

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it could have been a Redemption sequel only no timeskip to modern nights. grapple climbing tzimisce ghoul abominations to slash them in the eyes and cut limbs off, war ghouls instead of pawns.. if only.

I genuinely feel like there isn't a way. Malls literally are incapable of viewing the world like an normal person or the other clans. There is something fundamentally wrong with them that changes everything. Theres also scales and levels. There Therease or whatever the fuck her name was being schizo vs the PC being a fucking tourette's ridden brainlet being an example.

But take schizophrenia, you can't really put that in the game because it'd take an entirely different level of care when it comes to writing and possibly gameplay if it wasnt a simple okay press this button and you get to be your charismatic diplomancer persona or click it again and turn into your retarded strong persona or some shit like that. You'd essentially have to write the game over. Which persona is in charge? what does that mean for gameplay? Does it even matter or is it just a dual class/build race that has infinitely more utility than the others?

Mental illness are serious life debilitating problems that range from life threatening to ruins your social life to turns you into a vegetable to makes you outrageously violent.

I played a Malk game before I worked with people who had mental illness up until downtown I think even back then that shit felt in poor taste and played even worse. I would genuinely like a Malkavian play through that shows a mental illness and incorporates it into the game seamlessly and not to tell fart jokes

>recent slip on stream

please elaborate

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i didnt burn myself out, i have finished VTMB maybe 3 times which was years ago, but im not hyped for this game either, tho i want to see the gameplay trailer and ill probably play it anyway, but im not hyped at all

toreabros...... we're in arent we?

Have faith bro.

have sex incel
then go and make your own vampire alternative universe video game

Ah, maybe they’re just talking about the player character then but I doubt it

Which is stupid because now they’re gonna treat the Mallavians with super sensitivity


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It wasn't much, but one of the presenters basically hinted about a clan whose thing was having chalky white skin. He also talked about a clan whose curse gives it no reflection, which is obviously Lasombra.

So maybe Malk's and Lasombra are in, because it would be weird if he contrasted against these clans with Brujah if they aren't in the game.

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>they are in

Attached: Toreador_protag.png (640x763, 465K)

Me on the left

>you can choose everything about your past life!
>oh but it won't actually affect anything
Looks like it's going to be another pseudo-rpg unfortunately.

Yeah and that audience wants it, you kek

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>chalky white skin

could also be nosferatu, or any clan because they are vampires...

>have sex incel
No, make me, tranny faggot.

Wait, chalky white skin. That was the clan curse of the guys the Giovanni fucked over.
It’s a long shot, but snowflakes would love to play “the last of a noble clan”

Malk's are extremely pale. More pale then most.

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I really doubt Salubri are in. Obeah won't really work in a video game environment.

Rather sad the Nos are all but confirmed out though.

They're gonna treat everything like that. They even removed ghouls cause they said that was problematic.

Really? Never knew that

Are Brujah always showcased as retarded or was this trailer just an exception?

Just glad I don't have to be nigger if I wanna play one this time, unfortunately that might be the only improvement this will have over the first game


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In the stream they talked about Carthage and the like, so at least those guys knew that Brujah don't exist to be stricly bants on head retarded.

i voted for republicans

They’re mostly retards. Their entire clan lore is they used to be philosopher Kings and have degenerated into chimp out central. And are too stupid to reclaim it as a clan, as they’re all arguing over communism and shit, burning eachother for having different political views.

Would love some Brujah vs True Brujah fights. Hell having the option to pick True Brujah would be fun.

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Fucking retard. Giovanni didn’t eat the salubri, that was the tremere.

The ones the Giovanni at were the Cappadocian, who’s clan curse was to be pale as shit and unable to blush.

Fuckin dumb dumb

Lame, the first game did a good job of stressing to you that the vampires weren’t the good guys

They're no longer abiding by any gray morality. The Anarchs are gonna be the objective good guys this time and everyone else is objectively evil.

They also said hello motherfuckers to anyone who such ideas from the stream. Considering how they're keeping the gameplay so simple to a point where they break the lore and scrap each clan's 3rd discipline, I don't think they'd bother with Lasombra's Obtenebration/Oblivion.

The worst clan.

Anyone surprised? Brujah was the main clan in the original Redemption and played a massive role in Bloodlines. why wouldn't it come back?

Not even true.

Which is why I’m gonna play a Ventrue asshole and take every chance I can to be a dickhead to the Anarchs

They’re gonna drag me kicking and screaming into being a good guy

There's no such thing as that. I checked the clanbook got nothing.

It would only be good if we got an actual temporis and not celerity1.5 "now slighty different version", otherwise it'd just be shit

Fuck you, dragon fall was fantastic and Hong Kong was pretty good too

I hope their is a chance to rape anarchs in this game. Like Physically, mentally and spiritually fuck their boy pussies until they give up to big cammie/ sabbat cock

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Is the stream archived anywhere?


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It would be possible, but the depicted mental issues would need to be kept to a specific band.
Paranoia might work, changing dialogue to have an aggressive bent or seemingly hide information, have shadowy figures move in the peripheral but be gone when you go to look for them. Have trouble interacting favorably with certain NPCs, locking you out of trusting dialogue options.
Fears/Phobias could also work, locking you out of certain methods of solving quests or exploring certain areas, having increasingly debilitating debuffs apply in various situations, maybe even having a villain attack your phobia directly.
I admit they would take effort, but its doable. Just avoid the more nebulous things like depression, schizophrenia, alzheimers etc.

I'm just glad they won't fishmalk it up based on that statement

Thanks, couldn't find it on their past broadcasts for whatever reason.

Eh, the fact he said to say WAIT makes me think it was a slip up. Time will tell.

Oh? Guess I was wrong.

>no option to convince Bach to let you help him take out the prince
Only somewhat relevant to the thread, but i'm playing through 1 and am already guessing I can't get the cool as fuck catholic hunter bro in my squad

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>ever working with a foul demon