Disgusting whore

disgusting whore

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You know she’s like 15 right?


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she is 19 in the sequel

Shut your fucking mouth Rikku is best FFX girl

The side romance stuff in X was fucking weird and i'm not sure why it even exists. Was there a version of this game where tidus didn't always end up with yuna?

She is voiced by the annoying Queen of the Bronies who also falsely accuses men so they lose their jobs. Tara Strong is a piece of human trash. Can't wait until she's completely replaced. I wish she would stop getting work. That and I wish someone would beat her up because falsely accusing men so they lose their jobs is a real cunt move.

Have sex.

>fictional character

Didn't know she was voiced by Tara Strong. I fucking love Rikku now

Rikku might be the character most to blame for turning me into a vidya-fapping degenerate

I was like 12 when I first played X so I'm good.

Play in Japanese. Problem solved.

Fuck off wih your whore cousin you bitch
None of you come even close to Prishe

To me that just makes it better to jerk off to her characters. Despite their feminist bitching, attempts to be taken seriously, and crusade to make the whole industry sexless, I'm still going to sexualize them and their work in order to satisfy my perverted desires. And I think the knowledge that their oh so sacred and demanding jobs are little more than boner fuel for the kind of people they despise is a worse insult than any hatemail on social media, with the added sting of knowing that they'll never be as desirable or attractive as the characters they voice.

did nothing wrong

She's 17 in X-2. 15 in X.
Iirc Yuna is 19 in X-2 and Paine is 18.

Attached: rikku fighter.webm (632x480, 2.97M)

No but gotta pander to those waifu fags

I'm sure she'll be terribly upset about it as she lounges around her mansion with her rich jew husband taking top-down photos of her big fake tits to post up for her legions of brony fanboys to jerk it to.

>tfw we'll never get the highly anticipated one-on-one matchup between Rikku and Ayane
Damn you, allergic reactions! And RT can fuck off for distracting him from finishing.

This don't look like an attire you would bring to the battlefield, in which your life is in constant danger.