How do we take Steam reviews seriously when we get reviews like this?

How do we take Steam reviews seriously when we get reviews like this?

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How are those not legit reviews
You don't need to justify disliking a game and you don't need to explain yourself either

>i bought this game i'm not interested in
>not recommended
Pretty helpful.

Video game publishers are not entitled to detailed or even substantial user reviews

What game?
Also /sys/hypervisor/* is based.

>You don't need to justify disliking a game and you don't need to explain yourself either

You should justify it or else no one will take you seriously. It's just genuine shitposting. Explain yourself or people will just skip your lazy fucking ass review. Explain more faggot. Don't be lazy.

people like these also vote in election

he told you it works on linux tho
something the devs didnt bother to tell you

Where's the review about the game itself? He reviewed the developers lack of information pertaining to Linux compatibility. It's another fucking autist who couldn't simply give this info on the message boards.

you arent entitled to substantial reviews

>literally hundreds of reviews in a game

steam isn't going to enforce some arbitrary minimum review quality, if you don't like the review skip it and look for a more informative one

why do you want to regulate peoples free speech in regards to reviews?

He has every right to just say
"Its shit"

It's not about entitlement. If you're going to post a review explain yourself. It's not helpful at all. If you post just "It sucks" don't expect anyone to take you seriously. This is one of the reasons why Epic Store with no review by users is such a god send. Because we get fucking retarded anime posters who don't even give the time and day about the actual game.

Who am i supposed to listen to for reviews then?
Game journalists and critics?

I'd take a flood of reviews with small amount of retards over that shit any day of the week.

>free speech
>muh censorship

Yes, I also have every right to complain about how stupid and irrelevant your review is. Notice how we can rate reviews? It's shit just as much as his lazy post. I also have a say on things too. How does this negate what I say? If your review sucks it fucking sucks you pathetic faggot.

>negative meme reviews are BAD
>positive meme reviews are ok though!

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its not their fault that the only way to get consumers voices heard is through reviews. most publishers dont give a fuck what your gripe is up until it starts to actually hurt them, in this case it being negative recommendations.

t. Wincuck

>Someone makes a half-ass Review
>Call him out on it

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Based GNU/Linux user

First of all.
Secondly, how are they invalid? Don't throw shade without at least backing them up. But what can I expect from a filthy chink. Worse than Indian telemarketers.

Missing the entire point user. This goes for lazy reviews with nothing pertaining to the details of the game. This also goes for positive. If someone says, "It's good" or, "It's bad". Fucking explain yourselves. What made some fucking lazy faggot to think and post just 2 words thinking they made a helpful review. If you're going to be helpful be fucking descriptive.

this, they bought and played the game. 10-15 minutes isn't all that much time to make a real critical opinion, but certainly enough to have their initial reaction heard. two and a half hours certainly is. the top review is a prime example of the good reviews can do for the community beyond just the yes/no or five-star voting system.

>Implying it only happens to one game
>Reviews like OP's happens on a constant basis through all the games on Steam

Not cherrypicking go and look up any game you'll get the same lazy response

I know exactly what your point is you fucking hypocrite. Why didnt you also include examples of ''bad'' positive reviews in the OP? Get the fuck out.

You can complain about it, but you have no right to have it removed

>Was this review helpful?

Problem solved retards

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>Don't throw shade without at least backing them up.
Isn't that what OP is saying but in regards to the reviews? (Yes it is)

>but you have no right to have it removed

Who said we want them removed? No one said this other than your /pol/ brain thinking that

Do you have zero capacity to filter usefull information? Fucking brainlets I swear.

It's a store wars thread. They're paid to be stupid.

No wonder why lotas devs are moving to EGS

steamdrones are nothing but a bunch of crybabies

>Why didnt you also include examples of ''bad'' positive reviews in the OP? Get the fuck out.

You don't see those fucking retarded meme reviews? Fuck out of here you child.

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I don't need some random faggot giving me a full page review of a game. I can find that anywhere. Him telling me it runs fine on Linux though is extremely useful information.

Nice of you to damage control. Nice spacing too era.

Good games will have overwhelmingly good reviews
Risk of rain 2 has 900 negative reviews and they arent any less valid than the 17k positive reviews

>shilling for Epic
I shall post 1 and 2 word reviews from now on because it annoys autists like you to no end.

>Making a negative review to make a social justice stance against your game store

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>Him telling me it runs fine on Linux though is extremely useful information.

But he doesn't talk about the game whether it's good or not it's not even a game review

better than having no reviews

I bought Risk of Rain 2, and refunded it after an hour and a half. Here's my legit review:

It was bland and boring as fuck, and I don't plan on ever giving it a try again. Thumbs Down.

See? Thats perfectly enough to be a review and I don't need to explain shit to anyone.

>Moving the goal post this hard

Haha u browse reddit xD

>It was bland and boring as fuck

Why was it boring?

These are things you need to put a little more effort into. Or else people will skip your review as non-helpful.

>refunding a game where you've basically seen or experienced none of the content

>*user says they hate dumb positive reviews too*
>*user says he hates dumb positive reviews too and posts them*
theres a reason Yea Forums is one of the worst sites on the internet, everyone acts like children, including you.

>clearly, you haven't eaten shit enough to start enjoying it!

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>Lose to an argument
>Start calling the poster reddit

Every time

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>I hate positive reviews too but Im only gonna mention it if someone asks but take a look at how negative reviews suck, fellow gamers

idk the first guy seems alright

rent free seething

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Doesn't matter how good a game is if it doesn't work

You do need to justify it, that's the point of a review.

Yea Forums is a shit hole.

people like you make it a shithole

>le 4chinz is such a bad place, I don't even know why I am here
be more dishonest

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>1.234 Hours Played
>I simply cannot recommend playing this game in it's current state

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The user you're responding to has probably spent more time on Yea Forums more than you because I know for a fact years ago everyone who always browse Yea Forums always says its a shithole no matter how much time you spend here. All these tryhards for some odd reason want to protect their sekret clubhouse because it makes them look cool.

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>lose argument
>lol 4chins bad
fucking reddit

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It is a shithole, nobody is denying that.

Fact of the matter is, only rebbit crossposters complain and seethe in capital letters when anons make fun of them.

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The thing that makes you a complete retarded brainlet is ever thinking that offends anyone on Yea Forums by calling them reddit

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>c-complete retarded b-brainlet
You're fooling nobody about how peeved you are, fuck off.

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>fuck off.

Ok so let me get this straight you disagree with someone or lose an argument to someone on Yea Forums you get buttblasted so you call the other poster reddit. I guess you're not a retarded brainlet after all

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>has silly idea of how communication works
>thinks responding with generic Wojack #342 and tallying off another "internet arguments won" on a board is a valid form of communication
>gets called out for it
Yeah, and it was a great site when lolspeak was a thing too right? I would go up to a cashier and say "o rly?" in the same way I would go up to a professor for my college and say "seething Wojack" as a response to something. Things were always stupid.

your argument would be valid except you didn't actually post positive reviews that were meme-y

The positive reviews you posted were useless, but the people played them for 20+ hours meaning the opinion is valid.


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There's literally nothing wrong with the first review.

>things were always stupid
actual newfag

Those reviews only matter to other users, like the devs give a shit about a bunch of shitters with one word reviews

What's the point of repeating the same few positive or negative points when nobody is going to ever read past the top ones?

>actively policing reviews
Jesus Christ I hope Epic is paying you for that.

I always make my reviews detailed so my friends can know whats up. Reviews of friends show at the top.

>The positive reviews you posted were useless
Then I made my point.

>but the people played them for 20+ hours meaning the opinion is valid.
No it's not. There's people who are biased and love the game because of the name. Ever heard of blind fanboyism? You gotta put them in check.

>your argument would be valid except you didn't actually post positive reviews that were meme-y

I don't care because that's not the point I'm trying to make. Also if you've never seen those meme reviews on games you don't even use Steam at all.

>early access

can I get that post but with more spaces?

>Point out people who shitpost in reviews on Steam

When your brain is on /pol/

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>itt: reddit seething over steam reviews because it doesnt follow their circlejerk upboat format

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theyre definitely more legit than metacritic user reviews, can prove you bought

Epic doesn't need to pay anyone. Gamers or incels as I like to call them are doing a perfectly good job of making themselves look like retards with the Steam review bombing.

free tibet

>The positive reviews you posted were useless
Then I made my point.
>but the people played them for 20+ hours meaning the opinion is valid.
No it's not. There's people who are biased and love the game because of the name. Ever heard of blind fanboyism? You gotta put them in check.
>your argument would be valid except you didn't actually post positive reviews that were meme-y
I don't care because that's not the point I'm trying to make. Also if you've never seen those meme reviews on games you don't even use Steam at all.

Here you go less reddit for you

There's literally an upboat feature on reviews seeing if the review is helpful or not you fucking retard

Do you have any arguments towards the points made? Are you too lazy or you just don't want to admit that you're wrong in even a slight capacity?

I said more, bitch.

Even zero effort low content reviews serve their purpose, no matter whether they're positive or negative. Quantity is at least good for gauging how many people are liking the game in general so the customer may be prompted to search for more fleshed out information that actually attempts to put into words why the game in question is supposedly good or not. While quantity of positive or negative reviews isn't the end all metric for the quality of the game that should solely guide your purchasing decisions, seeing something like "Mixed" may be a good red flag and incentivize you to check out why it happens to be that way and then make your decision.

Just use your brain for once like any other sane person.

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>if I ignore the posts above and just repost my shitty opinion that means the previous replies dont count!

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You're not entitled to be able to leave a review.

Inb4 "I was just pretending to be a retard"

then why are you here?

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This poster keeps avoiding everything replied to him. What a brainlet

>look at a review saying ‘it’s shit’
>take a serious meaningful opinion from this
If I were a developer I’d be glad such a brainlet wouldn’t buy my game based on that

>"Hey did you like indiegarbage XYZ?"
>Nah sucks balls.

That's what recommendations mean, if you want any more in-depth reviews you can either scroll through others or engage with the person in a dialogue. You can PM them on Steam or literally leave a comment under their review.

They are not journalists, they are customers. They are not bound to any standards, suck it up indiefag.

If I were a developer I’d be glad such a brainlet movement that wants user reviews policed exists. More money for me!

>That's what recommendations mean, if you want any more in-depth reviews you can either scroll through others or engage with the person in a dialogue. You can PM them on Steam or literally leave a comment under their review.
We're all doing that already.
>They are not journalists, they are customers. They are not bound to any standards, suck it up indiefag.
It doesn't take a journalist degree to post a thoughtful review. Literally add a few more sentences bare minimum. Not this lazy shit

you can't have a valid opinion of a game if you've played it for less than .1 hours. That is literally less than 6 minutes. The review isn't valid; the opinion isn't valid.

Wrong, nigger. We review to voice our opinion and to shift the game's popularity/future profitability. I will give bad reviews for any small detail I deem worthy of shitting on it.

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Who decides on that? You? Try to remove my review if you want.

Wrong, incel. No one takes user reviews seriously because it's a bunch of retarded incels throwing temper tantrums over toys.



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>you can't have a valid opinion of a game if I dont agree with it

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>I will give bad reviews for any small detail I deem worthy of shitting on it.

You have every right to do that. But also keep in mind no one will take your review seriously.

>redditards crying over a shitpost because of "muh board culture" in a mongolian tapestry knitting forum

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>no one will take your review seriously.
if no one does then why did you make this thread to seethe about it?

> genuinely enjoy game experience
> provide a flattering review
> mark "Not Recomended" anyways

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minmax tinyverse

This isn't necessarily true. One can form an opinion on Tetris within 6 minutes. Modern games tend to be more complex, but not all of them are. I knew within 6 minutes of starting Crypt of the NecroDancer that I liked it. I knew within 6 minutes of starting Downwell that I liked it. I knew within 6 minutes of starting Thomas Was Alone that it would probably be boring and pretentious garbage, and I could have been wrong — the game could have suddenly gotten better after an hour or two — but I wasn't wrong; it sucked.

You call it like that, I call it a valid opinion as I do not need to explain myself. Fight me, try to remove my review.

Because you retarded faggots have made reviews meaningless with your incel rage? Are you actually retarded?

seethe for me gook!

I'm talking about taking your review seriously as in actually using your shit-tier review to convince me to buy or not to buy the game you fucking mongoloid.

Silence, incel

So don't base your purchase on his review you tard

>try to remove my review.
That's not even the point and we don't even need to. All we do is just skip your review and never see it again. Maybe we'll laugh at it.

it's chink not gook you retard can't even shitpost right

Its your mom that makes all the noise bro not me!

>le Funny rating button
i hope ever came up with this idea at steam HQ steps on a rusty nail and loses his whole fucking leg. absolute retard.

Thats fucking racist wow

>How do we take Steam reviews
You are, faggot

What the fuck do you even mean
Just read the other reviews

No review is reliable.

The best that could ever be said about user reviews is that they’re better than shill professional reviews.

That is still true.

Wow this user is so smart! No way!!! It's not like any of us thought this way!! Thought provoking user

found the libtard

Move on

Sounds like you need to dialate, sweetie.

I agree. It serves more as showing your opinion rather than explaining it.
It would be nice if you could just rate a game without having to leave a low effort review saying "bad game" or something. Seamless does that I'm pretty sure and it works well.
It would also make what OP is bitching about effectively a non-issue.


Look aroud this thread user it's not just me. it's we.

So what's the problem

Please tell me a time when things were "bette4" without the generic rose tinted goggles of "LE EPIC CHRIS CHAN, POOLS CLOSED, MOUNTAIN DEW NAME CONTEST!!!" Because you seem to be purposefully ommitiong literally anything negative from past times because you want to feel nostalgic.

Yet you keep coming back, every fucking time.

based GNU/Chad