>he still thinks playing video games and having a social life + gf are mutually exclusive
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I have all 3. Its called prioritising time.
I agree with you
have all three but still sad, I blame /v for this.
They aren't, but don't delude yourself into thinking that you'll be able to play video games non-stop and maintain a healthy relationship on top of having a steady 9-5.
And to clarify, couples that don't live together might as well not count, it's isn't a proper relationship till you've moved in together.
It is when you're not a fucking casual
but why does it need to be non-stop?
I've got my waifu, I don't need 3dpg.
No one thinks this. Nerd culture is ironicly mainstream now.
Who is THIS
Videogames are for fags
my mother
I hope you told her you love her today
Let's move in together.
Are you going to help that whale get back into the ocean?
there is a difference between playing fortnite or something autistic like trails of cold steel
i did
Nobody thinks this.
You have an addiction at that point and won't have time for ANYTHING if you play that much. 20 or so hours a week is perfectly doable with a job and gf though.
Thankfully I don't have a social life, god damn it's hard enough keeping up with my gf, at the very least we play some games when she comes over to stay for the weekend.
Moving in is fucking stupid. This is how you napalm a relationship.
>varicose veins
how old is she
If you can't handle living in the same space together it seems like that's a good indication that the relationship wouldn't work in the long-term anyway.
>20 hours
I have four hours freetime after work, that would be my entire free time excluding weekends
No, you can only have one
I've been with my girlfriend for 6 years, but we both live apart. It's great.
Skin too white
a lot of turbovirgins do. I have that friend
>"I need to focus on school"
>"I wanna have time to hang with my friends"
>"I just wanna play video games with you guys"
Nah homie u just gay and wanna hang out with dudes instead. Don't make excuses. Fuck one.
How do I get a mom body gf?
Here's a hint, most playtime goes here.
>4 hours
Either you're working more than full time, or go to bed super early, gramps. Gaming ain't for you at this point.
>no older milf gf thats in her 30s
>Vidya Games
You incels need to learn how to balance your lives
I bet these people are actually virgins and want everyone to be as unsuccessful as them. What's even better is that if you're into animeshit they absolutely and flip their shit, making up things about you. It's like they can't fathom being outclassed by a "weeb".
This. I thought my brother was living the life. Wife, kids, steady job, and he still played video games. But now he's separating from his wife, after only about 2 years.
He's a social person, but his true nature is that of an indoor nerd. And she's the typical dance and travel kind of girl. Nice, but not compatible. She tried to go along with the nerd stuff in the beginning, but it wasn't a true passion for her.
Too old
skin too white
breasts too large
you're an exception to a general rule. okay.
now shut the fuck up.
Sounds like gaming wasn't the problem
Well good on you, then. I hope things work out for the best for you two.
>Wake up 6 o clock
>breakfast, shower. go to work at 7
>Start working until 16.00
>Get home 17.00
>Hit the gym until 18.15
> Get home, make dinner and eat until 19.00
then I stay up until 23.00
all virgins are either gay or severely autistic.
every virgin you know either needs dick or an equally autistic gf.
cute feet
I don't want a gf or even sex, I only fap once or twice a month and that's enough for me
You should only want a gf if you want to reproduce, otherwise it's a pointless waste of time
>skin too white
no such thing
Why shower in the morning if you're hitting the gym at 18.15?
simply play games with your gf
it's 2019, you sillywillies. Girls play video games now.
Sorry she's fucking other men right now. She has a black man giving her dick while you are at work
No offense, your brother is retarded. Why would you marry someone, and even worse, have kids with someone you aren't fundamentally compatible with? Sounds like shit that should've been figured out while still dating.
This. Nothing has any purpose or value and life is full of far more suffering than pleasure.
You can easily manage all three.
Just find a GF that respects your hobbies, and actually give your friends time of day. Vidya is always my third important past-time.
Nah, though you should probably make time to do things that your gf likes to do. If she likes playing video games, then you're pretty much golden.
I'ts a quick shower, I don't like having greasy hair at work
The problem was that one or both of them decided that a couple needs to share interests when really its all about sharing lifestyle habits. The only things me and my gf have in common is that we're both lazy shutins, which is all that matters.
You either don't have a full time job or you're neglecting your girlfriend
Kill yourself
Your hair gets greasy really fast then.
Give me one reason why I should get a girlfriend instead of just hiring a escort when I get horny
Its called hygiene neckbeard
> not using your gf to look shit up for you as you play
She helps me with mahjong in Yakuza. If your gf fucks up your hobbies, she's a bitch.
They watch anime too, at least in France it's becoming quite a "normalfag" thing. From what I've gathered anime/manga are more niche in the USA than here.
the kids part is probably what ruined it. been married 9 years and we're living the life. I have hobbies, she has her hobbies, we cuddle and bang inbetween. ez.
>40 hours
I wish i had that kind of free time
There's your problem.
Also, I admit 20 hours EVERY WEEK is a bit much. But playing through a single player game, or a few online matches or something every now and then is very obtainable. having an hour commute sounds awful though. I don't envy your lifestyle at all.
yeah it does
Spill it OP, whose the milk tank?
saves you money. if all you want to do is smash, just be a dick to them.
Also, escorts are iffy. Did it once. She was a bad lay.
I get you, its cool and all, but all my gf wants to play is MHW. Maybe we'll play some other coop game for 1-2 hours, she'll get bored of it quickly and then we go back to MHW again.
3 possible things here
>you're lying
>you're cheating on her
>shes cheating on you
being with someone for 5+ years and not marrying them is retarded
she fucks other men, sorry user
Anime/manga is autistic weeb shit in america. When normal people look at anime/manga they do so in private.
Your hair tends to get greasy faster if you wash it more or your diet is off balance.
There are none if you can afford escorts, although a good gf is like having a maid but if you have money you can just hire one of those too.
Having a girlfriend does not save you money
Have sex
Theres your problem. Do you both read from the same book too dumbass? Play your own games
>noticing the most disgusting part of a human body
incels will be incels
my gf can ignore me to play Anno for like 6-8 hours
I think she likes playing Anno 1800 more than she likes sex
this is only true because modern vidya is made for tasteless normalfags and imitate cinema constantly
It was. He spent most of his free time playing video games. I'm not saying he was wrong. But that's the symptom of the fact that he's not the type to go out and visit the family frequently, and dance, and travel.
They got along well, and worked good together.
>when really its all about sharing lifestyle habits
That's more or less the same thing. If one person has interests that involve going out a lot, and the other has interests that involve staying indoors. Then you barely connect with each other.
I don't think that's it. He was actually a single dad when she met him. She was and is still childless herself. She's still smoking hot too.
Stories where beta men give up their hobbies because their wife, or even worse, gf demands them to are some of the saddest things I read. It's even worse when it's not just the hobbies, but friends.
I haven't played videogames im almost a month, also i have no job or girlfriend. I am amazed at how much i fuck up everything i do. Why am i such a failure Yea Forums?
>dating modern women
>unironically not waiting for the imminent economic collapse
>not waiting for the 8 dollars a gallon increase
>not waiting for the Dust Bowl 2.0 to hit and change women permanently
Fucking idiot, wait to date. You won't find a loyal girl in the "roaring 20s 2.0" which is now, you may find better partners in economic collapse because the government will not be able to provide the parental role as they do now to single moms. However in times of stress and sorrow, you will find that you are the one they will look toward for safety financially and physically.
How long has she lived with the bull?
I admittedly game pretty lightly gf notwithstanding, but:
>Play a couple hours after work
>Spend most the evening with gf
>Game in the mornings on weekends.
You don't have to always see your gf every single day too, y'know.
you're just stupidd
>woman over 30
ew gross
>gets a hair cut
I will now have sex with you
user I....
We can thanks our tv company for buying cheap Japanese anime as early as the eighties, many people grew up with it. We have even many obscure manga licensed, Shin Megami Tensei Khan for example.
>I don't think that's it. He was actually a single dad when she met him.
Okay, I take it back, your brother is not retarded. My bad, user.
>He spent most of his free time playing video games
Again, the gaming wasn't the problem. Have some goddamn self control, and choose a more compatible partner.
>Wake up at 7
>Get the bus at 8
>Get to work at 9
>Leave work at 5
>Arrive home (mostly) at 6
>If haven't talked to GF during 1 hour bus ride, talk after arriving home
>Meanwhile, eat
>Usually free time starts at 7-8
>Gotta still talk with GF for around an hour before bed, usually go to sleep at 12
Sounds terrible, must be you frog eaters who shit up the board with low quality weeb bait then. Thanks for giving me another reason to hate french people
>Work at Walgreens
>Ringing up white girl
>In a rush to buy Plan B cause she fucked up last night
Laugh my ass of with co-worker
Man this pill changed female sexuality in their 20s forever. There is no going back.
>doesn't like lady feet
>use dating apps for about half a year with no real success
>make new profile pic
>Profile pic is me taking a selfie while a video game character behind me is taking a selfie as well
>Within a hour a good looking girl messages me about it and we spend hours talking about video games
>Been dating for months and everything is going great including sex on a regular basis, no bullshit
Im still waiting to wake up from this dream, nothing in my life has ever gone this smoothly
Normalfags only watch Netflix shit like Jojo. Try to speak about something else and they will think that you're a weird guy.
you'll die alone buddy
>implying I can provide for or protect even myself
Sounds gay
it's quite comfy
it's not surprising that girls like it
Yea Forums truly is normalfag central now
I can have a social life and play video games. Fuck getting tied down to some crazy bitch though
If it's a dream, it's a good dream. Enjoy it, user.
Pretty sure this is her. I found the image in the same gallery, just one page over. imagefap.com
On a scale from 7-10 how cute is her penis?
How to find older women to date?
post THICC
Yeah, nu Yea Forums is unironically worse than leddit now in terms of normalfags.