How hyped are you lads for Death Stranding?

How hyped are you lads for Death Stranding?

Attached: Death Stranding Toenail.webm (960x540, 679K)

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Less than I was, now that I realize it'll probably be on PS5

what is there to be hyped for?

I'm hyped to see how people will defend Kojimas shit this time

I'm not, Kojima is a hack.

I make deliveries

Bravo Kojima: The Game

Nail does not rip out that easily

t. regular self removal of ingrown toenails


my hype is an asymptote fast approaching y=-inf.

Cautiously optimistic. I definitely expect something interesting. But I don't know if it will be good.

This. You have to go in from the side and kind of pull back the skin from the edges. Ripping the whole fucking thing off is unnecessary. Can still hurt, but it's a HUGE relief once you fix it. Haven't had one in a while, thank God.

I recommend going to a podiatrist, though. They can do it quick, numb it, and kill the root so you'll never have an ingrown in that same area again.

Why did Death S. Tranding pull his whole nail off?

I can't wait for the game almost as much as I cannot wait to watch Yea Forums deparately cope with how wrong they are about how kino it is.


Attached: Kino Stranding.jpg (1920x1080, 1001K)

>press x to pull out toenail...
will be great

Not very, so far it looks like a walking simulator, with a pretty good aesthetic going. Might be interesting, but probably will be kinda dull

>tfw not hyped for any games at all due to disappointment becoming a norm in the industry
the only spark of hype I have left is on Bannerlord, and that spark is dimming


Haven't enjoyed a Kojima game since MGS3 so I doubt this will change that feeling.
Bargain bin purchase maybe if word of mouth is good.

My concern is that Kojima's reach exceeds his grasp. He's the only AAA developer working today that pull auteur wacky shit in his games and get away with it, but as we saw with the second half of Phantom Pain, eventually he's gonna run out of money

>hurr durr walking simulator
What do retards think he's going to do with that gun? Use it as a walking stick?

Attached: GUN.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Why was that scene deemed necessary? How will he walk after this?

shoot things that get in the way of your walking

probably won't buying it

>He's the only AAA developer working today that pull auteur wacky shit in his games and get away with it
*blocks your path*

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>another too deep for you kojimhack iq simulator

Zero percent!

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Mads Mikkelsen

>"It's a walking simulator!"
>"Kojima hasn't directed a good game since MGS3!"
>"Movie game!"
Lots of cope in this thread.

Attached: DeathStrandingGoldFace.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

>snoyllywood movieshit
not at all

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based, kojima is a hack and every MGS was dogshit after 3.

I'm hyped to explore the world and make deliveries. I expect the story to be utterly retarded but I'm glad you can ignore it and just roam around.

Leaked gameplay here.

Attached: 1550047617893.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I'm interested, not hyped, just wish Kojima and everyone associated would just shut the fuck up until they actually show us something new


I find it mind boggling people still haven't realised death stranding has mgsV like gameplay.

It will have vehicles, it will have sneaking, it will have a shittton of guns.
The invisible beings are just like the skull unit and everything is connected by a dark souls like system where you invade and cooperate with other players (the rope and the stick analogy)

>+3 years later and we still don't know two fucking things about this game (genre, how it will be the multiplayer, etc)
>Written, directed and produced by kojima the hack
Nah thanks, this game will be shit

Hollywood was literally founded by jews so it's already in the name.

Can you imagine if that's all it is
His big revolutionary game is just MGSV with Dark Souls online

He said that this game doesn't fit conventional genre names, and that it's its own thing.

I love the FromSoft games as much as anyone, but I don't think there's been as much fuckery in any of their games as in say MGS2

Sure I'm interested to see how good it is. I'm into weird artsy fartsy games like this.
I'm not buying day one if that's what you are asking.

looks trippy, I'm excited just to see what it will pull, even if it does become just an interactive movie

Isn't this a movie? Why is it posted here?

fromsoft is not AAA

Attached: inoperable.png (571x618, 53K)

They have been since darksouls 2

At least it'll look nice.

Attached: Death Stranding Environments.jpg (3840x2160, 1.11M)

the water looks a bit like ass, otherwise I agree

I live in Iceland where they got their photogrammetry from, this is mundane shit to me.

it'll be a refreshing change from my desert

looks straight out of prometheus

this is perhaps the first legit crticism I have read on this board about the guy. I think the phoenix like rebirth of Kojima with Sony and the fan hype about it will mean a great deal of resources will likely have been put into this game and hence the time it is taking to make. It could easily be a really polished game when it arrives finally. The /fuckonami/ momentum alone could make this a sucess for Sony, so they will likely put an awful lot into it. Or her eis hoping at least.

Same source of cg reference.

I'm not, I've never played a kojima game and none of them seem like my kind of thing.
I feel the same way about 50% of games Yea Forums hypes. It's like I'm in a foreign country and everybody is eating monkey brains and snakes filled with eals.
I don't know how humans can consume this stuff but you do.

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this game could be really fucking good, you are just shitting about everything Yea Forums

Im not because its not metal gear.
I cant care for a kojima "2deep4u" storyline
we all know he cant write for shit, his only valuable input in the MGS game were the cutscene direction and some artistic choices.
all what made MGS good was the writing and the voice acting which are credited to Tomokazu Fukushima and the VA cast which you should know about already.

The only gameplay that’s been shown has been walking in a barren world. The rest has been cinematic cutscenes that have made little to no coherent sense. Idgaf if you enjoyed the metal gear series you gotta admit this looks bad. The fact that he’s spent since what, 2012? 2013? So like 6-7 years on basically a tech demo for a film. And having movie days every week in the studio, traveling, eating food and going to events. Idk why all these people are saying it’s going to be a gamer changer because it looks like it’s literally nothing.

Then again Nintendo took 6 years on BOTW and that turned out being great

didnt ask

Based and Icelandpilled.

Attached: Iceland.jpg (960x640, 155K)

Have you considered you are very much not interesting for being contrarian?

I still have no clue what the gameplay is like. The visuals and story interest me. There's not really anybody else that does thing like kojima.

>So like 6-7 years on basically a tech demo for a film.
What? This game was first revealed three years ago and it probably wasn't even in full production at that point. Also, he was working on PT before this.

Reminder that Death Stranding will play like QWOP.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

Main thing missing are the really steep mountains.

Metal Gear Solid 6: Death Stranding is going to be the biggest happening of 2020.

AAAHHH! Please tag your post as NSFW next time, OP. That is VERY disturbing.

Attached: Death Stranding Environments 2.jpg (3840x2160, 2.68M)

I can't say conclusively here but when you are part of a big company like Sony, a lot of this is vital (or percieved vital) PR. The tweets and instagram posts of company jets that take you to cons and the fancy dinners with celebrities like Daryl and Mads and del Toro, and the clear vinyl editions of a soundtrack, and the 100 pieces of a jacket being made, are a way to generate elite level hype.

I worked with businesses that do stuff like this and it is very much a case of reaching critical mass. You put in 100,000USD into promotion? It flops and sells nothing. You put in 1,000,000USD? It broke even. You put in 100,000,000USD? It sold gangbusters. Anything to make Kojima seem (and there may be some truth to it) an absolute rockstar that is able to afford 1000 usd meals with Hollywood guys is worth it. He lives large? must be a genius that has made millions. Of he is putting that same creative energy into something for a console I happen to own? Count me in!

That's the rough recipe for hype, and the mystery of what the gameplay and story and characters are gonna be maximixes it further.

>the fancy dinners with celebrities
The absolute mad man.

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This has the same look as the new Tomb Raider engine. Anything not close to the camera looks like smoothed plastic.

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Well that's better. I have family in Iceland so I've gotten used to the landscape, and some areas have really fucking steep mountains. Then there's also long stretches of uneven, hole-filled land with nothing interesting for miles except volcanic rock. Also been to areas like Hesteyri which gives you such a beautiful feeling of being isolated and close to nature.

Did they show any gameplay yet? I still have no fucking idea what the game is like.

Do you guys think Mads and Reedus ever get creeped out by Kojima?

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mads is a weirdo himself so i think he doesnt really get weirded out by kojima, no idea with reedus.

He doesn't exactly speak fluent English, so they probably just think he's a charming westaboo.

kek. I do this actually. Geoff is making it sound a bit more profound than I think it might be though.

Why do people put celebrities on a pedestal? Reedus is literally just some hillbilly dude that got famous for landing a role in some trash zombie show. He's not some beacon of class and culture. Mads may be but he's scandinavian and they love weird shit while also being really down to earth so he probably likes Kojima.

Not at all and I actually dont know how could anyone be hyped for it desu
Dont get me wrong, I really dont have anything againts kojima, literally the only thing Ive ever played related to him was PT and I loved it, but we dont know shit about death stranding and the little gameplay pieces Ive seen honestly looked boring to me

Nah, they are good. Mads is the chillest dude there is.

Reedus speaks a bit of Japanese.

>Fancy cuisine

Attached: BAAGAA.jpg (2592x2696, 906K)

>Pizza burger
This isn't actually a thing, is it?

That's sure to make Kojima wet as fuck.

the foliage looks like utter dogshit

american culture.

I am not hater but I feel it is lean to "artistic" too much and when kojima was trying hard to be it without self-awareness, his gamea had ended up being boring, pretentious, self-absorbing shits, basically everything after MGS3
you can say MGS2 and MGS3 had some "philosophy" trying to be a kind of "art" but at the time kojima knew he was just a creator of video games, not an artist, or film makers, so the games was always with some self-awareness, humores, and in-game jokes. but now he seems to be going to full-force "artists" mode, so it will be exactly like MGS5, which no one appreciates except for some of game mechanics.

I wonder if they 69 all night long


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What are you the toenail experts? I had to remove one that got hit pretty badly and it came out pretty much like that except with less blood.

how does he keep his fucking figure in check? I eat that shit and I look like Chris Farley.

Reedus has mad a fair number of roles and was also a Prada model. He has a distinctive look, rather than the 10,000 dollar smile, slightly tan, waspy, squeaky clean celebs that normally pass for "handsome" leading role types. Imagine the guys from Supernatural, or any of daytime crime proceedural on some shit channel, or the guys from Greys Anatomy. They are all plastic Ken dolls. Reedus is (apparantly) rather attractive to women as I hear plenty from collegues that watch TWD about how he has the strong silent type look. I don't think it's a mystery why he has some magnetic qualities about him.

You just crossed the line.

Attached: Leave.jpg (329x399, 44K)

Alright that's a downgrade from the trailer. Why do I keep falling for the trailer graphics switcheroo?

did you imagine that it wouldn't be?


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This is the first time I've ever heard of a pizza burger.

It's a fucking video game, bro.
Babies don't turn invisible and lay ink tracks behind but here we are.

it is the power of PS5

lmao at the coping Nintendones and PCbros


His games have always mixed overly serious shit with retarded jokes and this doesn't look any different. He started the last trailer off with a fucking baby mooning the camera.

In a world with bacon soda and chocolate pizza, a pizza burger isn't that surprising.

Is anyone else losing hype with every bit they see? Honestly the first couple teaser trailers were excellent, super mysterious and theory-provoking with a lot of interesting ideas and visuals. But after seeing that one cutscene where the bad guy creates a giant sludge monster for you to fight, it's falling short. It just made it seem generic. These shots of the character walking don't help either, it's making me think of some sort of weird The Division/Dark Souls mash-up, which is odd and not needed.

me too, but I am surprised you are surprised about it. On this planet, did you ever imagine these two things didn't exist together? It just really comes as no surprise to me.

If that hits you hard, imagine my pic related, it's a deep fried mars bar. Popular in Scotland as a dessert.

Attached: mars.jpg (1024x666, 410K)

>It just made it seem generic.
Out of all the criticisms you could levy at what we've seen so far, I feel like this isn't one of them.

ísland er fallegt, lærðu að njóta

Isn't it? Watch it again

It's super generic bad guy sass and he summons... what? A big dog monster thing? Hurr I bet it'll charge you, I bet it'll try to bite you, I bet you can hit it a bunch of times and then it will let out some demonic noise and fall over. What room do you see for innovation here? It's the same shit as always.

nope, a mere tiny company with over 300 employees

Enginn er sama hvað þú skrifar í google þýða samkynhneigð

Where's the gameplay?

fucking kek XD
did kojima make that golden mask intentionaly to it resembles a kekface?

that was fucking terrible, i didn't use google translate for my post but i just might need it for your retarded drivel

literally the definition of every shooter

Not really anymore

Dont want to buy another console to play it.
Want it to come to PC

Metal Gear as a series is unironically a thematic masterpiece for it's exploration of the effects of technology on human society and culture. It provided a very competent and we'll formulated commentary and critique of modern culture online (and how it extends offline) before the internet and social media as we know it even existed.
It predicted the end of "the internet is started bsns" and the beginning of the internet actually being serious business.
Metal Gear Rising, too, contains some legitimately great anthropological examinations and insights into aspects of culture that are otherwise taken for granted.

I don't think Death Stranding will be nearly that good, but Kojima always brings something interesting to the table.
His games are undeniably unique, even if he's actually a hack this next one will definitely not break that trend. You guys pretending he's like David Cage or something, ignoring that at the bare minimum you'll be getting a pretty solid movie with some degree more serviceable gameplay than just hold R1 to shower.

Kojima sure knows his internets.

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Not really. If it comes to PC, I might consider.

If it's going to be as disturbing as that webm I'd just rather not play or watch any playthroughs of it.
Thanks Kojimbo for saving me a few dollaridoos.

Buy my game you pussy

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He sure did. He was ahead of his time 20 years ago, I hope he's still got something interesting to bring to the table now that we've caught up.

He definitely should have. He's not bound by the convoluted plot of 6 other Metal Gear games PT was interesting as fuck and that was just a demo.

Im really hyped. because there is no way that this game will be mediocre. It will either be kino, or a beautiful clusterfuck of a trainwreck

I'll only be hyped if Kojima manages to cast Ryan Gosling. Because so far there's no gameplay hook to get excited for


I wouldn't be surprised, he's a madman

I'm not hyped but I am excited to see how good the movement actually is.

>MGSV with Dark Souls online
peak gaming

I'm fine with that. Hopefully there are some actual urban scenarios.

So what's this game about? Is it 3rd person stealth/shooter like mgs or what?