May 2019... I am forgotten

>literally called as the "fortnite killer"
what killed the hype?

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It's fun

I remember going over to my buddy's house and his manlet friend was on his computer playing this. I walk over and see a select screen filled with purple haired dykes that he proceeds to select and navigate through the sky until they fall to the ground and start slapping each other with hands that had painted nails. Legitimately the gayest game I've ever seen in my life.

I still play it. Haven't been playing much because of MK11, but I'd say it's still the best BR. People nowadays have short attention spans that they cant enjoy a game unless it keeps getting constant content.

Messing up a free to play model caused very little income resulting in sparse updates/content.

They're fucking idiots going off of their season pass.

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EA just ran out of marketing/shilling money

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im glad it died because I want more titanfall, but I also wanted it to succeed to fuck over epic. things would have been easier if this game just didnt exist

No content
No characters
Two of them are completely totally shit
Disconnected from server still a thing
Its fun, but not that fun
BR is ass
Shouldve been round based

good luck with that

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I still play the game occasionally but there are a lot of problems with it.
>lacking so many basic features it took over a month before they even got bug reporting and could fix the constant crashes that a good portion of the community had
>Imbalanced due to the developers not understanding that having a smaller hitbox making you harder to hit is the single strongest thing in a game with so much focus on shooting
>shitty cosmetics due to the realistic style of the game so nobody will even notice them. Furthermore incredibly shitty reward system that nets you about 20 loot boxes before you're just stuck paying money for more or buying the battle pass
>battle pass is full of shitty things that should just be given by default like season kill counters or some levels literally just give you an emblem that says you reached that level
>tons of hackers and likely will never be solved because region locking china and russia would diminish the player base even more

marketing budget dried up

its not fair

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"Chad-gar walks behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder as I select my Apex champion. I can sense his disdain for the game. I become nervous.."

niggers and women

They probably all had to sign a contract so they'll have to promote this pile of BR shit to their 12 year old fanbase (Including lying to their fans about being paid)

>another BR
>one map
>teams of 3 only
>small character pool
>glacier slow content updates
>shit character balance
>god awful hit boxes
>Gibralter is the worst character ever
>Mirages ult the clones don't run around so it's pretty shit
>Caustic is almost as bad as Gib
>Wraith is OP as shit
>people drop way too often
>players are too autistic to wait to get banners picked up
>characters all look like chuds
That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more. Don't feel the need to talk about battlepass bullshit

Too much Hype, but the game is fun and still really active on bothe PC and consoles. Suck it fag.

Gibraltar fucking recks if you know how to use him. How 'bout you get good you freaking scrub.

name one hyped up "x-killer" that actually killed x

no new map yet only 1 new character

they're fucking lazy am i right?

Call of Duty killing Halo

It's still just a shitty battle royale. The genre is so fucking shallow and boring. I ALMOST can't believe they all haven't gone extinct

Hype was bought, everything that rises too quickly falls down just as quickly

Don't forget Call of Duty killing Medal of Honor.

COD might legit have been the only X-killer that actually did any killing.

He has the biggest hit box and his shield dome skill is only useful if you plan to bomb on top of yourself but enemies can run inside anyway so it's practically useless. Maybe you can get good with him but why bother when it's easier to get better than Gib with literally every other character. I used him for while, he's just not fun

halo killed itself. no one wanted to play turds like reach and halo 4

>alienated the Titanfall audience by making almost everyone a nigger instead of giving everyone a cool pilot design (Titanfall 2's tactical cast as well as all the campaign's boss models, for instance)
>no fucking updates
>making another BR in an already saturated as fuck market
>no fucking updates
>barely any incentive to play after rank 100 because the game outright stops giving you loot boxes
>no fucking updates
>cheaters still run rampant and ruin games
>no fucking updates
That's about it

I still play the game with my friends and enjoy it but I'm shocked at how Respawn has handled the game post-launch, considering how much they talked about wanting to develop the game for years to come

I'm so envious of Ninja
Dude gets mad bags from industry kikes

made me laugh. ironically that's basically what happened

Epic CEO sent 16 groups of 18+ kneebreakers over the course of 2 weeks starting at 2 months after release and threatened the devs of Apex Legends by littering pictures of the devs' homes and children accompanied with disregarded cigars/cigarettes and illegal ammunition as well as 3 instances of expensive personal knifes (there was also one instance of a vape found with strawberry ejuice but this was not determined to be related or not). The knifes were actually thought to be mistakenly misplaced by the thugs, but isn't that more scary? To think a knuckle dragger like that would have pictures of your kids...
Basically: there's a new mad dog in town and his name is EPIC. Didn't hear this from me.

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Respawn are literal retards for not doing anything with the game post launch. Probably EA thought that Star Wars license is worth more than super hyped 50+ mil players game.
>No promised DAILY community updates.
>Super slow patches that could've been made months ago.
>Zero new content for months, not even fucking new skins.
It indeed looks like there are 5 people working on the game at this point.

EA money must've dried out.

It seems like they didn't even consider the possibility that their new game in a highly popular genre might end up being popular. Either that, or EA's management is so retarded that they actively hamstrung the development of the game in some way because they're so used to steamrolling all the way to the bank with more established IP's/genres that they're laughably ill equipped to deal with a situation where you need fairly rapid updates to keep attention.

the absolute pile of fuck that is their cash shop/battlepass system makes me pretty sure it's all EA

You're also forgetting the part where all work on future TitanFall projects has been halted to focus fully on this game.....

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Lack of updates. We've gotten one new legend (that was obviously 99% ready prior to launch), one gun, and two balance updates. The battle pass was okay but required more grinding than most people would like.

Game's still pretty popular but I feel as though the BR genre always needs new 'things' in the mix to keep people interested

>fortnite killer
>with not updates

inb4 boomers with their "hurr back in 2001 we didn't get any updates every week"

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fortnite is literally on every platform and you can just jump in and play it whenever you want and not worry about being responsible for 2 other people, plus epic is working their fortnite developers like chinese wageslaves

Epic can strong arm their employees into working insane hours to keep pumping out content. Respawn didn't do that to its people, and the public decided apex was dead because they're used to fortnite's rate of updates. People are stupid, basically.

>make a game you can only play with friends
>forgets gamers have no friends

>literally called as the

ESL retards are the worst

Halo tried to become CoD. So in a sense, CoD is responsible for Halo's death.

>bland and repetitive after long hours of play
>little to no customization
>season/battle pass is a joke that again adds little to nothing
>most of they hype was paid for so once streamers started to leave the numbers followed

>Be EA
>spend a trillion dollars on relentlessly shilling everywhere
>don’t leave enough money to provide new content
>your game becomes irrelevant in a month
>kill your best FPS franchise, titanfall, in the process

him and caustic have 10% damage reduction nerd