Sony advertises easy mode for its core audience of movie fanatics

Sony advertises easy mode for its core audience of movie fanatics


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There is nothing more pathetic than sony at this point

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I hope this becomes a meme.
Just a big fucking sticker that says PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE: EASY MODE!!! on any Playstation version of a multiplat game.

God I hope too

Least with Nintendo doing it they don't fucking feature it as the selling point

>Nintendo has been advertising stuff like Super guide in alot of Mario games for years in trailers
>When Sony does it its suddenly a problem
Console elitism is autistic

>Name me one time you seen Super guide advertised in a trailer as the main selling point and or in the tweet

What is exactly wrong with adding easy mode to a game?
I don't like playing them on easy but a game having easy mode or not has no effect on my enjoyment of the game so I don't understand why you'd complain.

>main selling point
>an update for year old game
i dont even

Never even heard of this game, is it good?

Super Mario galaxy 2

not rly, though I havent played the update

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze.

Permadeath is a shit game mechanic and doesn't necessarily make a game "difficult". If I'm not allowed to make mistakes all that is going to happen is I'll be forced to play in the most risk-averse wiki-browsing spreadsheet making minmaxing bug-exploiting way possible.

>B-but Nintendo
rent free

I like both Nintendo and Sony but if you're going to shit on Sony for doing it might as well do it for Nintendo.

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>main selling point and or in the tweet
Didn't easy mode for tropical freeze got a complete slot from a direct?


whats wrong with the top image?

what game has had easy mode as THE selling point?

>Seething Xnigger
Back to your meltdown in the E3 thread

Was originally supposed to be Nates son but Cuckmann changed it solely for diversity sake. Also did that with the old lady in the mansion, was originally supposed to be an old man

huh, well at least it didnt feel forced
i didnt know that information when i played thru it, and it felt pretty natural to me

Sure those bits weren't forced down your throat but holy fuck Nadine was. You could have easily took her out of the game and wrote the script around her, she was so pointless other than strong independent black woman who don't need no man

its a le funny wojak edit xD

nintendo doesnt need to do that because they only make easy mode games in the first place
normal mode is dlc

Is this game any good?

i didnt feel Nadine was forced either
maybe if you play a game without any predisposition of MUH FORCED DIVERSITY, then you may enjoy them more.
and she wasnt pointless, she was hired by Rafe and had a good character arch based around that.

she was what Talbot was to Marlowe, or Harry to Lazarevic. except she had kind of a redemption arch

She was the leader of a merc group, she didn't have to be there just her men. Also you can't tell me the forced lose QTEs were good, that's just bad design. At that point just make it a cutscene don't give the players the illusion like anything they do matters. At least Eddy and Harry had history with Drake and actually had some actual not completely hamfisted development, Talbot was more of the actual boss of 3, Marlowe went out like a bitch

>she didn't have to be there
you just sound jaded
fact of the matter is that Uncharted has always had a character like Nadine, just not a black woman. so other than race and gender, whats hamfisted about it?
also the forced lose QTE's didnt bother me
I think the point is to make you feel like you got your ass kicked by someone whos actually trained.

Fuck off, cunt. Swords if Ditto is easy as shit anyway; never died, but that doesn't stop it being fun and amazing in co op. It's a free expansion that adds new bosses, areas and items. If it were a Switch game this'd cost £15. My Switch is gathering dust; too many PS4 games to play.

Japan is changing. Sony is just following the market.

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did you forget about pic related?

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>I think the point is to make you feel like you got your ass kicked by someone whos actually trained.
You mean like Nathan who has killed thousands of men and has the upper body strength to pull himself up with one hand while weighed down with gear?
And also in a 2v1?
And also he's a man so he's naturally stronger?

>has killed thousands of men
with a gun
>And also in a 2v1
it was just Nate at first and she ambushed him
also, he was hardly fighting back at first

it wasnt like Nadine just fucked these 2 up, they all kicked eachothers ass. And Nadine did a good job of separating the 2. and she didnt even win, she got held at gunpoint.

I suppose "winning" a 2v1 or more is only realistic when Nate does it.

stop being so jaded