Do you play as your country in vidya?

Do you play as your country in vidya?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, it's boring to play as my country in grand strategy games. I prefer playing as fucking Luxembourg or some shit.

Yes. I can't find motivation to keep playing otherwise.

Yes and no. I always prefer playing small countries, but I do enjoy playing my own a lot.
Countries like Luxembourg are comfy as hell.

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Why the fuck does German Empire locate on modern Ukraina?

Yes. Also, in every strat game I name my cities, planets, and capital ships after myself in some way. And in every RPG I name the character some form of my name.

I have no idea why. I'm an introvert with no big ego or whatever, just a little boring I suppose.

let me show you how it's done

Attached: Grossgermania.jpg (1680x1050, 418K)

what happened?

it's horrible, thank you.


Nice Ukraine.


Attached: Sweden X Germany.jpg (1920x1080, 515K)

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EU4/CK2/Hoi4 maps are disgusting

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I love these

Now THIS is how it's done

Attached: Frankfurt_am_Main.jpg (1600x900, 333K)

I'm pretty sure my country only appears in football games.

>Das Deutsche instead of Deutsches
>Kaiserreich instead of just Reich
Heavy cringe, if you're going to be a Kaiserboo, at least do it right

It makes me sad that Imperator's map is so good, but the game is so bad.

My country only exists in rally and hockey games.

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Will this make it good?

Attached: redpilled.jpg (2000x1125, 918K)

deutcheland.... mein ancient volk...
a world free of SJW kikes and liberals!

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Now this is pretty based, if I do say so myself.


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delete this

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*unsheathes katana*

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>not white and based GroBSudafrikaniums
Not based

It gets posted in literally every thread. Check out the general if you don’t believe me.

Canada is unironically fun as hell in Victoria 2. You start with good reforms and being HM's Government in the New World lets you hoover up a bunch of America's immigrants.

You don't even have to try to become a great power, and your liberal party has State Capitalism or something stupid like that so you can get the bonuses of having a liberal party AND the bonuses of being able to control your economy.

basierend und rotpilled

Australia is fun too, but you end up with like 20% soldiers for some reason

Sure, once or twice.
But it's literally the same shit over and over again.

I know and I always laugh at it

yes, it's fun

I wish this is how reality turned out tbqh
Fuck China

Always funny


Attached: America and Korea plus puppet states.jpg (1920x1080, 1.07M)

I've considered doing Australia but have never bothered, mostly because its only real expansion opportunities are to war the Netherlands but they're usually Germany or Britain sphered.

Russia, Canada, Austria, Prussia, France, Japan, Persia, the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Serbia, and the Italian states are the most fun in the game.

t. posted an epic grossgermanium blob and got made fun of

Age of Civ 2 got good nap building too. Sadly horrible game mechanics since it was originally made for Android. Hopefully superpower 3 also got some good nap but it is based on realism and live action

From a certain point of view.

Nah, German playthroughs are pretty boring actually.
This goes for all games.

My favourite grand-strategy game is Football Manager.


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Based and brotherpilled

What are the recommended nations at the bottom?

>Deutsches Reich
>not Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation

dios mio what could of been...

Attached: uuuuugh.jpg (600x315, 41K)

Rome Carthage Macedon ? Seleucids ?
The last one is probably hellenistic, the 4 I have no idea

>Country: Germany
>Religion: Islam

checks out

Imperator map is disgusting m8

The one with the black flag and golden sun looks dope

I tried playing as Canada in Civ VI but the music for them fucking sucks

It hasn't been good since 2012 though

fm19 is good. its well balanced without many glaring issues like ones in the past.


>Religion: Islam

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Haven't played it desu. Saw a lot of complaints about forwards not scoring sitters and set pieces being op as fuck. Is that not the case? Tons of negative reviews on steam because of it.

>quote about Islam from the proven fraudulent Table Talks

>black flag and golden sun
That should be egypt.

Attached: Egypt.png (1920x1080, 2.93M)

Yeah I should've said it's not as good as 2012, 'cause of the issues you just pointed out. They've solved more recently now at least. I'd stick to 2012 if you can though.

I do, but it's usually not the best place to start.
It's nice to btfo Russia and Germany both though.

Attached: 1536593942987.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

That one is Egypt

Didn't some literal tranny make all these Ebic Grosgermaniums but later killed himself.


How do I into Vicky 2

I mean if the arabs wouldn't've been carved up by the Entente in WW1 they wouldn't be the sandniggers they are now or at least they woud be contained and had no reason to chimp out.

YungJohan or what he was called? Or was it Rob? I don't remember, the waves of shitposting never stop

Yes i do. if possible.

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>actually having a chance to defeat Germany or Russia as a minor state
lol, I'm kind of glad I didn't buy this mess

> 120IQ at least

>implying it can't happen
Winter War

>chance to defeat a major power as a minor power
you can do that in every paradox game you niglet

just play dude
also watch this:

Really? I actually quite like the Canadian music, it's the American music that sucks.

Also why does America always have to be the boring vanilla Civ? Why can't they be a cool generalist Civ like Australia?

>Finnish defeat

>implying Finland won

It was a Finnish moral victory

very forward thinking I must add

Source picture: Berlin Alexanderplatz

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Johan is a dev but the guy who made them had autism. Dunno if it was larping but someone said the guy had something happen to him irl with Germany or Germans and then began posting the pics. Another reason might be that Germany was spammed but making the pics because of it would need immense butthurt

>What is the entire history of moortugal

not in hoi 3

Anyone you don't like = tranny now? Trannies are like 0.01% of the population, why are you so obsessed with them.

Losers always claim moral victory

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Great bait.

Honestly though, how would Japan be able to hold onto that much landmass. There'd be like 1000 chinamen per japanman.

Cause they're over represented everywhere tranny.

amerimutt education

What's wrong about it you massive nigger? Without the Ottoman empire the arabs wouldn't do anything except for chimping out in their shitholes.

I was talking about actual tranny you illiterate fuck. In case you don't know. Most people don't like and are disguted by trannies.

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No game has colombia as an option si no, even fucking risk had the nerve to call us Venezuela

get out of nova scotia

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Kek that pic

Superior organization and pure, Japanese inhumanity. But, well, are the Chinese any better?

It's not like they haven't had their ruling dynasty replaced with foreigners before.

Even after the world wars the arabs were never a problem until the US, France and Israel decided to give money and weapons to terrorist groups.


t. retard
Radical Islam is a product of frogs and anglos carving up the midde east

Amerimutt education.

that happened 100 years ago. islamic terrorism is recent

>American education

what was wrong?

Have sex

>Because an event happened 100 years ago it means it has no consequences currently

>blobbing and still isn't no. 1 in everything
Truly the worst way to play the game.

radical islam is a product of american imperialism and jewish globalism

>german empire
>text stretches only over Ukraine
What happened here?

Fortunately Portugal is in that sweet spot where you can actually do cool stuff instead of being a meme OPM while not being broken or too easy, so yes I do.

Yungjohan or whatever was just another shitposter. I think that was his twitter (?) handle

Rome, Carthage, Macedonia, Egypt, Seleucids, Phrygia

Poland wasn't that minor at the time when it came to military, but Soviet attack ruined further plans for defense. 20 years prior Poland won against Soviet Russia.
Not to mention you start up nearly 4 years before the war to build up in HoI4.

You can play as Finland in Hearts of Iron 4 my man.

Portugal is nice, even if low population can hamstring it in late game.
I should give Netherlands a shot some time.

>Portugal is nice, even if low population can hamstring it in late game.
Fortunately I'm an EU4 babby so I can just spend 400 sword mana to instantly increase my country's population by 50% or maybe casually hire one hundred thousand mercenaries to fight my wars. Why haven't you accepted the superior """strategy""" game yet?

What's the superior strategy game

>Canada is unironically fun as hell in Victoria 2

lol maybe if you fuck dogs

EU4, duh

What's a superior strategy game

Yes. Nothing better than playing the dutch and going colonize and chill

there definitely would've been some massacres and internment camps

>unironically being dutch
i'd recommend suicide, but your existence is worse than death.

>pathetic cuck has a country that doesnt get rich of trading, colonizing and spices

Attached: its hard being humble when you are dutch.jpg (325x325, 16K)

>There'd be like 1000 chinamen per japanman.
Not for long

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>dutch hubris after colonizing a few shitty countries in indonesia
absolutely tragic

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Sure but i wish it had some special mechanics in EU for PLC to deal horrendous bureaucracy,nobility,lithuanians,ruthenians n rest

No because France is always overpowered as it was historically always strong. It's no fun. I prefer playing minor countries and learning about them in the process.

>dutchfag thinks his pathetic """country""" matters

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And even if I lived in a good country, I still think I would be more interested in playing stuff like Persia, Ethiopia, Burgundy, which doesn`t have quite a clear path ahead.

Pick one

based and plusultrapilled

Imperator is on the same level as Vicky's map tbqh

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with CK2 tier borders


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also under the closed off part of the world lies the entirety of russia, china, and japan. so there's that for future dlcs.

We are rarely represented, so I tend to take the opportunity.

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Because there weren't many huge nations in 300 BC, you historylet

I mean the absolute clusterfuck bordergore that happens in a couple of years from the start

usually italy unites under one flag or another and is clean, same with greece and egypt. phygria usually always explodes into tiny states. it's mostly just gaul and germania that suffer the worse bordergore.

Whats the appeal of these games? Its basically opening a map in ms paint and color shading with bucket

there is nothing better than liberating the UK from syndies as Canada in Kaiserreich and restoring the monarchy.

imagine losing your country to a bunch of angry welshmen and having to retreat to c*nada

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USA is too op in most games so no.

How does it feel to be a german puppet? they literally invented the ideology to bring down their enemies.

what's the appeal of any game? it's like clicking desktop icons or pressing buttons on a tv remote

>I:R is a boring map painting simulator
Paradox can eat a dick

What makes you think you matter enough for someone to explain the appeal of a game to you?

Is this some sort of monarchist joke that I'm too totalist to understand?

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Is the UI gigantic to appeal to Civ and total war players?

magyars are made for habsburg rule

I use to really want ck3 but I'm not so sure now.

>not an der Oder
lmao pretty pathetic desu senpai

When zoomed out maybe but when you zoom in its another hoi4 tier foggy garbage that doesn't let you see shit

>wanting dirty P*les in your GroBDeutsches Reich

It was a literal tranny you retard

No because either
1) It isnt available
2) When it is available , its not fleshed out
3) It often is a huge shithole that cant even expand

Did an actual tranny make the image?

I once played as my cunt in HoI IV, our national leader during WW2 shows up as Communist, even though he started his own anti-communist secret police force and murdered a lot of them

God I wish that were me

Which country?


argentina, leader is Peron.
Not sure if they ever fixed it, he should be classified as something like Autocratic

Botswana is in HoI4?

I enjoy treating CK2 as a historical drama, like watching Borgia or Versailles, and living out the interpersonal experiences of feudal life and all the adventures that follow the reasons for conquest and inter-realm bickering.

Attached: Eadricing Family Tree.jpg (2781x2431, 1.37M)

>Peron as leader of Argentina during WW2
That's bad enough in and off itself
>he's a commie
Jesus, Johan

Bumfuck Manchus did it.

It has the potential to play interesting tall games though if they expand on population management, trade, and diplomacy
Even a game right now as tall Masilia is interesting

They just became another Chinese dynasty though

Over time the Japanese would have become Chinese as well, it is the Chinese superpower.

I like the way CK2 handles this, whoever invades China installs his own dynasty on the throne and religion and state religion, even though China remains independent. In one of my games, some Sri Lankan dude got a rare event where he turned out to be the reincarnation of Alexander the Great, he got massive boosts to all his stats (his martial skill was almost 80), lived to 90something, unified India, then invaded China and set up his own Hindu-Tamil dynasty. I loaded the game into EU4 and it was unplayable because the Hindu blob was too big.

But the Japanese super power is being foreign culture resistant

Then it would just take a bit longer for the Japanese to become Chinese



>80 martial
Fuck sake. I think the closest I've seen was some European lord who was wrecking shit left and right with 50 martial, because Jesus was giving him military advice.

Never played HoI4 but it could either be part of South Africa or a nominally independent colony of Bechuanaland.

Ugh. Why were nazis so cucked. Recommend my an alternative and less impotent version of european white nationalism Yea Forumsbros?

I was happy to see Canada added to Civ 6 even if they aren't very good.


Attached: german monarchy.jpg (465x771, 108K)

Its the internet. That percentage is based on world population, but places where certain people are concentrated in will make it seem like they are higher. Its the reason why you see a lot of them in San Fran and get the impression that they somehow have multiplied.

I'm doing an Ethiopia run and managed to westernize and get the congo as well as all of the Horn of Africa. currently ranked 10 cause industrializing is abitch but 50% literacy in 1912 is prettty good considering it starts at >1%

>tfw no pretty prussian princess gf

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German Empire
>supports the Ottomans, knowing they are one of the only forces keeping Islamic extremism in check
>staunchly Christian, knows European culture is tied to Christianity
Cuck Reich
>allies with Islamic extremists
>laments the rise of Christianity, wish the Muslims had taken over Europe

I actually didn't expect that answer, but I imagined it.

Attached: 128.png (743x1002, 611K)

Woah... so... this is the power of amerimutt education

don't mind me, just posting the best leader and ideology in grand strategy.

Attached: Oswald_Mosley.png (702x1024, 460K)

Play Imperator you dirty gaul

>so cucked
Because they didn't liked some gay religion? Islam is also kike garbage but atleast isn't some shit for grannies.

You will regret those words in time


Wew check out this insecurity

the biggest problem of post ww2 fascists/neo-nazis is the fact that they're stuck at ideology, superficial symbolism and platitudes while not doing anything about matters of foreign policy or economic policy, ignoring thus matters of industry and other material things. Did Mosley touch/expand on any of these things?

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No, because the US is too big and OP

>draw line to enemy capital simulator is the successor to hoi3
>dumbed down the number of territories for casual shitters
>no news on vic3
dont know if i should be happy or sad about the lack of info on it

>muslims are relatively peaceful for hundreds of years
>endless bloodbath in europe for hundreds of years

Nigger, just look at Imperator:Reddit. Do you really want a Vic3 made by nu-Paradox?

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Yes and most of the time I have them turn fascist

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There's hope that it can be good as long as Johan is not involved with it.

The Ottomans only became "relatively peaceful" after their empire started declining rapidly. They were still marching on Vienna during the late 17th century

Ha, no
Not even if it's an option, it almost never is

>implying Johan would leave his Cheetoh dust covered fingers off it

It's mostly tribal areas because even small states can muster huge armies thanks to retinues so they tend to remain independent longer
The Hellenic areas tend to clean up quickly, especially Italy (under Rome) and mainland Greece