which games have the best ragdoll physics?
Which games have the best ragdoll physics?
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he actually did it
any Source game
Max Payne
GTA iv
this and BoTW are the best "real games" with fun physics
what happened here
passed out from flexing too hard
swag so hard forgot to to breathe
i'm not an MMA but i thought downwards elbows to the head were a big nono
Always loved the ragdolling throughout the Hitman games. Fun when you combine it with the nailgun cheat.
and thats also where the fight stopped
passed out from being too stupid
Ask me how ai know u a fag.
pretty sure you can die from something like this fairly easily
The audio makes this 100 times better
>HRRRRRRNNGGGGHHHH I'm gunna pass out
only 12 to 6 and that's a fucking dumb rule anyway
>humans can take severe beatings below the neck and be perfectly ok
>one bop at a bad angle to the noggin though and ur fucking dead instantly
why are humans so weak
no it's "HNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH aahhhh oh my god i almost passed out" as he's passing out
Post the audio version.
at some point having a really smart head turned out to be better than a really hard head
You've clearly never played Psi Ops before ass-fag.
A BOTW a real game? bah.bahahahahahah.
Humans aren't supposed to fight each other. Our brain is kept up high so that quadrapedal animals can't reach it.
Fucking dumbass. Reminds me of that old as fuck video where a guy was standing on the edge, ready to jump into water, but accidentally slipped and hit his head against some rocks, so his head got cracked open like a watermelon.
Killing people in Mordhau looks fucking gorgeous
>>humans can take severe beatings below the neck and be perfectly ok
no they can't
C'mon, it's been 2 years and you fags are still getting btfo by this one game. It's getting pretty embarrassing now snoyponnies
Isn't there a trans pride rally you should be focusing on or something.
>mom only bought me an xbox so they are the best!
Deus Ex Invisible War, unironically
dark souls
the ragdolls are shit but its endless fun rolling through enemies and launching them into the air
>browsing Yea Forums at work
>start laughing my ass off at this webm
>coworker asks what im laughing at
>cant tell them im on the 4chinz on work PC
>uhhh just a funny thing my friend did popped into my head and couldnt help laughing
tears are rolling down my face holding in the laughter from this video fucking hell
Yeah if he hit his artery in front of his ear he could bleed to death real quick
I like how they just keep filming and laughing
Yes they can
that wet sounding smack on the stones sound painful
>that ground head bounce
Usually when it comes to punches, it's the ground that deals the most damage, not the punch itself. Pic very related.
That fucking wind-up gets me every time
ref shoulda ended sooner he was fucked before he hit the ground, didn't need that last hit
>delays his punch mid swing and still manages to knock the fuck out of him
holy shit
>that wind-up
>that feign
Man I could never do MMA or boxing because if I saw someone stumbling like that I'd stand back.
That delay was to cause the other guy to drop his guard.
>didn't need that last hit
The audience/viewers needed it.
Is that the new Toribash update?
truck dismount, madness interactive, old flash games with fun physics.
did he die?
Huh. Honestly I would expect more Yoshis
>that fucking tranny in pink
He could not have telegraphed that more.
There's no audio
Night stick antifa guy just sucks, he overdoes every baton swing and never brings it back to his shoulder at the ready
Dude bought it at a store and didnt know how to use it, and homeboy was twice his size so it didn’t take much to overpower his shitty technique. There’s actually a lot to using an asp.
>Twink Bowser
Absolute fucking disgrace
>Humans aren't supposed to fight each other
What's this, American Civil War ?
>The drag parade hit them so hard that they look for things not even endorsed by nintendo
Just let it go and take the hit, stop embarrassing yourself.
Never noticed that before. Hahahahahaha
Beating up a bunch of radical lefties with a Che Guevara complex isn't exactly a civil war
The video needs to be cut before you seem him swim back up
>mating press position
BOTW is garbage.
Is this better then?
The Battle of Portland
A riot between Proud Boys and Antifa. Big guy is a Proud Boy who stomped the shit out of several people at the riot.
Fucking a defeated opponent is part of MMA dude don't you know anything
Of course I do, I've read enough Remora Works to know that.
Holy fuck, it never fails
lmao where did you get this shit from? humans in their natural habitat, as in, Amerindian ooga booga jungle monkey shenanigans, have like half of their males die in perpetual tribal warfare
>dont hit on me silly boys!
Imagine having to pretend that youre talking to a woman so that you don't get labeled a nazi and fired
>Comparing one autist trannie who got lucky enough to appear out of pity due to his past
This is getting sad user
The best part is that commie got permanent brain damage so he's even more retarded than normal leftists
Will it be in the history books?
freedom fighters
This dude looks like he wants to tell me about Dendy.
its practically a hobby now. people just show up because they want to get in fights.
why do antifa cover their faces?
and the guy walks because the commie attacked him with a baton
tumblr users in cosplay attempt to start a fight with actual American nationalists
To hide their shame from the lord and savior jesus christ
Yeah probably but only as a footnote. I remember reading about riots from the civil rights era and Rodney King then again this is 2019 were talking about and chances are by the time we’re recording this shit to show children they probably won’t even have to learn history anymore. Kid I know at work didn’t even know what the holocaust was or what the Cold War was. He thought it was a real war.
they are pussies
Just because people do it doesn't mean they're supposed to.
you didn't know that the good guys dress like villains from Pokemon?
protestor chic, and also to prevent doxing.
>built like a linebacker
Never fails
>if i cover my face, they'll think it was some OTHER 6'6" football playing tranny
>boss telegraphs his attacks
>get hit anyway
lmao git gud casul
Ofcourse, nintranny. Keep sucking your company's chopped off dick.
Is permanent brain damage really worth the few moments of fame?
You can stop the heart of a human by correctly punching his chest, moron. And if you didn't understand: a stopped heart is lethal to everything.
Yeah but that almost never happens. People can get beat to shit and handle a lot of punishment in general outside of a few specific areas
No it's not worth it but these people are just born that way. They're the type that would probably be criminals or getting into bar fights constantly anyway.
they do illegal shit like starting fires, breaking windows and sucker punching people, and everyone has a phone camera
Does antifa realize that they are facist as well?
No thats why its funny.
user this is pathetic, I'll give you a (you) because you might actually die if I don't. Your strategy at first tried to have a little bit of reality to it but came undone and now you're just going the ironically retarded rout.
These are the same "people" that say shit like "KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE" and legitimately, actually, 100% believe they are not racist or bigoted in any way. So no, of course they act like fascists and are utterly convinced they cannot be fascist in any way. I can't figure out how they don't get an aneurysm walking around all day with so much cognative dissonance.
fuck fascists, smash the state, also the state should take more money from rich people, also the state should give me money
Imagine being a fan of a sport where the goal is to sustain the most brain damage before passing out. It's modern day gladiators.
>Our brain is kept up high so that quadrapedal animals can't reach it.
>Still make big as fuck quadrapedal animals
Wow really smart YHWH
Post the antifa fag getting beat up by a girl
Literally coping. Kneel, my pet.
>Hates Mario
>Big grin
>Anal powers
this thread is god tier
so are you
typical user in this thread
Because they're muslamic spies.
post more people dying before this shit gets autosaged