games that take place/partially take place in a sinking ship?
Games that take place/partially take place in a sinking ship?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cold Fear?
it takes place on a boat
yeah i actually asked about games set on an oil rig yesterday and got that as an answer too
i guess i'm just on a nautical kick
Abyss Boat.
doesn't that 999 "game" take place on a sinking ship
>games set on an oil rig
Got you covered bro. It's quite a cool level too. Exclusive to the Xbox version I believe (which is the best console of that generation anyway).
Resident Evil Revelations
That one part of that one level from the first Modern Warfare
Uncharted 3
Battlefield 4 had a level too
resident evil dead aim
Part of DMC1
9 Persons 9 Hours 9 Doors
Everything on the epic store
There's one of them PS2 Japanese disaster games set on a sinking ship I think
Is there a worse death than drowning?
DOS2 start zone
>(which is the best console of that generation anyway
how fucking delusional can one be?
being burned alive, drowning is certainly painful but there is way wore
Definitely burning yourself up.
TR: Underworld, the ship is sinking vertically and Laura has to climb up corridors
Pretty kino
You're right, it's hard to understand the delusion of Snoyfags and Nintendo babbies.
>console babs still hold onto flops as if it was a meaningful metric
blogpost that i want to share.
There was this african dude from my high school who lived a few houses down from me. he graduated with honors and tried to commit suicide by fire a year after he graduated. apparently it hurt so much that he ran outside and rolled around until someone saw him and put him out. he basically fucked up his looks and his life so some years later he ended up jumping off a building and died.
it was in a small town in australia so no guns and no tall buildings.
the fuck
I don't remember this map.
>tried to commit suicide by fire a year after he graduated
Jesus, how stupid can someone be?
Shut the fuck up death you arent gonna scare me away from your treasure
they actually copy paste that sign everywhere
i remember seeing it and still going in, the cave was shit tho
Yea Forums
>Thinking material success is the answer to your problems
He probably thought like you did until he graduated
Resident Evil Revelations and Uncharted 2 or 3 I think. Bioshock 1 and 2 maybe although it's not technically a ship.
so much power and so few good games, you're right, it's fucking impressive
oh no no no no
>he basically fucked up his looks
didn't you say he was black?
I think he meant why would someone be retarded enough to kill themseves by immolation? Bashing your head against the floor is less stupid.
Uncharted 3 has chapter were you escape on sinking cruise ship.
the concept of "performance" is blank and means nothing. He's a good employee defending his boss with his shiny name.
Fire apparently.
I heard that bleeding out is extremely painful too.
I wonder if you can attend these RL simulators for damage control training non-naval/corporate purposes.
They are actually somewhat fun, there are holes that eject piss-water into the room at high pressures, your crew needs to plug the holes before the cabin is submerged in water.
>nobody mentioned SOS for Super Nintendo
>basically Titanic Sinking: The Game
>basically first known survival game I can think of
you're a big guy
>there are holes that eject piss-water into the room at high pressures
but what if I get a boner?
Maybe you should actually read the thread, moron.
Literally 5th reply
dumb idiots why do they wait until it topples over and crashes over them
they should have jumped ship before
You didnt read the thread bro
plug the hole with your fat pink mast
plug the hole then, duh
This, of all the stupid ways to kill yourself, why choose fire?
also, i was going to say chaos theory, but it turned out to be some flooded's about that gas leak though..what a mess..
I don't know how noones mentioned it yet but Metal gear solid 2 has both sinking ship and sinking oil rig.
Nope it takes place in a blacksite that is designed to simulate a ship
that tweet is 5 years old fool, consoles use exactly the same hardware as pc now
holy claustrophobia, imagine being below deck
Seppuku or self-immolation, take your pick.
They had literal hours before it sank but 89 of them still died.
Actually i almost died when i was 6 by stepping into a ditch in the lake we were on vacation at , it is very peaceful if you dont struggle which i couldnt because i cant swim so i was just watching as i slowly drifted down losing consciousness
but my dad pulled me up and i lived
In some Splinter Cell game there was a mission on an oil rig
that's why every AAA console game has only decent looking foreground/main character and looses any detail exponentially by the meter
Seppuku requires an executioner, so it depends on that person how long it lasts.
depression is a bitch, what can I say?
Reality just is, you can't emotionally rewrite it, slave.
Barotrauma is pretty gud, a bit similar to Space Station 13 imo
>nautical kick
How about subnautica then?
Or sunless sea?
kaishakunins are for casuals
that chart is bullshit how the fuck would it take 57 minutes to die in a fire
it's not a fucking oil rig you prick. it's an oil spillage environmental clean-up facility that's a front for a weapon's research facility which is a front for the fact the whole thing's a simulation to create the perfect soldier, which is a front for the fact the whole thing's just a simulation full stop and the perfect soldier is you.
I pirate games on PC
I play exclusives on console
Just stab yourself bro
you pass out when you lose too much blood
AN OIL RIG IS NOT A BOAT! IT IS AN OIL RIG!!! and it does not sink. it just gets bombed, and the game shows you what a splinter cell is and what sam has to deal with being operating outside the knowledge of the regs.
Not really a sinking ship, but...
But this level on Tomb Raider 2 still gives me fucking anxiety flashbacks from when I played it when I was like 7 or some shit:
Committing Seppuku without the Kaishakunin is like eating a big mac without the meat
I have so many questions about the numbers in this. E.g. how the fuck does it take 18.5 minutes to die from drowning?
That one is pretty understandable, it's self-immolation, so you don't keep burning until you die, the fire dies down and then you die from the burns some time afterwards.
>thining the patties contain meat
Committing suicide by setting yourself on fire is the dumbest way to commit suicide. It's actually a very long and agonizing death after the fire burns away all your nerve endings and you can't move and your body goes into shock.
Lethal Irradiation.
You basically just completely fall apart at the cellular level.
T-then what's that brown thing that tastes like meat, genius?
edit: all that for the glorious 30 fps
I almost drowned in a pool once, trying to swim its length under a cover that was on the waters surface. Due to some kind of fuckup I poked my head up into the cover and tried to take a breath. panic ensued.
Its almost eradicated from my memory, it was more than ten years ago, and I have only thought about it two or three times. almost died, though.
You're a fucking retard
And one of the maps had a control point set on battleship torn in half, it was nice but you could only battle on the surface and not go indoors, thus flanking was limited to just swimming around the boat and hoping you don’t get used as target practice
Would life even be worth living if you get the 1% survival chance of a shotgun blast the the face?
But did it hurt? I passed out from bleeding once and it wasn't too bad, though it wasn't exactly pleasant.
not a sinking ship, but a falling spaceship, remember that bit in dark forces 2 where you have to escape the ship plummeting to the planet's surface, and then the zero g bit in jedi outcast as the ship falls to yavin?
In WW1 pilots carried a pistol. It was not to defend themselves in case they crash landed behind enemy lines. It was to shoot themselves in case the airplane caught fire.
You actually died and don't know about it
The bit of brainstem that would be left wouldn't care.
how did my thread turn into this
anyway, thanks everyone who made suggestions so far
FTL I suppose.
Far Cry 3 has that one mission with sinking ship
Probably not, because hitting the face instead of the rest of the head is exactly how most people fuck up shotgun suicides. I don't imagine having no face is especially fun.
Scapishm, or 'the boats'.
also probably if the plane went into the sea.
Is there even a painless way to kill oneself?
The sinking of the MW Sewol is probably one of the most awful cases of mass death by negligence in human history.
It also one of the biggest catalysts that exposed Korean President Park Guen-Hye as a fucking nutjob into witchcraft and sorcery.
>Captain told kids to stay put and never ordered an evacuation
>Several of the crew including the Captain abandoned ship
>Became too late to escape for several kids as the ship listed to an extreme
>Coast guard were beaten by the fucking press to the ship
>US and Japanese ships within close proximity asked for permission to help but were denied
>Coast guard finally makes it but decided it's too dangerous to help people in the water
>Local fisherman and divers in the area tell the coast guard to fuck off and help the kids anyway
>Ship inverts completely but is still just holding on
>President Park shows up and tells the coast guard to do what they can
>Except they can't do shit, they don't have the equipment
>Coast guard attaches an oxygen pipe underwater on a random spot so it looks like they're doing their job
>The oxygen displacement sinks the ship faster
>Hundreds of kids die
>The teacher who organised the trip killed himself because of the guilt
>Civilian divers who tried to search for any survivors killed themselves because of PTSD
Were they ok?
maybe it's how long until your brain is too fucked to resuscitate you
Imagine living in a submarine
Knowing that 24/7 you're about 1cm of steel away from ice cold water at pressures that would kill you instantly, and just snagging a rock could mean a painful death.
On the other hand I think it'd be kinda comfy
Why would you care about the pain? Pain is only scary when it has a long-lasting effect on you. But with suicide it'll be over.
I always wanted to play that. It looked like Xbox trying to capture the magic of Resident Evil 4. Shame that it starred a Coast Guard guy, doomed it to be forgotten.
Sleeping pill overdose is completely painless , see ya user
In subnautica your submarine can sink and it starts out on a crashing ship so that's tangentially related
So were the people who were jumping off the bow okay? Just wondering if the shockwave would fuck them up. Saw some movement from the people who didn't make it off in time but that could just be bodies shifting around.
How on earth do you fuck up that bad
Especially this part
>>Captain told kids to stay put and never ordered an evacuation
>>Several of the crew including the Captain abandoned ship
I want to say I had just about 0 physical awareness and was just in total panic. I think it was terrifying and not the least bit painful, but the memory is weird, its more like I remember someone elses story than my own. Couldnt really say for sure what I felt
I'm sure Mr Hands wished he drowned.
This game is amazing btw
What an obvious ritual sacrifice
disgusting demons
He was an incompetent coward. He got life in prison.
>Is there even a painless way to kill oneself?
Browsing Yea Forums
Fatal familial insomnia or any other prion disease. These are something very fucked up shit.
Exit bags are supposedly
I say supposedly because I've heard of people waking up half dead and desperately tearing the mask off
To me that sounds like a pain reaction, as if their body realised they were drowning in gas
he said painless
There was that Tibetan protester who set himself on fire and just sat there until he died. That was kind of crazy and impressive that he didn't immediately start panicking and rolling around
But not very successful, you might survive and live in pain from the organ failure
These monks are usually high on drugs before they get set on fire.
World of Warcraft
I'd think any combination of induced unconsciousness and gas would be painless, but I honestly have no clue what kind of capacity the body has for responding to something like oxygen deprivation in that state
Yes, they're just sleeping
with the fishes
Is this shit ever went somewhere? I remember to play it but it was short as fuck and generally stupid but it had a good gimmick like uhh good water or good physics or shit like that.
Being eaten alive.
Dying alone.
They dont fucking realize that sign litterally shouts "LOOK INTO THE CAVE THERE IS SOMETHING".
What drug makes you completely calm while your nervous system is being annihilated? It's an amazing feat of willpower no matter what.
The first part of the first mission? Lmao
No there's nothing. Don't go there, it's very boring
>and I have only thought about it two or three times. almost died, though.
i had a similar drowning experience when i was little lad of 8 years old somewhere in on a beach, weirdly enough i barely think of it but i can remember it in full detail
I'm going to get your treasure and you can't stop me Mr. Skeleton.
I had surgery a few years ago
They wheeled me into the surgery room and were talking to me, then suddenly, nothing, darkness, and I woke up I don't know how long later after the surgery and it felt as if no time had passed.
They had obviously slipped something up my IV when I wasn't looking and it knocked me out instantly and completely
I'd say propofil or whatever they gave me would do the trick, that shit is fucking strong
It's not a sinking ship but Raw Danger on the ps2 has surviving water and extreme flooding as its main goal. It's part of the disaster report series by IREM
idk m8, I guess kids are kind of robust in ways
People have survived it. You look virtually unrecognizable since they would have to give you a new face via transplant though. But desu if you manage to fuck up suicide via shotgun, you don't deserve the sweet release of death
literally timed underwater escort mission: the game
>takes terrible tragedy
>turns it into rail shooter level with explosions
uncharted 3
That's fully passing out though, the famous immolation incident had the guy fully conscious.
well yeah, do you think they wait around in the surgery room for the drugs to take effect? If you say you weigh even 5 pounds more than you actually do you're going to get knocked out on the way there and sometimes you lose memory of the moments just before falling asleep, happened to me one time
50 years from now you will have call of duty 9\11 3 civilized warfare.
Guess you are staying with us then :)
Hawaii being BTFO is the opposite of tragedy
sleeping pills overdose
theres a special place in Davey Jones locker for Captains who abandon their crew and ship
Metal of honor ok gamecube(which one idk...) starts with a pear harbor mission. I think you're on the USS Arizona. Basically it sinks and you kill japs who are shooting yall with planes and kamikazing. You escape on a raft mowing japs down with a huge machine gun. Its actually a good level. Anyone remember? I had it as a kid. The local multiplayer was also really fun. It was up to 4 plyr split screen and you could add even more AI. I remember the level 9 AI was named "Bromley" he was a fucking aimbot fucker. Always gave my sister a full squad of Bromleys vs me and my lvl 1 chinks. Good times.
Unironically multiplayer favorite stage was the one with 2 huge ships
Having just an image up of a skull or reaper would work way better desu
is this game good?
Best level in Goldeneye was the Ship level. Didn’t sink tho
20 and 40 years ago there were similar ship sinking event involved 300ish young adults (one of them had 150ish young recruits survived and 150ish died)
and 20 years ago, it's the father of the hawman president acting as korean president.
if you're not intubated straight away after that then you just die. anyone that has experienced surgery has experienced death.
This, unironically.
Play your DooM, boyos. We'll be fighting the real demons soon enough.
als, the singapore sling mission was the best.
How the hell does shotgun to head take 1.72 minutes?
>that tweet is 5 years old fool,
Why does that matter when the Xbox and Ps4 came out 6 years ago
Easy boy. I ain't got time for all that. Appreciate the reply you got
You think drowning is physically more torturous than being strangled, or suffocated any other way? I imagine (obviously i've thought about this extensively) the main thing is the fear and anticipation. I'm certain fire is more painful, so are any typical torture methods.
>Hit by a train
>17 minutes
I think all the money for this game went into the water physics lol
Different user, but when you drown you probably breathe in a ton of water
That would be painful as fuck
Borderlands 3.
Oh wait. You said take place on a sinking ship, not made by one.
i'm sorry i stopped hosting
do people still play even?
i heard a bunch of reddit servers popped up
>just talking about it
You mean this 1 post with two 4 work replies? Lmao
>drowning sea/lake 79
>drowning pool/tub 79
The fuck
Did that crazy bitch just swim outside explicitly to fight a shark?
sure ,though this method is not recommended if you live in an apartment
This. Especially after people discover you and try to keep you alive. That story still haunts me to this day
What are you even trying to say?
It's a slow but painless death. Unless you count emotional pain as a true pain.
In the case of drowning the person could be fighting an uphill battle for 18 minutes, struggling to swim until they become exhausted and eventually succumb.
is there a way to drown WHILE you're on fire?
So much power to just play halo 2
Because a lot of people will put the gun to their chin and jerk their head back at the last second.
They blow their face off and cause enough damage to die, but it takes a while.
how else are you going to repair the hull?
if you weld from the inside it will just keep attacking and damaging your repairs. you have to kill it before you can move on
Hmm you have to cover yourself with phosphorous, find a way to stick to your body, set yourself on flame and jump into water with legs tied into an iron chain. I think it will work but goddamn you are a complicated person.
Easiest way to do so would probably be to cut a hole in the bottom of a tank, stick your head in and clog it somehow, have someone fill it up and set you on fire at the same time.
999 takes place in an actual sinking ship and in a place simulating a sinking ship
At the same time.
>that fall at the end
That's probably how long it takes until all autonomous body functions stop.
Why is watching a ship sinking so comfy?
what if you swim down to one of those underwater magma leaks and grab a hunk of magma as it comes out
What the fuck? Just get out of the plane! LMAO!
There's no cockpit or anything just get out! LOL!
Could also just be an average too.
Everyone dies alone
Its technically melting not set yourself on fire. Also you will die before even touching the goo for the heating.
if you watch that helicopter video if the last of the boats evacing people before the ship starts to fully invert and the windows go underwatch, look just above and to the left of the last rescue boat and you can see someone throwing their body weight against one of the windows trying to break it or alert someone they are just inside- pretty spooky. happens like 3 times before the window slipa below the water line.
no parachutes in them days
Drown in what? You could drown in your own blood as your lungs fill with it and be on fire quite easily.
Holy shit how can we allow korea to keep living after this?
no and no
yeah wtf there's nothing to stop you just jumping out of a biplane. unless you got stuck while the propeller ripped your legs off or something..then the fire consumed you..
They could just land in a haybale. That shit was all over the place at the time since they still were using cavalry.
every bethesda game if they keep making shit games
Flamethrowers mainly drown targets by igniting all the oxygen in the air
If they'd been hit by the blast wave, they'd been gone. I think they are injured, possibly perforated eardrums and such, but alive.
just carry an umbrella. or jump to your death to avoid the fire.
you ruined my fucking thread
You actually do feel more agonizing pain after your skin burns away because your organs also have nerve endings. So it goes extreme pain -> you don't feel anything for a few minutes -> more extreme pain if you're even still awake by that point.
i'm pretty sure jumping from several hundred feet into a haybale will still kill you.
Just flap your arms FFS
Parachutes are for pussies
Jump out the side instead of the front
If the fire is hot enough, your lungs will turn to charcoal long before you have to worry about dry suffocation.
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault
That's just suffocation, unless you somehow get the fluid inside your lungs.
>tfw professional diver
>Have ran out of air underwater before and felt no air coming out from my rebreather
>I have never felt closer to drowning and death as one time I choked on my own saliva and a few times where I couldn't breathe due to laughter
I'm fucking paranoid about swallowing now.
>soft haybales are so dangerous!
god you're dumb
what, so you literally drown in fire..
there's Cryostasis too but i don't know if it's a rough Eurojank gem or a total disaster
Shotgun. If you're worried about the mess you don't actually wanna die
Ive been on a decommissioned WW2 sub, it was cool. Would be mind numbing after too long though its literally only essential shit no room for any kind of leisure or anything hell you have to rotate bunks so your sleeping in a bunch of gross dudes sweat and shit
Most people don't actually die from the impact but rather end up beneath the train usually getting mutilated.
Religious fervor. Nirvana is a hell of a drug.
no, but from a particular height, yes. if you drop a softball from the top of the empire state building it'll kill someone. i think. damn, maybe i'm not remembering science.
You must be new here
kill yourself
>I have never felt closer to drowning and death as one time I choked on my own saliva and a few times where I couldn't breathe due to laughter
That happened to me, my friend started panicking but I just motioned for him to be quiet as I gasped for air until I finally burped. Dry suffocation is weird, there was nothing there but my body thought I was drowning so it clamped my throat shut.
Its been 8 years user, an awfully long time for a sinking ship. Give it a break
Make me
>haybales suddenly become hard if you fall from higher up
I don't buy it
lmao they literally used them to shoot at each other
liquification in the cabin of your airplane?
>After 83 days of struggle, Ouchi died of multiple organ failure on December 21, 1999.
Just imagine living with your skin melting off exposed to everything, bleeding internally everywhere 24/7, and constantly vomiting and shitting yourself. And this goes on for nearly 3 months before you finally die.
Certainly the most prolonged way to go.
You missed out the part where he told the doctors to let him die yet they kept resuscitating him.
They only kept him alive to study the effects
humanity is fucking over,too fucking demonic at this point
>83 days
I've heard about this many times, but I always assumed it was only 3 or 4 days at most
That's insane
that image isn't him though
gave me a hearty kek
Fuck those creatures scared me as a young child
I've seen this posted time after time but never a single actual source. The only thing I've been able to confirm is that he died because of the accident, but I've never seen proof of the alleged study done on him.
The image isn't even him.
Have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet, user. It was invaluable data, that contributed to helping more people later down the line
Who is it, then? They don't look too good.
as horrible as war is holy fuck this gives me this massive boner to play shogun 2 for the naval battles again
As i said , it's over
Probably fake considering the source of the image is some weird site written in moon runes.
Lmao how is sinking ship even dangerous? Just jump overboard and swim you dumb niggers. Don't they take forever to sink? You should have plenty of time to get to the deck and just fucking jump into the water.
Fucking retards desu.
I've died at least 6 times now and I have to say that getting stripped, chained to a pole in a swamp and having honey smeared all over you is the worse way to go. I'd rank drowning as the second least worst way to go right behind getting shot in your sleep.
because carmak has been out of gaming, at least the engine and console side, since 2013 and likely checked out quite a bit before that too.
His knowledge was based on when the hardware was all custom shit, like cell, which was more powerful then it would otherwise have been due to specialised pipelines.
consoles today, are all employing derivative hardware you can get on pc, and anything not on dx12 or vulcan, you can say has more overhead then its console counterpart, remember you have an os and other shit running, unless you always restart to turn a game on.
I can make a solid argument that libraries matter far more then raw graphical power, and unless a game is made for that console exclusively, the lead console is the best to buy said game on because everything else will just be a port of the lead console version, some games being 2 ports deep by the time it hits your non lead platform.
Folks like you are ultimately contributing to humanity's downfall because you don't see the big picture nor think of the greater good
Hint: you help more people by learning the details of how radiation affects cells and tissue by studying him instead of just putting him down
depends on how fast and hot.
if death is relatively immediate, it can be lesser, but generally fire is one of the worst ways to go, drowning is a VERY close second, because the moment you are going to die without help and the moment you die can be spaced fairly far apart.
>fishbowl on head filled with water
>clothes/body doused in gasoline etc and flamed up
On fire
So easy a squirrel could do it.
>waah humanity is over based on some bs story I read on the internet
back to twitter
it doesn't even matter considering the study never happened
>literally play 5 min of assassins creed
i dont know user i doubt you would be thinking any of that still if you had to go through it
let me put it this way. if you fall off a five foot high wall to the ground, you'll graze yourself. if you fall off a fifty foot wall to the ground, you're mush. i know what i'm talking about, i'm science.
I probably would, so I'm going to do my best to never end up in a situation that forces me to be a hypocrite
>literally gameplay mechanics that I interpret as bad the game
but the ground is hard, haybales aren't
>Just jump in the freezing water and die from hypothermia
kys tranny
low oxygen environments. If it’s low O2 enough, one breath knocks you right the fuck out, and death follows shortly.
>have a successful life ahead of you
>choose to do a slow and painful suicide before killing yourself years later
What was his end game?
>dat apology
Why the fuck don't Americans apologize like that when they spill 200 million gallons of oil into the ocean?
Any game that takes place in the USA.
Ivan, please
>How did my cookie cutter shitpost thread turn into an off-topic mess?
Fuck off, you knew exactly what would happen.
>51.5% lethality
>almost 50% of people survive it
To be fair, seppuku isn't really a skill you can practice, so you can't expect a high succes rate
Watch "Sewol Ho Students Try To Break the Windows of Sinking Ship 2014" on YouTube
probably people who botched it and had to be killed by different means afterwards. 50% actually seems really high considering how fucking crazy painful it must be and how hard it is to actually cut off someone's head
Asians really are incompetent insects.
From the depths. You can actually make your own boats
also in addition to that first clip here is the zoomed coast guard video, it'a just after the 1min mark i believe, Watch "Coast Guard Crews Rescue Passengers From Sinking Sewol Ferry" on YouTube
kill yourself fag, i genuinely wanted some games
The end of Deus Ex Human Revolution takes place on a massive global warming contraption in the middle of the ocean if that sounds like your vibe
How cold is Ocean water anyway
Pretty sure they had to have some dude cut their head off afterwards as the suffering part isn't necessary
No because that's how dying of fire works. You're forced to breathe in the fire and you drown in the fire because your lungs can't breathe fire.
that's part of the seppuku and not a failure. see
Horrifying. Bless those poor fuckers.
Getting stung by a box jellyfish
does Bioshock count?
I wish I could get a gf before I die.
Burned man, here. Burning alive isn't that bad once you get over the fear, which is easy due to the shock of the situation.
Your endorphins kick into overdrive so the only thing it feels like is that you are being tickled with ice shards.
The only bad part is the smell of your own skin and hair immolating and the fact that it is really hard to breathe.
It does start to "sting" a little once your blood and joint fluid being to boil, but even then it just feel "tingley".
After a while you get really tired and your body just falls asleep.
Dunno about that.
Where was this guy , i never met him in my game
was the fire inside you stronger?
thanks for the info, i'll take it into consideration.
It wasn't *originally* part of ritual sudoku, but became part later because Japanese aren't total bugmen
Its alright. Its like a walking simular but you actually do stuff. You learn about the final moments of the ship and its crew, its really interesting story. Having to stay warm was comfy. Its bit boring in places but it general it's good. When I saw the thread I immediately searched the thread for the game. I'm download it it now and replay. Keep finding my box copy thinking to replay it but I sold my bluray drive ages ago. But yeah user it's worth a play
He's a DLC character
Ooh i see
roblox Titanic Classic..
Jump into water after a tragic ClF3 accident
I wonder how long he kept his poker face.
Stepping on a lego
S.O.S. for SNES is literally about escaping a sinking cruise liner (which is a not-so-subtle stand-in for the Titanic).
I would wager they probably drugged him or something. I doubt meditation alone can make you remain still while your flesh burns .
Watched that whole thing. Just breaks your fucking heart.
There's a plant in Australia that exists that when you touch it, it stings you, causing intense, prolonged (days/weeks) burning agony
It's said to be so bad that it makes you commit suicide to escape the pain
I'd say that's a contender
>I'm fucking paranoid about swallowing now.
My fucking sides
>It also one of the biggest catalysts that exposed Korean President Park Guen-Hye as a fucking nutjob into witchcraft and sorcery.
mnnc n f n ?
And there's a 50% chance of you making yourself laugh with a squeaky voice and rediscovering the simple pleasures of life.
Why the hell were there so many suicides.
Is it a cover up?
it's hours to 2 days top. the area remains sensitive afterwards but should be fine if you don't touch it and keep it away from water
Mario 64
Or so you think.
Getting your dick cut off and then dying from regret.
40 Fathoms in Tomb Raider 2
not one person has said UNCHARTED 3. Gamers you disappoint me today.
they fo
>uncharted 3
He asked for games
Just a reminder this image was on the front page of Reddit the other day
Didn't it take place in a supermarket fridge?
Fire and loneliness
Movies aren't games
Hydrophobia (shit)
One v good level of one of the Uncharted games (forgot which, either 2 or 3)
The Ship
is that the same game as sink or swim, kind of puzzler giving npcs flotation rings and opening doors?
was gonna post this, tomb raider 2 has a 5 level section of underwater shipwreck exploration (it's not actually all underwater). it feels like you're exploring a huge ship
Yeah, I was about to mention that one, that back in the SNES era there was a side-scroller game where you have to escape an upturned cruise liner, with the option of saving as many people as possible or just yourself.
Everything about this disaster reads like a cult sacrifice by Park. Several helicopters were grounded and denied take off. Rescue vessels were held on standby and denied launch before camera crews could get there. Media falsely reported all passengers were rescued before anything was confirmed. The few coast guard units that showed up did very little. US Navy ship was denied from helping and so was a Japanese vessel.
Everything about it reads like a sick conspiracy theory but it actually happened.
not to mention it was overloaded by more than a 1000 tons of cargo and had less than 50% of it's recommended ballast, which to me sound like the two most damning parts.
people used helium to commit suicide since it was painless
now companies sell smaller helium tanks with just the right amount to not be able to kill a human
Sounds like sink or swim. Had it on my Amiga.
Surprised no one has mentioned Deep Fear yet. Released in the death throes of the Sega Saturn, was basically a rip off of Resident Evil set on an underwater research facility.
My nigga did you even read what he wrote?
He said that for the same given PAPER spec. That means literally the same specs.
What you wrote doesn't dispute anything he said.
>bunch of seething mustards
can't wait for the inevitable 180 when emulators catch up in a decade or two
A man of taste I see.
I could use that to argue white people are incompetent insects
Hey OP I feel bad you got cucked outta a thread. The suicide stuff is pretty interesting and shit but here's a list of games you may like. I made a thread yesterday for saw like games but it didn't catch on. They're not sinking ship games
Hell Night(PS1)
Siren (PS2)
Survivor Report Series
Clock Tower
Some claustrophobic movies would be
The descent
I'll update more once I start remembering more games.
>one 28 woman stabbed to death is equal to near 200 high school students being abandoned to drown
you really are bugmen
>don't worry we will come back for your brother
>no sequel
>They're not sinking ship games
>thread specifies sinking ship games
>hey bro sorry you got cucked but lemme cuck you more real quick with some of my shitty recs
Imagine being his friends, talking about his tragic demise over a Foster's, and trying not to laugh at his dumb, dead, rashy ass.
oh fuck
Resident Evil Revelations
Ever 17
Army of Two has a mission taking place on a ship that starts sinking half way through
The story of the japanese man is real but that picture isn't him and might not be real. It's unclear what the picture is but there is enough information known about the japanese man to know the picture can't be him. He never lost a leg, he wasn't tied with his limbs up, he was in a high quality hospital, and his skin wasn't exposed it was completely wrapped up. The story and the picture circulate together to make a pseudo creepypasta with half truths.
Having to sit through a Jordan Peterson lecture.
Or a Chelsea Clinton lecture
>they should have jumped ship before
See If you are in the water during the explosion, you are dead.
reminder that it's been posted here for years
Persona 5
Low concentrations of oxygen + non-volatile gases
e.g. breathing 100% nitrogen/helium/whatever
Your body's feedback loop for breathing isn't regulated by oxygen % in bloodstream, but rather by carbon dioxide buildup, so as long as you can expire carbon dioxide and keep it from building up in your body, you won't feel like you're suffocating. Instead you just suffer the effects of low oxygen and knock out/fall asleep.
Imagine swimming through a sunken ship and coming across hundreds of bloated child corpses still clutching their phones as they tried desperately to call their parents. That would fuck anybody up, that's prime nightmare fuel.
Any based gamer would just think "Nice environmental storytelling"
Wood chipper
cod 4
I'm sorry but this sounds like intentional murder and coverup, not an accident.
>help denied
>coast guard told not to do anything
>coast guard doesn't have equipment on hand
>crew abandons kids and lets them die
>Locals who tried to help wind up mysteriously dead afterwards
>teacher winds up mysteriously dead as well
>When coast guard does finally "help" they ensure the ship sinks even faster
Titanic level in Gex
I can believe the suicides, that's too much pressure for a teacher and a couple of civilian divers. But everything else sounds super suspicious.
yes but your average PC has four times the paper spec of your average console for the same price.
Any game set in [country I don't like]!
But that ships's not really sinking, it sank decades ago. Either way they were fucking awesome levels.
TR5 has a level in the sinking sub, but it's fairly mediocre. The Russian levels were definitely the worst of that game.
Gex 64 had a titanic level.
Yeah no, I don't fucking think so you cunt
World of Warships
On your feet soldier, WE ARE LEAVING
Easy lad, who pissed in your cereal? I'm just saying 2-3 people committing suicide out of everybody affected isn't an adequate call for suspicion. One of the divers who offed himself had a partner who worked just as hard who is still alive and calls out how awful the whole thing was.
It's mostly just done to make a statement.
drowning in lava
I preferred thug aim.
sudden impact to the head, especially getting your head blown off, doesn't outright kill the body right away, your body would go in to shock, and you would bleed out / go in to cardiac arrest.
t. medical nurse
Buried alive
Yeah but how can you say a dude isn't dead when they have no fucking head.
to add on to this, of course you wouldn't really feel being alive, but your body would stay alive for that long.
like if you cut a chickens head off and it still runs around.
it's like how you can still be resuscitated even minutes after "death"
titanic multiplayer sim when
because your body is still pumping blood, your brain isn't in control of your entire body's functions.
a situation where you are dead but your body is very much still alive, is fascinating.
>read stories of destroyers sinking during WW2
>men swimming in the water as the ship sinks beneath them
>all of the ships depth charges go off at once when the ship reaches the depth they were set at
I don't give a shit, it has been posted here for years and I am not going to stop using it just because people I don't like are also using it. You would have to be a redditnigger yourself to even know about it.
Why don't we have more games dealing with death and suicide?
>not the corrected version
>I heard that bleeding out is extremely painful too.
Who cold you this?
it's also a fetish, look up auto-erotic asphyxtiation
Yes, basically
What you say is correct, but for all intents and purposes, it is until you learn the truth. It looks, sounds, and act like a ship. So it's still a correct answer to this thread
Lmao this dude googled how to wipe his harddrives before a legal case
The largest ship to ever sink was the M/V Stellar Daisy, which sank on March 2017, just two years ago.
She was carrying over 250,000 metric tons of iron ore from Brazil to China.
She sank extremely rapidly as the hull structurally failed. Only two crew managed to survive, and 22 drowned.
She was originally built as a VLCC, an oil tanker, and later converted to an iron ore carrier. The investigation concluded that all such converted ore carriers are structurally unsafe and could catastrophically fail at any moment. The vessels are still in operation and hundreds of seafarers are working on them, fully aware of what can happen. Korean shipowners do not give a fuck because the country is corrupt and no court will ever go after the head of a Chaebol.
Being able to swim wasnt a requirement those days
That one death in peter jackson's king kong where the guy gets pulled in to the mud with those maggots. Seriously, fuck that.
Some of those dudes got MAD air time
If the propeller is still spinning the ship actually has a strong sucking force near its sides that will pull you under it and towards the prop.
For example this retard who almost gets sucked with his jet ski:
Use the fucking railguns ya mong
Crysis 2
Starting level, claustrophobic af but at least they didn't make a benchmark out of their first level
Hold the fucking phone.
John Carmack, the creator of Doom, pioneer of video gaming, coding wizard, recreational rocket scientist, one of the greatest minds of his generation didn't know how to wipe a fucking hard drive?
And he proceeded to google how to do so while in the middle of legal proceedings?
I guess even geniuses can be stupid as fuck when they're panicking.
OP this is honestly your best pick.
Literally Drowning Simulator 2019
It hurts.
Did you know if you ever get yourself in a position that you KNOW you are going to drown, Try to stay as calm as possible, take 4 deeps breaths, On the last breath, exhale all the air in your lungs, stick your head underwater, and breath in as fast and hard as you can. Will knock you out instantly. Death isn't bad, but when you freak out and panic, it will make it ten times worth. The more ya know
Sounds too scientific to scare people.
Phrase it more like this:
Every part of you melts.
frostpunk methaporically
those large ships have what is called sea chests in the bottom of the hull, it's a large rate that intakes sea water for cooling the engine and ballast, divers can be sucked against them with such force they can't free themselves which is ehy lockout tag out is such a big rule around largw vessels when working below the water line.
There is a scientific word for it that sounds as horrific as it is, I just can't remember it off the top of my head. Something beginning with dis-
It's the technical term for what happens to you after receiving a whole body dose of more than 20 sieverts.
pic is an example of where sea chests are.
Return of the obra dinn
anyone think this is freaky, diving under a moving tanker of sorts.
Are you sure you're not retarded?
Wish that 2d game about deep sea survial was in 3D and had decent survival elements
>just play subnau-
No, actual survival, fighting Mr. Dawson from your accounting team for a can of olives that you found from the submerged kitchen.
or doing mundane marine research at the bottom of the sea, maintaining the site, encountering spooky scp tier bullshit.
This. OP is a newfag. Move along.
That's fucking terrifying.
Shut the FUCK up, esl nigger.
older than you, fag
Why would you do that?
Getting ripped apart by hungry animals
If it's real it's most likely a burn victim. They're certainly dead from dehydration, all the liquid just seeps out of you at that point.
I'm onto your tricks, death
No amount of therapy would be able to make someone feel normal after that.
No your aren't, slave.
lmao look at the wagie trying to call me out
An average between a few hundred people who died instantly and one guy who survived and lived a happy, renewed life?
that's right everybody is dumb except for you on behalf of the world's population we thank you for your superior intellect and translating those terribly scientific words like "fall apart" into something we can understand
are you sure
that you lived
> hundreds of $
American dollars only. Europoors need not scuba
my dick
fall apart sounds like some mannequin falling to pieces or something though.
Melting in much more tactile/visually provoking.
drowning in a giant vat of boiling water or oil.
It's pretty good but runs like absolute shit even on modern systems. It's actually impressive how bad the performance is
Getting mauled by a bear, cat, or wolves is worse.
That really sounds depressing but calm.
Wonder if that felt good at all in the seconds before his colon got ruptured
Lava is actually so dense that a human body doesn’t sink into it.
Star Citizen is also a sinking ship.
>"It's safer in the passenger quarters"
wait really ?
ûl hhn b yjh
It gets to their front page every other day. Nothing is new on the internet.
I remember it running very good on my toaster. I was really impressed.
How a spic nearly drown me
>Playing in pool
>Like swimming really like diveing
> Other kids saw this and thought it was a really funny idea to try and see if they can drown me
>Go up for air and keep getting kicked down but random kids ive never seen before
> Almost pass out until some random parent forcbly pulls me out and tell the other kids wtf are you doing
> Thier mother says in Spanish it's just kids being kids
Because in America, apologizing is a sign of weakness, not of decency.
Actually, due to the liquids in your body rapidly expanding, if you fell in lava you would cause a minor eruption.
Even I with my basic-bitch level of "skill" can make myself not feel any pain from piercing my arm with a needle. I think it is possible to not feel any pain with a proper trianing.
Friend of mine got a nerv in her arm severed, she can touch really hot things without feeling any pain. Pretty useful when grilling.
I'm convinced it's some form of advanced trolling, no one can be that dumb. One, you can't lack the common sense to know your moves will be watched on a computer, two, you've been a programmer for almost three decades, you probably know how to wipe a file system.
To go even further: Make the bucket suspended in air, so that he's dangling from his head.
I've seen a few Titanic games suggest but I haven't seen Honor and Glory yet. They actually tried to replicate the inside of the Titanic as perfectly as possible.
>it's just kids being kids
Well she's not wrong, kids can be downright fucking evil.
haha cool thread guys
Is that barotrauma?
I do nawt recognize them
I do nawt
Oh hai mark
>Try to stay as calm as possible
>you're going to die bro, just stay cool lol
Same principle as hanging yourself. Most people who hang themselves die painfully and slow through suffucation. Watch any video of people doing it. They are 3 feet of the ground, and gasp for air for minutes to hours before they finally die. Some even end up starving to death because they can actually hang there for days. You should have atleast 6 feet of slack, along with another 10 feet below you, so when you fall, you actually break your neck, not just slowly suffucate, Which is an extremely terrible way to go
It's called facing death and reality? If you are lucky enough to have time to stay calm and accept the situation, why not try to make it painless? The more you panic, and freakout, the more painful it's going to be. It's called "Letting go".
Yeah, but can you explain how sucking in the water is better? I don't get how it would knock you out so much as concentrate all the suffering in a shorter amount of time.
>Visiting reddit
go be gay somewhere else
Because the moment the water fills your lungs up, you go unconscious? The complete lack of oxygen that is cut off from your brain will make you pass out. You won't struggle or panic, you'll essentialy drown in your sleep.
everything about this is so funny to me
If you want some boat horror, listen to the story of the USS Indianapolis.
>Some even end up starving to death because they can actually hang there for days.
can i have a source for this?
>Captain fucks up.
>Just fucks off as soon as he can.
>Coast Guard screaming at him over the radio to get back to the ship and help the passengers, but he refuses to go back.
>Tries to claim he slipped and fell into one of the lifeboats.
>that group of people who were trapped in the elevator when the power went out and were just forgotten about and drowned hours later
>Try to do a some weird drifting manoeuvre in your top of the line battleship
>End up crashing into another ship
>Ship sinks and ends up sitting vertically in the mud where it still is 140 years later
Good job captain
Yeah, deleting posts for free until you die of a heart attack
The coast guard went ape shit on that faggot. Straight up told him get back on the ship or there would be dire consequences for him.
>lived a happy, renewed life?
Through modern medicine and plastic surgery we've allowed people to live in a nightmare instead. If you're suicidal don't fucking fail especially today.
>The investigation concluded that all such converted ore carriers are structurally unsafe and could catastrophically fail at any moment.
Any more info on why this is? Sounds interesting.
I imagine it's specifically when a hard wave hits the front of the bow and travels along the length of the ship from front to back. The surge of water causes the bow to rise out of the water, and if the ship isn't strong enough it can split the whole thing in half.
The front fell off.
>jump into the frigid waters that will kill you in minutes while in the middle of the freaking ocean with literally no one that could save you withing several hundred miles at minimum
You dont know true claustrophobia till you been in a sub
>be Navy fag
>think being in a metal coffin with no sunlight wouldnt be much different from my former basement dwelling life
>Nearly go insane with boredom and no outside contact with the world besides resupplying
At least ships have the sun and fresh air. Work was the only thing that kept me sane
Fuck submarines
How did he do it?
I wanna be in a submarine.
An unbelievable amount of willpower.
He REEEEEEAAAALLLLYYYY hated the commies
He was protesting against Diem's regime, which was pro-Catholic and anti-Buddhist