How do you deal with the fact that Compile Heart games and EDF 5 are more polished than western AAA?

how do you deal with the fact that Compile Heart games and EDF 5 are more polished than western AAA?

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lets not get ahead of ourselves

>Compile Heart
how do you deal with believing the bullshit that spews out of your mouth?

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Is that the president of France?

RIP France, now its ooga booga frankistan
Look how they massacred my boy

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>Compile Farts


Socialist/neoliberal banker and also president of Francstan


>I never played Death end Request
>I never played Dark Rose Valkyrie
>Therefore I'm allowed to shitpost

Are you fucking retarded? Even the socialists in France want to shut down Mosques and close the migrant floodgates at this point, Macron is pure Globalist.

What is this? Porn or some terrible incidents

is this a real picture?


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You are a moron. Pick up a dictionary.

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I like how they call themselves the elite of the nation when they have no moral ground to stand on.
Everybody despise the parisian intelligencia, we all see them for what they are, monarchy 2.0, and yet they still believe to be the visionnary leaders that will bring the country to a golden age when they're just puppets of plutocrats.

>tfw the Nazis had a chance to raze Paris to the ground yet didn't

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This is Paris now

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No, you retard

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Paris has looked like shit since at least the 90s

The hero France needs, but not the one it deserves.

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They only have what they deserve, French are sheeple and the few who aren't are just actively retarded.

>implying those are two different things

Destroying Paris would ultimately save France

The Germans left it as a festering leftist wound to rot France from the inside out

>right nigger has a emoji tattoo

god i wish that were me

>implying the braindead peasants outside of Paris are any better
Parisians aren't even 1% of the population, don't tell me those inbreads retards in rural areas have no responsability in the state of this country

>It was already bad!!! The hordes of Muslims and nigs had no influence!
This is clearly a cope post but im struggling to guess who, are you a rich Swiss person user?

Maybe in corporate burgerland but not in France, the cartoonists who were terrorist bombed for drawing mohammed making out with jews were all leftwing

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France is a jacobinist country, rural areas have no power whatsoever and it's getting worse.

Don't worry. Once the rural farmers reach the tipping point they'll say "Fuck it" and stop shipping food to the big cities. That's when shit is really going to go down.

poor little white man

>rural farmers
>oh no we're so poor
>proceed to buy €100 000 tractors
>goes in debt for decades

They're the most retarded of the bunch.

I wish
leftist are just puppets for the most corrupt type of corporation there is, a democratically-elected government