at least it's better than red dead 2
At least it's better than red dead 2
NOW YOU'RE READY TO SA-oh wait nevermind
Origins was better
For fags like you maybe
It's way worse than Days Gone, speaking of generic AAA open world.
never played it desu
well if you have a chance, play it. Surprisingly for Ubisoft, it's made with real care and love. Def better than Odyssey
>that webm
Yeah sure just look how well optimized it is such care
It's more fun that's for sure.
This happened to me once, but I was massaging my penis not dancing.
>at least it's better than red dead 2
uhhhh... sure, buddy
It ran well for me? Get it on a console then if you are worried that much about the the optimisation
>negro ass shacking
lol not even close
combat is fun and a lot of quests give you choice. objectively a better game than rdr2
And a shit Assassin’ Creed game. The series has lost sight of what made it good. Now it’s a magic school bus episode through history with Witcher combat. No social stealth, minuscule parkour, dumb story framing. It’s made to appeal to the masses.
>witcher combat
lol the combat isn't that shit.
ass creed's parkour was always sticky bullshit. the ass creed you're sperging over died after ac3, and the best ac game of the original 5 was objectively ac1
At least it got rid of historical sexism
Still salty that all these cool semi-historical open world games are tied to all the dumb assassins creed bullshit.
Then they should have continued to improve it instead of drop it entirely. They were on the right track with Unity, but then they took a big fat shit on it with the grappling hook then removed it from the game. How could you see AC becoming some Bioware title and celebrate?
I don't play Bioshit games. I think in essence, the whole idea of exploring a historical setting is there which is why Ass Creed was compelling to me in the first place. Parkour has been greatly streamlined and I think it's for the best. Fuck that Hold R2 and A for running bullshit.
no doubt she thinks shes 60% of those boys secret sexual awakenings and the subject of all their fantasies now
Based mom
>Can't use shields in ancient Greece
it's disturbing that anyone thinks kids need to know what a dildo even is at that age, or that public schools should get involved in their sexual development