Hello Yea Forums, /vp/ here.
How would you make an acronym for pokemon sword and shield.
SwSh, S&S or SS
The board is in chaos over this acronym.
Reminder that Soul Silver exists.
Hello Yea Forums, /vp/ here
S&S, SnS
PoSwo&PoShi for the Nintendo Switch
Go back to
If you think anything other than SnS you're absolutely retarded.
Pokeman Swish has a nice ring to it
Rhymes with switch
Pokemon Onions
Japs call it ポケモンShSw, that's how it's always done.
Get over it.
>/vp/ here.
Hi there, can you go back to your fucking containment board? Thank you.
this or SxS, or S&S all have same meaning anything besides that is retarded
SS of course
SnS like we do in MH
soul silver is always with heart gold and people always say HGSS so why not SS for the new ones?
Literally just call it SnS
That’s the commonly applied acronym for Sword and Shield basic bitch mains.
Go back to your own board, but ShSw is the best way
>15 years ago
>Kids don't care about the fucking name beyond some blue-red banter and just played and enjoyed the game
>Fast forward to 2019
>Literal adults spend hours upon hours of their day fighting anonymously over which acronym fits a kid's videogame better
Reevaluate your lives, you might be lacking sex.
Ironic when you browse 4channel virgin
>Sword and Shield
SS is shit
ORAS is shit
Ruby is shit
You about you help me with my lack of sex, big boy?
I can give you some advice if you'll take it
Old habits die hard.
You can give me something else.
I'm not gay sorry, unless you're a very feminine trap I'm afraid we can't work this out.
That's too bad. Oh, and fucking traps is gay.
>rhymes with switch
the fuck is wrong with your mouth
to answer your question, I assume SS is taken for soul silver, otherwise that is the best one
if for whatever reason SS is not soul silver, may I suggest "S/S" since hitting slash is way better than pulling out "&". Simply more convenient to type.
maybe even SnS. Its fukin sword 'n shield, m8, what of it?
im obligated to say pokemon sucks, its ALWAYS been shit, fuck off back to vp
Sns is good
>not using a sword and a shield image instead
fucking cave people over there in /vp/.
Call it Pokemon Norf and Pokemon Souf
SS being Soul Silver is irrelevant because the games are always referred to by all connected games.
HGSS = Heart Gold and Soul Silver
SS = Sword and Shield
SS, retard
>b-but muh soul silver!
HGSS, and go fuck yourself if you disagree.
>and fucking traps is gay
Mmm no?
vp is pathetic
good thing i left you cuck balls.
Heil Hitler
Pokemon /ss/
Literal translations are not to be taken lightly
Just accept it, user.
Nothin personell
It needs to flow nice and make sense when split apart. HGSS makes sense when you split the names. HG can be distinguished from SS. That getting said S/S does not work when split up. Which S is shield or sword when someone's talking about one game? SWSH works best. SW sword SH shield.
japs are irrelevant bugmen
those trips of denial
your still a fucking faggot
Penis and Hymen, obviously
I like SWaSH
Easy to say and read.
SS obviously