Fighting games
Post em
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Rachel is my wife!
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Big, squeezable fighting games
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i want to breed with baiken
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I want to marry and impregnate Mai Natsume.
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A shame that's not part of her costume in-game.
gift me UNIST so I can appreciate spats more often
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I love her more than anything!
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I love Kasumi!
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Is that Travis Mutha Fuckin' Touchdown?
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At least post in-game photos instead.
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Why are fighting game waifus so blatantly superior to waifus from any other genre?
who knows
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To be strong is... beautiful.
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I think old baiken was sexier.
Mai is Kajun's pet and sex doll.
Mai is my wife and the mother of my children.
Mai was artificially inseminated by her best friend after said best friend finished fingerbqnging her gay.
Mai was traditionally inseminated by me after we got married.
You're going to be spending a lot of time as or against them so they better be good.
I want to spend a lot of time against my wife.