Going back and playing some of the pokemon games I skipped in high school, and my question to you is...

Going back and playing some of the pokemon games I skipped in high school, and my question to you is, what are your favorite pokemon of gen 5? I don't know 90% of them, but I know I'll pick the lizard because it looks smug.

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Haxorus is pretty cool and insanely strong for a playthrough.

It's a huge ghost Golem that can fly
A must have of Gen 5

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Scolipede has reasonable stats, a good moveset and can be got very early.

Scraggy is great. So is Snivy. Scolipede is pretty cool too. So is Braviary but you can't get him until really late, which blows. Golurk is awesome. Krookodile is awesome. Archeops is baller.

Gen 5 had a lot of great pokemon thinking back on it.

Sigyliph is great if you want something to deal with fighting types.

this motherfucker

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design is so bad

>lol what if we had a mole with a silly cap??

it's a drill when combined with its arms pleb


Gen 5 had surprisingly large amount of really good designs

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The starters are pretty bad, feel free to box them.
Darmanitan (or how was the fire ape in the desert called) can oneshot literally everything in the game with sheer force flare blitz, give him a life orb for maximum fun too.

This. Imo Gen 5 had lots of great designs but also lots of shit designs. There was barely anything in between.

Haxorus, Braviary, Serpherior, Krookodile and my favorite Chandelure

Psychic jelly

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that's basically my thoughts on the generation's pokemon as a whole too

imo when I look at every gen, the designs i don't like have usually the same pattern : incorporate unnecessary motifs or human inspired elements. And without surprise I saw a lot of negative feedback on pokemon such as Honchkrow, Roserade, Vespiqueen, Gardevoir, Gotithelle or Rhyperior which fall under this pattern.

Steels are blessed

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You never see that in the games and it still looks dumb anyway.

It's better to avoid speedlets in the game.

Gen v in general was pretty shit, but bw2 were lgendary.

Best bug type forever.

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if you say so, i think it looks more in line with the rest of its design compared to Honchkrow with its fedora or Gallad with its onion waist.

Wrong pic

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Volcarona is my favorite, but it's really late game unless you're playi g the sequels, and even then it sucks because it learns all its best moves in the 70-100 range.

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It's so strong it's perfectly able to carry the team even just with Silver Wind.

based. but also consider:

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that's where you're wrong, kiddos

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Gen 5 ( particularly BW1) was so good I was forced to quit this series at gen 6.
It was just all I was asking for a new generation of pokemon : keep the base mechanics and make me feel like I'm living a NEW adventure with a lot of new mons. Restricting the pokedex to only new pokemons was the cherry on the cake.

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and then the game bombed because of that

which is sad, but I don't give a fuck anymore. I would have more fun replaying BW1 infinetely than buying any of the new games

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>No weaknesses
>Bulky while having the attack stats to dish out damage

Was one of my favorite Pokemon to use online


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Volcarona has the best design but good luck getting to use it in the main game.

Zekrom is the cooler box legend, pick White version.

Darmanitan takes a big shit on every trainer you'll fight by the way. Use it if you want to play on easy mode.

I farmed for shards and got the Signal Beam tutor immediately in BW2. It has more power and PP.


Whatever you want. Pokémon is always easy enough for you to pick the Pokémon you like, as long as they have good type variety

Ya'll so wrong it hurts!

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Close but no cigar

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give my boy sawk some time to shine

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How about no?

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>le wacky blue muppet
kindly fuck off bro

Krookodile was my homeboy this gen

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Darmanitan was my guy, stupid high atk stat, sheer force as ability and had Flare Blitz super early. Just wrecked everything.

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Willy Lilly

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>literally only learns grass moves, HP and Dream Eater

For as many pokemon as I liked in gen 5, I didn't like any of the starters.