Why do I keep seeing posts that say "have sex"?
Why do I keep seeing posts that say "have sex"?
Because you should have sex. everyone deserves to have someone love them.
Because you need to have sex.
Those things aren't related, incel.
than why is it called "making love"
what does sex feel like bros?
New forced meme made by discord trannies or high school losers from twitter.
another "lol incel" insult
Like bags of sand.
like a bag of sand
like fucking your sex doll except it's warmer, wetter and louder
salty coin of sandbag
They must be offering
Don't have sex, sex only hurt us.
the first successful discord meme
Betas came up with it to try to convince women to stop fucking alphas because they didn't "love them" and that somehow it should stop them from having sex with them.
Like fucking a bag of sand
effort to pleasure ratio is worse than masturbating
milky sand and salt
Smellier too.
If you have sex, they'll stop saying it.
we need to add:
>have sex
to the list of Yea Forums buzzwords
Please help me brothers, we must stop people from breeding, bringing more people into this world only create more suffering, please help in making a world without kids.
Okay, just making sure i got this right, if i were to aquire a bag of sand would I ever have a need for a woman?
Well said.
I've filtered the term and noticed my life improve significantly.
Don't forget that one too.
lol incel spotted
is this that netflix show with the zombies
häve sëx
so you know that game you keep hearing about being the greatest game ever, so you finally decide to take the chance and buy it?
yeah, you buy that game and enjoy the first bit of it, but there's little to no new content getting released
eventually you get tired of playing that game because you have to pull a mountain of cords out of the closet to even get the thing to work
the name of that game is sex
there is a dlc for it called marriage where you have to pay a lot of money or pay basically your entire paycheck if you dont go to the time sensitive events
Feels 3 times as good, but takes hundreds of times more effort.
u can also get som shit on ur dick if u hit from behind and she hadded some of the greasy pizza you had with her earlier
engage in intercourse
>tfw no cute jap girl will ever tell you this
It hard to have sex if you ugly.
everyone can afford a prostitute
clever. why would you want to ruin that?
>there are people on this board who are 25+ years and still never had sex
literally impossible
ive seen the ugliest lards with cute gfs and you niggers still cope here every day
Wrong. Women came up with to trick men into thinking that they are obligated to be emotionally invested in whoever they fuck.
u dont need looks lol did u go to highschool?
>ive seen the ugliest lards with cute gfs
holy shit same, personality?, do you think the girl ever thought to herself
"damn this faggot sure is ugly"
even if they did falling for that trick makes you the dumbass
Redpill me on male enhancement pills, Yea Forums. I'm pretty sure I need it since I always deathgrip jerk it and I don't wanna ruin my first time
Sex is overrated
Yeah that's the thing.
If it's going to be like that why bother desu. I'd rather just fap and be done with it.
Sex is in my way of reaching enlightenment.
That literally doesn't count.
that's because people here don't even try
everyone can get a gf if they try hard enough and have no standards
Jew scam just like “premature ejaculation” being a disorder and homosexuality and transgenderism NOT being one
Probably feels pretty good hahahaha
>good looking but nigger lips
why would i give money to some slut when i can just jerk off for free, fucking retard
Because you have to have a family and children
>having sex doesn't count as having sex
It's a good thing you'll last longer.
You can just jerk off afterward after she's gone if you need to.
if youve ever been in love with a girl who is also in love with you its pretty easy to see it in her eyes. like in the way she looks into yours. you can tell when a women is in love with you regardless of looks.