This is a total fatass

Try to defend Samus having a butt this fucking fat without using your dick.

Good luck.

Attached: toofat.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

asses like this make my peepee go hard and big, what can I say?

>without using your dick.
and why exactly would I do that? I've made every decision in my life with my dick

part of her workout routine is squats

I love my wife Samus!

Don't reply to Sybb threads, retards.

is this from the Wii U version

But I love my dick and I carefully weigh his input in all relevant matters in my life. Don't you love yours, user? Is this the problem here?

It's remodeled.

And people think 2B will be in when Samus' ass got nerfed in Ultimate