How did GUST get away with this?
How did GUST get away with this?
I see the localizers like the browse reddit
>tfw not at this part yet in the game so not sure if it's real
While we're on that part, why is Sophie here pre-Firis styled?
Everyone is taken from their debut appearence, which is why you can also see 14-y.o. Rorona rather than the current 35-y.o. one.
You leave bocchi out of Yea Forums you faggot.
Haha they said cute and funny, CUTE AND FUNNY! i can't believe it.
This is so based.
xD lol epic win
legendary thread
I know practically nothing about the Atelier franchise. Aside from redpilling me, where should i start?
Don't. The games were mediocre to begin with but somehow they became even worse.
>implying cute and funny is a reddit meme
It was specifically created by Yea Forums to get around jannies who were deleting posts with "cunny"
This: They're really average JRPGs. The only thing they have going for them is the excellent artwork featuring cute girls.
The music is always at least decent. The artwork is lost on them because they are a budget company that can't 3D.
You play as an alchemist-adventurer and you make items using a complex crafting system called synthesis. You explore areas outside of town to gather materials and enemy drops to use for synthesis, the attributes and quality of the items you create can vary wildly based on those of the component materials and it's easy to really get into it. The battle system is standard turn-based jrpg with an increased importance given to items since you can create really powerful ones. Each action you take (synthetizing items, traveling to places, gathering materials, fighting enemies) makes in-game time pass, and games prior to the most recent ones worked on time limits where you had to reach certain milestones within a certain number of in-game months/years. This leads to replayability and multiple endings.
Start with Atelier Rorona, you can find it on PS4, Switch and Steam.
Get away with what? What am I supposed to be seeing here?
Mana Khemia
I just defeated the Volcano Incarnate in Meruru, I guess I must be pretty close to being done, right? Kingdom rank is IX and I'm working on getting to X in the remaining year and a half.
And PS3 and PSvita
Right, but I was just referring to current systems. I guess Vita still counts, although the PS3 version might as well be avoided since it's not the Plus/DX one.
Rorona Plus came out on PS3 as well.
That's the last story boss, since you killed him you can't see the population endings (lowest priority) and get another one (there's 11 btw, they follow a priority list and you need NG+ for 2 of them).
Congratulations, if you're going for 100% now is the part where you get to hurt your brain figuring out how to synthesize endgame gear because most guides are for the normal version, not the plus one and the one plus guide doesn't give you all the steps.
Huh, I thought they remade it only on Vita, my bad.
I swear reddit only comes here because you can make dumb jokes and say nigger without getting banned forever.
Oh don't worry, I played through the entire trilogy back-to-back and I never followed walkthroughs because I didn't want my first playthrough to be spent reading ahead of what I should've been doing, it would've ruined my enjoyment. I'm going to wrap up the first playthrough of Meruru, play Lulua at the end of the month and go back to do NG+ with walkthroughs of the entire tetralogy later.
Oh, nice. I actually did the same recently, played the trilogy on Steam ahead of Lulua's release, only I checked for missable shit because I usually cba to do various playthroughs to get 100%, managed to 100% Totori on my first playthrough.
I actually did very well without walkthroughs, I got the True End (with Sterk) in Rorona and the Normal End (with Rorona) in Totori although the only things I missed to get the Astrid end in Rorona and the True End in Totori were some of those time-specific character events that you absolutely need a guide to know about, such as bringing Mimi along during the first ship voyage. I don't mind since I loved the games and want to replay them anyway.
>combine cute and funny into one word
>get this
What did the French mean by this?