Are YOU ready for the next step in character creators, user?
Are YOU ready for the next step in character creators, user?
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sauce me up senpai
The filename friend.
but... i looked that up and a shitty gacha game comes up
this is the body type a true high test individual craves
>destiny child online
what the FUCK. my dick is fucking ready
Looks like another asian attempt at being "realistic" which just means animoo in 3d, so garbage. Kill yourself waifucunt.
>that face
But why.
At least Black Desert's faces were SOMEWHAT bearable.
Read that bottom text as "Liberated MEAT"
liberated meat
Why are niggers so obsessed with the hole shit comes from?
>*chair clattering*
thos tits look lop sided and weird
>someone makes claim
>no proof
niggers are obsessed with your mouth?
No they're obsessed with your mom's vagina
Wake me up when they have bulge sliders.
homie needs to tone down the specular highlights on those renders by like 50%
Because eating ass is the new hot meme, brought to you by people on treatment for their 4th e-coli infection.
So what is it, a destiny child MMO?
>Destiny Child is now a recognizable brand name on Yea Forums
Have you guys tried having sex? Usually beats these kind of gacha .jpg porn.
If it's korean or chinese developed, i dont want any of it.
What am I looking at here?
I am no biologist but it appears to be an ass.
imagine the smell
I tried the alpha. UI is shit but holy fuck the models are so good. Couldn't help but fap at some point.
I have a girlfriend whose ass I can eat whenever I desire, I don't need to imagine.
P.S. Smells fucking great.
a brapper
>no source on game still
OP is bait
pic related actual Destiny Child Online
Are you?
Nothing they make would have been "the next step" even ten years ago, user. Unless it's a step backwards I guess.
Umm, feeding gamer rape fantasies by pandering to their male gaze and sense of entitlement to female bodies is not cool you know.
It is the coolest.
Actually shut up. You're not even ironically funny
I forget the actual name of that.
I want jack to bounce on me with her hips
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user. Please cut it out.
Since when did Destiny Child have a character creator?
Is this Koikatsu?
>saggy cowtits
destiny's child
Some people actually believe you and stay because they think somebody agrees with them here.
Please don't post like this.
Because asians cant into non-anime looking faces. These subhumans are still in 2000s. Their designs never changed, gameplay in their games never changed, storytelling surely didnt change and basically they release last gen games with higher resolution. Japs fucking suck.
Give me the card, user.
I need to grope with extreme peril.
resetera get out
Cant handle the truth, weeb?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
non-anime on cartoon bodies is ugly as fuck though retard
Why would you interrupt yourself? It's not even the same character.
>Destiny Child ONLINE
This will be a thing?
I had the biggest faps of my gaming life to some amazing cc in sims 4 what are you talking about?
And I was talking in general, japs only do these cartoon graphics because thats all they can create.
>Slut shaming
It's the current year and your toxic behavior is not ok, have you tried just being a decent person?
have sex
Unironically experience coitus
Sincerely act out intercourse
Nice fat ass
Tomboys suck, give me plump breeding machines filled with femininity
It’s not the hole, it’s the asscheeks themselves
How about plump tomboy breeding machines filled with femininity under a a layer of rough behavior and childhood friendship?
What is it?
Now we're talking, user.
Perfection in its beauty
Rough behaviour doesn't permit a motherly attitude and a softer body.
god idk what it is about her that amkes me hot and bothers I'm usually one who likes em like
Raiko a shit.
all this fine brap meat and milk guys are cool. im glad this is whats in now. kikes have pushed skinny boy bodies for the last century. i just fapped to an hmanga the other day where this guy fucked this chubby girls belly fat. best fap in a while let me tell you guys. long live thicc
Puffy nipples
>tits are larger than her head
>suit is somehow skintight, like it's vacuumed onto her body
>the amount of backpain she's in would probably cripple her
These artists don't know how to be subtle, they think bigger = better but in reality it just comes across as disgusting and distasteful. Only teenagers will get aroused by this trash.
>anatomy cucks
>teenage cucks
>muh realism
I can recognize zbrush when I see it.
Shut up faggot, if it’s hot it’s hot
This. I prefer well proportioned drawings to this sort of thing.
>having no appreciation for good aesthetics
Absolutely pedestrian.
I love it when people think their dislike of big tits makes them some kind of connoisseur
Will you actually be able to model your character like that tho?
Rough behavior and a soft body aren't mutually exclusive, and the motherly attitude will be induced by actual motherhood, making it that much more impactful.
>it's gachashit
Have some fucking standards
That is literally zbrush. The model is probably only barely rigged for posing or was done like that in static. op is baiting you faggots.
Because it does?
The standard is fapping to the porn it generates due to having top tier girls but not playing it myself. It's what I do with FGO, it's what I do with KanColle, it's what I do with Granblue. It works every fucking time.
Why can't people appreciate all tits?
jesus christ
thanks for the laughs
t. gayboi
It's true tho, watch any anime/hentai or play any videgame and the flat chested girl is the smart one while the big titty one is a loudmouth and dumb as a rock.
I believe it is koikatsu
When will we get bodies this nice in a game that isn't gacha or kMMO with awful business practices?
yeah, these are static models as with everything lesly makes
God I wish that were me
When you have sex
Mama love!
I've seen and played enough to know that statement is wrong.
Besides which, character is separate from aesthetics.
But flat chested brash tomboy is THE trope, user.
wheres the pubic hair
god I love areola/nipple mounds
what actual game is it? I could really use a solid character creator, for research purposes.
Destiny child online what? its just his 3d render for Asanagi art, you fucking stupid weeb
Genuinely undergo fornication
that's just a ZBrush sculpt