How do I get dragon stones for free I’m tired of giving these slant eyed fucks my pure American dollars

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Log in daily and stop falling for those bait banners

You save and don't be a weak fuck that summons on every banner


I remember reading a post here years ago where some user said Kari was at his University giving a class or something i forgot, he said she took off her shoes and the entire class could smell her feet
I still jerk off to the thought of it many years later, thanks user

Girl feet smell like a salty sweat butthole. If you’ve ever smelled a girls sweaty butthole just add the smell of salt to the smellmemory of said smelly butthole and that is what any girls stink foot smells like add me on instagram @[email protected]

But for real how do i get those stones I’m not trying to support Japan’s nuclear weapons program by buying animated cellphone characters.

Plz I don’t want to drop another 60 dollpubes for 20 variations of piccolo


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You just save dood. I have 666 stones atm and I haven't spent money in like a year. I really only summon on dual dokkanfests or step up banners. High value stuff.

I just want super fagdick 4 GokuUUUUUUUJJ

A friend of mine recently dropped $100 on that final fantasy one but $1.50 for a play of House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn was just too insane for him and a huge ripoff.

Nigger you spent a hundred dollars to tap a screen!

You guys are ok, dont go to Bandai headquarters tomarrow

4th anni is in July

you just KNOW she's used to that shape

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>got around 1200 free stones for 4th anniversary during Japan's event
>didn't roll shit in either banner

Just save up until the anniversary and get majorly ripped off like I did.

I’ve spent at least $200 dollars on this autism trap app and now my life’s purpose has become destroying what those japs took from me

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Post your world tournament teams boys

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Hiroshima won’t be shit compared to the devilry I will unleash on every epicanthal fold having fuck I see when I wake up from this nap. I will fuck all asses

how the fuck do I beeat the Goku Black shadow on the futire shit with these pussy soft faggots

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Hold on I’m playing dokkan again

Not sure you can beat it at the moment to be quite honest with you user

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