How do I get dragon stones for free I’m tired of giving these slant eyed fucks my pure American dollars
Log in daily and stop falling for those bait banners
You save and don't be a weak fuck that summons on every banner
I remember reading a post here years ago where some user said Kari was at his University giving a class or something i forgot, he said she took off her shoes and the entire class could smell her feet
I still jerk off to the thought of it many years later, thanks user
Girl feet smell like a salty sweat butthole. If you’ve ever smelled a girls sweaty butthole just add the smell of salt to the smellmemory of said smelly butthole and that is what any girls stink foot smells like add me on instagram @[email protected]
But for real how do i get those stones I’m not trying to support Japan’s nuclear weapons program by buying animated cellphone characters.
Plz I don’t want to drop another 60 dollpubes for 20 variations of piccolo
You just save dood. I have 666 stones atm and I haven't spent money in like a year. I really only summon on dual dokkanfests or step up banners. High value stuff.
I just want super fagdick 4 GokuUUUUUUUJJ
A friend of mine recently dropped $100 on that final fantasy one but $1.50 for a play of House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn was just too insane for him and a huge ripoff.
Nigger you spent a hundred dollars to tap a screen!
You guys are ok, dont go to Bandai headquarters tomarrow
4th anni is in July
you just KNOW she's used to that shape
>got around 1200 free stones for 4th anniversary during Japan's event
>didn't roll shit in either banner
Just save up until the anniversary and get majorly ripped off like I did.
I’ve spent at least $200 dollars on this autism trap app and now my life’s purpose has become destroying what those japs took from me
Post your world tournament teams boys
Hiroshima won’t be shit compared to the devilry I will unleash on every epicanthal fold having fuck I see when I wake up from this nap. I will fuck all asses
how the fuck do I beeat the Goku Black shadow on the futire shit with these pussy soft faggots
Hold on I’m playing dokkan again
Not sure you can beat it at the moment to be quite honest with you user