Where we droppin, boys

Where we droppin, boys

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That's a millennial you retard. Nu-males in their 20s-early 30s look like that. Not teens.

Millennials, or "Zoomers" as I like to call them, are in their teens you fucking mong. You're thinking of Boomers who are in their 30's.

it's literally the zoomer face

Attached: zoomer.png (434x327, 37K)

Millenials were born 82-99

I don't think anyone besides hipsters and the progressive crowd look like that.

coping zoomer

are you confused?

millenials were 10+ at 2000
try again

I still can't believe this fucking thing managed to get in the game

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in your mom's ass

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Boomers are in their 60-70s, you mentally deficient child.

Born 70s-early 80s? Generation X.

Born early 80s-early 90s? Generation Y.

It's not like this is at all hard, kids. "Boomers" have referred to "Baby Boomers" since long before you little snots were born, and yet you have corrupted that term for your uneducated, idiotic selves.

Go learn about the world before you embarrass yourselves.

but its called millenial mercenary. its making fun of you alt-right boomers

going by your word and assuming that the early period in a decade is the first 3 or so years are you suggesting that gen z is 94 to 2004 or so?

>this got in
>but not the boomer Engie
what's next, fucking Thanos Heavy?

>but not the boomer Engie
Because it looked like shit that barely resembled anything. The zoomer one is at least discernible due to that dumb haircut.

Why did you come here? Did you hear about us on Twitter? or Facebook?

tfw 28yo boomer

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>Needing a shitty pre-made cosmetic, rather than making your own

Attached: Rer2sn4.png (454x511, 165K)

>6000 hours
>40 or so spent on key by now
>no unusual hat ever unboxed

gaben owes me one

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i agree that's what the definition SHOULD be if people had any fucking sense, but it's not.
Millennial in common parlance refers to "people who saw the millennium while still in their teens or childhood." Anyone born post-2000 isn't a millennial in the official definition.