Wow, the steam discussions of this game right now... I've never seen anything like it.
What are some other examples of developers ruining a great game?
Wow, the steam discussions of this game right now... I've never seen anything like it.
What are some other examples of developers ruining a great game?
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whats the chromium build anyways? a server had me install it. I'm assuming it has the browser built in somehow
it's spyware, garry is now sending your info to an IP address owned by amazon
people aren't so happy
this is truly the age of gaming right here.
Video games has now become another way for corporations to spy on us.
The sad thing is that garry once was someone that really loved the game mechanics. Garry's Mod was always legendary.
wonder what made him turn to the dark side?
Did something happen?
Garry decided to put Redshell into Gmod.
Not surprisingly people are upset about this.
>can never play gmod again
well it's not like i play it now anyways but it sucks if i do ever want to replay it for some reason
You can remove the spyware and blacklist the ip's in windows but still you will have to do it again after every update
I used Garry's mod for G-Mod Tower
And Tower Unite is starting to look pretty good after all these years
Valve began the trend the second they invented steam. Not being able to access your games at will was the start
>93% recent
>95% overall
Is nothing, fucking retards drama queen you faggots are.
oh boy.
Just give it some time Garry, the spyware's only been out for 2 of the 30 days
Perhaps it was pissing all that money away on developing Rust and I forgot if he made anything else after that.
thats reviews from 10 years not from the last 24 hours you dumb fuck
hi garry
It isn't from the last 24 hours, it's from the last 30 days
It's honestly a pretty bold move to put something so universally reviled to the point that 50+ other companies removed it from their games as soon as people realized what it was doing. The only exception to this being Firaxis with Civ 6, I think?
your retarded
You are shitting me