What version is the recommended one to play?

What version is the recommended one to play?

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Super Famicom ROM

GBA version

SNES or GBA, depending on whether you favor original hardware or more unlockables.

iOS version is the GBA with an uglier UI, so that's debatable. Never play the PS1 version, period.

GBA version has more jobs and some other improvements.

This. GBA version is trash.

Counter-balanced with weaker sound and graphics. There's a patch that tries to improve it, but there's only so much you can do on a shitty Game Boy Advance.

The GBA translation of FFV is somewhat tolerated due to the fact that the only other English translation for it was the PS1 version and was outright BAD.

too bad there's no patch to fix that ugly ass font.

Super Famicom with fan translation
GBA with hacks to improve the music

PSone has loading times and iOS/Steam is just ugly.

>GBA with hacks to improve the music
I tried the hack, and it made the music sound even worse. Everything just became a muddy mess as so many sounds tried to get out of that shitty little speaker.

>fan translation
It had an official release though?

does the GBA version have accurate portraits when people talk?
Steam version is all fucked

It has portraits, but you only see their inaccurate faces and not their whole bodies.

so theres no version where Faris actually has purple hair in the portraits?

SNES in Japanese.

GBA with sound restoration patch is probably the best way. Steam/mobile version is actually alright if you can stomach the terrible visuals and UI.

>Steam/mobile version is actually alright if you can stomach the terrible visuals and UI.
The worst part about that version to me is that is has hands down the best enemy sprites but everything else is awful. The character sprites look like they belong in a mid 00's flash game.



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+audio as it was meant to be
+graphics as they were meant to be
-/+I don't know how good the translation is because I haven't played it and I don't trust the retards who don't know Japanese and yet feel like experts on translation
-no bonus content

+audio is good
+graphics are good
-translation is ESL tier, lines are even assigned to the wrong characters at times
-no bonus content
-loading times

+bonus content
-/+translation reads like a saturday morning cartoon, they felt the need to throw jokes into almost every scene. This has become sort of what the game is known for in the west, so although it is inaccurate, most people tend to like it
-absolutely fucked audio, no you can't fix it

+good audio
+bonus content
-/+same as GBA translation
-fucked tiling and sprites

Pick your poison.

The Snes translated version bro

Not when the fan translation was created it didn't.

There's a patch that puts the GBA translation into the SNES release.

>that tiling

Attached: ENDLESS TRASH.png (1111x673, 1.26M)

There’s nothing wrong with the IOS or Android or whatever version Steam I think to that people hate
Just play the game

>I have no standards therefore no one else should
People want to know which version is actually worth their time, otherwise they wouldn't ask.

snakes alive

>Put giant character portraits in the dialog box for no reason (a pet peeve of mine- this shit doesn't add anything, especially when they don't even change expression)
>Character portrait is reflective of the Amano designs
>New sprites are still reflective of the SNES sprite designs for absolutely no reason, on top of being ugly as sin

I just don't fucking understand it. Everyone knows FFV had the biggest disparity between character art and sprites in the series, but I don't know why you'd go out of your way to make the disparity ten times worse. Every other appearance of the FFV cast uses the Amano art as a basis, to the point that they're becoming more recognizable like that anyway. What's the point of the inconsistency?

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