So it's settled? This is the best game ever made?

So it's settled? This is the best game ever made?

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (580x724, 73K)

No, it's not as good as you may think. Only one site considers it a masterpiece

Attached: Consensus Best Games.jpg (3000x1932, 3.64M)

It would be if it wasn't so hard.

The base-game is vastly overrated

Let's just go with Mario 3 and call it a day

> Ocarina of Time is the only game that appears on every list
There we have our best game ever, threads over

first dog kills me forever
this game sucks

bloodborne will be more recognized in the future


LOL No ...
>chromatic aberration
>unstable fps
>online dead after 1 year
> MEH build variety

its a good game but doesnt come close to witcher 3 or Breath of the wild

Keep telling yourself that, NieR Automata came out in 2017 & it already shows up more than Bloodborne. People will only remember Persona 5 & TLOU 2 from the PS4 Era, Bloodborne will be forgotten like Demon Souls was unless Sony makes a Sequel

I had more fun with Dark Souls 3 but that may be because it was my first souls game.

Fuck no
Not even in the top 10

it's up there

Bloodborne review scores from early 2015 are irrelevant since the game was incomplete before the DLC. With the DLC the game truly shines in every regard. Review scores in general aren't the end all be all ranking for games, in retrospect the reception for the game is increasing numbers or not

> Out of all the games from this decade, these were the only ones that are listed more than once
> Mass Effect 2, NieR: Automata, Zelda: BOTW, Dark Souls, Portal 2, Persona 5, The Last of Us, Mario Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption, Mario Galaxy 2
With only one year left until the decade's over, how do you guys feel about these being remembered as the defining games of the 2010s?

Aside from TLOU, I can't argue with the list.

I like most of these except Mass Effect 2, so i'm not that mad at this list. Seems pretty reasonable

Some gems in an otherwise lackluster era. I'll remember this generation more for niche indie titles

Funny how Yea Forums has the worst and least diverse taste out of everyone in this image.

Zelda is a good game but its so fucking overrated.

I own it and it runs like shit on the PS4... barely playable
I wish it was a multiplat so it could run at 1080p60 or 4K30 on Xbone

Attached: 20180917_225551.jpg (3264x1836, 2.88M)

It's ironic since Reddit has the most unique taste out of anyone on there, since they have no Metal Gear, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger or Metroid unlike everyone else who has at least one of the 4 on their lists

Don't agree with Mass Effect 2 and Nier A is outright bad, but otherwise that list is okay.

You not liking it doesn't mean it wasnt defining for the decade

Overrated means nothing unless you can actually argue why it's bad that doesn't revolve solely around "It's Popular & i don't like it"

Lmao fuck no

>People will remember TLOU 2

Attached: 1548151401049.jpg (868x994, 294K)

The Last Of Us was on there 5 times, what makes you think it's sequel won't be even more critically acclaimed than the original? Like it or not faggot, everyone outside of Yea Forums will consider TLOU2 a masterpiece by the end of 2019

>game we know nothing about other than ugly lesbo kiss

Attached: 1425440489029.gif (480x270, 885K)

BB is not even the best 2015 game

Yes, Critics already talking about the game as if it's going to be a masterpiece on the level of BOTW. It tops every list for most anticipated games at this point

>It tops every list for most anticipated games at this point
I wouldn't be surprised if that's true considering their absolute shit taste in anything
It's going to be the same dull crap as the last one

right dev, wrong game

Attached: dark souls wall.jpg (1280x800, 118K)