Who's the Billie Eilish of gaming?
Who's the Billie Eilish of gaming?
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Shes got big tits so Id say Kojima.
What about hideo? He's got a nice rack too
>she’s got big tits
so a game that comes out of nowhere that get popular and it’s dogshit for faggot teenagers.
days gone?
She's 17 you fucking pedos.
Who's Billie Eillish?
white women and bois love black dick
Legal where I live
17 isn’t pedo retard
>popular over night
>popular for no good reason
She's literally the Fortnite of musical artists. That's using 'musical artist' in the loosest way possible of course.
he's baiting, retard
I would say all white women should be put into camps and gassed if we didn't need them to make more white men.
go back
She's 100% an industry plant and I'm starting to think lil Dicky is one too.
anime billie
do they have a word yet for white girls who mean mug and puff out mouths like this silly bitch? Something along the lines of duck face
literally who?
some whore I dated liked her
the girls like the stylish music videos and looking pretty on camera you know
They look super gross
>Takashi Murakami
>Lonesome Cowboy (1998), an anime-inspired sculpture of a masturbating boy whose semen stream forms a lasso, sold for $15.2 million at Sotheby's
god I hate it when women do that eyes half closed bullshit thinking its some kind of aesthetic when really they just look high
>She only a 17 year girl that is openly being sexualized in her own music videos and by the media!
What a joke.
Every time I see that chick I just think she's the female ghostemane. They look a lot alike.
Yea Forums you somehow ended up in Yea Forums.
Who is the Tommy Wiseau of gaming?
I keep thinking it's Cara.
Why would you date a whore?
Are you insanely ugly? or is it your personality that's an issue?
Randy Pitchford in terms of awkwardness?
I also just realized DJ Khaled is basically Tommy in every single way.
anyone have the image of the one year comparison where she looks exited and cute in the first one and completely miserable in the second? she's probably getting abused heavily
figurative whore dickhead
Still probably way out of the league for ninety percent of you mongs.
>makes shit content
>media will find every opportunity to show them off
>is actually a talentless fraud
I cant stand her music, nothing but annoying whispering accompanying basic bitch beats. 100% manufactured.
Even if he's a weirdo, doesn't mean Psychonauts wasn't objectively good.
This is why kikes are shilling her so hard. Zoomers just like shit because its popular as theres no way anybody with a functioning brain would enjoy that shit they call her music.
It's branding and image, son. Someone gets paid a lot of money to tell her how to act.
I'll tell you guys why it's popular. It's because it gives off a mood that is sorta like you're a bad person/girl who hangs out with other bad people and is living on the fringes of society. That's apparently cool, and you're not like any other girls.
t. womin
todd howard
First of all post feet
Second of all you're probably right
Yeah i don't date figurative whores, that's just pathetic.
And i'm guessing its your behavior. Its ok user, you'll learn to talk normally the more you go out there.
>when your entire gimmick is hoping no one remembers emos so you can pretend to be the first one ever
Why do americans give women male names?
Thats the point user...
Still don't know who this is.
Fathers that wanted sons and mothers that wanted daughters.
those lips are nice
a bland, overt industry plant? idk lol
Dude I'm like so bored and tired about everything dude! I can't even open my eyes more than half dude lol I'm so cool!
Literally would choke this cunt unconscious
Some zoomer "musician"
Same, but then I would fuck her ass until I was tired.
Whatever hostile guy, she said was Christian, her boobs were very large, and she was very athletic and charming. Her 10/10 beauty fueled my self-deception over her penis hunting succubus nature and other poor qualities.
It was a mistake to get emotionally invested and in the end she was not a very good partner, but it was kind of fun having sex with a solid 10 younger woman and doing fun things with her.
>this amount of cope
>can only say cope
what are we even arguing about?
someone give me the rundown. who is she and why is she big deal?
Seconding this
she was 7/10 at most
she's just a popular music artist
Do millennials think saying the word "cope" automatically wins you an argument or something?
telling you she wasn't dude
I promise. This was like a college athlete in peak fitness but still with ample breast and ass volume. Still have masturbatory fantasies of her. I was some weird nerd dude and she was like Regina from Mean Girls. It was really weird dating her desu and it was kind of like I rolled a random 20 on charisma..
that fucks BLACK COCK
whi*oid bois btfo
But she looks 56%.
Literally who
No I'm serious, who the fuck is this
An industry plant that no one is sure where she came from or why she's popular, like Cara Develeign-whatever, or Peter Molyneaux.
I'd love to kick Billie Ellish in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my steel capped toe under her chin, send that little bored-face cunt flying through the air.
As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life.
not really, but look up "depression aesthetic" because that's what they're all about.
she is popular because jews want to promote interracial breeding
This. Never heard of this person. Fucking zoomers obsessing over some literal nobody.
Remember when that aesthetic was hot?
The 2010s have ruined absolutely everything.
>heard one of her songs in the background of a monster hunter speedrun
>she only had 2 songs out at this point
>I blink
>she's fucking huge now
what happened
Her parents and brother have connections in the musical industry.
That's it.
Huh. Listened to a couple tracks and no wonder you call it industry plant. At least people who got pushed to the top had some sort of quality, she just looks like a stoner
I'm so fucking glad I got to live through the emo goth fad and managed to have my one and only sexual intercourse with a big titty crazy goth
Doesn't matter how old she is, she only fucks black guys anyway.
>tfw never got to date or fuck a hot emo/scene girl
I never thought of it as an evolution to emo, but yeah you're right. My first gf was emo/scene...wonder what she looks like now...
I'm still very much attracted to alternative/punk, tomboy types because of her.
Same, lost my virginity with one of those emos too, spent an entire summer basically going to her house and then banging like rabbits and playing vidya until night.
She was also my cousin.
The only reason I like her music is because the "3D" effect she uses is my fucking jam.
Too bad almost no one else uses it.
No, Zoomers do. Millennials claim you're mad but of course that's too much effort for zoomers.
It went skatergirl > emo > hipster > lol such a nerd xd, and then there's the "art hoe" spinoff.
Nowadays it all mashed together into one, weird hybrid of bits of everything.
I mean take away her whole drugged up soundcloud rapper fucking scene, her overuse of the braindead expressionless stare, her general lack of talent, and the fact she's on a fast track to outdo Lohan and the Olsen twins for soon to be worst female trainwreck in the entertainment industry, she doesn't exactly LOOK ugly does she?
That's tough.
They were this weird combination of trying to act adorable and cute but were also sluts and very easy, plus I liked how the hairstyle looked as long as it didn't go full retard with the hair dye.
I wish it was still a thing.
>listening to music with your dick, not our ears
user, please stop being such a degenerate.
I wonder what's next now.
Like depression but sexy?
Final Fantasy VIII
Disgusting coalburning roastie whore
2020s sound futuristic, so cybergoth.
>implying it will actually be something cool
also fat dumbasses already dye their hair pink and wear piercings anyways so who cares