Video game equivalent of this?
Video game equivalent of this?
>gamers with a sexlife: down 30%
Essence running in osrs
Cosmetic DLC
MMO cash shops
Do people actually eat that shit during movies? Aren't you supposed to be invested in the story and atmosphere
The tf2 store for anything other than keys
Any rare item with an "estimated value" or set NPC resell value in an MMO.
E.g. an Ice Burner costume in Elsword costs roughly 2 billion ED. Est. Value is always around 1000 to 0 ED.
Bethesda's Creation Club.
Infinite markup, mods went from free to costing 8 dollars a pop.
What the fuck does that sentence even mean?
Harkins has $35 popcorn deal where you pay that one time and you get basically unlimited popcorns for the year. Plus their large loyalty soda cups are hard plastic and refills are $1. Anyone who says going to the movies is expensive must live in a shithole.
Yeah but Cheetos Popcorn and Buncha Crunch are essential to any good movie
Why do you come to Yea Forums to make shitty off-topic threads like these?
Are you actually so autistic you can't have a snack during a movie
I always play 4 games of Crusin Exotica before watching kino at the kinoplex. Plus whatever free games I get for 1st place.
They also have a Time Crisis 3 (that doesnt register half your shots) and a Soul Calibur 3 that is missing the kick and horizontal attack buttons. They've been like this for 3 years. Why are they even here. For 3 years!
What games do you play at the kinoplex?
Any micro-transaction.
They always have shit like "worth $100!" when offering bundles and deals. This is nothing but fiction, the pixels have zero value, you are just arbitrarily charging that much because dumb fucking consumers cannot be trusted with fiscal responsibility. Anyone who has purchased this shit in the past should be forbidden from having disposable income and be sectioned. They are obviously too stupid to be allowed any freedoms.
Sir! You forgot your popcorn!
>he doesn't bring a bag of almonds in a ziplock bag he hides in his pocket
those shitty iphone games that make it look like a one time purchase for premium content but it's actually a WEEKLY subscription
Post your BMI
>can't level up rc itself
actually pathetic
What's the video game equivalent of going to the dollar store first and loading your pockets with snacks then strolling into the theater?
100% muscle
Nintendo virtual console games.
Last time i went to the movies i smuggled some tacos and a 2ltr sprite with a friend. Based NPCs that pay overpriced popcorn keeping our jewish overlords alive
just put it in your purse silly haha
DLC without the season pass
lol go bag to /fit/ faggot
Must be hard having no bones or internal organs.
playing GTA/Call of Duty with boosted accounts
I haven't bought anything from a movie since I was a kid who went with his parents.
Ps vita memory card
Buying a TF2 key from a third party seller and using a scrap website to buy every weapon and a set of all class cosmetics
99% of DLCs. There are notable exceptions but it's extremely rare to see worthwhile content.
Back when DLCs were called "expansions" you actually got time and effort put into a product that meaningfully extended and improved the game.
Now you can buy one part of a shitty costume for 5 dollars.
If you buy cosmetic DLC in games you are encouraging this shit and you are a fucking worthless ingrate I wish to drink from the tiny brainpan in your shallow skull.
Recent example for me is glitching all the grindy bullshit in the mortal Kombat krypt
>just corn with butter
how do they keep getting away with this bros
>not having cargo pants filled with popcorn, almonds, skittled, twizzlers, 3 bottles of vodka, and a firearm in case a shooter shows up
Casuals disgust me
Have you really never been to a movie theater in a first world country or something?
>go to australia
>can get french fries at the theaters
Fucking australia, you can get fries with everything here, Got a chicken curry from Uber eats and the base was FRIES. Even KFC does fries here.
Best theater popcorn I think I've had was from korea of all places though. lots of flavors.
loot boxes
depends, are they activated?
this is what marvelkeks believe
this but unironically
>parents don't teach you to smuggle in snacks and drinks themselves
I really feel bad for you guys.
i bought a tin of almonds one time, stuck it in a pantry, forgot it for a few months, and when i opened it there were maggots/silk everywhere inside. ruined almonds/nuts in general for me
You don't go to a movie theater to see a movie with atmosphere or a good story. Movie theaters are for the "event movies" that you HAVE TO SEE so you can talk about it at school, work etc. They are there for the Soros funded brainless diversity garbage and to make money for Disney, nothing else. So yes, you can focus on eating and watching this "movie" in front of you very easily
its part of the "movie going experience"
I cant believe I am going to be subjected to 3 hours of capeshit jesus fucking christ.
Good thing I love my mom.
wow people smuggle in food? why not just pirate it at that point
Hey but it's the end of an era! A culmination of 10 years and 22 movies (not really, everyone will be back one way or another in the next saga)
>Why yes, I enjoy a nice bucket of p'corn from time to time.
>Even KFC does fries here
Are you under the impression that KFC doesn't have fries anywhere else in the world?
This. Although Chads buy popcorn from the store since it's dirt fucking cheap and watch the movie online for free. But ascendant Chads don't watch the movie but eat the popcorn for the health benefits.
I remember back in the "wild days" when AMC stopped giving a fuck and before assigned seating and I was still young. We "snuck" a bunch of forties and McNuggets into a midnight showing of some trash movie, and on our way out we ran into people hauling the bags of semi-stale popcorn that hadn't been sold, and they'd give them to us for free.
>pirate it
user the movie theaters has no ownership of the food you are bringing in.
>Stating facts in a real condescending way because you can't think of any actual flaws
Woooow, today is a Thursday? Real fucking neat; I mean it.
Yes, I don't remember them having in other places in the world. Potato wedges? Yes, Fries? No
same but i've actually enjoyed what i've seen, plus the movie teather sells beer and i love beer and nachos overall a good experience but i'm so antisocial it doesn't give me any npc points at all.
Alright fellow Amerifats, can your theater compete with based Galaxy theaters?
>giant pretzel bigger than a medium pizza from dominos
>comes with molten hot cheese and can get other things on the side (like jalapenos)
>beer, liqueur, wine, every soda you can think of, water(s), milk shakes
>every single candy brand worth eating at a movie
>popcorn always fresh, butter always extra salty
>can get flavored salt added to popcorn
>can pay extra for them to dump chocolates into your popcorn for a magic salty/sweet combo
>nachos, pizzas, chicken nuggets
>burgers, hotdogs, sausages like kielbasa
>powered recliners with tables built in so you can dump your mountain of indulgence without getting it all over the ground or chairs
>clerks standing outside the doors, so you can request a refill on drinks or popcorn without having to leave the theater
>kiosks so you can just tap 2 buttons, get a ticket and walk into the theater without talking to some tired 16 year old
>best quality screens and screen variety (imax, atmos, real3d)
>some old guy comes out and tries to talk to the audience before the movie starts
>it's clear that he's lonely and he always talks too long and gets cut off by the previews and walks out all dejected
name a better theater. Pro tip: you can't
What, that isn't normal in the rest of the world?
The best part about a 3 hour movie is that everyone finishes their snacks during the first half, so nobody's making any noise during the climax.
Okay but how outrageously expensive is it all?
Well I can tell you that at least leafland KFC's have fries. Don;t think I've ever seen potato wedges.
Mods and cheaters
Kurisu, I'm going back.
That's the best part, it's not any more expensive than a normal movie theater.
>pretzel the size of a car: 8 bucks
>2 pints of beer, 9 bucks
>large popcorn and soda, bag of premo candy: 13 bucks
etc. Reading my own posts, I feel like I just got mindfucked into shilling for Galaxy, but damn the theaters are great.
Alamo Drafthouse is kinda like that, good food and drink with tables at each seat in the theater.
Would be hilarious to see how companies would react, if a large amount of playerbase, as in the players who buy microtransactions etc., would suddenly stop playing altogether and start doing something not-vidya related. Either everything would turn to shit and vidya becomes unsalvageable or they would actually have to make everything like they used to do.
>Used to be a master of secret movie snacks with Grandma as she'd have tons of stuff in her purse and I'd hide stuff in my coat, almost a whole meal at times.
>Been going to the movies with GF for a while now
>No more snack kino because I don't want to blatantly be a cheapskate on our dates
>Everything is super expensive
Thankfully every usual patron at my local theater knows commen courtesy to slightly unwrap or open their food beforehand as to not make too much noise.
Because "muh quality".
are you so american that you have to eat during every activity (not that watching something is active but still).
I not only brought my own snacks but also made my own soda at home. Then I dodged paying for the bus fare on the way home.
If I can't pirate the movie, I'll at least "pirate" everything else.
german kfc has fries
As far as I've seen no, but I've never been in europe so I can't say for them.
Granted if Australia's version served these instead they probably would still call them fries as they seem to call anything made from a potato here fries.
>Fucking australia, you can get fries with everything here
its called chips, yah cunt.
Buying a base paradox game and pirating the dlc
>Granted if Australia's version served these instead they probably would still call them fries as they seem to call anything made from a potato here fries.
oops, meant chips, damn aussies.
I've been in a similar situation. The best way to approach it is to tell her about how you and your grandma used to sneak your lunch into the theater and shit like that. If she's not a heartless monster, she'll either think it's funny or cute and once you're done, you can ask her if she's down to one up 'the man'. I don't think there's a person on the planet who PREFERS or WILLINGLY pays 8 dollars for a box of redvines, bruh. Don't over think it.
I was so worried about looking like a pathetic penny pincher that I just flat out avoided movies for as long as I could, but when I couldn't I ended up always blowing 50+ bucks every time. When I finally told her I missed sneaking shit into the theater, she thought I was trying to show off the whole time and we started bringing in family sized bags of candy and gorging ourselves and it was a lot more fun.
Rainbow six siege skins.
Almost all digital goods. Card games like HS is a prime exemple.
i mean if you are not having sex why even care what she thinks?
Those are called potato wedges here in Straya as well. Sometimes you'll get them when you order chips, but it varies from place to place.
>food going bad really ruined food for me
Nintendo SD cards.
Security frisks us before we are let in. They have a separate area where you have to keep your bag in with all the food if you brought any.
If you manage to sneak food in and get caught though you get sent to the popcorn mines.
In Canada, they pat you down before they let you go in - especially if you are going in as a single.
We have bagged chocolate milk up here, and it's a popular thing to sneak in due to the form factor.
Exactly. Do whatever you want and live your life on your own terms.
then when you get home, you can spend 4 hours jacking off to mind numbingly depraved awful porn that should never see the light of day
Damn, that's kind of wild. I've never seen a movie theater do that before and I live near a movie theater that's been shot up more than once. Different strokes I guess.
>they do pat downs in leaf theaters
I'm not even surprised. Wouldn't be surprised if britain was the same way to.