30 years later and sega and nintendo are still going at it

30 years later and sega and nintendo are still going at it

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The worst part about it all is the fact that the only people that will be watching this drivel are the same fans from 30 years ago. Literally theaters filled with 40 year olds to watch G rated cartoon movies.

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>nintendo kills sega for good this time around


the world is run by delusional boomers. Don't you kids forget that.

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I'm glad we never got a Halo movie.

and nintendo is still winning

And just like always, Sega won this fight long ago

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I can't imagine what a movie Elite would look like, probably make the 343 ones seem amazing in comparison

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Pikachu's design was kept too safe and cartoony.

Sonic is actually taking risks, they made him look more realistic to give a different kind of feeling.

When you look at Detective Pikachu you think "this is a fantasy man interacting with fantasy animals"

When you watch the Sonic movie you think "This could be me. This man's actions reflect my own, this is how I would realistically have an adventure with Sonic the Hedgehog"

It's easier to self insert, which turns it into a 4D experience while Pokémon remains 3D

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Nah, look at the disclaimer at the top of the Super Mario Bros film, they clearly won.

Pokémon isn't really strictly Nintendo though. At least, not in the same way that Mario and Zelda are. I'd consider it more of its own thing.

Sony was originally in charge of mess. Coincidence?

The Halo movie was going to be a Neil Blomkamp and Peter Jackson production, so it would've be fine. Fuck, some of the early shit got recycled into

Besides that, we did technically get two halo movies, and the best one out of those two was ok at best.

>Pokemon company is a joint venture by Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures.
>Nintendo also owned majority of Game Freak and Creatures
Pokemon company is a Nintendo fuckery to shut up investor and keep pokemon profit on themself

Uhhh... meow?

>My old friend, or should I say enemy.

why would you spend your time writing this?

>tfw this movie will never ever actually be made but the Sonic and new Doom movie have been made

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I can see kids going to see Detective Pikachu. I don't think you understand just how shitty kids' taste is. The Sonic movie, though, I don't know...it's hard to imagine a kid wanting to watch that horrifying model.

What the fuck, how come that movie failed to be made. That shit was kino as fuck.

Bing bing wahoo movie when?

Many, many, many factors that just so happened to coincide with the movie not getting past screen tests. Damn shame, the fact that Bungie themselves recognized how good the screen tests were that they incorporated them into their ad campaign for Halo 3 showed the promise it had.


It will be a mercy killing from how Sega continues to operate.

Because Sega has very little executive meddling power over heads running the show.

Thanks for the pasta doc

3D Pikachu actually looks pretty cute until it opens its mouth and that frat bro voice comes out of it.

If Sega dies they will just buy them, Nintendo won't be willing to let bayoneta slip away.

Should have gone with a noir voice
What was his voice in the game?

Why are (((Hollywood))) movies so formulaic and samey? I know that following a tried-and-true method minimizes the risk of not generating enough revenue, but surely the goyim will get tired at some point, right?

Wrong Mario bros movie

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Your bait skills are improving but you have to keep it short and concise. No one is going to read all that shit as soon as they realise you're being fictitious.

Is Mario a cuck in this?

Sadly Yes

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Less a cuck and more a straight up mercenary. This was back before character identities were firmly established, so Mario and Peach were nothing to each other at this point.

or sonic for that matter
fuck, nintendo buying out sega might be the best move. we might get some of their old IPs revived like jet set radio

I can't stand that fucking mouth.

Anyone have a sadcat sonic edit?

nope, he literally does it for the money. look at those fat stacks of coins mario and luigi are carrying

That is absolute bullshit and the exact line of thinking those Jews probably had producing it.
So out of touch I'm almost confident it's just someone pulling favors

That's why Nintendo went with illumination for the Mario movie, big enough name to draw attention but small enough they could boss them around.

Taking a risk doesn't automatically make an idea good or smart. Dangling your ball sack into a lion cage is taking a risk.

I thought nintendo learned their lesson with the mario movie

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Just scrap his design completely and go from scratch.

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They're making another Mario movie

Is Etika the Antichrist to Chris Chan's God?

IF DANNY DEVITO AND STEVE BUSCEMI AREN'T MARIO AND LUIGI IN THE NEW FILM I WILL probably see it anyway but these two would be perfect for Mario and Luigi

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It's not live action you wanker

-man in his late 20s

i meant as voices you tool

fair enough you idiot

You don't self-insert for movies, you're supposed to be an observer to the interesting stuff that happens.

>Nintendo VS Sega again
>Nintendo still winning

ironic. Sega made characters of the time, Nintendo made timeless characters.

If Nintendo bought Sega that would be the single most hilarious thing to ever happen.

Isn't Illumination, the ones who did the minions, making a Mario movie?
