How's that game you're working on coming along user?

How's that game you're working on coming along user?

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How is yours going, tuba guy?

>no new oneyplays in 2 days
is chris alive? i need my friend simulator

Go away furry
I know you're reading this

le funni man is kill

I stopped watching because I find mick and Tomar kind of boring, I’ve mainly just been watching old sleepycast stuff instead

I'm pretty sure Chris predicted this which is why he decided to reveal his game just as the final DD&J content rolled out. I predict he might announce a kickstarter or patreon soon.

It’s going good

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its ok, kinda stuck at some interface bullshit because I dont like doing UIs

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>indie game
>2d platformer
i just don't know

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I trust it will have le funni cinematics and be replete with hilariously b-tier voice acting from his friends, hopefully Zach will play the witch.

>collected over 70k on patreon
>got them twitchbux
>got them youtubebux
>got them furrycommissionbux
>have money to commission furry vore porn and eat out all the time
yet they still claim to be """poor"""

>inb4 dingdong's janny friends nuke the thread

that'll be fun for one playthrough/watch i guess

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Poor = Bad with money

I hope Zach comes back soon

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>constantly complain you can't work on games because you have to play games for a few hours and scream
>move away and still dont make much progress either
>complain about money and don't make much progress
>play games with Julian to make more money

What's with this autist?




Chris+Zach, Chris+Dingdong

Chris+Arin, Chris+Cory

Tomar, Mick, Amin, Lyle, Waffle

Matt, Ryan


I don't know how you haven't noticed, but him and Joolian both unironically act like teenage girls.

I’m not working on a game but I am working on a comic and I’m demotivated because my art sucks and I can’t plan an interesting or complex storyline

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What's Cory up to these days?

Corey's exaggerated retard shtick got boring a few episodes in, he needs to be lower.

Shit taste

Chris/Zack/Tomar is high tier purely because Tomar is a perfect straight man for those two to abuse

It'd be pretty dumb to end the channel now while it's still relatively popular. IIRC Chris said as long as he keeps enjoying doing the videos he won't stop. Doesn't seem like he's phoning it in quite yet.


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He's not ending it no, but he no doubt recognizes that it's gonna decline now that Ding Dong and Julian are gone and Zach isn't available most of the time.

Too busy working on his secret furry tuba vore game. Porn addiction is a nasty thing.

Degenerate spendthrifts.

Honestly he should just do more solo stuff. Mix it up here and there.

Chris O'Neil is the only human who I would estimate has a Charisma stat of 10

wait, that was corey? was he always that wide?

>10 CHA
>1 INT
how does he do it?

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Is Trigger Treat outright cancelled or not? It genuinely looks good.

Working on Nightmare Cops with Jeff

Maybe he doesn't enjoy recording by himself anymore.
Yes, yes he was.

Lys is the cutest out of all the artist girls associated with Chris and the sleepycast crew which is saying something.

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>tfw you couldn't save Stamper

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>Zack doing a Trump impression
>accompanies it with Linkara and Doug Walker
god bless this fucking retard

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And yet he couldn't maintain a healthy relationship with Arin.
what could that mean

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What if we include goblinoids as human?

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What the fuck happened to him, the last episode of Sleepycast he was on he sounded super fucking strung out and coked up and then he completely disappeared

Ryan is mid low tier, Matt can fuck off


thank god someone else feels the same way I do about Matt. He ruined every single fucking episode he was in and yet everyone acted like I was a piece of shit for saying he wasn't funny. He was loud as fuck, constantly interrupting, his humor did not match Chris, DD, and Julian at all. And overall just a cringey faggot

Cute, but looks like she'd stab me with a pencil

All in my head still.
I just have no ambition to go trough with it.

Chris/Zach/Tomar is at least on par with DingDong and Julian.

plankton v. obama was pretty good

Have you listened to Sleepycast? He's not joking he's an actual retard and would go on countless autistic rants

he does twitch streams fairly often


Probably that Egoraptor is not very pleasant to be around long-term.
Kid is all over the place Tbh. Sometimes he'll get lucky and say something really funny, though I guess its kind of inevitable when your mouth is going at a million miles per hour.

He's a mentally deranged drug addict. What do you think happened to him?

We'll never get a comfy solo series like his dark souls playthrough again. Chris put out that one episode of oblivion and way overedited it with whacky noises because he thinks if there's over 5 seconds of silence people won't watch it.

>technology is cool...
>it's science man
>his name is S**********
>that can't go in the video want to try again?
What the fuck did Chris say?

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Last I heard he was with some fucking coke head who had low life's after them. I think Stamper is safe now and with his sister, but I have no idea

Matt is much younger than they are and was not part of the Newgrounds style internet. He was acting up to try and fit in on Oneyplays and he regrets doing that.

I'd imagine one of the other guys would have said something by now

have you listened to the first few episodes of sleepycast when he DIDN'T act like that? he stopped being coherent when people responded to it.

His Trump impersonation is the best I've ever heard

his best group videos have always been with the best faggots, I love those guys, but getting into older sleepycast stuff is probably better than rewatching old animations and skit videos that will never see any followup again and getting depressed

Well that's what happens when Julian and DD decide to trash the game that GG were putting a lot of money into before it came out. Supposedly Arin was so pissed that he raised the rent in the GG office for Chris to an absurd amount pretty much forcing him to leave and record somewhere else.
Arin Hanson is a faggot and killed Doodle Doods

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All of the Sleepycast guys have, at one point or another, tried to help Stamper get better. He doesn't want to.

They have all said bits and pieces about him from time to time but they all know who Stamper is.

Is Herculad real?

Yes please

How is he able to do it? I don't mean just a good impression but I mean a trump joke that doesn't come off as incredibly arrogant?

He acts the same in his own content. The other guy actually has some comedic sense, but Matt just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Yeah but not for anything on Matt's part. Every time they told him to do the voice he would get 2 words in and suddenly stop and say it wasn't good. Chris saved it with the "obamacare doesn't work" line

Doesn't he explain it in their Spiderman 2 lp?

Because they're pretty much never actual Trump jokes, he just says something funny about something completely unrelated in a spot on Trump voice.

Because he says ridiculous things in Trumps cadence but he doesn't say political things.

Trumps voice is funny but the man speaks seriously (as seriously as he can) at all times. You never hear Trump make an actual joke or say something that is actually absurd, so hearing that happen really highlights how funny his voice is.

He's just really good at impressions and Trump is really hard to pull off, all the SNL retards that do Trump impressions think it's just squinting a lot and talking like Don Vito when it's more than that, Zach has the voice and all the mannerisms down pat

Make your mouth small and get winded at the end of every sentence like a 70 year old man. Also use the hand motions.

I think it's namely that Zach focuses entirely on nailing the voice and the little ticks like the heavy breathing and mannerisms, not Trump's policies. It's usually just absurdist humor with Trump's voice attached.

t. never lived in LA
Their rent was $3000 a month


anything with lyle is top tier, that man is gold

Then how come they're still poor after moving to Chicago?

because he's trying to be funny instead of mocking someone in impotent rage or pushing an agenda

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probably referenced scientology.
I mean the threat is real, they do like to have their opposition put two suicide bullets in the back of their heads.

>m-muh landlord
uh huh sure dingdong

This is Chris we're talking about, there's a 99% chance he called him a balackman-word.

You're not fooling anyone Lyle. Face the fact that nobody liked you and that you're banned from the show forever and relegated back to just editing

when is he going to appear on oneyplays

Attached: stamper.jpg (214x317, 13K)

it's done. it just needs polishing.

Show screenshots, user

he's dead

almost there

Stamper doesn't like bideo game. Shit he seems disgusted by the whole game pals thing his friends are doing.

Dude's too busy bitching about his life on Twitter and having meltdowns.

They aren't in Chicago, but just 'cause you leave a state doesn't mean you're done living there.

They got fucked by taxes and some other unspecified stuff but supposedly that's the end of it

There's another streamer I watch, completely unrelated to DD, who just moved out of San Diego because it's too damn expensive. She also claimed $3K a month for rent.

Apparently it's a growing trend for people to move out of California and into neighboring states, because it's an absolute nightmare trying to live there.

He was doing video game streams for a while, I remember him streaming Silent Hill 2 one halloween and he's mentioned before that DMC3 is his favorite game

Drop Waffle down one and I'll absolutely agree with this tier list.

Look, there he is! There he is. Get him- get him out of here! Get him the hell out of here!!

>doesn't like video games
>talks about vidya on his twitter some times screaming at how parappa the rapper is good
>used to be a fucking voice actor for vidya

>used to be a fucking voice actor for vidya
literally means nothing in terms of liking the medium. money is money.

>They aren't in Chicago

Attached: chicago.png (332x398, 99K)

He also, you know, worked on video games with his friends outside of his voice acting so I'm wondering what the fuck that guy was talking about.


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It said that even when he was living in LA

Most he's said about where they live now is that it's in the middle of nowhere

Suzy is wayyy too skinny here

That Arin has 0 in CHA.

I like rubberskunkboob/too

stamper is peak chad

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it's a GBA FE romhack. so if you were expecting something more visually appealing or ambitious, sorry.

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>Kingdom Hearts 2 returns
>Chris makes a joke about a bus full of aids, condoms and needles
>Julian joins him
>ding dong is either silent or baffled by this event

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>probably off alone constantly drunk playing DMC3 while shitposting all day
Stamper was and still is the best sleepycast lad.

Put a little picture of Linkara at the top right

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I actually quite like Tomar and I don’t mind Mick too much.

Because he said "fuck you" to some bitch with no context?

What the fuck are you even saying, you dumb bitch?

Someone's been reading loco bandito

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is this real?

>some other unspecified stuff
Are you just willfully ignorant or what?

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you mean arin's wife, I mean yeah, some bitch, but you know

Well I don't expect someone to spill the beans on all of their personal finances just because they're a funny Let's Player

Didn't they finally show their game off to some suits and basically got shut down hard?

I can't imagine they would, it's in no state to be pitched.

Rejection isn't the end of the world, user.

Mick is so boring to watch, he sucks the energy out of Chris

It is for gay furries.

He ruined sleepycast too

I imagine "fucked by taxes" means "we accepted donations and freelance pay and were too irresponsible to set aside some of it to pay our completely predictable amount of self-employment and income tax".

Why would you live in Chicago?
It's as expensive as California, but it's also cold as fuck and full of "that"

mick is so fucking boring holy shit

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>Maybe he doesn't enjoy recording by himself anymore.
He directly states he probably wouldn't have continued playing Dark Souls 3 at all if he'd continued doing it solo, I imagine being bored when doing it by himself is a huge part of it.