What went so fucking wrong?
What went so fucking wrong?
For me I'm sick of having to guild-hop multiple times to be able to play the game with people of similar skill level. Whenever I take a break and don't keep in touch with guildmates it's like I have to jump through a million hoops to play fun pve content. Blizz should just let us do dungeons and raids with AI then we will see who the real chads are
inb4 >hurr durr its a multiplayer game
fuck you im not wasting my time carrying scrubs and guild hopping multiple times just to be able to complete mythic raids in a reasonable time. There are plenty of other games that provide engaging and challenging singleplayer content
guild attrition and burnout are the biggest problems doing mythic raids but they refuse to make them cross realm cause some welfare eurofags would get buttblasted from not having a guaranteed edge in the world first "race"
Classes are completely gutted. Every class is totally reliant on random procs from gear and abilities.
Everyone's buff bars have like 4 lines of random procs
I just want warriors to be top tier DPS again
>after we had an epic war with the Legion with both sides working together.
Also, doesn't help that it felt like a filler expansion when it was announced and played like one at launch. Tons of "content" was delayed and underwhelming. They said not making new class armor would mean they would put way more effort in the four sets released. Except all the new gear looks like trash items you get from questing. The neck piece is complete shit and they basically scrapped it and reworked it into the artifact weapon talent system for 8.2. The new areas are boring as fuck and the story is somehow worse than WoD. Everyone is pinning their last hopes on 8.2 but it looks to be just as disappointing. Basically this is the straw that broke the camels back, finally.
>Giving it to the wrong people
>Shit-tier writing by a bad
>Classes like warriors got fucked during this exp
>Timegated content
>Raids feel like a chore to do
no wonder my guild got sick of this expansion and decided to go on a "Break" for the time being
Didn't fire Ion
I honestly wish everything was cross realm at this point. Server communities are already fucked as it is so why not just go full mega-server? Fuck, just make PvE cross faction as well I don't even care anymore.
People were saying the exact same things during WoD. Hopefully they can save their own asses and pull another Legion with whatever their next expac is.
Where is WoW going next for another expansion?
Azerite, and no interesting expansion hook.
What mental illness keeps people playing WoW since vanilla?
t. quit at start of Cataclysm because I wasn't having fun
Wrath of Bolvar's Hemorrhoids: The Burning Scourge.
the expansion wasn't bad, it's the philosophy of the game itself which has gone to shit. it's all about cosmetics now. went to mmo-champion.com the other day on a whim and the new content patch at the top of the page was a couple of mounts.
you quit the first tier of cataclysm because it was actually challenging compared to the end of wrath and you couldn't figure out how to clear trash in stone core and deadmines? fucking pussy.
It's a expansion from a AAA+ from the sub based MMO with the most players, the game also got a cash shop, allows you to directly buy gold for real money and got stuff like level boosts and such.
Despite making mad cash from the game and you paying a sub to play it, the game is less updated and there is less content added than an indie game with 1000 players.
>the game also got a cash shop, allows you to directly buy gold for real money and got stuff like level boosts and such.
which they added because people were already buying boosts, gold and game time from chinks. so what changed other than having zero risk of having your account stolen and/or banned? answer the question faggot.
It was fun for a bit, Boralus is cool. It's super easy to gear up and the story has been retarded since wod. If you play for 30 minutes you've pretty much experienced all the expansion has to offer.
wrath of the bitch queen
One of the main complaints are: Classes, Flying, grind, how easy to gear up, timegating.
Most players want this expc end, it's so sad seeing the comments in reddit, Yea Forums and forums. Let's hope they do well next xpac, at least, at least i hope it surpass bfa, and be better at least like 25% than legion i'm happy with it. Right now, for retail should be like MoP.
>Original WoW team was made up of 60 people
>Current WoW team has significantly more devs, but somehow manages to deliver less content that's also less fun
It really makes me wonder how the fuck this is even possible. The internal workings at Blizzard must just be clogged up by a bunch of deadweight employees, people like Christie Golden and Steve Danuser. The current state of the game depresses me so much and I wish that I could do something about it.
I feel the same. I really want more answers from the devs, what's going on with their direction.
Wow in every xpac.
I asked a GM for a free day today to try out BFA one more time because I stopped by the end of september. The only motivation I had for anything was to grind rep for Proudmoore to get Kul'Tirans, I completed the wq's then alt f4'd. There's just no more drive.
warfronts, islands, azerite grinding, are all largely pointless and avoided.
That;'s 40 percent of Blizz's workload down the drain right there.
Theres also the problem of getting weaker as you level out of 110 making alts less fun to make and play.
In legion you would .level up a DH, your max level character, and use a boost on a character you don't have, and it's fun because of the order class halls and the artifact weapons.
Problem is end game item progression is absolutely fucked.
Get rid of raid finder and cut down on welfare epics and you will see a huge improvement with the game.
Just imagine how bored people will get of Vanilla if they think retail got little content.
I think most won't make it to 40