I pay ps+ for one year just so I can play some multiplayer which ended up sucking and to get the games (rayman legends and the surge were kino) but this month was a fucking waste. Indie game which is good but the shit movie game is shit.
Raising prices and removing ps3 and ps vita games for this sony?
>paying to play online
it really is dumb of them to get rid of the ps3 and vita games.
there's still people out there who would appreciate the gesture, and there's still a bunch of games they could give out
The games with gold for this month hurts xbros
man sony has been dropping the ball with everything lately.
I only pay because i don't want to lose my older ps3 games, but ps+ hasn't been good in at least 4 years
You guys get more games than ps+? Fucking shit mate.
Yeah but game pass 3 months for $1 was based.
Still better than what PS4 got by a mile.
Not to mention Overcooked has been GWG and Edith is on Xbox's Netflix equivalent where a movie like that belongs.
Plus, it's not like people get the games if they don't resister them during that month right? So how many copies would they lose versus how many people would go Sony if they had a solid set-up like that?
I subscribed for the first time ever in January. Got the PS3 games, got the PS4 games, I'm loving it. 2 months later, no more PS3 or Vita games, and the 2 PS4 game selections have been underwhelming ever since. I'm now locked into this for the next year... I'm not a happy camper. I don't even play multiplayer, I wanted it for Dark Souls.
Sony's getting ready to kill the PS3/PS Vita stores, and leave room in the budget for PS5 stuff but doing it this early and only offering extra cloud storage is a complete Jew move.
that'd be fucking awful.
man now i got to sort and redownload some games just in case.
It's inevitable.
The only reason it hasn't happened sooner is because Sony was hoping MS would kill the 360 servers/store first (they killed the OG Xbox less than 5 years after the 360 launch).
However, because of BC, MS has a financial incentive to do the bare minimum to keep them running but Sony does not (outside of PSNow, I guess?)
Only a matter of time, probably a little after or before the PS5 launch.
>Four bad games of diverse genres
>Vs two crappy games
As further evidence, a bunch of 1st party PS3 stuff has been having online closures in the last year or so.
Because PS3/Vita online is free and there's no more free PS3 games, Sony is making no sub money from sole PS3/Vita users anymore either.
They do it because May is Exams Month for most teens. July should be fun.
Every month can’t be a winner unfortunately
Overcooked is great
How about if they close down the PS3 servers, so in 5 years if you pop in that copy of that game you love, you won't be able to download the updates for it. Are we eventually gonna have to play whatever version number of the game was shipped on disc? Because some of those games have bad glitches that were Day 1 patched out. It's the first time anyone's had to wonder about this.
that might be a tad bad, even though EDF is pretty cool. sony's line up is ass, especially now that they dont give ps3 and vita games anymore. my 6 games a month became 2 just like that. fuck sony.
Where is this from?
Does anyone even seriously care that they increased the cloud size? It only stores save files, and save files already are tiny. I've never had a problem where I went "I need to free up disc space. Should I delete this 10 GB install file? Or should I delete this 256 mb save file?"
oh mommy...
to this day i never used more than 7%.
i got no source
>PS3 servers
All the psn store content comes from the same servers, you can still download psp games from your download list in your psp for example.
Well now, if Edith Finch looked like that, I'd praise Sony.
When lolking at the thumbnail for this on my phone, i thought 3rd game was spongebob game and i chuckled.
So this is the power of paid online, eh? Not bad, not bad...
>japan got Metal Gear Survive and Darksiders Warmastered
why the fuck couldn't that be the global games
Sony knows that you pay only for online and not for the games, we can pretty much thank the PC community with MMOs and microsoft for bringing this incredible feature to consoles aswell. Not that sony is innocent with just copying the competition again.
Would not have been better if they gave away fallout 76?
i acdtually kidna ahte that every region gets a set of dirrente games. i can understand that japan gets some more exclusive stuff but some times they really shit the bad.
One day here in Brazil everyone saw that EU was getting FIFA, and so did NA but south americans got another game instead of fifa.
i dont like fifa but that was a dick move.
Just walk over any gamestop they'll happily give you a copy.
Pic source plz?
looks like bigdad/darnacts art
I thought this month was meant to be darksiders 1 and mgs survive
It's like they want you to know they don't care anymore
when they first cut the ps3 and vita game, i thought they were just going to make up by giving away another ps4 game at least.
this is just a huge step down for no real reason.
It's was. Much appreciated m8.
that's too bad about there being no source, thanks for telling us though good soldier
And thank you too. Have a nice night.
Why not? Nintendo pioneered anti consumer tactics. They shut down the wii eshop. Nobody cared. Sony will copy Nintendo.