Friend links you the new super bunnyhop video on game dev commies

>friend links you the new super bunnyhop video on game dev commies

Attached: tranny shit.jpg (758x698, 236K)

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white people are so fucked up man.

>Unions are communist
Why does Yea Forums of all things now defend corporations? What the hell happened to this site?

Also not vidya btw.

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>video game development isn't videogames
based retard

ok? what point are you trying to make with this thread?

They're naive and it will bite them in the ass later on.

It's easy for people without a job to whine about 'communism'.

Thats a man

It isn't, this is clearly going to devolve into a political bait thread and have little to nothing to do with video games. Give it 80 posts and someone will quote hitler / stalin, fucking watch.

>get foreign coders
>move studios

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