Can this company be any more cursed?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're simply retarded
How much money did they put into this doomed movie?
Pretty much this, they own Atlus and could swim in money if they bothered porting their requested titles to ps4/PC/Switch.
90mil, probably half of that going to Jim Carrey.
Who should buy Sega?
Epic Games.
This, Sega has been making catastrophic decisions since the fucking Genesis.
>On the new Sonic movie
They have a plethera of amazing titles they could be porting
Nobody wants sega. I could see Nintendo or Sony buying out Fatlus from them.
That's not counting marketing. Probably full budget is between 160-200 million.
I would have bought at least 2 copies of Skies of Arcadia if they released them on Switch and PC, would that have helped Sega?
Sega deserves to fall for betraying Sony and porting their exclusives. Hoping Sony is saving up to buy them out later on when the inevitable bankruptcy occurs.
>9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
sega is finished
consider this sonic movie a "last hurrah" and a final goodbye
Persona 5 Xbox, PC and Switch could easily cover that loss
I could see Nintendo doing it to bolster their Switch lineup with Sega exclusives.
Sales are up but profits are down because their mobile games aren't doing so well
They already said they are focusing on their current franchises and multiplatform approach
It's so sad that they're fucking retarded. They own so many fucking great franchises, but they let most of them die and ruined their brand recognition.
Thry’ll probably get a bail out from Nintendo for exclusivity rights
IE Platinum games
Shills begone. Go read some Winnie the Pooh books.
if you read the article, they actually improved in almost all areas, across the board, increasing reputation and sales substantially. but they fell short in the number of releases they were able to get out in 2018 (i'm assuming), according to the article they planned 12 titles, only released 8.
Ultimately it means they overspent during the period by a hefty amount, they attribute it to a number of factors, but their investment into new IPs failed to materialize a profit despite almost everything else making them money. This is probably only bad news for a few hundred employees who may get the ax. otherwise it's not bad news at all.
Nintendo or Microsoft
>implying Sonic himself won't outlive Sega and the entire video game industry
Sonic The Cockroach will be that last piece of media before the end of mankind
Yeah no, those chinks have money but I’m pretty sure they’ll let straight up Bamco buy them out 1st
Underrated answer
This is going to be the new Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, isn't it?
>making more sales by porting to PC
>bleeding it all out even faster because mobile shit and shitty video game movie (which always suck because they're produced as the designated flop for dodging taxes or some shit, not to actually succeed)
You do know that Sega didn't pay for the movie out of pocket, that's not how movies are funded
>have one game universally loved and praised for featuring their rich properties
>remove them and keep Sonic and his shitty friends
Sega can honestly fuck off and die, they learn nothing.
If you consider the kinds of games they tend to release, Nintendo would make the most sense. Given the current state of the industry though, Microsoft would probably be the one most desperate to pick up the scraps.
Literally who approved the $90m Sonic movie. Did execs actually sit together in a meeting room and agree, "yes this is a good idea". Literally WHY
>games won’t be graphically limited and switch exclusive
>won’t be turned into TLOU movie clones with censored content
>we be available on PC due to Microsoft’s current business strategy
There’s no better option
It's going to be the new Dragonball Evolution
Microsoft. They'll hand over the CEO position to Aaron Webber, who will lead SEGA into a new golden age...that or he'll just embezzle millions and run to Mexico, which would still be better than the current decisions SEGA is making.
Also available on Nintendo
Only the people that own a PlayStation would be left out
Get fucked shitchfag
not those anons but i really can't imagine anybody watching the movie and saying afterwards "hey, lets try out those sonic games now"
sega is going to pay somehow
Actually I want it on PC so that I can upscale the horrible fucking textures in P5.
Sega has literally never been loyal to Sony.
Like fucking ever.
Probably to avoid taxes but someone thought this would strike it big in the box office
What a sad dumb retard.
You forgot the part where anything under Microsoft is incapable of producing good games.
Just emulate it and you'll get texture than any port. Still get fucked though.
Not a matter of buying the company, just the IPs so they can actually making something good out of it.
>make shitty games
>be surprised when you lose money
On the plus side, they said they'll focus on old IPs again.
Come onnnnnnn NiGHTS.
Ah! Help me Nintendo and Sony!
That would cost a lot of money to develop from the ground up. Ports it is!
>put persona on PC
>make up the 17 million overnight
all the retards ITT who think sega spent a nickel on the sonic movie. it doesn't work that way dummies. paramount PAID sega to use their ip.
>he thinks Atlus is capable of making a good port
Just emulate it it's fully playable on PC already. Shitty textures don't take away from the fun.
Put your games on GoG and I'll stop pirating them.
The problem is, Sega merged with Sammy a while ago and the financial reports they published are split into ungodly amounts of segments like arcades, pachinko machines, resort hotels and weird crane game machines which they claim to have invented. Then with "video games" they split it into digital and physical.
The article appears to claim operating profit for Sega (and assuming SegaSammy) but a loss in the digital video games dept. Looking at their financial statements they always lump it back in with their "entertainment" sections so they include it back with arcade machines and pachinko machines.
PS5 Sonic exclusive when?
>Selling on PC
pick 1
You're underestimating the poder of retarded kiddies, this film releases 2 weeks before Frozen 2 comes and kicks his ass but in those 2 weeks it can get x3 their money back of their budget. I don't want it to succeed, i'm just telling the truth.
>sega games on pc
Pick one
Can only hope, Sonic and Gaystation overlap in autism pretty thoroughly
They don't but they are a fucking eye sore, like the laundry room next to leblanc, holly fuck did that game suffer from being cross gen. Plus shitty inconsistent frame rate and horrible jaggies.
*blocks your path*
what new IP?
When is it? Because Pokemon is next week and they'll probably have a big presence for 3-4 weeks minimum
More like *blocks sega's path to money*
>japanese games on PC
pick one
DP will be long gone from theatre by then
>Sega reported a $17 million loss from digital games for the period
How the fuck do you lose money, let alone 17 Mil on digital? What the fuck is so hard about uploading a 20-30 GB game to the internet that cost them so much, they lose 17M despite people buying said digital files for $60 a pop?
Shut up snoyboy
Not everyone has a high end pc dude.
Don't forget who the main audience is. This'll peak the interest of children more than anyone.
See what happened to Rare
pick 2B
Yakuza 0 made around 9 millions tho.
Sega has a lot of shit going in Japan. They have quite a lot of stuff to dig through although in the west, probably not so much. Sanic, Yakuza and maybe valkyria chronicles are the heavy hitters. If you want to include Atlus, Persona then.
you don't need a high end PC just not a shitty laptop
Incompetency is not a curse
You serious? Last time i checked you needed an i7 to run it at 20 fps, that's not playable.
>gamers hated VC2 and 3
>Sega makes VC4 like VC1
>it flops
why didn't you buy it?
>one company has management that's literally retarded
>the other has management that's full of jews
What would be the end result if they merged?
USA, the game company?
Why does the notion of other platforms getting ports upset you so?
I did though, physically
>What the fuck is so hard about uploading a 20-30 GB game to the internet that cost them so much, they lose 17M despite people buying said digital files for $60 a pop?
Those digital files do not magically appear out of thin air, they have to pay people to make those games. Even if it's a port, you still have programmers to pay for. And if not enough people buy those files to cover for the cost of making them then they lose money.
Post proof
Why buy when I can pirate?
It doesn't though. I Iiterally just said to emulate it if you wanna play it on pc right now. Quit being retarded and learn to read.
next sonic trailer needs to show sonic's soles and him wearing a diaper (as a joke) and they will have every single furfag on earth watching that movie.
It sold 300 000 copies, 30 dlls each.
definitely Microsoft
but only after they dropped the windows store bullshit
I have steady 60 FPS with a ryzen 2600, the emulator has improved massively in the past year, even in places like shibuya central street I maintain 55-60 FPS
Indieshits do it all the time without all that budget. Admit it, this is pure incompetence. Like when the pentagon needs a new toilet bowl and it ends up costing over $14 grand
I think Sega initially licensed the property to Sony Pictures, and they had more control over the film with them. At some point though, Sony then sold their movie license to Paramount (Viacom), and if I recall correctly, Sega lost control over the film then. Sega apparently didn't like the Sonic design, but Paramount went with it anyway, due to Hollywood's massive ego. Here's a tweet from a professional animator explaining the situation.
Nigga what?
Why would Paramount think this is a good idea?
Sega Smash Bros
Kiryu & Majima
Ryo Hazuki
Arle from Puyo Puyo
Alicia from VC
Phantasy Star rep - Alys? Nei?
the dwarf from Golden Axe
the ninja from Shinobi
Beat from JSR
the monkey from Monkey Ball
tons of characters from Shining Force, Virtua Fighter, Eternal Champions
joke character: the manager from Football Manager
tons of characters from all Atlus's stuff (Persona, Catherine, Dragon's Crown)
Friendship has ended with "Console"
now best friends with "PC"
I did
It’s alright but I’m not a fan
Sony paid. Sony did all the damage. Paramount just got the rights to distribute.
>mfw never have to pay for sega games ever again
we live in the best timeline bros
>get banned for having a contrary opinion
Why do people post on retardera? Why jump through all those hoops, including doxxing yourself to mentally ill activists, just to post there?
Oh yes, that reminds me.
Everyone make sure to get the remakes of Panzer Dragoon 1 and 2 this year.
So the movie that we see right now was made by Sony? I don't understand.
because they are mentally ill activists?
Can we now say that pc ports will save sega since this shit count as digital doesnt help to sega at all? This post btfo more pcgamers than console ones after all.
This is much better than that abomination of a trailer
their current franchises are shit , just buy atlus at this point , sega is konami tier just old boomer nostalgia
How the fuck does a company who has so many excellent IPs lose money this consistently? I feel like in an alternate universe, SEGA and Capcom have their positions swapped. guys know SEGA didn't fund the movie, right? They just sold the license. Paramount funded the film, the losses aren't because of the Sonic movie you fucking retards
>pcfags dont buy games
what else is new? bleh
The fact that people still get banned shows they aren't all mentally ill activists. So I revise my question, if you're not a radical left-wing activist, why bother going there? Only possible reason I can see is an addiction to Russian Roulette.
Again, why buy when you can get it for free?
The problem is that Sega is still on this weird belief that only their Japanese audience matters despite having some of the biggest and most autistic fanbase with tons of cash on the west.
That "poster" is fanmade, but I'm sure I saw that image on Sonic Stadium with them saying it was the only piece of material they put out before they sold the rights to Paramount.
Rare is currently making good games you snoytard
>owning a switch
I just want more people buying Atlus titles.
Why buy when you can kill a franchise?
As hard as it may be to believe, there's not a single relevant IP under Sega that appeals to me.
Nope Paramount (Viacom)
Start shilling atlus products?
Rare was buyed in 2002 xcuck
>No Man's Sea
>KI and Battletoads 2019 aren't fully made by them
Enough of you sheeple buy this shit to keep them afloat, so I can pirate as much as I want..
As hard as it may be to believe, there's not a single relevant post under (You) that appeals to anyone.
It was being made at Sony. The script and probably Sonic's design were written almost entirely at Sony. Sony tried to add more violence to make it PG-13, but the basic story is the same.
Then Sony ran out of money to make it, so Paramount took what they had and finished it.
This basically
I can’t just let my favorite games die because no one brought them
Well, ain't you an entitled piece of shit.
Their distribution of existing IP's are doing really well, over expectations. Some of this is partly due to Steam, but keep in mind, they really made a lot of their money on physical sales. We don't really know how much but considering the company's public stance on doubling down on existing IP's and former reports of Sega execs being very pleased with PC, you can probably put 2 and 2 together here. we'll be seeing a huge push, not just onto PC, but very likely onto other consoles (xbox, switch) as well.
Now this is epic.
I wont, pirate it so it can die in peace
>Nintendo should go third party !
>see this.
I dont play many Nintendo games but I can sure as fuck say that Sega going third party was the worst thing thats ever happened to them.
Stay salty my dude.
CD Project.
U r a fagot
Do you WANT Sega to die? Honest question.
Source on these claims?
user is all right but where is your source?
Eat shit you tripnigger.
I wasn't going to buy the games anyways. It doesn't hurt them at all.
At this point
Pls Nintendo bail out Sega
Make limited edition Switch Consoles with Classis Sonic instead of this Nu-New Sonic
Not really but I do want their games for free.
no u,also atleast charge before sucking dicks so you can have pocket money for games.
from least to most likely.
>Bandai Namco
I want Sega to die, unless they make Atlas port all their games to PC
go back to Yea Forums
Is that the guy from trekkies?
>buying into the sea of thieves is bad meme
How is it being homosexual? The game was always good, ad has only greatly improved since launch.
Why? Not like the PC ports sell enough to justify it.
I wonder if they realize just how hard they’re fucking themselves over by making the Persona games a multiplat title????
Literally everybody wants to play P5 but not everybody is willing to shell out 200-400$ on a new PS4,
Does PlayStation even pay them for releasing their games JUST on their console?
>when we know they kill everything they touch
Even minecraft got forgotten,everything they touch dies
Killing instict? die
Forza? no one gives a shit
Halo? pc so no one cares
Dead rising dead too
Again if is owned my microsoft it will fucking die
the article in the OP.
>Looking ahead to next year, Sega said it will narrow down the number of titles it develops and increase focus towards games based on existing IPs.
>Sega attributed this increase to global expansion, strong performance of both domestic and overseas properties, and an improvement in product quality which saw it ranked as the second-highest publisher on Metacritic for 2018.
and here
>With regard to the Entertainment Contents Business, the Group will continue to advance the launch of new titles in the field of digital game software. In addition, the Group will advance efforts to capitalize on existing, revival, external and new IPs in each business field.
>In overseas business, future growth is expected mainly in Asia. With regard to the packaged game software market, expectations are rising for future expansion of the market due to the penetration of hardware of home video game console, while game distribution platforms such as Steam are expanding in the PC games market.
That was entirely financed by Squaresoft themselves, at a far higher budget. This one Sega sold the rights and someone else is paying for it.
If Nintendo started working on Sega titles, we may get the first good 3D Sonic game in years, but I can’t see a buyout happening.
>and increase focus towards games based on existing IPs.
New or ports, though?
Vectorman 3. Come on guys. Do it.
It was horrible at launch
It's NMS all over again and no amount of updates will fix the mess of the launch
Sega won't die and you people are retarded.
>What would be the end result if they merged
What would they be called? Square Sega Enix?
>Constantly do the opposite of what fans want, seemingly intentionally
>Add DRM to all games and blame the devs for it
>Every game they make is just a watered down rehash of their last game
>Never make anything original
>Throw away talent any time they accidentally make a good game
>Go bankrupt
I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.
>Literally Whatlus.
>Making money.
Because those teams are one or two man operations who work for nothing and get their "salary" entirely from sales. Actual development companies have to be paid up front.
>In overseas business, future growth is expected mainly in Asia. With regard to the packaged game software market, expectations are rising for future expansion of the market due to the penetration of hardware of home video game console, while game distribution platforms such as Steam are expanding in the PC games market.
Ehh i doubt it depends on the franchise , for example the last valk games flopped on pc even after the "success" that was one yes at 5 bucks what a surprise.
Must be for yakuza and other tittles but lets be honest losing money at the same time lying to save face it looks more like the article writer view than the sega executives.
>Add DRM to all games
Cry some more, Long John Faggot.
>Halo? pc so no one cares
the MCC steam port fucking revived interest in halo you massive fucking faggot.
They better not...Sega was my childhood...
I have plenty of money for Vidyas
I just want sequels instead of
“Your favorite game that ended on a cliff hanger is now dead thanks from being raped by pirates”
Not him but Infinite already did that. MCC on PC was just icing on the cake.
Why would I cry? I get all their games for free
Yeah, two weeks later.
Its rather similar to square going bankrupt due to the failure of the ff move
Get fucked piratenigger
I have a hacked Switch, I get all their games day one
Die mad about it
You're the one getting fucked by DRM, bootlicker
If they want me to pay for their games, they know how to do it
Creative assembly should be sold to Microsoft and Atlus sold to Sony.
>No Sega Ages Virtua Racing on PC
Works on my machine faggot.
Doesn't Sega have Miku?
It can't die if that's the case.
It wouldn't be allowed. Japanese companies have to be owned by Japanese
>I pirate games
>they better remove DMR if they want to me to pay for their games goy
Fuck off Goldberg
Don't they just have the rights to make her games?
Have fun with your fps drops faggot
I can't hear you over the dick in your mouth
I have more performance and money than you
Nothing should be sold to microshit or snoy
they do but each game they make requires a shit ton of money in royalties to crypton and the hundreds of artists and their respective labels, they would have to redo all those things with each port they made
Digital games likely include mobile. Sega has released a bunch of titles, and I don't think any of them are top ranked.
Maybe just quit playing on garbage like PCs, you uppity fucks. Video games are for consoles.
>YFW Microsoft will buy Sega in your life time
History sure likes to repeat itself
>Playing on DRM machines
lmaoing at ur life
Microsoft can't afford it, and Japanese companies can't be bought by American ones.
No DRM on consoles.
The console is the DRM dipshit
>Willing to remake a 1992 arcade game without the source code
>Can't port Sonic 2 Taxman to consoles
Eh, still better than PC.
>No DRM on consoles.
Holy shit you're stupid
Are you lost user?
they had the source code actually, that's why the new version is so faithful minus some weird issues with color
>gamers hated VC2 and 3
You mean retarded secondaries that went "reee it's not like VC1" but they don't play VC4 anyway even though it's a boring carbon copy of VC1.
The DMC5 crack has no Denuvo because a Denuvo-free .exe was leaked on day one. You're literally making stuff up to try to win an argument.
>start releasing their games on Pirateland
That's what you get from trusting PCfarts.
Nintendo has 195 Billion dollars, they could easily afford to buy Square, Capcom & Sega
I'm not, plenty of games get leaked retard
Resident Evil 2 just got leaked today and it runs twice as fast on my PC now
absolutely not
>Sonic movie is a $90 million fucking disaster that will do nothing but devalue your brand faster than their fucking terrible PR and twitter account
>Team Sonic Racing delayed at the last second to hire track designers and vehicle designers since they only had 3 tracks ready at launch and 6 racers
>Yakuza actually doing well so you decide to dump so much money into the project that there is no way to make profit anymore
>assisting in Atlus's unhealthy obsession with rereleasing games with little to no new content and shit spin offs that no one asked for
>let Platinum walk away for good with the legal rights for Bayonetta is a fucking mess
>Total War and Football manager getting shit on even by loyal fans because they devs have clocked out and stopped trying
>Puyo Puyo stuck due to lack of a reason to even make new games
>PSO2 still a mess of a game
>M2 is the only team you have that is capable of not fucking up these days and all they do is make quality ports of retro titles
>highest rated game of 2018 was Mania Plus
>highest rated game featuring your characters last year was Smash Bros
What a fucking mess
realistic desu
they finally get to be SEGA for once
>a $752 billion dollar company can’t afford a $3.36 Billion dollar company
>just got leaked today
A whole three months later? Wow. Thats....really great bro. Happy for ya.
It was the source code for the sequel actually
It didn't have multiplayer so they had to code all that in themselves, as well as recreate the original game in the newer engine
Fine, but MS is America. Sega is Japan.
Can't happen.
M$ is 1tri company
>not making an open world Jet Set Radio
Release a game in japan
Wait for 6+ months to get it out
Games comes out when everything else is being marketed without anyone knowing and people who wanted it lost the hype
Fuck even i forgot when the release date was and i was waiting for it
After getting cracked within the first week goalpost-kun
Also turn off your trip you tremendous faggot. How a retard like you can think anyone values your opinions is beyond me
Foxxconn brought Sharp another chink company brought SNK
banjo isn't coming back smashnigger
Capcom has only just started on the path to recovery. But hell, adding Sega properties to vs. Capcom games would be pretty amazing.
Tianami times sqaure
Project X Zone was a good start.
> Dragon Quest
> Final Fantasy
> Bravely Default
> Kingdom Hearts
> Chrono Trigger
> Valkyrie Profile
> NieR
> World Ends With You
> Persona
> Sonic The Hedgehog
> Megami Tensei
> Puyo Puyo
> Monster Hunter
> Okami
> Ace Attorney
> Resident Evil
> Street Fighter
> Mega Man
> Breath of Fire
> Marvel vs Capcom
> Devil May Cry
> Legend of Zelda
> Super Mario
> Pokemon
> Metroid
> Super Smash Bros
> Splatoon
> Mario Kart
> Donkey Kong
> Kirby
Nintendo would literally have a Monopoly over Gaming like Disney does for Media, would this be a good thing Yea Forums?
Nintendo so they can salvage the shit show that is Sega and bolster the Switch with Sega titles with Nintendo Quality assurance. Everyone wins except for anal vore lovers
They said they want to expand more on the pc side of stuff
Games like persona 3-5 would sell
I'd buy them and i know people who got them on the console but would buy them again
Porting isn't that expensive anyway especially when the console is a pc, porting vc1 was cheap and it made money but you cant release a game 1 year later full price and expect everyone to take it
all they had to do was release a proper PSO sequel and this could have been avoided
did DF retro lie to me?
Nintendo's future
Yes, also you forgot Panzer Dragoon, Phantasy Star, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, NiGHTS & Yakuza for Sega
No. Also Japan government likely would not permita It and Capcom and Square-Enix arent in trouble
>Microsoft can't afford
based retard
Sega didn't fund the fucking movie, you brainlets.
I bought it on PC and the collector's edition on PS4.
Mobile FE grossed them 500mi so dream off
you didn't like PS0?
Fuck yes. You can be a third world console war faggot all you want, but there's no disputing Nintendo at least try to put a high level of quality into games they own the IPs of.
I dunno what they said, but this is what other articles claim
The sheer irony if Nintendo bought out SEGA would be astronomical.
When you list it all like that holy shit you realise how retarded Sega are being
by the way, this loss is coming from mobile game division, not console game. the games made for consoles are doing well, but it is well known SEGA mobile division has been not success unlike other Japanese companies, and recently Japanese mobile game's market has shifted to more "red ocean" phase where required advertising money goes up, but its revenues still does not come with it, so the companies not having strong titles has been struggling to make a profit. Just reminder, what they meant in the context of ""reduce numbers", is mobile gaming. They are more focusing on profitable and popular IPs, not creating new IPs in mobile. It will not affect console gaming division's planning.
Japanese Law forbids monopolies
Hell Nintendo couldn’t buy Bamco not too long ago.
put Virtual-On on PC, you stupid faggots.
I bought it on switch, at full price. Then it dropped in price like 5 days later. ha ha
Na mobile makes money, them porting games to pc was a bad idea.
Jesus Christ we need the world’s best tard wrangler to fix this massive shit show
You’d think they’d slap Atlus and tell them to port to everything instead of acting like 2.4 Million is Elder god tier when they could sell 8 Million copies between 3 consoles and PC
>them porting games to pc was a bad idea.
When isn't it?
You have no fucking idea how deep some of this shit goes
Sega made the Nintendo deal with Bayonetta in hopes of getting some easy money off of a brand they don't care about and they don't have to put money into it, when they finally started trying to use the brand again they realized how little they have access to, Bayonetta 1 on PC originally wasnt going to have Japanese voice acting since Nintendo owns the dub, they had to pay Nintendo to allow them to use it, hell for all we know Nintendo may be getting a cut.
They recently put Bayo and Jeanne in SMT mobile and it lead to people finding out that Sega is not allowed to use designs from Bayo 2 and now 3 without Nintendos approval due to all the legal shit around it.
I did buy it, it was an alright purchase. Honestly the fact they haven't just said fuck it and reset the whole series to be about Selvaria is beyond me, she's the only person any Nip actually gives a fuck about in the series
>Sonic movie is a $90 million fucking disaster
>implying Sega is funding it
You know no one gives a shit about Persona, right?
>3 tracks and 6 racers ready at launch
This cant be fucking true. Do you have a source for that?
Seriously where’s the persona 3-5 Switch and Xbox ports?
People are forming at the mouths for these games
You really think anyone that owns an Xbox wants Persona?
Thats hilarious.
>people are still shocked at Sega, which is owned by a pachinko company yakuza front, is acting like a pachinko company yakuza front
VC4 is a better game than VC1, it just has worse story and characters
Legally won’t happen
Japanese law
No one really gives a shit about PlayStation games outside GTA COD and FIFA
Just filter it. Boco has been here for approximately a decade. He posts on tons of boards too.
Speculation based on the delay and Sumo doing "emergency hiring" for positions related to making tracks and racers, hell before launch the only footage they had had 2 tracks and place holder racers
Well, a decade in June.
Someone is spending $90 million to devalue their brand.
lol, sounds like PC owners got monkey pawed
Nintendo and only Nintendo.
You’d be surprised
Like Nier Automa Xbox
Xbox and PS4 are like 95% the same
Japan law doesn't permit this much concetration
>Been here longer than Boco
Get fucked newfag
No I need more sega ages. Please.
Eh, 11 overall. Was user a year.
How long you been here, fellow oldtimer?
>Hell Nintendo couldn’t buy Bamco not too long ago.
The issue there is that Bandai is already a company in multiple fields like toys and anime. That's what the government attempted to stop - a single company with a strong position in multiple markets like that.
Nintendo attemptedbto buy Namco before the Bandai buyout
Yes, the Smash Roster alone would make it worth it
>Jet Set Open World MMO
all my want
Well in VC the characters and story are half of the game with the gameplay being relatively the same. I dont see how VC 4 is better
2006 my good man.
Slutty McSlut and Naruto porn brought me here and I haven’t left for nearly 13 years
Well I did start when I was 12 with unsupervised computer access so it really hasn’t been that long.
Kadokawa or Cygames could buy them on the blink of an eye. Both are starting their plans to enter console/PC gaming. Otherwise id see Nintendo. Sony would only push for Atlus and their ips (like they did last time)
And barely them
Remember P5 only sold 2.4 million which isn’t really that good
Why do you faggots do "THIS VIDEO GAME COMPANY IS DYING" bullshit and than nothing happens
to be fair you can milk persona with merchandise, and it's still great compared to other non-nintendo IPs isn't it?
>gamers hated VC2 and 3
Oh no. VC4 being more like VC1 is a detriment to its gameplay. VC4 gameplay is extremely broken as a result.
Pandering to vc1 fanboys isn't smart since they dont care about VC, they just care about VC1.
Some of them are convinced it's a serious war story and deny any anime influences.
Sega, the video game boys, do not own Atlus. Sega-SAMMY owns Atlus, the same way they own Sega video games
Never. Sonic flourishes more on Switch.
>Source:my ass
Kadokawa is not big enough to be able to buy Sega. And Cygames is certainly bigger than Sega now, but still not big enough. Only japanese companies who can buy Sega are Sony, Nintendo, Bandai namco. anything else will choose "merge" even if they are interested in Sega's IPs.
I guess
I’d be milking Persona like a cow til the cow’s dry then use the profits to give the smaller IPs more polish and limelight to increase profits on more than 1 front
HD Facelifts and some ads can do wonders on smaller games
I'll milk you like a cow, you dirty slut.
Can I be next?
But user I’m a boy...
is sega the worst example of decline in the industry
konami doesn't count because they're not even trying anymore, they're making more money with their fitness clubs
Konami does fitness clubs?
Yes japanese companies are fucking weird
among other things yeah
they've diversified years ago
You still can be me milked
What failed exactly?
VC4? Can't remember any other sega game from last year
If they don't have motivational posters centered around Snake's ass they're doing it wrong
>Nintendo at least try to put a high level of quality into games they own the IPs of.
Besides, you know, F-Zero, Chibi Robo, Eternal Darkness, Pikmin, Star Tropics, Punch-Out, Metroid, and basically anything that isn’t Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Wii, FE, or Smash (and maybe Kirby).
Do you honestly believe that Nintendo would treat half of these series right when there has yet to be any F-Zero games since GX? Or when they decided to add forced motion controls to Star Fox?
Nintendo being such a caring company is a fucking meme you delusion fag.
pikmin had a game last gen and a new one is in development, they've also restarted mp4 because the quality wasn't up to their standards, the fuck are you sperging out about
The only Nintendo series I give a shit about are Mario and Zelda
The rest can all fucking die for all I care
"digital titles" aka mobile gachashit
Much offense SMT liberators was shit
Isn't Sega owned by Sammy Corp? Why would they want to sell Sega? If they didn't sell Sega during their Dark Ages of real lousy shitty Sonic games and other original games flopped hard (Billy Hatcher) then they'll never sell them.
Cost too much, too short a game. VC1 sold well on PC because it was 20 bucks.
Mania did this.
the make good games but there marketing is just plain shit
again assholes
stop saying that they could make TONSA MUNY from just simply releasing everything on PC.
faggots, that isn't how it works!
JP doesn't use PC for anything but WORK, not PLAY.
>pc fags will get less ports
lmao. maybe it is time to stop justifying pirating, lards.
These retards are the kind of people that shit where they sleep and wonder why it’s like this.
>A low budget indie title did this
Sega also forgot most of them so that's not a big surprise.
>have a metric fuckton of IPs just BEGGING to get new releases
>lol no, have another crappy Sonic title
>make an objectively good Sonic after years of mediocrity
>fans literally BEGGING for Sonic Mania 2
>better dissolve the team and let them fuck off to do whatever
>Taxman editions of 1 and 2 RIGHT FUCKING THERE to be ported to consoles and PC for easy money
>nah, better keep it on fucking smartphones instead
>Taxman is sitting on what would very much be a completed Sonic 3, not to mention Sonic 3 AIR and Complete exist
>cannot be arsed to do anything with Sonic 3K because of a staunch refusal to just bite the damn bullet on the music rights already
>Phantasy Star is pretty much SEGA's answer to Square's Final Fantasy
>fuck over every country not named Japan by not only refusing to do overseas releases, but outright denying foreign IPs to so much as log in or make accounts
>the piles of Puyo Puyo titles that never got translated and the retardation that was Mean Bean Machine and Kirby's Avalanche as a result
>literally everything involving the Shining series after 1998
God it fucking pains me how SEGA's biggest enemies are their fucking selves. How is it possible for one company to be so impossibly retarded? WHY MUST ALL THE GAMES I LOVE BE RAN BY INCOMPETENT RETARDS?
I honestly was surprised that Sega actually greenlit Mania because at the time I was throughly convinced that they hated money.
I hope the Sega Ages stuff on the Switch wont get canned.
>atlus is owned by sega now
fucking hell, how long until they fuck atlus up?
>P5 only sold 2.4 million which isn’t really that good
Imagine thinking this unironically.
>Anarchy Reigns on PC never ever
Nintendo doesn't really buy people that much. Last acquisition was like Monolith Soft I think, and they requested it.
As proof, they could have purchased HAL Labs like 20 times by now, but they're still a technical third party with close relations to Nintendo.
They already did with Persona 5, whose English localization was fucking garbage because Sega got AtlusUSA's top staff to work on Yakuza.
How the fuck? Haven't they had successes?
I believe the digital failures is mostly mobile, which makes sense since people arent really downloading their apps.
those are quotes from the roadmap to 2020 and the newly released quarterly report.
If you read OP's article, they lost money on spending for new digital IP's, and as someone else pointed out, we don't even know if that's entirely for traditional video games. What we do know is they are happy with how their existing IP's are doing and seem to suggest the roapmap to 2020 strategy (which is lots of ports of their existing IP's) is still a winning one, whereas dumping shit tons of resources into new digital things (this could be fucking mobile gacha shit for china for all we know) did not get the returns they expected. the stuff they did manage to ship out did see increased sales.
What successes have they actually had over the past fiscal year?
Sega really needs to oust the retarded old men leading them. How could they squander so many IPs?
Steam ports, judgement, some Sega Ages shit, more Yakuza re-releases in Japan. nothing remotely in the mega win category for the west at least. probably not even a big win in Japan at least for their video games.
Microsoft Japan.
>No Vyse, Aika, Fina
>No Ulala
>No Vectorman
>No Segata Sanshiro
>No Phantom R
>No Alex Kidd
>No ToeJam & Earl
>No Ristar
>No Vash, Zephyr, Leanna
>No Nights, Reala
>That lackluster JSR choice
>"the monkey from Monkey Ball"
Hell Nintendo practically flipped the script practically the day Iwata died
Sega literally makes more money off PC games than console games. See Football Manager or Total War.
I just want a new fighters megamix, is that so hard?
I still say Nintendo should bail them out for say a 5 year exclusivity contract which is nothing
SEGA isn't for sale you retards, they made poor decisions that led to losses this year, these are due to unexpected numbers which are now getting addressed. I swear you faggots have no idea about business, yet talk so much shit about it its honestly super cringeworthy
Based retard no one is saying they should only port to pc, what they are saying is they are focusing on their ips pc AND other platforns. They are focusing on pc because the sales on pc were extremely successful and that surprised them.
It's basically impossible since game companies don't just "make" random games anymore.
that's quite good desu
fuck the trannies :v)
MS wanted to buy Sega back in 01 but Gates didn't think Sega would help them beat Playstation. But it's the only shot MS has at getting the Japanese audience.
At this point Microsoft should partner with Sega to make an Xbox that has a Sega sticker slapped on it
>mfw Sega AM2 will never be back to it's original form
KYS Sonytard.
Japs are fucking retarded insects. Their ways of life should be ignored.
Went into this thread expecting to see the Dunning Krueger effect in full swing and I was not disappointed
But I bought Shenmue physical! 3 Weeks ago!
Only to check the Store yesterday to see its up for sale...
Honestly Xbox is for Burgers and wannabee Americans. There is no weeb audience for the Xbox. And as long as Sony exists they're not getting Asia.
Microsoft tried but every Japanese game underperformed on Xbox and they burned a lot of money.
Nintendo is the only company that would do them justice, ironically.
What does this even mean? Digital only games? If they're going to be releasing a game physically it doesn't really cost more for a digital release. And surely porting Yakuza to PC didn't cost 19 million.
VF6 as a fighter exclusive System Seller
SoA remake as jrpg BUDGET
phantasy star re imagining System Seller
sonic racing as exclusive kart game BUDGET
yakuza as 3rd party aka mindcraft CASH COW to fund other games
shinobi and get ikagaki w a team System Seller
>13 games for the PS3
>2 games for the PS4, one of which never left SEA
More like 5
>Japanese exclusives on MS
Yeah that'll go great.
>Let Mania devs make another game
>Make another "Adventure" game for the 3D fags
>Make another PSO that isn't about highschool adventure and playing dress-up
wow suddenly they'd have money
Is that you, Cybershell?
It's bad news because they'll never try new things. Sad as it is they probably need a cancerous gacha title like Sony and Nintendo do to help bring in profits.
Virtua Fighter hasn't been an anything seller let alone a system seller since the 90's.
Atlus is finally coming home lads.
God I fucking miss Cybershell. My autism mourns his absence
Wish they'd sell off the Alien Isolation franchise to someone worthy and they'd gather the old team again for a sequel.
>tfw he's reading this thread RIGHT NOW
Release japanese ports on ps5 only.
With good marketing they and reviews they can hype it up. All they need is 1 mill sales for vf (USA), and a push for graphics.
Only reason I am suggesting sega buyout is due to the value created/added to the xbox brand and they can game pass many of the smaller games. Or push other studios to make it.
>Release a game and limit it only to one audience
mariotehplumber was better
FPBP. Imagine being in a luxury position where your customers tell you EXACTLY, in detail, what they want and which previous products they liked and what could still be improved and where you went wrong... and you take all that feedback and pump out shit that's worse than everything you did before.
no push xbox for western usa/uk sales to separate from ps. Utilize nintendo as 3rd party port ville, and ps5 as east territory/other where xbox will only sell when hell freezes over.
Hell if it does not work release the barrier and minecraft everywhere without limit.
It would be the most fitting end for Ninty to buy them out
>A company with a 1 trillion dollar market cap can't afford to buy Sega
Clearly they are losing money because their games arn't Epic exclusive yet
...yes, and?
It'd still be large amounts of cash, immediately. Doesn't matter if it's to cover a loss or not, user.
Fuck them whetes the switch port
Vyse, Aika, and Fina should be one fighter all together
The true 2nd Arcadia Rep is Drachma
>release 30 year old ROMs and ONLY 30 year old ROMs digitally
>"Gee why isn't anyone buying these for the 15th time"
How about they sell games we can't buy anymore? How about Jet Set fucking radio future? How about more HD Dreamcast games.
Nobody wants to buy Sonic 1 and Puyo Puyo and Outrun for the millionth time god dammit
b-but video game experts in this thread said that nobody buys PC games
>b-but muh genesis classics!
>muh nostalgia!
>m-m-muh SONIC!
>tfw they released VC4 which I really want
>has denuvo
>don't buy it
>now it turns out sega took a massive hit
Does that mean we won't be seeing the rest of the Yakuza franchise on PC?
Because that would suck.
>Nobody wants to buy Sonic 1 and Puyo Puyo and Outrun for the millionth time god dammit
You're not wrong, but you may want to phrase it better. Plenty of people want Outrun 2006 and Puyo games past fucking Tsu. Myself included.
Instead of going full tortanic, oh no no no and other shit for the sake of shitposting, try to spend your time reading the document instead.
No wonder everyone looks down on Yea Forums
Game comes out but only in japan
6+ months later it comes out again, no hype no press no nothing
Full price for a game that came out too late
>Only media presence was the sexism outcry
I got the game and im still hopeful for a vc3 remake or a game like 3 but bigger
How about a fucking Saturn port that isnt NiGHTS or Sonic R? That would be fucking amazing.
>this gets announced the day after sega announces more of their ports coming
>bring it to pc sega!
>nobody buys their shit
>sega decides to do less things on pc
>wtf sega! snoy fag!
I dont think they even preserved a majority of their arcade titles and saturn games
We should of gotten remasters of these by now
user you....
Both news are based on literally the same document.
Epic is Americunt company though.
see you retarded Sonygro
Just release a port of House of the Dead 1 (The arcade version) on a modern console.
I'd buy it, like, 4 times at least.
you are retarded
the reason they let atlus do what they want is because atlus actually makes money, unlike the rest of sega
you dont kill the goose that lays golden eggs
This just shows Sega keeps making retarded ass choices though user. Also
>implying I don't own all the systems
>Sega is Japan
>Sega = Japan
This is what happens when you deny the people what they desire. They should've made Alpha Protocol 2 ages ago.
Kills atlus
Outsorce it, fucking modders do it full time now, ps4 to pc isn't even that expensive or difficult
On a 2d axis of malevolent and incompetent, where does Sega fall?
Will the Sonic movie hurt or actually help the sales of their games I wonder? I don't think we'll ever see this franchise become good again.
Do PC gamers even play games or do they spend half of their time begging for ports though? Legit question.
Pretty based
>They should've made Alpha Protocol 2 ages ago.
Like 90/10 incompetent/malevolent
Assuming a 10x10 grid where malevolent is x and incompetent is y, Sega is about (3,10). They do predatory shit occasionally (especially with mobile games) but the vast majority of their flaws are simple incompetence.
No thats Switch owners.
theyre retarded by their heart is in the right place
people like to say sega was the bully during the 90s console war but nintendo was doing the bullying
>missing a scammer
He posts on /sthg/, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Company sees that sales stagnate on one platform
Porting to bring it to more people is seen as bad
I never got this, is it insecurity and blind corporate loyalty or what, i want to play tactics rpg games but i aint buying switch for one game, i finished bb but i still want a port so i can play it decently on 60fps and without CA forced in the game
When will you retards stop repeating this shit? MS almost bought Square in the early 2000s and the only reason they didn't was because Square tried to change the deal at the last second.
Difference? How come adults don't just buy everything? Gaming is a cheap ass hobby.
It would be the ultimate cuckold
I would kill a nu male in this thread for persona 3 and 4 on xbox one and switch
Got a pc and a pspro
I use one every day to play multiple games be it sp or mp or coop
The other sits there collecting dust, im just glad i got it because i would be pissed if i bought something like it to never use it
Last game i played on it was the disappointing and mediocre god of war which i borrowed
Beats begging and waiting for shit.
Literally the biggest pool of games.
I know this is just bait but lol
Because believe it or not some people don't see the value in certain things. For example, I see no value in the Xbone, PS4, or Switch. PC is my go to for gaming, and the only other systems I buy are handhelds. None of the exclusives on any of them interest me in any way, and the games I do want to play are all on PC anyway, so no need to touch consoles.
The only console I can think of that I'd be even remotely interested in is the Switch, and the only game I would buy a Switch for is a new F-Zero game that isn't just a port or remaster, but thats never happening so I couldn't care less for the Switch.
Stupidity is a curse.
Sega is quite special however.
I'm a brainlet, how did sega do worse with all those PC ports pumped out?
>implying anyone's life on this board is worth that much
All life has worth. Everyone has a bit of good in them even if they are drowned in negative traits
>8 games
>most were Yakuza
What would Sega do without the Yakuza crew console/pc wise? Just last year in the west we got 6, K2, the "You are already dead" editon and a bunch of pc ports
Also, no wonder some shit got rushed, like the Shenmue collection.
Sega also messed up with releasing things on PC, not the idea, but how they did it. They are giving the idea to consumers "just wait 6 months and buy the PC release", which is fucking their sales and will eventually fuck the fiscal years because some wont buy the same game twice, much less full price since on PC is always cheaper
Imagine subjecting yourself to maximum thought policing and eggshell walking VOLUNTARILY just so you can post at an irrelevant "gaming" forum full of mentally ill people.
Miku deserve better dev.
Sonic games were never good.
sega has mismanaged sonic for 2 decades. if it wasn't for sonic, they would have went out of business long time ago
Do you think you can handle the truth
Which of Sega's games bombed? VK4 had a rough start but recovered later on, isnt a huge hit but looks decent compared to 3 or revolution.
Is it that Judgment game?
Got a huge ass backlog so i dont really wait and the begging meme is just crappy bait
Muh brand loyalty>better quality product
He isn't wrong.
The Miku games (outside X) are fucking quality though. Also half of their songs are under the Sony label. (on the Diva series) It was weird seeing World is Mine in the 3ds game cause Sony lol.
They planned on releasing more games last fiscal year than they did (planned on releasing 12, released 8). In general see Yea Forumsermins shitposting for the sake of shitposting, nothing new.
Also no one wants to say it, but by "digital games" they mostly mean mobile games.
I own 1 and still havent played, because backlog is huge. When 4 was released other games were being released, like K2 that i got around the middle of that month while I was still playing Shenmue 2.
Sony music can do whatever fuck they want as long as it makes money.
>Got a huge ass backlog so i dont really wait
It only got that big because you'd rather shitpost.
>Muh brand loyalty>better quality product
:shrug: If I see something I might enjoy I get it and that is it.
Pachinko and mobile shit bombed
They lost money on shit like that
Console exclusive games are in stagnation and japanese sales are stagnating as well
The plan is to port and release their best games on pc and other platforms
>after wreckfest that is KF2
Truly Sega is cursed.
Call me when Sega releases a Miku game on PC.
No, it's likely they'll double down on that
It got huge because there's too much shit to finish and the 200h game isn't as good of a thing when you finish school and start working
Takes forever to beat
And i can live without one game if I'm interested in 4 other games
In other words for literal brainlets also known as your regular Yea Forumsermin.
>games sell better
>mobile games drag it down due to their recent launches
>not everything planned for said fiscal year even launched in the first place
Gee, I dunno, ask Sega since Yakuza Kiwami 2 is being out literally next week.
Im buying it again, even though I think Y2 is ass.
That doesn't answer my question.
So now that a shit game is coming out will you port beg for another shit game?
Meanwhile Western devs insult their own public and say shit like NOT REAL FANS whenever they disagree with the way the games change
How about Bayonetta or Valkyria Chronicles? You know, two games PS3 fags didn't bother to buy so one was given to Nintendo and other had two mediocre games on PSP.
Regardless of what console fans want you to believe, the PC market pulls in around the same profit as ALL consoles combined.
That's not to say every single game sell mores than any other respective platform, but it has a much larger user base and significantly more games.
Uhhhhhhh why are you bringing this up like it's special, aren't companies constantly taking loans and odd sources of capital then paying back later? They'll still have to eventually pay.
Like for real, please enlighten me because I feel like I'm missing something for movies
I'd legit buy P5R day one on Steam despite owning P5 twice already on PS4.
They are pants on head fucking retarded.
>Regardless of what console fans want you to believe, the PC market pulls in around the same profit as ALL consoles combined.
How did GTA5 beat the lifetime sales of PC within 2 months worth of console sales (360 and ps3 only then)? Consoles sell more than PC user don't lie to yourself. Even with a 20:1 PC to console ratio. It makes sense why companies treat PC like a secondary.
>Nintendo buys out Sega
>not only did they lose the console war to them but they're also getting bought out by them
Sega didn't pay to have a Sonic movie made. Paramount Pictures did.
But nobody begged to have those when they were available at on consoles first. Also VC is a dead franchise. I don't even think it sold 2 million on PC and consoles combined.
Wait what is that
>but it has a much larger user base and significantly more games.
It does have a gigantic user base problem is they barely buy games and even then it is at heavily discounted prices. This is why devs barely care about PC.
>How did GTA5 beat the lifetime sales of PC within 2 months worth of console sales
What are you even saying here? Are you referencing the fact that GTA5 has been the most successful game on PC? Because that has nothing to do with consoles.
Not as retarded as you for buying the same game twice.
>problem is they barely buy games
This has never been true and your attempts to persisently falseflag this concept at every chance you get will never make it true.
GTA5 sold the most on consoles user
95 million total and only 10 on PC.
I don't really get what you are getting at.
Sega Sammy bought Atlus but they put them under Sega Games Japan.
You're aware Sega (Europe) is actually secretly a PC powerhouse? Football Manager, Total War? Despite being mostly PC exclusive, they're 2 best selling Sega franchises behind Sonic and Puyo Puyo
That'll be a huge sting for sure. Best btfo annilhilation of this century for sure.
From Kiwami 2's announcement post on Steam.
What is the ratio of gaming PC's and current gen consoles again? PC's sales should be making 5x more than consoles no?
>Both Total War and Football Manager are exclusive to PC
>vastly outsell Megaten and Persona
They deserve profits loss.
>Soccer game selling
Wow shocker!
I love how brainlets still think Nintendo should go 3rd party. Sega is a warning.
If anything Nintendo getting movies released and investing more in mobage is the smart move, not to mention the attraction parks.
Are you ignoring the fact it came out 2 years on PC after the console release?
There are reasons why it sold less copies on PC, yet today it's still selling on PC's much more actively than consoles.
does that mean that we will get some decent stuff after this fiasco, only to get fucked again by the time they tried to replicate these hypothetical successes?
It sold half of what PC lifetime sales did in it's first year user.
There mobile games section is bombing
Thats litrally what they mean by digital games
Yea Forumstards are just angry at sega cause thier autist love for a mascot character is ruined again cause if that movie like how people shat on capcom for cancelling another shitty megaman game.
Remeber Megaman 11? Ahahahaha too busy playing RE2 remake and DMCV to give a shit about that homsexual robots shitty games hahahahaha
So you are infact ignoring that it came out 2 years later.
Does it matter? PC gamers outnumber filthy console gamers by a significant amount. Should we go by current multi plat games then? Because we can do that as well user!
>92 editions
Of course it matters, the majority had either already played it and weren't interested in buying it again, or the diehard fans who couldn't wait for a PC release purchased a console for it.
>when CM died and Sega had the brilliant move of keeping that franchise on and on
Shame that it doesnt get on consoles, because that would sell
Are you saying most PC gamers would touch a console? No way man! PC master race!
If they count digital and physical, jpn and western and china releases, it seems possible.
Still sad that fucking movie basically killed good square and what we are left with is a rotting pile of shit.
All I ever wanted was for them to remake Secret of Mana and include all the cut SNES-CD content and actual story parts back into it, but instead they made a shitty 3d ps4 port with literally nothing added. Why even bother when anyone can play the better version on their SNES or even their fucking phone.
I'm still mad just thinking about it.
Most people are brainless idiots much like yourself, user. Yes they would, and you're a fool if you think the opinions shared here represent the opinions of the masses.
Nah, they survive mainly off of being the biggest [gambling] company in Japan. Vidya is just their side-money.
There an exclusive SMT game on the OG xbox. Sadly it never released in America.
I can't even imagine what it must be like working there. It would have to be mired in a soul-crushing workplace equivalent of a mid-life crisis. Everyone in charge still dry-humping the same "vision" that's failed over and over again. Still salty that the only time those visions were top-shelf was when Sega of America stepped in and said "This is wrong, this is retarded, change this to that, now we're filthy rich, hold your applause." Freshly salty that a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears gaijin came in, instantly saw everything wrong that Sonic Team can't(or refuses to), and were able nail Sonic at his best in one shot.
People tend to forget sega makes toys and owns animation studios that make anime (TMS animation)
That was a great decision!
cant believe they have my company of heroes somebody should get it from them maybe microshaft idk
They would make money if they ported some of their games to the xbox.
Fucking Yakuza is on PC, it shouldnt be that hard. I don't fucking get it. Even if Weeb games arent that popular on xbox, and extra money would be better than no money. Like, the fuck do they have to lose?
>Nintendo at least try to put a high level of quality into games they own the IPs of.
Literally the opposite and they're more than content with either making forgettable 6/10 meh games or just pretending like doesn't exist, even going so far as to never release the old stuff. Never mind the dogshit gimmick hardware. Also: sometimes I think of Project Zero and have a cry.
What do they have to gain? Xbox is dead in Japan.
Putting games on xbox costs a hell of a lot more in licensing than it does to put it on PC. Plus other policy changes that xbox would likely require.
EA should buy it and join Hollywood's quest to kill Sonic
If they just ported Persona 5 to everything that could run it they would have made up that loss and then some.
Alternatively if they shitcanned Total War: Arena at the moment some idiot brought the idea up they would have been fine.
who the fuck even owns xbox
They would make money if they released PSO HD. They could even have paid dlc that would sell
Then advertise them in the west, even some weeb games sell better here than in Japan.
Nigga, I do and if shit like persona and Yakuza made their way to the xbox, I would never touch my ps4 again. They made it half way by porting Yakuza to PC, so its shouldnt be that much more work for it to happen
I have to disagree with that. Mainline Mario, mainline Zelda, sure. But everything else? Sold down the river to be cranked out by code farms since the Gamecube era. Nintendo almost feels like Valve to me these days, hardly making anything themselves anymore; the publisher tumor has consumed the dev. Most of the old talent is long gone, and anyone that's still around like Miyamoto is more of a figurehead.
>Then advertise them in the west, even some weeb games sell better here than in Japan.
What for? Those games are already selling on the ps4/switch. How did WoFF do on the Xbox btw? That system has almost no JRPGs, I bet it bombed.
>game autosaves in every doorway because it crashes every 10 minutes
>game can also autosave when your characters are in a glitched "dead" state where they're ghosts and loading the file results in instant game over
>mode 7 cannon travel is now a black loading screen
>chobins can now spam arrows in all directions and stunlock you to death from nearly any position
>they had to include the original soundtrack because the new one is ear poison
>graphic effects like the shadows of clouds over the desert looked better on the SNES
>only additional content consists of inn conversations that get backed up because the game expects you to stay at the inn 10 times an hour, so you will likely hear conversations about the witch's castle before going to the fucking mana fortress
Holy fuck the SoM remake was terrible. Everyone involved should have been drawn and quartered by pickup trucks. Even worse is you'll see people defend that garbage. Modern gamers are consumer whores of the highest order.
>How did WoFF do on the Xbox btw? That system has almost no JRPGs, I bet it bombed.
I don't know but I bought it, and I plan on getting FF12 and I also got KH3, Nier, FF13,13-2, and FFXV (day one) on the Xbox. SE has no problem adding their games to the Xbox, so why does Sega does?
Dunno. Sega was ok with the Xbox last gen.