I haven't been paying much attention outside of Yea Forums talking about it...

I haven't been paying much attention outside of Yea Forums talking about it, but have game journos been as critical of MK11's microtransactions and grind as they have of people not liking how the women look?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lol no
It's mostly trying to push a feminism angle (not agenda, an angle) since it's what's "supposed to sell"

That unattractive women are bad for feminism or something?

my bad

Oh no, sorry.
So the angle is: covered women = good and sexual women = bad
Okay, fair enough. But they're doing it in a way tht's supposed to be liberating for women. Whereas about 110 years ago, we had the exact opposite, that women were seen as sexual objects and were nothing more than temptation to men and thus must be covered.

Essentially we dun gon full cicle

I dont think do because thats actually not a bad reason to be upset about something. People will give you a shitton of clicks for highlighting some neckbeard losing his shit over cup reduction of a vidya character.

So, they're just being ultra prudes. They've basically shifted away from MK11's bad practices and have focused on virtual women.

More or less.
The idea being that women in general need to be removed as sexual objects rather than, as the flapper community more or less pushed for which spawned the entire idea of equality meaning choosing to live your life how you wish, we've reversed so far that we're oppressing them and it's seen as good because as far as "journalists" are concerned, video games either sexualize women or don't - there is no innetween
Like having say, Sonya in her military gear vs her in a tank top and sweats

It's funny how much they seem to love Islamic practices, despite the religion viewing women as property.

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You could call Islam by any other name so long as it's foreign to westerners and it would be the same in how it's treated.
If foot binding wasn't made illegal in the past century and still done today, it would be "okay" since it's "a different culture"

What microtransactions?
Are you talking about time krystals? You have to be, because that is LITERALLY the only thing you can buy. And the only thing you can unlock with them are outfits. And the only outfits you can unlock with them are the same ones from the krypt.

And the last patch made it so Towers of Time basically rains kurrency now. Even before that patch I was rolling in money because the Towers were beatable but challenging to me. Casuals complained about the difficulty of the towers and NRS caved.

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Some of those Towers were bullshit though

Not really. Faggots just weren't using their konsumables.
I thought they were fun the way they were. I steamroll them now. Not complaining. Just saying.

From what I heard, what they did was basically a band-aid and doesn't really solve the whole problem.

one of the ways i know a game is bad when steam has a huge obnoxious splash screen for the game.
Nothing like seeing a wall of yellow and BUY OUR GAME for the love of god BUY IT

MK11 is actually pretty fun, feels like a good balance between 9 and X
Also Kabal is fun as fuck

You can open all the koin chests in less than a week now and you can have everything open if you use the glitch to skip the most expensive soul chest.

>using fun twice to describe gameplay
So you either can't explain why or you're just another fanboy only posting in this thread to counteract anything negative.

Let's assume I plan to pirate this, can I do everything offline?

Also in MK9 I think, it had a "test your luck mode" with random modifiers to you and the AI, it was fun and was just one off battle. Does that exist?

But DESU I'd buy it if there was new content regularly. Is it just "beat all the challenge towers and that's it" or do more get added?

how bad are the microtransactions and grind anyway?

I'm not trying to start an argument but I haven't kept up with this but there's no Quan Chi or Ermac? I don't care if either of them are confirmed for DLC but neither of them makes it a hard sellf or me

Why I think it's fun; no more endless vortexes, blockstrings and pressure are still there but it isn't endless, there's a very tight neutral game and the defense mechanics are deep and rewarding without being overpowered

Why I think Kabal is fun; very aggressive character that can also zone well, lots of combo options and good pokes

See? so much better than "fun"

Shut the fuck up Druckmann

Hmm, good to see it was fixed, then.

>the glitch to skip the most expensive soul chest
tell me more

Who? I just wanted to hear a legit defense about the gameplay instead of the shill style shitposting we've seen for months. I actually wanted to hear something about MK11 but if that's how you feel then fuck it.

They looked pretty god damn bad at the beginning. Like heavily rigged to make you spend real money.

I know who you are

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Oh him. No he's a pretentious twat that dosn't want fun vidya, hell dosn't want vidya at all just shitty movie's called games. I genuinly wanted to know the reasons behind the word because hearing shills say the same things over and over kinda gets boring, you actually had something to say for once, so it's cool.

have they fixed it since then? What do the microtransactions get you? just costumes?

No, you can only play story, klassic towers, and local versus offline.

No Test You Luck. But Towers of Time has modifiers and konsumables that work just like Test Your Luck. However Towers of Time cannot be played offline. It requires a constant connection to update and change towers and prizes.

I'm not entirely sure how it all worked, but there were articles saying it was one of the worst unlock systems of recent memory. I haven't played the game and don't intend to, but from what I've heard, it's better now. I was just hoping that bloggers were still holding them to some sort of standard.

Ermac is in the game. He dies in the Krypt, The Traveler takes his amulet and uses it to open chests that cost souls.

Quan Chi is dead. But, he'll be back at somepoint because Liu Kang who is now an Elder God restarted the timeline.

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So this Towers of Time thing is what exactly? It's Test your Luck more or less but it's online?

Is the torrent out yet? I only see one link on TPB but it had 0 seeders and leechers so it must be fake

>super low resolution despite all the graphical downgrades
>no sexy outfits

As a switch owner, if they could fix at least 2 of these, I will buy it.

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It wasn't what got reported. All the outrage articles clearly didn't olay the game.

You can only buy time krystals. And the only thing you can get are things from the krypt.

The "grind" was only a grind if you sucked. I had no problems with beating towers. But casuals fud and cried loudly about it. Now the ai is dumb as a brick and it rains koins, souls, and hearts. Fucking crybabies took all the challenge out and now towers require zero skill. You don't even need to block because the ai basically stands still now and their modifiers have stupid long cooldowns.

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you wish, the problem is the game is GRINDY AS FUCK if you want the cosmetics, brutalities etc, you can buy almost nothing with real money already made 4000 of those real money crystal and there is nothing good to buy in the rotating shop

Ahhh, gotcha. Maybe I'll pick the game up if it's not as reliant on microtransactions as it seemed. I'll wait for a sale, of course.


There are 6 towers.

The gauntlet:
The middle tower a set tower that dies not rotate until you beat it.

The 24 hour tour:
A set of towers or a single boss tower that rotates every 24 hours.

The 3 hour tower:
Same as 24 hour tower but only lasts for 3.

The 1 hour tower:
Same as 24 and 3 but for 1.

Then you have the two summon tower slots.

The Character tower:
Pay koins to summon a tower for specific character.

The key tower:
Use keys won in other towers or found in the Krypt to summon a rare tower with rare loot rewards.

Every tower has Test Your Luck style modifiers.
But it requires you to be online as towers and loot rotate. Also bosses usually require a team of 2 or 3 to beat as bosses have extra health and damage.

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The misinformation of this game needs to fucking stop. This ridiculous made up bullshit that the game is microtransaction heavy and incentives spending money is not even remotely true. There is nothing to even fucking buy with money the only shit is easy fatality tokens which is nothing. Literally every skin in the game you earn in the game.

The actual issues with MK11 is how grindy it is and that the majority of tower modifiers are bullshit. Those are the problems and people should complain about those, not make up false information.

Yes. They're very vehement about it
>Gamers are back on their bullshit, this time because they think the women in Mortal Kombat 11 aren’t hot enough, and some of them are even blaming socialism. We wish we were kidding.


If anyone is screaming about microtransactions I just dismiss them as they haven't played the game. Time Krystals are shit and you can't buy anything with them. All the shit you want costs hearts or souls which can't be bought with real money.

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Ah yes, the ol' "violence ok, sex bad" shit.

I want to know if anyone else is having a blast with this game?
I love it to death.

It's fun but i would enjoy it more if some of the grind was toned down. Koins are a lot better but there are still insane requirements like character towers needing 75 fatalities, 75 brutalities, 100 fatal blows, 100 or 175 krushing blows, and like 20+ flawless wins as every single character.

Sex bad?
You niggers haven't played it have you?
Kano has dialogue where he tells Skarlet to suck his dick.

Kano: Ever tried Blood Sausage?
Skarlet: All I want is your blood Kano.
Kano: Would you settle for my sausage?

There are tons of funny shit in this game.
The "pc/sjw" stuff is minor. Jax's ending is about it. Again, Kano's ending has him LITERALLY enslave the girls and make them fight in their underwear. But you won't hear any of the right wing hugbox dwelling outrage pearl clutchers mention that. They just want to have a panic attack temper tantrum over Jax's dumb shit.

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I actually like the tower reqs. They force you to learn the characters and play them for a decent amount of time.

You're ridiculous. 75 fatalities and 75 brutalities is 150 wins for ONE tower stage and there are multiple tower stages. The further stages require others such as 100 fatal blows which is another 70 or so games if you're lucky and then krushing blows which is even more games 50+ at least. All as one character for every character.
Oh by the way you can only gain credit towards these requirements while on that specific stage so so any fatal or krushing blows you do while on the fatality stage are never registered.

why would journos EVER be on the consumers side?
its clearly too much to expect actual gameplay reviews from journos because they hate games, but in this case the grindy faggotry has a direct impact on the single player horseshit everybody buys MK for.
but they cant even give a honest review for that.

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Dont listen to faggots defending the grinds. They are extremely excessive.
They also randomize the unlocks so you will not be able to just get what you want.
They show you what you will get in the microtransaction store though, for only 5$ you can get a recolor but be sure to strike fast because it will only be available for 7 hours :^)

Unlocks are not random.
Every p!ayer has the same chests just at different locations you dumb fuck.

>review bombs make all user reviews worthless.
>developers paying critics makes critics reviews worthless

Reviews are worthless and can't be trusted.
Just watch a let's play and decide for yourself. Stop reading reviews you sheep.

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review bombs dont make them useless though.
you can always just click on the number and see what issues people have with the game.

more often than not it will be legitimate.

Nobody is defending the grind that's literally the main issue. What's not an issue is the miscrotransaction shit you're pretending exists.
First of all there are only 5 skins in the store a day, second every skin or item that pops up you can just unlock in the game, and third if an item you really wanted but didn't have ever did pop up you wouldn't need to spend money because you're already swimming in time crystals because they're fucking worthless and the game throws them at you for free.

>no bikinis
Legitimate. Lol ok.

What about any game that goes Epic Exclusive?
Lot's retards bomb over that and it has fucking nothing to do with the game.
Review bombs are cancer. Supporting them makes you a piece of shit too.
People will make 10 accounts to bomb something too.
Reviews can't trusted. Make up your own mind stop letting Yea Forums, Steam, Metacritic, or any site tell you what your opinion is. You need to learn to judge shit for yourself.

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you dont get it. they make the grind unbearable so that people who dont want to play AWFUL single player shit cash out when they appear on the store.
its a common manipulation tactic. same with frost being buyable. they know that many dont give a shit about storymode but instead of just unlocking her by default like any other fighter they charge cash or force you through this garbage.

yeah, a drastic change in artstyle for the worse might upset people. how dare they actually voice their opinion?
going epic exclusive is absolutely legitimate.

eat shit.

No, YOU don't get it because nothing you are saying makes any logical sense. I just told you that the chances of anything popping up you want in the store is extremely low and the very rare times it does happen you don't need to spend money on them because you will have more than enough currency to buy it which is time crystals. Skins cost 500 time crystals and you will have at least 2000+ of them at all times just for playing the game. Everyone starts with 1000 free crystals so you already have enough for the very rare time an item pops up. It's a complete non issue and if you keep pretending there is one you're a dumbass.

Also how is frost being buyable an issue at all? You just said yourself you can unlock her for simply playing the game. You don't even need to play a lot you don't even need to finish story mode you unlock frost in like chapter 3 of story mode that's the beginning. Who cares if some retard would rather waste crystals or money buying frost when you get her for free for playing story mode for 10 minutes?

Wow, so you are one of those cretins. Good to know.

>waaah! i have to download a free launcher
>waaah! i need my penis to be hard to enjoy a game

I bet you read on angry gamer and post shit like "shill" when people like a game you don't like. I just can't stop laughing. Do you watch Metokur? I bet daddy Jim tells you how to think huh?

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He's an ignorant faggot who hasn't played rhe game. I doubt he's even watched a stream. Just drop it and he'll fuck off.

fuck off chink

wooow you can unlock two parts out of hundreds right off the bat.

its incredible how far you go to defend this horseshit.

You forgot the co-op tower

Its a fake, check crackwatch for updates

To bypass the shinnok amulet shit:
Stand in the 100 souls thingy at the right of the levers, while looking at shinnok's amulet slot, and tap A rapidly (making your character do the opening animation), eventually it will get placed even if you don't have the required items. If it doesn't work, try moving a bit.
To get free severed heads:
Stand in front of the one you want, quit to main menu, enter the krypt, and when the loading "mk" screen appears, hold A/X, walk to the severed head place you were on, and it will automatically impale itself.